"You really deserve to die."

Seeing such an elderly kindly old man being bullied so much, then watching Little TingTing, who is covered in patches, crying so sad, Chu Bei's face was completely heavy. In the cold eyes looking towards Li Hai and the others, it is not difficult to see the thick killing intent contained therein.

"Patriarch, they are here for this old undying!" There are several men standing behind Li Hai's. Judging from the names, they are obviously Li Family members.

"I wonder what the relationship between Fellow Daoist and their grandchildren is?" Li Hai pointed at the old man and the girl, and looked at Chu Bei warily.

Chu Bei glanced at Li Hai faintly, and said nothing, just the right hand volleyed.

Suddenly, in the sound of chi chi electric current, a thunder giant palm of several hundred zhang long appeared in the sky far away.

Looking at the thunder giant palm appearing out of thin air above his head, Li Hai's pupils suddenly surged with fear, but before he could react, the giant palm was snapped.


Li Hai and the group of Li Family people behind them were overwhelmed by lightning flash before they even made a miserable scream. Skeleton doesn't exist.

hong long!

After killing Li Hai and the others, the thunder giant palm continued to swept down and shot directly on the top of the mountain below.

Along with a loud noise, the mountain top that had originally stood on the ground disappeared suddenly. Instead, it was replaced by a huge palm pit with a depth of tens of meters, in which the scorched squeezed together were faintly visible. forest.

From the appearance of the thunder giant palm, to the death of Li Hai and the others, to the disappearance of the mountain into a pit...all this happened in the light of calcium carbide.


The old man looked down in horror, swallowed saliva and said for a long while: "Tingting, who are these immortal?"

"The big brother is here to eat."

Little TingTing bit his lip lightly, his eyes panicked, and muttered in a low voice, "I don't know he will fly."

"Boss, good job!"

"Even old people hurt, deserve it!"

Ye Fan Ji Ziyue moved towards Chu Bei successively Thumb up.

xiū xiū xiū!

In the loud noise of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, several long rainbow threads flew out of the remaining hills in the continuous mountain range.

Soon, dozens of silhouettes, dominated by a daoist robe man in white, appeared together in front of Chu Bei.

"Boss Chu!"

Seeing Chu Bei clearly, white clothed man eyes suddenly shrank.

Hearing the name of the white clothed man, the Elders behind him trembled suddenly. Although they only knew this name for a few hours, it was already deeply imprinted in their minds.

"Sect Master of Red Mist Sanctuary, I didn't expect to meet again so soon." Chu Bei put his hands behind his back and greeted him indifferently.

"Old Ancestor, I don’t know what conflict I have between Celestial Grotto's Lehi Elder and you?"

When I think of the person in front of me with strength above the Dragon Transformation realm, Red Mist Sanctuary Sect Master's face is not only not angry, but more respectful, and the words are also extremely nervous, seemingly afraid of something wrong.

"Not even an ordinary old man in his seventies, do you think he deserves to die? This time is just a mountain. If you don’t manage your people well, next time I’m afraid the entire Red Mist Sanctuary will be I'm going to disappear on this swallow ground."

The voice of Supreme's majesty floated from the air, and the Red Mist Sanctuary Sect Master was slightly trembled. Just about to say something, there was a touch of lightning in my sight. The flash flashed, Chu Bei, Ye Fan and other entire groups have disappeared.

"Sect Master, he..."

"Through my order, no one at Celestial Grotto shall do anything to bully the ordinary person! Otherwise, kill without mercy!"

" p>


On the top of a mountain below, there are also two figures staring blankly in the direction where the lightning flash flashes. It is Li Xiaomin and Zhou Yi.


"many thanks immortal, many thanks immortal......"

When returning to the shabby restaurant, the old man held Little TingTing and moved again and again Bow and thank you towards Chu Bei.

"You don't need to be so polite. After you are my old deceased, I never imagined that your both grandfather and grandson have fallen to this point." Chu Bei pretended to sigh.

"Immortal met my ancestors?" The old man said with surprise.

Chu Bei nodded, did not say much.

Night gradually fell.

Since the meal, Ye Fan used the source gifted by Chu Bei to enter the state of cultivation.


As black sources were absorbed, a powerful breath finally burst out of Ye Fan's body, and the void in which it was located was shaken.

Looking ahead, Ye Fan is full of energy, and the golden god Fire Physique is burning.

