"So, isn't the so-called Taoism alone in this ancient palace?" Ye Fan was a little lost.

"Don’t underestimate this sutra. For tens of thousands of years, throughout Big Dipper, there are only a few ancient scriptures that can be used with mention on equal terms. It records the mysterious and mysterious cultivation. The method, from the development of the Sea of ​​Bitterness to the connection of the Heaven and Earth bridge to the other shore, is fully explained. It can be said that it is the strongest ancient scripture in Wheel Sea Realm."

Here, the corner of Chu Bei's mouth raised a curve: "Moreover, although there is no Desolate Pagoda in this ancient palace, it has a treasure as much as it."

Hearing this, Ye Fan's eyes lit up instantly: "What's that again?"

"A treasure that looks like scrap copper." Chu Bei said calmly.

"Scrap copper?" Ye Fan brows tightly frowns.

Chu Bei laughed with Ye Fan's longing gaze and didn't go on.

During the conversation between Chu Bei and Ye Fan, the atmosphere over the volcano became extremely tense. The Sect Master of Six Celestial Grotto and the Great Demon, with swords drawn and bows bent, the battle was about to start. .

"The greedy Human Race, the ancient palace left by the Monster Emperor is about to open, don't you really want to break the peace of hundreds of years and fight with us!"

Scales The shining old Jiao stands upright like a blood-colored city wall, giving people a shocking sense of strength.

Six Celestial Grotto Sect Masters looked directly at the Great Demon and did not back down, coldly shouted: "How can the Human Race treasure fall into the hands of your Monster Race? If you want to fight, then fight!"


"It's ridiculous! This is the tomb of my Monster Race's Great Emperor. It happened that you pulled out the Human Race treasure and Taoist scriptures. I clearly used this as an excuse to steal the tomb of the Monster Emperor!"

The Monster Race girl who had a pair of Golden wings, her voice was full of killing intents.

"takes part or not, we will know when we enter the ancient palace together. If there is no Human Race treasure and Taoism, we will leave immediately and never touch anything in it. But if there are two treasures What if we take it away? This can be regarded as avoiding a fight, which is good for both of us." Spirit Ruins Sanctuary Sect Master opened the mouth and said.

"Absurd! The Monster Emperor mausoleum will not allow you humans to enter the blasphemy!"

Sen Han’s voice fell, and the beautiful blond girl glanced at the ancient palace that was about to be born, Directly spread its wings, thousands of Golden divine feathers turned into golden divine arrow moved towards Sect Master between the eyebrows of the six Celestial Grotto.

"No matter what, today we must regain the Human Race treasure and Taoism!"

Faced with the attack from the golden haired girl, Spirit Ruins Sanctuary Sect Master is still strong and big The sleeves waved, and the Purple Qi suddenly spread out, like a raging sea blocking the endless divine feathers in front.


The cold syllables of the upright old Jiao fell, the divine light of his body bloomed, and his mouth opened to spray out a bunch of bright rays of light strikes towards Jade Cauldron Sect Master of sanctuary.

dong dong dong ……

However, just as the Jade Cauldron sanctuary Sect Master was about to launch an attack, the frequency of the dull sound like a heartbeat in the ancient palace rose to the extreme ,

next moment, volcanic crater five-colored brilliance soaring into the sky, the blood-red lava soaring into the sky; that magnificent ancient palace, with a thunderous tremor, one after another complex and mysterious monster pattern become Faintly discernible, directly separated from the volcanic crater and floating in the sky.

"Don't fight with these monsters, regaining the Human Race treasure and Taoism is the most important thing!"

The voice of Spirit Ruins Sanctuary Sect Master floated from the air. , The other five Sect Masters obviously had the same idea, and unanimously left the battle and flew to the ancient palace.

All the Great Demon also rushed immediately towards the magnificent ancient palace. They must rush to open the door of the palace before Human Race to prevent them from desecrating Monster Race's Great Emperor.

xiū xiū xiū!

Count the long rainbow thread to cut through the sky.

In these Powerhouses, in terms of speed alone, the Monster Race girl with blond hair is undoubtedly the fastest. She was the first to appear in front of the ancient palace, flapping her wings and pushing away the five colors Yu directly. Sect.


Not only the Monster Race girl, but later rushed to the Great Demon, and the Sect Master of the six Celestial Grotto, seeing the entrance of the ancient palace so easily Pushing away, everyone was surprised.

When they think about it, at least one or two restrictions should be placed on the tomb of the Monster Emperor.

If Chu Bei knew what these guys were thinking, he would definitely not help laughing out loud.

Great Emperor, what kind of realm is that? Walk through the major Star Regions between steps, and destroy the terrifying existence of the stars with your fingers!

This kind of existence, even if the simplest restriction is set, can they break through among the others? Maybe, before getting close to this ancient palace, it was already annihilated into nothingness by that prohibition.

"Boss, when shall we leave?" Ye Fan looked towards Chu Bei, waiting for instructions from the other party.

Chu Bei glanced at the magnificent great hall above the volcanic crater, did not respond to Ye Fan, but directly turned into a divine rainbow and disappeared from the same place.

"Boss, wait for me!"

Seeing this, Ye Fan did not hesitate, and immediately turned into a lightning flash and swept towards the ancient palace.

The whole ancient palace is made from the five-color Divine Jade. It seems to come from time and space from the barren ancient times. It makes people feel the precipitation of time and the breath of history.

