"dong, dong, dong!"

Suddenly, dull voices came from the depths of the ruins.

"What sound is this?"

Hearing the sound, Pang Bo, Zhou Yi and the others suddenly felt in ones heart trembled, as if something caught the heart. There was a sharp pain.

As for some frail girls, under this weird voice, their faces turned pale, and there was an inexplicable fright in their eyes.

"What is there in the depths of the ruins!"

"Have you noticed that there is an inexplicable power fluctuation in this dull sound, like a wave An extremely majestic breath of life."

"Will it be that some kind of tyrannical creature deep in the ruins is slowly waking up after sleeping for endless years?"

"Maybe it's possible It is a treasure born!"


Feeling the strange energy fluctuations from the continuous dull sound, the eyes of the six Celestial Grotto experts exchanged for a while, and then they were nodded at the same time.

After making the decision, a group of Powerhouses took Pang Bo Lin Jia and the others into a divine rainbow and flew to the depths of the ruins.


"Is this once a city?"

In the depths of the ruins, on a high mountain, Ye Fan looks ahead , His eyes were full of surprise.

Different from the towering trees on the periphery, at the center of this ruin, the ancient buildings are densely packed. Although all of them have collapsed now, it is imaginable that they were once magnificent.

What is even more incredible is that these endless ancient buildings are actually built around a huge volcano in a regular circular distribution.

I stared at the huge volcano, the fire blazed into the sky, and the lava boiling was billowing. Under the scorching heat, half of the sky was dyed red.

"Boss, you...look at that!"

Suddenly, Ye Fan pointed in the direction of the volcanic crater with a look of astonishment.

That is an incredible picture.

With the lava churning surging, I saw a magnificent ancient palace full of crystals in the volcanic crater.

The ancient palace rises and sinks, and that dull sound like a beating heart comes from it.

Look intently, the ancient palace golden light is brilliant, crystal clear, the breath flowing through the ancient years, one after another Shenxia flowing.

hong long long!

At this moment, the top of the mountain where Chu Bei and Ye Fan were located shook violently, and then I saw a head resembling Barbaric Ox, with lion heads, and densely covered with azure scales, reaching a height of more than ten meters. The ominous beast swept out of the mountain and occupied an area around the volcanic crater.

It didn't take long for the volcanic crater all around area to be occupied by nearly twenty fierce birds and wild beasts.

These ominous beasts are all overlords in the ruins, and most of them have a reputation among external cultivators.

Like the silver-winged centipede, it is five meters long, as thick as an arm, and the whole body is shiny, like cast silver.

Like the blue-winged bird whose whole body is wrapped in flame, the flame billows and burns the void while the wings are flapping.


It is such a group of powerful ruin overlords. At this moment, their eyes are locked on the ancient palace that is constantly floating in the lava, and their eyes are full of excitement and expectation.

"Boss, they seem to be waiting for something. Do you know something?"

Ye Fan pointed to the ancient palace in the mountain pass and asked tentatively, otherwise the other party would not Will happen to take him here.

"Monster Emperor mound."

Chu Bei glanced at Ye Fan, and three calm syllables came out from his mouth.

"Is it possible that this is to win the treasure?"

When I heard Chu Bei's words, Ye Fan eyes shined, a frenzy rose in his eyes.

xiū xiū xiū!

Ye Fan's excitement just fell, and the long rainbow thread passed over the ancient palace.

The first three silhouettes to fall, one is a two-meter-high man with his arms covered with scales. Under the lava, it shines brightly.

Beside him is a young girl with no arms, only a pair of golden wings, and her long hair gleaming like gold. 3rd silhouette is a giant snake with horns on its head and sharp claw under its belly. To be precise, this should be a scorpion.

With the appearance of these three silhouettes, the twenty ominous beasts that originally occupied Yamaguchi all around obviously retreated, and there was a little fear in his eyes.

Obviously, they are all more powerful existences in ominous beasts, and some have even been able to incarnate into human beings.

The second wave reveals the silhouette of Changhong, which is a group of hair grey-white elders. Judging from the robes they wear, they are like Sect Master and Supreme Elder of Six Celestial Grotto.

Looking at these ominous beasts and the old man gathered in the ancient palace all around, Chu Bei just wanted to laugh.

The tomb of a generation of Monster Emperor was even thought up by a group of Wheel Sea Realm. It can only be said that this generation of Monster Emperor did not set a ban, it was purely for future generations. opportunity.

Otherwise, this ruin has already become the eighth largest life restricted zone.

"Humans, you are too greedy! The primordial ruins belonging to our Monster Race have been half developed by you. Now, do you want to occupy even the ruins of the inner surrounding? Are you really going to choose? There is a dispute between the two races!" Above the volcanic crater, the big man with arms covering the scales shouted at the Sect Master of the six Celestial Grotto.

"Xianzang was born, we will naturally come and take a look." The Sect Master of Spirit Ruins Sanctuary stroked his beard said with a smile.

"Don't be afraid of war between the two clans, please try this ancient palace!" A giant man with a height of three meters and a pair of horns on his head made a strong voice.

