Amidst the thunderous thunder, the thunder giant palm that covered half of the sky like the doomsday crashed down, facing the strongest attack of the five Extreme Dao Weapons.

No fancy, no brilliant explosions, no deafening noise, no...

I saw the black purple thunder giant palm crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. After Extreme Dao Weapons's tyrannical attack, it blasted directly on the bodies of powerful Powerhouses such as Shaking Light Holy Lord and Peacock King.

dang dang!

I noticed the palpitating destroying heaven extinguishing earth energy contained in the black purple thunder giant palm at close range. There is not a trace of all powers Hesitating, immediately raised the Extreme Dao Weapons to block.

In the continuous metal rumbling sound, the five Extreme Dao Weapons broke away from the powerhouse almost at the same time and were shocked. Fortunately, these Extreme Dao Weapons bear the power of 9-Layer in the thunder giant palm.

But even if the remaining layer of mighty strikes are on a group of powerful people, they still make their blood tumbling, their mouths spit out blood essence, and their faces pale.

"Dare to do it again and die!"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from far away in the sky.

This time, Chu Bei’s voice was filled with a cold killing intent, and it was full of Supreme majesty, which completely stunned a group of powerful Powerhouses.

Five indifferent syllables drifted from the sky, echoing in the minds of everyone in the field.

Far away in the sky, the slightly thin youth man stood with his hand holding his hand. He didn't glance at Da Neng Powerhouse again, his eyes were always fixed on the Bronze Immortal Palace.

But at this moment, even if a group of powerful Powerhouses resummoned and returned to Extreme Dao Weapons, they could only stand on the spot in a daze, and did not dare to make any more moves.

In the two joint attacks of Extreme Dao Weapons, they thoroughly saw the strength gap between themselves and that silhouette above.

This is not on the same level at all!

A group of powerful Powerhouses looked at each other in blank dismay, and from time to time they cast their gazes at the silhouette above. Although they were unwilling, they did not move at all.

When they arrived at this realm, they naturally understood that the other party’s previous attacks had retained their hands. If they persist in your own wrong doings, they might really body dies and Dao disappears.

"Lunhai, Dao Palace, Quadrupole, Dragon Transformation, half-step Supreme Being, Da Neng...cultivation road, what is the realm above Da Neng?"

"What kind of realm is this Boss Chu! He even raised his hand and stunned the power of using Extreme Dao Weapons."

"Is he really like that lunatic, living like a lunatic? Has he been an old monster for thousands or even tens of thousands of years?"

"Maybe he can unlock the secret of Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones."

"Why is he staring Bronze Immortal Palace? What is in the fairy palace? Is he also for the chance to become an immortal?"


The counterous cultivators below stared at Chu Bei high in the sky in a daze. From the back, the color of stunned eyes was a little confused and dazed.

While everyone was discussing Chu Bei, the sky not far away suddenly rune shrouded and was extremely gorgeous.

A cool breeze is blowing, and a tall man walks out of the rune, revealing a righteous face, bronze, straight nose and mouth, with sharp edges and corners.

Except for his hollow eyes, this is a very stalwart man, just like an Immortal War God, which is awe-inspiring.

" this the old lunatic just six thousand years ago?"

The cultivator, including Da Neng Powerhouse, looked at the stalwart man , For a moment, when his gaze swept across the clothes that the other party was wearing, he immediately rounded his eyes in surprise, revealing an incredible look.

Judging from the other's clothes, the stalwart man in front of him is indeed the old lunatic.

"Why did he suddenly become like this? Did it suddenly change?" Everyone looked at a loss.

A moment ago, she was still grey-haired and messy, her body was thin and old, her eyes were muddy, and she was crazy.

Nowadays, it is very different. The body is strong, the hair is black and thick, and they are different from each other, as if they have gained an immortal youth.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, the stalwart man walked towards the high-altitude Chu Bei. Every step he took, the void would resonate with him, and the weird rune under his feet seemed to contain the Avenue of Heaven and Earth. .

"The dead bones are boundless, the corpse mountain and the sea of ​​blood, it is here..."

"You are very strong, but even you can't stop it."

old lunatic sometimes awake and sometimes crazy, walking around Chu Bei, babbling in his mouth.

"Poor man."

Chu Bei glanced at the old lunatic, hissed indifferently, his eyes returned to the Bronze Immortal Palace, his eyes shot out two divine lights, like two lights The golden lamp was as bright as it was, directly penetrating the purple clouds and shining on the Bronze Immortal Palace.

"What is the'it' that the old lunatic has been talking about? Could it be the Desolate Slave in the ancient restricted area, has it destroyed the entire Heavenly Jade Holy Land?"

"Have you forgotten that the day when Heavenly Jade Holy Land bled, was the day when Bronze Immortal Palace appeared?"

"You mean, the old lunatic called it, it refers to it Is it the Bronze Immortal Palace? Or is it the existence of it?"

"Don’t guess, now I don’t even know what is in the Bronze Immortal Palace."


The eyes of the cultivator in the field are constantly switching between Chu Bei and old lunatic.

dong, dong, dong 咚、

While everyone is still immersed in heated discussions, the endless and endless purple clouds on the sky are like churning, with layers of waves rolling Overlay.

At the same time, the huge Bronze Immortal Palace in Yunxia began to sway slightly, and there were rhythmic beatings.

