[Host signed Level 1 agent Ji Ziyue successfully]

[Level 1 agent signed gift package distribution]

[Cultivation base conversion is accelerating 】


Listening to the system tone that sounded punctually in his mind, Chu Bei was satisfied and nodded.

In addition to the sources previously contributed to the system from the stone gamble workshop, when the system tone stops, the conversion progress has reached 40%.

In the system's agent interface, there is another Ji Ziyue on the Level 1 agent list.

As for the rear of the conversion progress bar, the realm of Chu Bei currently displayed in Shrouding The Heavens plane is: four poles!

Like Ye Fan, system also gave a signing reward gift box.

"As my agent, naturally I must have a small meeting gift."

Chu Bei clicked and signed the gift package, a square box appeared out of thin air, and threw it to Ji Ziyue.

Ji Ziyue hadn't digested the information flow about Level 1 agents that suddenly appeared in his mind, and saw Chu Bei throw a square box over and took it quickly.

The square box is opened, and in it are three groups of shrouded mist next to each other, all around shrouded fairy mist.

"Boss, is this?"

Ji Ziyue's face was confused, and when she reached out to the three groups, the latter surged at the same time and quickly disappeared. Ji Ziyue inside.


"Don't be nervous, the three regiments just now are named three-color domineering. They are seeing and hearing domineering, armed domineering, and domineering domineering. You are not Do you want to learn my technique of discerning the source? It is seeing and hearing and domineering."

The three groups are entangled into the body, and as soon as Ji Ziyue spoke with an anxious voice, Chu Bei interrupted.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Ji Ziyue took a long breath, and then began to close eyes to feel the changes in his body.

After learning about the magical effect of the three-color domineering, Ji Ziyue couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and the color of joy exhibited one's feelings in one's speech.

"many thanks Boss! I must cultivation these three-color domineering!"

After a while, Ji Ziyue opened his eyes and moved towards Chu Bei excitedly and bowed.


Shortly after signing Ji Ziyue, there was another hum in Chu Bei Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Looking at the new third red dot not far away on the agent location map, Chu Bei smiled knowingly, and brought Ji Ziyue and Ye Fan into the air.


After a quarter of an hour.

"Boss, even if you really want to eat, why do you have to come to such a remote place?"

Ye Fan looked at Chu Bei with some puzzlement and looked at the latter It doesn't look like you are going to eat, it's more like looking for something.

"That's it."

Chu Bei suddenly stopped in front of a slightly shabby shop.

Looking up, I saw a flag full of holes erected up ahead of this shop. The four characters'Jiang Clan Restaurant' on the flag are particularly conspicuous.


As Chu Bei stepped into the restaurant, a little boy bumped into him.

"Yes...I'm sorry, big brother, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it..."

This is a five or six-year-old little girl with patches all over her clothes , The dress is very simple and simple, with two horn braids, is very cute, and the red face is like a red apple.

But at this moment, perhaps because of fear, the little girl’s long eyelashes were trembling, tears rolled down, her red face was covered with tears, and her patched sleeves kept wiping tears.

"Don't be afraid, we are just here to eat."

Chu Bei bent down and wiped the little girl's tears, then hugged her and walked into the restaurant.

The area of ​​the restaurant is not big, it can be said to be very small, there are only two long tables inside, a total of eight tables. Moreover, these tables and chairs are quite old at first glance, and they have been wiped to give birth to a luster, but they look antique and very clean.

"Big brother, you put Tingting down, and Tingting will cook for you." The little girl struggled, seeming to be anxious to cook from Chu Bei's arms.

"Do you cook?"

Looking at this little girl who is not as high as the table, Ye Fan on the side twitched his lips: "Where are the elders in your family?"

"Daddy and mother are dead, grandfather he...he..."

The little girl bit her lips tightly, she said, her voice suffocated, and her tears stayed.

"What happened to your grandfather? Don't be afraid, tell your big brother, maybe big brother can help you."

Chu Bei sits upright On the chair, she pulled the little girl into her arms.

His third Level 1 agent is the little girl in front of him.

"The big brother...grandfather was taken away by the bad guys, but grandfather said, he will come back..."

As I talked, the little girl’s eyes were red again Now, the long eyelashes are softly trembled and tears fall. She lowered her head to look at her patched shoes, and whispered: "But...but three days have passed, grandfather hasn't come back yet..."

Step on!

Just then, there was a sound of footsteps, and a middle-aged woman walked in.

"Aunt Liu, my big brother, they are here to eat." Seeing the middle-aged woman, Little TingTing wiped away tears immediately.

"Tell big brother, who took your grandfather away? Big brother will help you bring grandfather back, and fiercely tidy up these bad guys." Chu Bei pityingly touched the girl's little girl. Head.

"Little Brother, don't mess around."

Hearing what Chu Bei said, the middle-aged woman pulled a chair and sat down and said, "Li Family has a cultivation person, It's not something we mortals can afford. Uncle Jiang and the others are taken away, I am afraid it will be difficult to come back."