The inner wall of the ancient palace is gleaming and glittering, engraved with countless ancient characters, the dragon characters are vigorous, the phoenix characters are flying, the mysterious tortoise characters are condensed, and the Qilin characters are atmospheric, like a dragon like a phoenix, like a turtle Like a lin, with a silver hook and a silver hook, it is majestic and powerful. It is the emperor of Monster Race from the past.

The ancient palace is divided into three layers. In the First Layer at this moment, the Sect Masters of the six Celestial Grotto and the Great Demon are frantically searching.

"Who are you two?"

Finally, a Great Demon spotted Chu Bei and Ye Fan. Sen Han's questioning voice was full of strong killing intents.

At this moment, all around the eyes of both the six Celestial Grotto Powerhouses and the Great Demon focused on Chu Bei Ye Fan.

"We are here for the same purpose as you. Of course, it is also a treasure hunt." Chu Bei smiled at the corner of his mouth, saying that he had released the domineering look and feel to the extreme.

"Fellow Daoist is a little eye-catching, I don't know if it can be called Bao Shang?"

Sect Master of the six Celestial Grotto glanced at Chu Bei, and after making eye contact, Jade Cauldron sanctuary Sect Master cup one fist in the other hand said. Being able to enter this ancient palace with them, even if the opponent's strength is weaker than them, there will not be too much difference.

"I'm just a businessman, there is no so-called name. If you don't say a name, then call me Boss Chu." Chu Bei waved his robe indifferently said.

"Boss Chu?"

Hearing this, the Sect Master of the six Celestial Grotto looked at each other in blank dismay, and the confusion in my eyes became even worse, let alone Yan Country, Even the entire Eastern Wilderness has never heard of such a name.

"No matter who you are, as long as it is Human Race and blasphemes my Monster Race's Great Emperor's tomb, you will all die!"

The scarlet scales shining old Jiao coldly His gaze swept across Chu Bei Ye Fan and the Sect Master of the six Celestial Grotto, but when he was about to attack, under the dark stone stage in the great hall, a thin strand of Golden foil broke through the void and moved towards the outside of the hall. Fly away.

Suddenly, all the Powerhouses who were preparing to fight again stopped their momentum and turned their attention to the Golden foil.

One by one, they were taken aback for a moment. After reacting, their eyes bloomed with brilliance, and then they chased out the great hall.

"Humans, this piece of gold foil will not be the Human Race treasure and Taoism in your mouth? Then why fight with us!"

golden haired girl looks cold , Shouted angrily, waved his wings, several golden light moved towards the Sect Master of the six Celestial Grotto.

"takes part or not, you will know when you get it."

A silver copper furnace burst out of the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary Sect Master's body, the copper furnace trembling, Guanghua IV He shot, and greeted the Monster Race girl's attack with a swish.

"Kill! Block them! The treasure left by my Monster Emperor must not fall into the hands of these humans!"

The Monster Race girl fell coldly, and the other Great Demons all shot . Suddenly Monster Qi soared into the sky, murderous aura rushed straight into the sky, and the surging demon power was like a vast sea undulating, tumbling thousands of waves, sweeping the sky.

Almost at the same time, the divine force source of the Sea of ​​Bitterness of the six Celestial Grotto Sect Masters is boiling, and the whole body is divine light. While chasing the gold foil, while dancing with both hands, it hits the Monster Qi in the immediate vicinity. Twisted loose.

In an instant, the six Celestial Grotto Sect Masters, Supreme Elder, and the Great Demon on the top of the volcanic crater fought together.

Monster Qi is vertical and horizontal, the gods are soaring into the sky, the sun shines in all directions, and all kinds of weapons are flying in the sky.

Sacred drums, silver lanterns, bronze furnaces, golden swords, Eight Trigrams Mirror, blood knives, water scale blades, etc., were constantly taken out by the six Celestial Grotto Powerhouses and collided with the attacks of the Great Demons. The sonorous voice is endless.

"This...here is..."

"That's Sect Master and Supreme Elder! How did they fight the group of Great Demon!"

" Sect Master seems to be competing with those Great Demon for something."

"What's the matter with that ancient palace? It turns out that the weird dull sound came from it!"

"Ye Zi, and the Swindler! What are they doing?"


At this time, the entire group such as Pang Bo and Lin Jia was led by the sixth Celestial Grotto Elder Xia also came to the periphery of the collapsed building complex.

One by one stared at the battlefield above the volcanic crater, with a look of surprise and surprise.

Especially the Earth people such as Pang Bo and Lin Jia, it is even more difficult to calm their hearts. Watching the battle above the volcanic crater from a distance makes them dazzled and yearning.

"Boss, what is the gold foil piece?"

Ye Fan pointed to the gold foil piece floating around under various brilliance in the battlefield, looking confused towards Chu Bei.

"Wheel and Sea Volume." Five calm syllables uttered from Chu Bei's mouth.

"What? That is the Taoist scripture!"

Ye Fan's mouth is wide open, before he thinks about it, the Taoist scriptures and the others must be thick. Unexpectedly, a scroll was just a piece of gold foil less than two millimeters thick in the palm of the hand.

hong long long!

The battle in the battlefield is getting more and more intense. The six Celestial Grotto Sect Master, Supreme Elder, and a group of Great Demon silhouettes are constantly intertwined. With the gold foil as the center, all kinds of brilliance flicker, and all kinds of weapons are divine. Light, strikes are continuous and deafening.

With the extension of the battle time, the two sides began to play True Fire, and the battle evolved into a Life and Death Battle.

Both sides no longer have back-ups, and various ultimate moves are emerging one after another. No matter which side it is, this mysterious gold foil piece is inevitable!

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