After Ji Ziyue stared at Ye Fan, as before, tapped here and patted the other side, looking for the source of the stone with heart.

After searching for a long while, Ji Ziyue’s eyebrows suddenly bend into crescents: "Master, this is it."

This is a watermelon-sized source stone, although not Big, but expensive, because the source rate is high, so the price is also higher than the price of the outer courtyard.

"Little girl, don't you think about it again? There is no source here." When the source Master picked up the knife to prepare the stone, Chu Bei reminded him.

"Do you know Yuanshu or I do? I said there is it!" After Ji Ziyue glared at Chu Bei, he looked towards Yuan Master and said, "Master, cut it."

Chu Bei shook the head with a smile, and said no more.


With the proficient movements of the source master, the stone skin slowly peeled off, and the stone became smaller and smaller.

" could it have no source!" When all the stones were cut and there was no source at all, Ji Ziyue screamed, his voice filled with surprise.

"Girl, this is the stone gamble shop. If everything is active, then the stone gamble shop will lose money?"

"Yes, the stone gamble thing is it There is luck in it. Who can guarantee that you will be able to cut it."

"When you cut it, it’s a blessing on your ancestors. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t. This is normal operation."



The cultivator on the side continued to offer comfort.

"Why are you smiling! Who hasn't gone away yet!" Ji Ziyue glared at Chu Bei Ye Fan and turned his head to re-select the origin stone.

"Source Master, just cut this piece! There must be something inside!" Ji Ziyue once again selected the source stone and immediately recruited the source master.

"Boss, is this piece active?" Seeing Ji Ziyue's confident face, Ye Fan couldn't help but look towards Chu Bei and asked.

Chu Bei shook the head: "The same as the previous piece."

"Master, cut it to him!" Looking at Chu Bei's calm and collected posture, Ji Ziyue A sullen color appeared on his face.

Hearing this, the source Master raises the knife with his hand.

"No...impossible, why not!" Seeing the cut empty rubble again, Ji Ziyue's mouth opened wide, as if he didn't believe what he saw.

After calming down, Ji Ziyue carefully selected three source stones, but under full expectation, there is still no source of output.

"little girl, don't waste the source."

"That's right, today you are out of luck, in my opinion, you will be safe today Lord, look at what others cut. As for you, cut tomorrow."

"That's right, this is called bottoming out."


"Where is the problem?"

Ji Ziyue collapsed on the chair, pouting his eyes and swimming between the source stones, with a lost and depressed expression.

"Boss, let's cut a piece too." Ye Fan rubbed his palms, be eager to have a try.

"The fourth over there." Chu Bei followed his finger in a direction.

It was an ugly stone like a crooked melon, but it was the size of a football, and it was dark in color. It was criss-crossed and covered with one after another crack.

The weirdest thing is that these cracks resemble the shape of a human's mouth, like some ancient creatures bite it to form this look.

"There is no visual inspection of the source stone, you have to get close to it to feel it."

Ji Ziyue glanced at Chu Bei as a layman: "You The selected source stone is obviously exhausted. Moreover, it is a ghost crack stone, with cracks all over the body. It is very likely that the Immemorial source ghost has eaten away, and it is impossible to leave behind."

"Little Brother, this girl is right. It's obviously a waste rock. I advise you to change it instead and don't waste the source."

"Yes, this is a famous ghost cracking stone. Already. It has been left here for half a year, it is a replenishment, impossible source."


A crowd of onlookers shook their heads and encouraged.

"You are all too young."

Ye Fan smiled and glanced at Ji Ziyue, then glanced all around watching the lively people, unlike these people, Ye Fan The corners of his eyebrows are full of confidence.

He is extremely convinced that there will be a source of existence in this ghostly cracked rock, because he believes in Chu Bei.

Soon, Ye Fan moved the ghost cracked stone designated by Chu Bei to the source of the Master under the sigh of everyone.

Even though it was a ghost cracking stone, Yuan Master still followed the rules of this line and paid homage to Yuanshen, after silently chanting a few words before moving the knife.

I saw its sharp move, the knife is like a dragon, and the cold light shines. The skin of the stone fell quickly, and within a short time, the ghost cracked stone the size of a football was stripped of layers of old skin, and it was no longer big than a fist.

"Master, this waste rock can't get out of the source at all. It's a waste of time for you to just split it up. If it can get out of the source, I will swallow all these stone skins."