"Li Family? Is it also an Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family?" Ye Fan curiously face asked.

"What is Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family?" The middle-aged woman looked blank.

"Auntie, then tell us in detail, what kind of background does Li Family have? And why did they take Tingting's grandfather?"

Looking at Little With the appearance of TingTing sobbing, Ji Ziyue felt even more compassionate and took it into his arms.

Under Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue's constant questioning, the middle-aged woman sighed and said something.

The so-called Li Family is one of the largest households in this city. More than half of its clan younger generation are dísciple of Red Mist Sanctuary. Among them, Patriarch Li Hai is the Third Elder of Red Mist Sanctuary, occupying a hill in Celestial Grotto.

Coincidentally, Tingting’s father and mother entered Red Mist Sanctuary cultivation almost at the same time as Li Hai’s son. But in terms of its cultivation innate talent, Tingting's parents are far above Li Hai's son.

Li Hai’s son had a wrong mind and misbehavior. He did a bad thing in Celestial Grotto, and Little TingTing’s dad was too upright and couldn’t help but make a move. The result was Liangzi.

Because of the extraordinary father aptitude of Tingting, she is particularly respected at Red Mist Sanctuary, and she is not afraid of Li Family. However, there will be misfortunes and blessings in the future. During an outing to collect spiritual medicine, Tingting's parents unfortunately died under the claws of ominous beasts.

Since then, the people of Li Family have no scruples and have robbed Tingting’s restaurant directly. In order to make a living, grandmother and granddaughter can only go back to this remote alley to run this extremely dilapidated little restaurant.

But even if both grandfather and grandson are forced to this point, Li Family people still come to bully from time to time. Not three days ago, Li Hai sent people to say that his mountain was missing a sweeper, and he just grabbed Uncle Jiang away.

"Although we don't understand Li Family people, who makes them immortal. Why are good people always bullied and don't live long, and bad people live a hundred years?"

"That's because the person who punishes the bad guys is late."

After talking about Tingting's family, the middle-aged woman sighed, followed by Chu Bei's calm voice.

"Little TingTing, go with the big brother to pick up grandfather and go home, okay?" Chu Bei squeezed Little TingTing's pink face.

"Aunt Liu said, grandfather was taken to Red Mist Sanctuary, a distance of a hundred li or so..." Little TingTing kneaded the corners of clothes full of patches, but his immature words have not yet been said. After that, there was a sudden thunder in the ear.

next moment, a ray of rainbow light flashed in the dilapidated restaurant, Chu Bei, Ye Fan, Ji Ziyue, Little TingTing disappeared, leaving only the middle-aged woman with a look of astonishment.

A hundred li or so outside.

"Big brother, this...here..."

In the sky, Little TingTing is afraid of holding Chu Bei's thigh, and her little face is full of tension.

Below, that is a continuous mountain range. The spiritual qi in the mountain range is rich, which is the best place for cultivation. In the mountain range, there are several hills, and on each hill there are more or less towering pavilions.

"Your grandfather is here."

Chu Bei picked up Little TingTing, and quickly locked a hilltop under his domineering look, and he appeared in On the top of the hill.

In the rolling thunder rumbling sound, a few long rainbow threads flew out from the top of the mountain in a short while, led by a black clothed middle-aged man.

"Are you Li Hai?" Chu Bei looked at the black clothed man.

"Exactly, I wonder why Fellow Daoist is looking for me?" Li Hai browses frowned.

"This seat is here for one person."

The indifferent voice fell, Chu Bei right hand explored the hill below, a touch of purple light emerged from the palm, and then flew out .

"grandfather, grandfather!"

When the purple light turned back, Little TingTing, who was in Chu Bei's arms, suddenly yelled with excitement, and the shouts were filled with joy. But when he completely saw that silhouette in the purple light, his tears fell down again.

This is a hair grey-white old man. The years have left one after another mark on his face, full of wrinkles, and looks weather-beaten. Like Little TingTing, his clothes are also patched a lot.

What is irritating is that the face of the white-haired old man at this moment is covered with blood, and the wrinkled cheeks are clearly visible. One after another bruises and fingerprints, even the loose gray hair is dyed Blood stains.

At first, the white haired old man looked blank. After seeing Little TingTing, the sunken eyes were full of joy.


Little TingTing cried sadly, with big red eyes, and wiped the blood from the old man's face with a small sleeve.

"Tingting doesn't cry, grandfather is fine." The old man hugged Little TingTing tightly, his face full of kindness.

"How can this bunch of bastards bear to treat a dying old man like this!"

"They all deserve to die!"

Looking at the blood on the old man’s face, Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue squeezed fiercely with both fists, only to feel heartache and raging anger that was difficult to suppress.

Tingting’s little face is covered with sad tears, which makes people feel distressed and pity.

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