"Stone gamble like this is no longer necessary."

Chu Bei glanced at Xia Yanran calmly, the indifferent words fell, raised hand , The billowing dark clouds over the square rolled violently.

Within a moment, with a high-pitched dragon roar, a Thunder Dragon intertwined with lightning came out of the dark clouds carrying a terrifying power.

Gu du!

Feeling the monstrous imposing manner on the Thunder Dragon, the crowd in the square wriggled their throats subconsciously, their eyes staring straight.

hong long long!

Under the horrified gazes of everyone, the hundred zhang Thunder Dragon suddenly rolled over as if it had received some kind of instruction.

In just a moment, I swam from one end of the rocking stone gamble square to the other. Wherever I passed, thunder roared and thunder fell, pavilion, houses, lotus ponds, rockery, etc. This kind of building collapsed.

In just a few seconds, the original luxury stone gamble square was turned into ruins. Obviously there is no raging fire, but there are traces of anxiety on every piece of rubble that collapsed.

After destroying the entire stone gamble square, I saw Thunder Dragon lying on the top of the square. The huge head swept through the crowd in turn. The monstrous and terrifying breath instantly spread, and some ordinary persons were directly here. Under the breath, his legs were frightened, and he collapsed directly to the ground.

There is another dragon roar!

The hundred zhang-long Thunder Dragon suddenly opened its huge mouth, and several lightning spit in the mouth, one after another accurately on the source stones that had not been cut.

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ ……

In an instant, all the source rocks burst open, and several pieces of different sizes originated from the source rocks.

The surface that looked towards those sources is smoother than the Peak Source Master unwrapped.

xiū xiū xiū 咻!

Not waiting for everyone to react from the shock, these inexplicably bursting sources all flew towards Chu Bei.

"Since you behave like this, it is not an exaggeration for me to forcibly accept these source stones."

The calm voice of Chu Bei floated from the air, A crowd of people came back to his senses under this voice.

next moment, the gazes looked towards Chu Bei one by one were like seeing a ghost, all of them stiffened like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Especially Ji Ziyue, his little mouth is like a hard-boiled egg, his eyes are round, his brain seems to have lost the ability to think, standing there like a wood motionless, Staring at Chu Bei blankly.

The freeze-frame expression is like recognizing a person again.

As for Xia Yanran, she glanced at the Thunder Dragon above her head, and then looked towards the source that disappeared into Chu Bei's body, directly sucking in a breath of cold air with a face Bewildered like a thunderbolt, like a clay sculpture and wood sculpture, the eyes staring at Chu Bei were full of vigilance.

"Oh my God, this is a misunderstanding, he is simply not as ordinary on the surface!"

"If I guess right, he is probably old enough When you’re grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather."

"Who is he? Is it from Holy Land or Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family?"

"I am now I want to understand that the two source stones of his feelings were not randomly selected. Maybe he has mastered a kind of terrifying ability to distinguish sources! It's just that he pityed Sun Fangzhu and kicked it on an iron plate."

"How can he be called pitiful? This is called self-inflicted evil! If this source with the unusual form of the flying fairy in the stone was cut out by us, what do you think the ending will be?"

... …

After the spirit slowly recovers, a crowd of people focused on Chu Bei's body, laughing and talking about speculation.

"What are you coming from!" Ji Ziyue swallowed saliva and said, after seeing Chu Bei's methods, there was no more arrogance before, and there was a little more respect in his eyes.

"Didn’t I tell you? I met your distant ancestor." Chu Bei smiled at Ji Ziyue: "As for the road number, before the ancient times, the world called me Boss Chu."

"Boss Chu? How does this name sound familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere."

"What? So you are Boss Chu! With one person, from a group of Great Demon, Ancient Desolate Ji Family, Flickering Light Holy Land, Jade Lake Holy Land, these Great Influence battles, grabbed three treasures of Boss Chu!"

"Where did he come from? Just be specific. Let’s talk about it!"

"I just learned about this news. It is reported that a few hours ago, the Monster Emperor tomb was born in the ruins of primordial. Three treasures were revealed, one is the Human Race Fairy Road. The second is the treasure once lost in the Central Plain, and the third is the heart of the Great Emperor. In the case of Great Influence glare like a tiger watching his prey, a mysterious person with no difficulty encapsulated these three treasures in it, this The person is Boss Chu!"

"What? There is such a thing!"


Amid the exclaiming and clamor, a crowd of people looked up again Looking at the hundred zhang Thunder Dragon that was horizontally above his eyes, when his gaze returned to Chu Bei's body, there was more respect besides consternation.

As for Xia Yanran, after hearing these stories about Chu Bei, his whole body was tense like a stone, and his heart sank as if filled with cold lead.

"Boss, this source hasn't been cut yet." Collecting all the sources into the Spatial Ring, Ye Fan looked towards Chu Bei and looked towards the half-solved source stone.

After Ye Fan's reminder, everyone's eyes in the field fell on the source stone again, each with their eyes full of expectation.

Chu Bei smiled indifferently, and with a wave of his sleeves, a serpentine lightning flashed over the source stone.