Ji Ziyue sat on the chair, dangling his white calf, moved towards Chu Bei and made a face.

In her opinion, if Time Reverse is hundreds of thousands of years old, there might still be good sources in this rock, but it is obvious right now that all of the sources have been swallowed up by the source ghosts.

Chu Bei put his hands around his chest, ignoring Ji Ziyue's sarcasm.

Under the constant swing of the knife by Yuan Master, the ghost cracking stone is no longer as big as a litchi.

However, just as the next knife fell, a candlelight shot out.

The ensuing rich spiritual qi makes people feel like a spring breeze, like soaking in a hot spring, and the pores all over the body relax and feel very comfortable.

The fiery red brilliance overflowed, with a faint thin smoke, gently flicking away, like a fire cloud, and like a blood-soaked Immortal Qi.


The crowd around the audience was suddenly shocked, and their eyes fixed on the ghost cracked stone that was already the size of a litchi in the hands of the source master.

Judging by the richness of spiritual qi, it is obvious that the source of extremely high quality has been dug up, and the source of energy is far better than similar stones.

Looking intently, there is a bright red source embedded in the big lychee ghost cracked stone, only the size of a finger, but brilliant lights and vibrant colors, the red is intoxicating.

"Although the quality of this source is good, it is too small."

"Yes, I don't know if it is worth the price of this stone."


"By the way, although this source is only so small, but who of you can recognize this source?"


The discussion in the field resumed.

"Could it be that this is the source of blazing red!" Yuan Master experienced and knowledgeable, after a moment of froze, he couldn't help exclaiming in exclamation.

As for Ji Ziyue on the chair, the moment the red light overflowed, she knew she was wrong, and it was a big mistake.

This ghost crack stone without the slightest spiritual qi fluctuation is not only a source of energy, but also a source of high level flaming!

"What? So this is the Red Source!"

"That said, this is just a belly-sized thing, worth ten kilograms of pure ordinary source?"

"My God! It seems that gambling on the source really requires luck! That girl even cut seven High Level stones without a gram of source. And this guy just picked one at random, It turned out to be a heterogeneous source!"

"It seems that the source of gambling is really fateful. Just such a source, with a good Qi Method, can build a god bridge. "


Amid the hustle and bustle of exclamation, Ji Ziyue's eyes rounded, locked on Chu Bei firmly, panting with rage and said: "Luck, you are just good Luck that's all! If you are really good and have the ability to cut out another alien species!"

In any case, she doesn't believe that anyone in this world can judge whether there is a source stone by visual inspection alone. source.

If anyone in the world had this ability, their name would have reverberated through Eastern Wilderness and even Big Dipper as a whole.

"Girl, should you keep your promise before that?" Ye Fan came to Ji Ziyue with a pair of stone skins in his hand.


Looking at the stone skin in Ye Fan's hand, Ji Ziyue's face suddenly changed, flushing all the way to the roots of his ears. Especially in the eyes of so many people, the cheeks are red and hot.

"Don't tease her."

Chu Bei laughed, glanced at Ji Ziyue, and pointed at the pile of source stones that the other party had cut earlier: "Your judgment is not wrong. , There should have been active existence in these stones before. The reason why they weren’t cut open, you’ll know if you take a closer look."

Hearing Chu Bei’s words, Ji Ziyue started his expression first. After reacting, he seemed to think of something, and immediately jumped out of the chair.

After hearing Chu Bei's words, the onlookers all around showed suspicious expressions, seeming to have some suspicions, and followed Ji Ziyue behind one after another.

"Okay, you silly profiteers! The source stones of feelings have been cut open, and the source inside has been taken away and filled with new stones and sealed with a hermetic method!"

After a long time, Ji Ziyue saw the clue, and got up and moved towards the stone gamble square boss not far away cursing.

"Look, these stones are really different! Sure enough, they have been post-processed."

"Black three stone gamble, you are too brave! What I did is too much!"

"It's shameless, it's no wonder that the two stones I cut before have no source, and the feelings were taken away by you in advance!"

"Okay, if this little girl hadn't seen the clues, how long would you have to deceive us?"

"Everyone, go together and ruin the stone gamble square!"


After the gambling shop’s bag-stealing behavior was exposed, it immediately aroused public outrage, and the bosses flocked to the gambling shop one after another.

"How did you find it?"