The low and weird knocking sound is like the magic sound from hell. With each knocking sound, the hearts of all the cultivators in the field trembled fiercely and inexplicably rise in the mind.

"What is this sound! Then there must be immortal fate coming out of the Bronze Immortal Palace?" A number of cultivators raised their eyes and stared at the trembling Bronze Immortal Palace.

"If you don't want to die, stay away immediately!" Suddenly, Chu Bei lowered his head and scanned the crowd below, confessing his indifferent voice.

However, even if Chu Bei's voice echoed between Heaven and Earth, only a few people below hesitated and moved towards the distance.

As for the others, look at each other and remain unmoved.

Looking at a number of cultivators indifferent below, Chu Bei shook the head, I won’t say more.


After a while, the huge Bronze Immortal Palace suddenly let out a piercing roar.


Suddenly, a terrifying roar came from the sky, which was accompanied by strange waves of impact and friction.

"What happened?"

"This roar, are there any living creatures in the Bronze Immortal Palace?"

"Look, from the Immortal Palace The door is open!"


Listening to the roaring from above, all the cultivator complexion greatly changed.

"Amitabha, Master Dao has calculated it, the crisis is coming!" Fat Daoist Priest Duan De played with the Buddha in his hand, after chanting a few words, looked towards Ji Ziyue and Ye Fan beside him, " Little fellow, do you want to leave with Lord Tao?"

"Even if the Boss can't keep the others, he can keep us." Ye Fan didn't mean to leave at all, and he ate thunder Dan In a critical moment, the body can turn into lightning.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

Bronze Immortal Palace trembles, purple clouds roll, and the roar shakes the entire continuous mountain range, even the wild ancient restricted area not far away is affected The impact.

In the opened gate of the fairy hall, one after another black shadow flew out, entered the purple, and the clouds disappeared.

"Living things, there are real living things!"

In the clouds, inexplicable creatures roar, roaring Heaven and Earth.

"Are they all ancient creatures?" The cultivator below the Dragon Transformation in the field, the soul trembled.

In the sea of ​​clouds, the number of inexplicable creatures is far more than ten. Even if they are far apart, they can sense the horrible breath.

"Isn't there a chance to become a fairy in Bronze Immortal Palace? Why are there so many Immortal creatures?" Everyone looked at the purple sea of ​​clouds in churning, panicking.


The Bronze Immortal Palace trembled, and the sea of ​​purple clouds of grandiose immediately below turned black in an instant, moved towards the bottom and pressed down, the breathtaking breath makes people have one's hair stand on end.


A numerous cultivators have not yet come back to his senses from the astonishment. In the dark cloud, a huge claw protrudes, covering Qing Lin, just like Like a small hill, he grabbed it straight down.

"pu chi !"

Almost instantly, the few people who had fallen under the giant claw were caught and turned into blood mist, destroying both body and soul.

"What kind of creature is that? How huge it is! Kill several Four Extremes Realm Powerhouses with one claw!"

"Such a powerful creature might be against those powerful Powerhouses Now, it will take some effort."

Watching the demise of more than a dozen Powerhouses in that location, all the Powerhouses were dumbfounded, and their bodies were wet with cold sweat.


Amid the noise, the giant claw probed down again, sweeping the void and no one could stop it, and dozens of experts collapsed in the air and became bloody mud .


Another sea of ​​clouds is surging, and a burst of ancient music comes out, murderous aura like violent waves, music like sword cry, sonorous.

The purple sea of ​​clouds has turned white, and a slender woman is faintly seen sitting high on the clouds, plucking an ancient instrument like a zither.

With the sound of the music, the bright beams of light shoot down, and the sound of the zither is like a stormy wave, destroying everything, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

This is a sharp sound of killing, golden horses and iron horses, like myriad horses galloping forward, endless murderous aura swept down, dozens of hundreds of cultivators were penetrated.

In the sky, all dead bodies fall down, all split up and in pieces in endless Qi of Slaughter.

"Is this an ancient humanoid creature!" Ji Ziyue looked at the slender woman in Yunxia in astonishment. The sound of ancient zither in her hand was like stormy sea, and wherever she passed, corpses everywhere across the field.

hong long long!

The third cloud sea quickly evolved and turned into a dark gray. A bloody sharp claw slammed down, and Shrouding The Heavens shrouded the sun like a big mountain, crushing the cultivator below it to dust on the spot.

"Flee! These ancient creatures are not what we are capable of, and they will die if they stay here!"

"This Bronze Immortal Palace is not a chance at all, it is just a Dead end! It’s no wonder that all the Powerhouses three thousand years ago turned into wax corpses. These ancient creatures have at least the strength of the half-step Supreme Being!"

"Perhaps only those powerful Powerhouses can fight them. Well, as for us, it's just cannon fodder."


As more and more cultivator violent deaths, screams one after another. Many cultivators have soared into the sky, trying to move towards the distance.

However, tens of thousands of long rainbow threads have not yet gone away, and a sinister ancient creature rushed out from the endless sea of ​​purple clouds above the sky dome.

These ancient creatures are huge in number, diverse in variety, and strong and weak.

Amidst the rustle, thousands of ancient creatures rushed up while snarling hideously while looking for their targets.


A miserable howl sounded between Heaven and Earth.

"Damn it!"

Looking at the people in your own forces being eaten away by ancient creatures, Shaking Light Holy Lord, Jade Lake Holy Lord, Jiang Family Patriarch and other great powers, their faces are It's hard to see the extreme.

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