"Now that you have the heart of the Great Emperor, as long as you concentrate on cultivation, you will surely become a Monster Race's Great Emperor in the future. As for the place of your future cultivation, follow here Monster Race. You have the heart of the Great Emperor, and you own the Monster Race breath, they will treat you kindly." Chu Bei looked at Ye Fan said in a tranquil voice.

This is his decision after thinking about it, and it can be regarded as a good fate for Pang Bo.

"Many thanks immortal for guidance!"

Pang Bo's excited lips trembled, obviously not calming down from the excitement of having the heart of the Great Emperor.

"Ye Zi, it seems that I will catch up with you soon!" After bowing again and again moved towards Chu Bei, Pang Bo walked to Ye Fan and gave a bear hug.

"Hehe, one day, I will dominate the world in the two sessions!" Ye Fan gave Pang Bo a punch in the chest.

As for the Immortal Ascension Cauldron fragments, Chu Bei handed them to the system earlier.

"Go back and join the Monster Race." Chu Bei looked towards Pang Bo, pointing to the depths of the ruins and said.

"haha...It seems that the Daoye has good luck today."

Just as Pang Bo left forefoot, a laughter came from the outer jungle.

Followingly, a Fat Daoist Priest with a face full of red light rushed toward the divine rainbow. Although it looked bloated, the action was very light and agile, and it landed on Ye Fan silently like fallen leaves. Beside.

"Luck, I passed by here by chance, and immediately came to take a look at it. Unexpectedly, I felt the existence of a psychic weapon before I entered the depths."


Speaking of this, Fat Daoist Priest stretched out his big hand, moved towards Ye Fan’s hand that was playing with the azure dagger, and did not forget to show a kind smile, saying: "Little Brother, this is a murder weapon. , You can't subdue it, come, let the Taoist surrender it."

"The murder weapon? I still have this Buddha's Palm secret book here, would you?"

Look at it With Fat Daoist Priest's big hand about to fall on the azure dagger, Ye Fan immediately turned into a lightning flash, and in a flash, he took the azure dagger and pulled away from the Fat Daoist Priest.

The gaze that looked towards Fat Daoist Priest is even more contemptuous. There is also a Swindler flicker in this world of feelings.

Especially looking at Fat Daoist Priest's red light fat face, I even want to punch him twice to loosen the grease.

"Huh? Little Brother is quite flexible!"

A strange color flashed across Fat Daoist Priest's face, and the blue silk thread was thrown out in his palm, and the brush was in Ye Fan took the dagger out of reach.

"Unscrupulous fatty, return my dagger!"

Ye Fan's eyes showed a little astonishment, and the other party's methods were so sharp.

"Hehe, Little Brother, you, Favor, remember the original way. If the mountain does not turn around, I will meet again next time, I will thank you very well."

After saying these words, Fat Daoist Priest moved towards Ye Fan grinned open the corners of his mouth to reveal the yellowed teeth, but when he patted his ass and was about to drive the divine rainbow soaring into the sky, he all around appeared inexplicably A prison intertwined with energy.

bang bang bang!

Looking at the prison appearing out of thin air, Fat Daoist Priest gave a horror, his hands danced, moving towards the prison and threw several punches.

"Hiss——it hurts my master, which bastard is tossing you, my master!"


Just as Fat Daoist Priest repeatedly cursed, a black Thunder Dragon suddenly appeared in the prison, fiercely strikes on Fat Daoist Priest's body.

Suddenly, a more miserable howl came from Fat Daoist Priest.

"Who, on earth is that bastard, has the ability to come out and this Uncle is higher...ao wu!"


Fat Daoist Priest resisted the pain on his body and scanned all around the void with his eyes, but before the curse in his mouth was finished, another Thunder Dragon fell on him.

Compared with the previous Thunder Dragon, the Power of Thunder contained in this Thunder Dragon is more terrifying, and the Fat Daoist Priest, which was split almost instantaneously, emits black smoke all over the body.

"Damn it, you fucking my Daoist...Mighty, the trail is wrong, I beg you to let the trail go!"

Fat Daoist Priest's mouth is black and smokey, it seems to be just Wanting to continue cursing, a strip of purple Thunder Dragon appeared above her head, a full eight.

Perceiving the more powerful breath fluctuations in the eight Thunder Dragons, Fat Daoist Priest instantly suffocated the curse, his face changed drastically, changed his tone hurriedly, folded his hands together, moved towards the void and bowed repeatedly and begged for mercy.

"amenable to coaxing but not coercion?"

Seeing the Thunder Dragon dissipating above, Fat Daoist Priest suddenly showed joy and continued flattering: "I don't know who Heavenspan is. Mighty passing by here? Can you show up and see Xiaodao, Xiaodao just got a psychic dagger, if Mighty likes it, Xiaodao can give it to you, which is a good fate."

"fatty, I recognize you, your surname is Duan De, and your name is Duan De. By nature, Duan De is deprived of virtue, and deprived of virtue!"

Suddenly, a playful voice floated in the air. .

This sudden joke sounded in the ear, and in the prison, the fat Daoye's flattering smile instantly converged, and he couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth.

"Little Fatty, you want to leave after grabbing things. This is a bit immoral."

Chu Bei put his arms around his chest, smiling at this in Shrouding The Heavens, All the famous guys in the perfect plane have a playful look on their faces.

Slightly mocking words fell, Chu Bei raised right hand, and the re-engraved Xianxian rope swept towards Duan De.