Suddenly, the stone skin fell off, and there was a sound of falling to the ground.

in an instant, the bright rays of light are shining in all directions, a ball of brilliance rushes out, shrouded continuously flying in the air. The fragrance is tangy, the light and shadow swirl around, very dreamy.

This is a silver white rays of light, extremely sacred, shrouded with everyone flying, an intoxicating fragrance permeates.

"Want to run?"

Suddenly, the sky-splitting sound started, and the group of silver white radiance split open space was far away. However, before scouring a hundred meters, the Thunder Dragon flailing across the square flicked its tail, and instantly whipped the silver white radiance towards Guanghua.

Perhaps Thunder Dragon’s strength is too strong, and the silver radiance outside the radiance of that group is instantly dimmed, revealing its inner appearance.

"Rare, this is indeed a rare plant!"

"Look carefully, this rare plant is incomplete!"

"Too It's a pity, how could this be?"

When everyone looked at everything in the light group, their expressions of astonishment contained a little regret, because this is not a complete fairy treasure, it lacks the key plant section.

In the light cluster, the pale blue rhizome is crystal clear and near-transparent like sapphire, but there are no leaves above the rhizome.

However, this plant is rare and very special. The light blue roots are connected to a pair of tubers shaped like soles of feet. They are not very large, only one inch long, and are silver white.

Because the tuber is too similar to the soles of human feet, if you don’t look closely, you think it was a broken foot from a little jade man.

"This...this seems to be..."

"Legend, Immemorial has a divine medicine that does not grow leaves and looks like a human body. Could this be the divine medicine?"

"It is very likely! It has been extinct for endless years. Only its shape and specific functions are known, but almost no one knows."

"Since it is called divine medicine, it must be There are incredible miraculous effects and priceless!"


Some people who know something about ancient divine medicine, after identifying the incomplete spirit plant, their eyes surged. A rush of enthusiasm, it seems that I can't wait to take it as my own immediately.

"Let's go, there is nothing for us here."

Chu Bei took the incomplete Xianzhen, glanced at Chu Bei, and gave Ji Ziyue another look, and took a step The shaking light stone gamble square has been turned into ruins.


As soon as Chu Bei left on the front foot, the ruins on the back foot were full of people.

"Who can tell me what happened? The good Shagguang Stone Gamble Square turned into ruins!"

"The Shake Light Stone Gamble Square is not Back to Flickering Light Holy Land? Looking at the entire Eastern Wilderness, who would dare to provoke such an overlord! Where is Yanran Fairy in Flickering Light Holy Land?"

"As far as I know, Master Sun Fang has already Stepping into the Dao Palace realm, speaking of his strength is still above the six Celestial Grotto Sect Masters, how could he watch his gambling house become like this? What, he is dead!"

"Listen to what you guys say, then this rock gamble square really deserves it! It did such an incongruous thing! But, do you know where this Boss Chu is going? Haven't seen him really Rong!"


On the ruins, the noise was everywhere, all discussing Chu Bei.

Azure Wind City, on a branch road connecting the main road.

"little girl, haven't you played enough yet? Don't return to Ji Family?" Chu Bei turned his head and looked towards behind Ji Ziyue like a tag-a-long.

"Boss Chu, can't you let me see the heart of the Great Emperor and the Central Plain treasure?" Ji Ziyue coquettishly tugged at the corner of Chu Bei's clothes, not afraid that this one has Heavenspan The big man of the means.

"Why don't you believe what I said? The heart of the Great Emperor has really been given away, and I lost the piece of broken copper." Chu Bei stopped, and once again Looking at Ji Ziyue, he said very seriously.

"hmph, I have been following you until I see me. It's fun to follow you anyway." Ji Ziyue stuck out his tongue playfully and made up his mind to follow Chu Bei.

"little fellow, are you interested in becoming my agent?" Chu Bei stopped and looked at Ji Ziyue with a smile.

The reason why he made such a big move in the shaking stone gamble shop, besides teaching the owner, is to show Ji Ziyue his hand.

"What is an agent?" Ji Ziyue's eyes rounded, his face full of curiosity.

"I am a businessman. If you become my agent, you will be able to buy the goods I own at a low price. Apart from this, you can also get a commission by selling my goods." Chu Bei Looking at Ji Ziyue calmly and composed, he said slowly.

Ji Ziyue rested his chin in his hand, thought for a while, and tentatively said: "Among the treasures you are talking about, is there your technique of discerning the source?"

"Naturally "The corner of Chu Bei's mouth raised, and his confident eyes didn't seem to worry that Ji Ziyue would refuse.

"Okay, I am willing to be your agent!"

This is indeed the case. After listening to Chu Bei's words, Ji Ziyue readily agreed.

"Then drop a blood on it." Chu Bei casually threw the agent ring to Ji Ziyue.

"You don't look like a bad person."

Ji Ziyue took the proxy ring, and after hesitating again for a while, clenched the teeth, tapped his index finger, and a drop of red blood fell on Acting on the ring.

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