Azure Wind City.

There are a million people in the city.

Even in Yandi, it is one of the most prosperous cities. Looking around, there are many horses and carriages on the street, people coming, people going.

Although it is not the Central Region of Yandi, its name is not weaker than those central cities occupying the location of blessed by heaven. Everything only stems from it being Yandi's casino city.

The casino is naturally related to the stone gamble.

In the entire Big Dipper, the source of gathering Heaven and Earth spiritual qi is hard currency in the currency market, even when entering the gambling house stone gamble.

The premise of the stone gamble is to exchange a pure source for a source stone that may contain a source.

"Have you heard that the Yanran Fairy of Flickering Light Holy Land is here today, and I personally participate in the stone gamble!"

"Really? Walk around, hurry up and take a look, if you can see the beauty of Yanran Fairy with your own eyes, you will die without regret!"

"Today's gambling house is not accessible to anyone. You need at least a catty of source to let you in. Just your poor appearance, let's go to other gambling shops to try one's luck."


On the noisy main road, But all the cultivators of some family property have flocked to the gambling shop.

Azure Wind City, as the gambling city of Yandi, each Great Holy Land has naturally opened a gambling shop again; normally, the flow of people in the gambling shops of each Great Holy Land is almost the same, but today because of the shaking Yanran Fairy is coming to the gambling house, so the flow of people far exceeds that of other Holy Land gambling houses.

"Boss, have you ever practiced the source technique? Do you have any secrets, let me also learn it." Along the way, as my understanding of the stone gamble deepens, Ye Fan looks forward to the source technique more and more Up.

Yuanshu, compared to stone gamble, is simply a cheat device! What is even more crazy is that this cheater does not violate the rules!

As an Earth person, Ye Fan is very aware of the terrifying value that a good source art can produce!

"I haven't learned the source art, but there are other methods." Chu Bei smiled at Ye Fan, lightly patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

"Almost forgot, you are All Heavens Departmental Store Boss!"

Ye Fan slapped his forehead. After he woke up, he moved his palms excitedly, as if he was going to do a lot of work. All in all.

Stone Gamble Square, located in the eastern part of Azure Wind City, is a very quiet place surrounded by trees and greenery.

"The feelings have not opened the door yet!"

"It is not that the door has not been opened, but the First Stage is over. I heard that this time Flickering Light Holy Land is trying to overwhelm others The Holy Land gambling house has shipped a lot of High Level source stones. As long as you are bold enough and have enough pure sources, it may not even be possible to make Divine Source."

"Hey, It seems that I can only wait for the next one. I don’t know when the next one will start?"

"Don’t be discouraged, the Yanran Fairy didn’t show up in the previous one. Presumably this second one, Yanran Fairy will definitely be here."


In front of the rock gamble, many people gathered under the towering old trees, discussing spiritedly.

"Boss, it will take some time to open the door, where are we going now?" Ye Fan looked towards Chu Bei.

"Of course I want to find a place to try one's luck first."

Chu Bei laughed, and then walked to the stone named [Black Three] next to the stone gamble square. gamble square.

Although the scale of the Black Three Stone Gamble Square is far greater than that of the Stone Gamble Square, there are also many heavy courtyards. The source rocks are all over the ground, as large as a thousand catties, and as small as a few taels, densely packed.

The most important thing is that entering the black three stone gamble shop does not need to confirm the amount of your own pure source, even if you don't have a gram of pure source, you can come and visit.

The First Layer courtyard is obviously the most inferior, and only a few people stop here. Here are the most common source stones. It can even be said that many stones are simply pulled back to fill the number.

"Boss, that little girl seems to take a serious look, do you think she knows how to do it?" Ye Fan's gaze stayed on a young girl for an instant.

At this moment, the girl is going back and forth in the First Layer courtyard, patted this piece, and knocked on that piece again, looking very attentive.

"little girl, the source stones here are all Mongolian. There is no good one. If you really want to try one's luck, go inside." An old man with a cane passed by the girl The opening is suggested.

"Thank you grandfather for the reminder, I will go inside when I finish reading here, and you will go slowly." The girl's lips moved slightly, and her voice was as clear and sweet as a big bead and a small bead falling on the jade plate.

This girl is dressed in purple, with a so noble that words cannot explain temperament, but when she smiles, she has a different style, her eyes are flowing, looking forward to radiance, and there is one on her left cheek. The small dimple looks very moving and playful.

"What do you look at! Have you never seen the first beautiful girl in the world? Look at your eyeballs again!"

After sending away the old man with a stick, the purple-clothed girl's gaze It suddenly fell on Ye Fan's body, baring fangs and brandishing claws, and was about to swallow Ye Fan's imposing manner.

In terms of face value, the purple-clothed girl is extremely beautiful, with bright eyes with long eyelashes and a spiritual qi, which looks very lively and playful, giving a sense of agility.

"When I see the spring breeze, I don’t think about it, I look around the city, I smile and smile."

Ye Fan looked at the purple-clothed girl: "The girl looks like this It’s beautiful, can’t you let people look at it more?"