With a scream, Duan De hasn't reacted yet, and the azure dagger broke out of his palm and appeared in Chu Bei's hand.

"This prison is your means!"

Looking at Chu Bei, who was approaching step by step, Duan De looked astonished.

He naturally noticed Chu Bei early, but he didn't have any spiritual qi fluctuations on his body, and his age looked similar to Ye Fan, so he took it for granted that he was just an ordinary person.

Who would have expected this seemingly ordinary guy to be a great power of Heavenspan!


The corner of Chu Bei's mouth smiled thicker, and with a wave of his sleeves, the prison that trapped Duan De disappeared.

"Well, the trail is clumsy, but I still look at you. Don’t blame it. The trail will leave, it will be disturbing, hehe." Looking at the mysterious person in front of him, Duan De immediately hugged him. cup one fist in the other hand.

After that, move your steps and bring brilliant rays of light under your feet. But just when he was about to break through the air, he suddenly discovered that his whole body was suppressed by an invisible force, suddenly unable to move even a little bit.

"Little Fatty, meeting is fate. I see you have a lot of murder weapons. With your divine ability, they are impossible to subdue them. Come, let me suppress them for you."

The joking voice fell and I saw Chu Bei right hand moved towards Duan De. The blood-colored bead on his chest flew into Chu Bei's hand instantly.

"Return my glass beads!" Fat Daoist Priest screamed, his face full of pain.

However, as soon as a mournful scream came out, a saphire blue diamond ring worn on his right hand's middle finger also flew uncontrollably into Chu Bei's hand.

"Spatial Ring, don't touch my Spatial Ring!"

Fat Daoist Priest is completely occupied by panic this time, the pig liver-colored expression is like It's the same as being robbed of life.

咻, 咻, xiu...

But all of this has just begun. In the sound of breaking the air, Fat Daoist Priest's body has been struck by a long rainbow thread one after another, and the end is It fell into Chu Bei's hands.

"These are all lethal weapons, I can save you from disaster."

Chu Bei played with the spiritual object snatched from Fat Daoist Priest, the corners of his mouth Full of smiles, while his sleeves were raised, gusts of breeze blew over Fat Daoist Priest.

"I'm a mother, you're a robber! That's a treasure that the trail has worked so hard to save for several years, and it was all taken away by you..."


Fat Daoist Priest, whose body has regained freedom, is like a husky whose tail has been stepped on and howling, his face is more uglier than a dead father and mother.

"Fatty, this is a mountain higher than a mountain! It makes you wicked and grabs other people's things!" Seeing Fat Daoist Priest's heart-piercing expression, Ye Fan laughed unceremoniously. .

"It's gone, it's gone, everything is gone..." Fat Daoist Priest muttered, his eyes moved towards the depths of the ruins, his eyes were hollow, and the whole person seemed to be lost. Like the soul.

"Little Fatty, our fate is not exhausted, and we will not meet again in the near future. Remember, collect more weapons, so that we can continue to deal with disasters for you."

Fat Daoist Priest, who had not yet gone far, heard the laughter coming from behind, suddenly staggered under his feet and almost fell to the ground.

"Boss, to deal with this kind of wicked person, your method of giving back to the other way is really suitable! Look at his pig liver face, it's really relieved!" Ye Fan's mouth raised. .

"Remember what this fatty looks like, he is an indispensable presence on Immortal Ascension Road. In the dark, you have long been bound."

After that, Chu Bei All the treasures found from Duan De were handed over to the system, and the conversion progress of its cultivation base also increased from 21% to 28%.

"Boss, where are we going next?" Ye Fan took the Spatial Ring and put it on the right hand middle finger with excitement.

"Go find the source."

Chu Bei said lightly, his current priority is to restore the cultivation base first.

"What is the source?" Ye Fan looked confused.

"In simple terms, you can think of the source as the energy crystals in those novels, the Spirit Stone, which contains the purest cultivation power of Heaven and Earth. Your physique needs spiritual power especially Huge, this source is a must."

"In this world, there is also a kind of people who live exclusively for the source, standing at the top of the source is called the Heavenly Source Master. Moreover, The source may also be sealed with a sleeping peerless Demon. There is also the stone gamble of Earth here, but the cut is not the emerald, but the source!"

Chu Bei held his hands behind behind, explaining Ye Fan’s confusion After that, with a wave of his sleeve robe, he flew towards the east with the latter moved towards the east.

"Have you heard? The primordial ruins near the deserted ancient restricted area have erupted between Human Race and Monster Race!"

"Of course I know, this battle is coming soon Going fast. I heard that not only the six Celestial Grotto Sect Masters, but also Flickering Light Holy Land, Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family Ji Family, and Jade Lake Holy Land’s Powerhouse stationed in Yandi are all dispatched!"

"I heard that it seems that an ancient palace was born. That ancient palace is still the mausoleum of the last Great Emperor of Monster Race. Among them, three treasures flew out, and it seems that they were all obtained by my human race Supreme."

"Hehe, don't you know about this? That Da Neng is a businessman, who claims to be Boss Chu, whose strength is still higher than those of Flickering Light Holy Land, even the Great Demon who lives in the wild ancient restricted area None of this is Boss Chu’s opponent! I watched the previous battle with my own eyes, tut tut tut, it was a wonderful one."

"I am also here! The strength of Boss Chu is really incomparable. Horror, defensive and offensive!"


Less than an hour after the battle for the treasure in the ruins, Sect dísciple, the forces outside the ruins, began to discuss frantically, and the news It is rapidly spreading to the entire Yandi at a speed of one kilometer per second.

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