"Is this the Life Spring realm?" Ye Fan got up, his eyes divine light deep and clear, like two bolts of lightning shot out, especially bright.

Compared with before the breakthrough, Ye Fan now has a majestic imposing manner. The breath released out shakes the ground violently.

At this moment, at the center of Ye Fan's Sea of ​​Bitterness, a spring appeared to communicate the wheel of life. The divine spring was gurgling, shrouded with a misty color mist.

"What a monster!"

Ji Ziyue on the side looked at Ye Fan and mumbled. The guy in front of him, from Sea of ​​Bitterness to Life Spring, used a hundred times more than ordinary people.

What's more terrifying is that the opponent's physique turned out to be a Lightning Remote Antiquity Sacred Body!

Using the lightning essence, and then absorbing the source crazily, cultivation speed can only be described as horror.

"Boss, what do you think is better for me to sacrifice?" Ye Fan asked Chu Bei.

The Four Great Realms of Sea of ​​Bitterness, Life Spring, God Bridge, and the other bank, each realm can be sacrificed to a kind of weapon, which is similar to its own magic weapon, or used for defense or attack .

Now, he has reached the Life Spring realm, theoretically he can sacrifice two kinds of tools.

"Do you know the principle of'One Artifact Breaking Ten Thousand Techniques, I will kill a hundred flowers after blooming'?" Chu Bei asked Ye Fan.

"Boss, what do you mean?"

"A single tool is dedicated to cultivating a powerful tool, and all powerful tools are made by the combination of four realms. In short, I want The most powerful tools, Sea of ​​Bitterness, Life Spring, God Bridge, and the other side, only one type of tool, not four."

"Boss, in your opinion, disciple sacrifice Which tool is the best?"

"The more profound and complex the tool is, the more difficult it is to form. They contain the principles and principles between Heaven and Earth. But once they are formed, they can be One Artifact Breaking Ten Thousand Techniques, which can be described as One Artifact Breaking Ten Thousand Techniques. Daqi is born late. I recommend you to worship the cauldron for your teacher! As for which kind of cauldron, you decide by yourself."


With the answer in my heart, Ye Fan moved towards Chu Bei bowed.

"A late bloomer, One Artifact Breaking Ten Thousand Techniques?" Ji Ziyue listened in a vertical ear, but nodded.

At the same time.

"Have you heard? That Boss Chu ruined one of the six Celestial Grotto, a hill in the Red Mist Sanctuary."

"You don’t even know about such a big thing. No! As far as I know, it seems that Boss Chu couldn’t understand the Third Elder of Red Mist Sanctuary and bullied an ordinary old man of surnamed Jiang."

"In that case, this Boss Chu is pretty good. If you have a sense of justice, I admire him more."


The discussion about Chu Bei in Yandi has become more and more intense, and even circulated in every corner About the deeds of'Boss Chu', talks before and after tea and dinner.

2nd day.

As soon as it started to light up, Azure Wind City saw a dozen riders and horses, all of which were extremely strange brutal beasts, each showing off talent.

The mount in the middle is the most extraordinary. It is covered with Golden scales and divine splendor shrouded, as if golden flames are burning.

On the top of this mount sits a twenty four-five-year-old young man, wearing a white coat, looking very refined, with a gentle smile on his face, very handsome, his eyes are like water, faintly Shenhua circulating, it can be called abundance like jade.

On his left is an azure beast, resembling a liger, with a jade horn blooming Five Colored Divine Light on his head, on which sits a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy, wearing a qingyi, Heroic air force, but there is a faint arrogance, looking at everything in the town seems to be disdainful.

To the right of the young man is a gleaming silver beast, shaped like a sacred deer, covered with silver scales, on which sits a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, skin like fat, eyes like limpid autumn The water is foggy, red lips are a little bit, very beautiful, but it gives people a feeling of unattainable, with a hint of arrogance.

The dozen or so beasts behind these three people are also extraordinary. They are all very rare alien species. They have thick scales or jade-like bodies. They all have rays of light flashing. From 20 to 40 years old, both men and women wear solemn killing aura, and a powerful fighting intent gathers around them.

"Where do these people come from? They are definitely not ordinary people!"

"I don't know, anyway, they are not our people. Looking at those powerful mounts, I am afraid they are from outside Yandi Those Great Influences."

"Why do these existences come to remote places like ours?"

"Why can't they come? Boss Chu is here!"



On the street, a crowd of residents watched a grand line of imposing manner, sucked in a breath of cold air.