"You are still honest, so you are allowed to keep watching." The purple-clothed girl smiled hehe, with a small dimple on her left cheek. Once again, her big eyes narrowed into crescent shapes.

Listening to Ye Fan's poems about her sister-in-law, Chu Bei couldn't help but pull the corners of his mouth. There was an inexplicable feeling of vomiting in his abdomen, and the hairs all over his body also stood up instantly.

But when she noticed the sweet dimple on the left cheek of the girl in purple and the cute little tiger tooth, her expression startedled.

is it possible that this little girl is...

"little girl, are you from the Ji Family?" Chu Bei looked towards the purple girl immediately asked.

"How do you know!" Hearing Chu Bei's question, the purple-clothed girl's delicate and flawless face instantly became more alert.

"Are you Ji Ziyue?" Chu Bei's mouth grew stronger.

"who the hell are you! Uncle family sent you to catch me back, or you are the enemy of Ji Family!" The purple girl swallowed saliva and said, Sea of ​​Bitterness blooms blue rays of light , The instinctive super retreat.

"Don't be nervous, I am not a bad person, I just know that's all your distant ancestors." Chu Bei put his hands behind his back, pretending to be expert.

"You know my distant ancestor? I pei pei pei! Do you know who my Ji Family distant ancestor is? That's a Great Emperor!"

The purple-clothed girl moved towards Chu Bei He made a grimacing face, and after realizing that the other party was not hostile, he stuck out his tongue playfully.

Chu Bei laughed, and turned his gaze to Ye Fan's body, admiring inexplicably in his heart.

This product has reached the future palace with a casual flirt!

"Maybe this is the fixed number in the dark, Yuelao may really exist." Chu Bei couldn't help but sigh.

"Boss, what are you whispering? What in the dark?" Ye Fan looked confused.

Chu Bei pointed to Ji Ziyue: "I'll pinch and count, this little girl is your monastic partner."

"bastard, what are you talking about! Believing or not Ben Young Miss will send someone to chop off your tongue as soon as he gets home!"

Hearing this, before Ye Fan could express his opinion, Ji Ziyue, who raised his ears high and raised his ears, took the lead. fist.

But perhaps because of the existence of the small tiger tooth, the ferocity revealed by Ji Ziyue of gnashing teeth still carries some permissive love, which can be said to have no lethality at all.

"Boss, I really hope that your fingertips are accurate. But for the moment, this little girl seems to need training." Ye Fan stared at Ji Ziyue opened the mouth and said. .

"I’m too lazy to take care of you!"

Ji Ziyue moved towards Chu Bei Ye Fan master and disciple again, raised his fist, and continued to pat the other side to find the origin Come.


At this moment, a humming sounded in the Chu Bei Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Looking at the system agent interface, the extra'Ji Ziyue' on the Level 1 agent bar, Chu Bei's mouth raised a curve, and he was lost in thought.

"Master, how to estimate the source stone here?" After observing and looking at it for a long while, Ji Ziyue finally chose a spherical source stone with a diameter of about two meters.

"Since there are many defective source stones here, the price is also very cheap. One or two sources can buy one or two kilograms of stones." Since there are only a few people choosing stones in this heavy yard, the source master only arranged one person.

"Master, that's it, please cut it." After Ji Ziyue gave the corresponding source to the source master, he moved the position and let the source master take the knife.

"My God, there is still a source here!"

"Look at the source of this source, you have to have a catty if you don't say it!"

"Half and two sources give a jin of source, this little girl earns blood!"

"Have you not seen her clothes? It must be the child of a rich family, maybe just for fun. The picture is just fresh."


As Yuan Master fell one by one, Yuan gradually appeared, and the cultivators who had passed by also surrounded them, one by one. With envy and jealousy while exhaling.

"Did you see it, this is the strength!"

When the source master cuts the source completely, Ji Ziyue moved towards Chu Bei Ye Fan with pride She shook her head and didn't forget to stick out her tongue, very cute and playful.

In the end, the source of this cut is a catty in twos.

"Boss, this little girl has two chances!" Looking at Ji Ziyue who gathered the source into the spatial pouch and bounced to the depths of the courtyard, Ye Fan was speechless.

"It's also a direct line of Ji Family anyway."

Chu Bei's mouth is smiling. Under his domineering perception of Dian Dui, this First Layer courtyard is surrounded by hundreds of stones. , There are only four stones, and the stone chosen by Ji Ziyue is the one with the most sources.

Compared with the Waizhong courtyard, there are special young women in the courtyard who are responsible for receiving and introducing various source stones. The source master also has several people who are responsible for calcination.

"Why did you two keep up?"

Ji Ziyue went directly to the innermost courtyard. When they saw Chu Bei Ye Fan, the two of them stayed close together at any time, and immediately pushed themselves up. A small mouth.

"The girl has a unique vision. Don't I want to see you show your hands again." Ye Fan said with a smile.

"Then you just follow, don't blink." Upon hearing Ye Fan's words, Ji Ziyue's unpleasant color suddenly disappeared, revealing the cute little tiger tooth.

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