"Looking at these buildings are in the style of Human Race, this place must have been my Human Race territory before! Now that the treasure appears, I am waiting here to find opportunities. It is reasonable and reasonable. What's wrong?" The Sect Master of the Big Six Celestial Grotto was not afraid of the threats from the Great Demon.

"Really ridiculous! My Jiao clan ancestors have a last word. This is not the homeland of your Human Race at all, but the Imperial Capital of the Monster Race flourishing period. Everything here has nothing to do with your Human Race." The old Jiao with a one-horned belly and sharp claw coldly said.

"Xianzang was born, no matter what you say, we will not leave! As for the destination of Xianzang, it depends on ability!" The six Celestial Grotto Sect Masters stepped forward at the same time and burst into imposing manner. .

dong, dong, dong!

Suddenly, the frequency of the dull sound from the ancient palace increased sharply. The boiling lava in the volcanic crater began to gush out like bright red blood.

The glorious ancient palace only rises but does not fall, and it seems to be about to leave the volcanic crater.

"Look, look! The monster text is my Monster Race text!"

"It's not an ordinary monster text, this...this is Emperor Wen! This is my family Monster Left by the Emperor!"

When ancient words appeared above the ancient palace, a group of Great Demon suddenly exclaimed, their expressions extremely excited.

These ancient characters are shining and shining, and they are very mysterious. Some are shaped like Dragon Phoenix, and some resemble the mysterious turtle Qilin. They are the emperor of Monster Race before the desolation of ancient times.

" Greedy humans, what else can you say now! The evidence is right in front of you, and you don’t have to leave quickly! All of this is left by my Monster Race's Great Emperor, and has nothing to do with your humans." The woman with wings behind her coldly glanced over the Sect Master of Six Celestial Grotto.

Hearing this, the face of Sect Master of the six Celestial Grotto is hard to look. At this moment, the Sect Master of Jade Cauldron sanctuary seemed to think of something, and said with great excitement: "It's him, it must be him! This must be his burial place!"

The excited Jade Cauldron sanctuary Sect Master, the other five Sect Masters were taken aback first, and then they seemed to react: "This...this is the last Great Emperor to unify the Monster Race!"

Hearing This, several Great Demons present were immediately confident: "Since you already know that this is the my family Monster Emperor, shouldn't you also leave immediately? If you don't leave, then we can only leave you here forever! "

When the voice fell, several Great Demons all broke out with a tyrannical power, and the monster Qi soared into the sky, and solemn killing aura suddenly flooded above the volcanic crater.

"No, it is precisely because this place may be related to the Monster Emperor, that we can't leave! Because, here may be my Human Race treasure! Today, it happened to be taken back!" Spirit Ruins Sanctuary's Sect Master The eyes are bright and firm.

"Fart! How come my Monster Race's Great Emperor's grave has your Human Race treasure? You clearly want to steal the tomb of my Monster Race's Great Emperor!"

Several people Great Demon was full of anger, Senhan's gaze was fixed on the Sect Master of the six Celestial Grotto, ready to take action at any time.

"In the past, you Monster Emperor can accomplish all the good fortune, unifying the Monster Race that has split Eastern Wilderness for tens of thousands of years. It can be said that it has greatly contributed to the Human Race of Eastern Wilderness. The threat of human race. As for the treasure of Human Race was lost at that time, it is reported that it was taken away by the Monster Emperor."

"There is also the famous "Daojing", the immortal classic of Eastern Wilderness. At that time, it was split up and lost a very important volume. Later generations, there was also evidence that everything was done by this Monster Race's Great Emperor. Come to think of it, Eastern Wilderness's treasure, and the "Tao Jing" is the most The important volumes should all be in the great hall!"

The Sect Master of the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary looked calm, and pointed at the ancient palace that was about to rise completely above the mountain pass and said slowly.

"Tao Jing?"

Hearing the words of Spirit Ruins Sanctuary Sect Master, several Great Demon's eyes showed extremely hot rays of light, if this ancient palace If there is such a Human Race fairy tale, then they have to take whatever they say.

"Boss, what exactly is the Human Race treasure in those old crossings? Is it really in this ancient palace?" On a hill not far from the volcano, Ye Fan looked at Chu Bei in confusion Asked.

"This Monster Emperor grave is divided into two graves: Yin and Yang. One yang and one yin hold Tai Chi. The ancient palace you see is one of the Yang graves, where there is only opportunity and no danger. And the dark grave is a must-kill situation. How many people die."

Chu Bei looked at the Powerhouse of Six Celestial Grotto as he recalled: "The treasures in their mouths are not in this Yang In the grave."

"What is the Human Race treasure? Is it in the grave? Where is the grave?" Ye Fan raised a series of questions.

"Desolate Pagoda, a Ninth Stage tower with vast and unpredictable power. Its eternal Immortal, can suppress all powerhouses in the world!" Chu Bei said indifferently.

"Suppress all Powerhouse? Is it so scary!" Ye Fan face surprised.

"Otherwise, how can you become Human Race treasure?"

Chu Bei laughed: "In these endless years, this Desolate Pagoda suppressed the Great Emperor Powerhouse and counted both hands. However, as for how strong the Great Emperor is, you will gradually understand in the future."

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