When everyone asked the gambling shop for an explanation, when the scene turned into a pot of porridge, Ji Ziyue came to Chu Bei and blinked curiously Eyes: "Do you really have the ability to visually determine whether there is a source?"

The voice fell, Ji Ziyue looked at Chu Bei expectantly. If this is the case, then go to the gambler's paradise Holy City turns around, it must be a big deal!

Looking at Ji Ziyue's shiny little tiger tooth, Chu Bei naturally understood what he was thinking.

"Hey, don't go, but answer my question."

Seeing Chu Bei turning around and leaving, Ji Ziyue suddenly became anxious, three steps in two steps Behind the two Chu Bei Ye Fan.

"Girl, you are following us this time!" Ye Fan couldn't help but joke Ji Ziyue.


When Chu Bei walked out of the Black Three Stone Gamble Square again, the gate of the Shake Light Stone Gamble Square was already full of people. It seems that there are many young talents in luxurious clothes.

"If I hadn't had a chance to meet Yanran Fairy, I wouldn't have come to Yandi. Compared with Holy City, the stone gamble square here is simply too low-end."

"Aren't you nonsense? The price of the source stone in Holy City is far from that of the source stone here. However, the stone gamble shop in Holy City can really produce good things. Someone cut out a magic eye not long ago. ."

"I also heard that, but not only the magic eye, but also cut out the live magic bone, the value is incalculable."

"What is this? , Someone from the Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family also cut out a piece of imperfect Emperor Treasure."


I haven’t walked into the stone gamble square yet, Chu Bei’s ears There was a burst of discussion.

"Is it so mysterious? The more you listen, the more you feel." Ye Fan subconsciously glanced at the youngsters from Holy City and muttered.

"You second fool, you are really rare and weird."

Since Chu Bei cut out the source of blazing red, Ji Ziyue has been following his behind. After hearing Ye Fan's grunt, he immediately cast a contemptuous look.

"The source is the rarest spiritual object in the world, and everything can be bred."

Ji Ziyue said in a serious way: "According to the ancient book, hundreds of thousands of years ago , That is, Ancient Desolate Era, really dug out a peerless beauty who came out of Divine Source. Unfortunately, the Great Holy Land chased and intercepted her, but let her escape."

"This is really true A magical world!" Hearing this, Ye Fan let out a sigh of emotion.

Shake the light stone gamble square is quiet and elegant, the courtyard is planted with exotic trees and rare grasses, and the stones are scattered all around, like strange rocky rockeries, scattered and elegant.

The layout is very particular. The gurgling spring water, the pavilion covered with vines, are dotted with stones everywhere, giving people a fresh feeling, like returning to nature.

"Look, look, is that Yanran Fairy in the pavilion!"

"Go, come and see!"

Chu Bei and his party of three As soon as I entered the rock gamble square, the excitement of a group of young talents rang in my ears.

In the stone gamble, there is a pavilion built by the water, and the fairy mist is hazy. The pavilion is hidden in the ancient wood, surrounded by lush greenery and covered by fog.

At this moment, through the fog, one can see a lithe and graceful woman in the building flicking the ancient zither, she is out of the world and does not catch the breath of the world. The sound of ancient zither like a natural sound, fresh and stretched, with endless charm.

"Yanran Fairy, it must not look as beautiful as me." Ji Ziyue glanced at the woman in the pavilion and couldn't help but mutter.

"Everyone, Yanran welcomes you here on behalf of the Flickering Light Holy Land." The sound of the zither came to a halt, and a sound like an oriole came from the building.

Immediately afterwards, several beautiful women came out in the pavilion. The last one was like Yuehua covering his body, like a fairy spit, the whole person was hazy and unreal, but it was Feeling flawless.

"Is this the Yanran Fairy of Flickering Light Holy Land? It is really curvaceous, slender and beautiful!"

It’s so far away. It’s really hard to approach."

"Unfortunately, for this Fairy, we can only look at it from a distance. According to reports, this Yanran boy has already been appointed by Holy Son of Flickering Light Holy Land."



The young talents in the field stared at Yanran Fairy without blinking, and some of them couldn't help but shed a halazi.

"It's really a bunch of sex embryos!"

Ji Ziyue glanced at all around youth, pucked a few times, looked towards Ye Fan and said: "You are much better than them at this point. Now, I know how to appreciate true beauty."

When he said this, Ji Ziyue still pointed his finger at himself.

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