"I heard that there are surnamed Jiang people here? I was bullied yesterday? Does anyone of you know where this surnamed Jiang person lives?" The team stopped and a Knight was ordered to the street The person on asks.

"Don't be afraid, we are not malicious, we just confirm whether there is surnamed Jiang here."

Seeing the horrified face of the residents, the middle-aged Knight tried his best to be kind Look. But even so, as an experienced Knight, a temper of knife and blood, a Qi of Slaughter naturally released, ordinary people are still scared witless after being sensed.

"Are you looking for Bo Jiang? These streets are both grandfather and grandson surname Jiang." A resident said.

"Where do they live?" Hearing this, the young man headed by him showed joy and asked immediately.

"Turn left on the street in front, and the seventh one is called'Jiang Clan Restaurant'." The resident continued.

"Many thanks." The young man immediately took control of the savage beast and moved towards the direction pointed by the inhabitant.

Not far away, after a middle-aged woman heard it, she immediately took a shortcut and ran towards the Jiang Clan restaurant.

"Xiaohong, why did you panic early in the morning?" The old man walked out of the kitchen.

"Aunt Liu, what's the matter with you?"

Little TingTing happened to finish washing a plate of red wild fruits, and brought it over, with big black eyes blinking. Curious rays of light flashed.

Liu Hong glanced at Chu Bei who was sitting on the side, first greeted him respectfully, and then told Uncle Jiang what he had just seen and heard.

After all, curiously asked: "Bo Jiang, have you ever met with these outsiders?"

Uncle Jiang shook his head repeatedly and said: "I lived more than seventy years old , I’ve almost never been far from the town. It’s impossible to know people like that."

"Jiang Family, I came here very quickly."

After listening to Liu Hong, Chu Bei had some suspicions in his mind, picked up Little TingTing's washed wild fruits and threw a few into his mouth.

"The forces that can keep the beast in captivity are not simple." Ji Ziyue murmured, a little more curious in the beautiful eyes.

"Let’s see what they look like."

Little TingTing Shuilingling’s big eyes showed many small stars, and she ran out of the small restaurant and looked at the end of the street curiously. The children's temperament is undoubtedly revealed.

Liu Hong seems to have thought of something: "Will it be related to Tingting's parents?"


There was a flash in the eyes of the old man Sadly, said: "They have been in Red Mist Sanctuary cultivation, never traveled far, and the friends they know are all in the same family."

"grandfather, here comes, they are here! Hurry up! Come and see the beast!" Little TingTing stood at the entrance of the small restaurant, his red face was both excited and surprised.

The old man walked out hurriedly, only to see a dozen riders rushing over quickly, there was no dust, all the beasts were three inches above the ground, walking on air.

"They are so fierce."

When the beast approached, Little TingTing hid behind the old man in fear.

On the beast, all Knights naturally release a powerful murderous aura, and an inherent fighting intent is permeating.

"Which one of you is surnamed Jiang?"

A dozen wild beasts stopped in front of the small restaurant, shaking its head and wagging its tail, the scales flashed and bloomed Various rays of light.

The youngster headed by the refined and handsome youngster asked. He wears clothes whiter than snow, and his eyes are like water, occasionally turning out a little divine splendor. He doesn't have a dusty temperament.

Uncle Jiang's wrinkled face was full of doubts, and said: "I am, I don't know what immortal people are asking for me?"

See the old man's face engraved on his face After years of wind and frost, one after another fold has already appeared, a look of dying years. The sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy sitting on the five-color beast suddenly frowned and said: "Brother Yifei, this is just a life essence that will end. The ordinary old man, impossible is the one we are looking for."

Hearing this, the young man in white glanced at the boy. The boy seemed a little hesitant, stopped talking and stopped saying anything.

"Uncle, have you always lived here?"

"Yes, almost never travelled far."

"Your ancestors lived here, Or did you move to this town later?"

"My father's generation moved here, I was born here, what do you do?"

"Uncle, you Where's father?"

"It has been more than fifty years old."

"What..." At the end of the dialogue, the white clothed man was stunned, and Ruyu's face appeared. A hint of surprise.

"Brother Yifei, let me just say, he is just an ordinary Messy Old Man." The teenager on the five-color beast showed an impatient look, as if he wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

"Shut up!"

The white clothed man glared at him, then turned around and continued to ask: "Uncle, is your father named Jiang Zhe?"

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