"Those powerful Powerhouses have taken action!"

In the battlefield, a group of cultivators fighting fiercely with ancient creatures saw eight powerhouses attacking the purple. The sea of ​​clouds suddenly climbed up in an imposing manner one by one.

Changhong passed by, the Shaking Light Holy Lord was holding the dragon mark tripod, the dragon roar sounded, and the runes were intertwined to form the Golden Dragon Claw, directly fighting with the slender woman playing the ancient zither.

Jiang Family Patriarch holds the Constant Universe Divine Furnace, the flaming flames are condensed into bunches, and the blazing heat burns through the void, hitting the bloody sharp claw.

Jade Lake Holy Lord holding the Pagoda of Fairy Tears, a Divine Phoenix Spreading Wings swept out and attacked the huge unmatched palm protruding from the sea of ​​clouds.


In the blink of an eye, a group of powerful Powerhouses sank into the sea of ​​clouds, and with the power of Extreme Dao Weapons, they chose a powerful ancient creature to fight each other. Even the Peacock King and Cyan Flood Dragon King of Monster Race are on the united front with Human Race at this moment, roaring loudly.

hong long long ——

The purple sea of ​​clouds was hit by the boiling, the sky was like a picture scroll, and the crash-bang sounded, and the violent shaking seemed to be torn and shattered at any time.

"Damn, don't these ancient creatures have consciousness? Must kill life and death?" In the fierce battlefield, a number of cultivators have anger on their faces. Even if someone leaves the battlefield trying to escape, they will immediately Was stared at by the other ancient creature.

Gradually, this battle between Human Race, Monster Race and ancient creatures has evolved into endless undying!

The battle became fiercer and fiercer. At the end, no one in the cultivator could stand by. Even Duan De and Ye Fan were forced to join the battle with ancient creatures.

Heaven and Earth trembles, this is a bloody fight.

Human Race, Monster Race, ancient creatures, blood pouring into the sky, corpses everywhere across the field.

Even the Shaking Light Holy Lord holding Extreme Dao Weapons, Jiang Family Patriarch, Tu Tian and many other powerful Powerhouses, when facing the ancient creatures in the sea of ​​clouds, they continue to bleed.

"I hate it. If you could listen to Boss before, leave this place of right and wrong, now you don't have to fight with these Unknown Creatures."

"It's still greedy. It’s a curse, you shouldn’t have a chance to get a chance to become immortal, this is a dead end!"

"Did Boss Chu enter the Bronze Immortal Palace? Otherwise, why would he let him? Let's go?"


The sound of fierce fighting and remorse.

"The dead bones are boundless, the corpse mountain and the sea of ​​blood..." The old lunatic silhouette wandered in the battlefield, returning to a state of madness.

As for Chu Bei high in the sky, looking at more and more corpses below, listening to the cry for help, just shook the head, so he stopped paying too much attention to it.

He has reminded these guys before. even more how, all his thoughts are now devoted to the existence of Bronze Immortal Palace.

To be precise, he is restraining the opponent with all his strength, battling the existence in the Bronze Immortal Palace.

Dongdong dong!

With the continuation of the battle on the battlefield, the one after another in the Bronze Immortal Palace has a low frequency of percussion faster and faster, even with Divine Consciousness from time to time sound transmission, moved towards Chu Bei issued that unwilling roar of resentment.

"Is this coming out?" Suddenly, Bronze Immortal Palace fell silent, and then Chu Bei's expression became more solemn.


Suddenly, a roar resembling an ancient Great Desolate came from the huge Bronze Immortal Palace above the sea of ​​clouds, and the roar resounded between Heaven and Earth.

The terrifying sound waves penetrated through the great hall, pierced through the sea of ​​clouds, and echoed above the continuous mountain range. The trees below crashed down, and the ground cracked with bottomless gaps, and the rocks in the forest shattered. Broken sound.

Sudden roars floated in the sky, and there were waves of weird friction in the Bronze Immortal Palace, followed by a fierce and violent breath that filled the Great Immortal Hall as the center.

I feel this breathtaking breath. Even the powerful Powerhouses holding Extreme Dao Weapons in the sea of ​​clouds have their faces changed abruptly, not to mention the cultivators whose cultivation base is in the context of Dragon Transformation. , Fell directly into the air under this coercion, collapsed to the ground and the whole body was unable to move even a little bit.

Also in this brief moment, the hideous-looking ancient creatures stopped fighting at the same time, and they knelt down in the direction of Bronze Immortal Palace moved towards Bronze Immortal Palace, with a weird low hissing noise in their mouths. Pious.


A loud roar again, an incomparable spiritual power like destroying heaven extinguishing earth fluctuates from the gate of the fairy hall.

The roar is full of heart-pounding cruelty and tyranny, full of endless destruction and killing. The source of the roar seems to represent the most terrifying calamity in the world, like a Great Desolate savage beast that has awakened from a deep sleep.

weng weng weng!

Suddenly, a skeleton hand without any flesh and blood protruded from the Bronze Immortal Palace. The skeleton hand swayed gently, a white glow sharply enlarged, and then moved towards the sea of ​​clouds. Suppressed away.

Seeing the falling ten thousand zhang white glow, Shaking Light Holy Lord, Jiang Family Patriarch, Tu Tian and other powerful Powerhouse pupils shrank suddenly.

The falling speed of this ten thousand zhang white glow is not fast, even the naked eye can see its moving speed, but what makes this powerful Powerhouse feel terrified is that the white glow lay down from the skeleton hand bones At that moment, their whole bodies were inexplicably imprisoned by an invisible force.

At this moment, they were forcibly disconnected from Extreme Dao Weapons by the invisible force several times higher than themselves, and they could only watch the ten thousand zhang rays of light slowly fall.

Unconsciously, cold sweat began to permeate the foreheads of the eight powerful Powerhouses, and there was a look of horror in their eyes.

When they arrived at this realm, they were most afraid of death. In a faint sense, even if they were better than them, they began to regret coming here, regretting that they had strayed into the death of the moment in search of immortal fate.

"I'm dead, I'm going to die..." The old lunatic was mad, looking at the skeleton hand in front of the gate of the fairy hall, and talked about it.

"What the hell is that skeleton? Is it still a living thing?"

"Where does it come from? What is the relationship between this Bronze Immortal Palace and it? Even these ferocious ancient creatures bow to it!"

"Are those mighty Powerhouses unable to resist? Are we really going to die here today, and those who entered the fairy hall three thousand years ago? The Powerhouse has become a wax corpse."


A numerous cultivators who collapsed in the mountain range stared in horror at the small half exposed outside the gate of the fairy hall. Skeleton hands, his face pale in fright.

Above the purple sea of ​​clouds, as the ten thousand zhang white glow approached, several tyrannical ancient creatures quickly escaped from the sea of ​​clouds, leaving behind Shaking Light Holy Lord, Jiang Family Patriarch and the others.

"In the end, our feelings are brought to death from Northern Domain with Extreme Dao Weapons."

Tu Tian and Jiang Yi looked at each other and smiled. A little self-deprecating. Not only them, but Shaking Light Holy Lord, Jiang Family Patriarch, Peacock King and many other great abilities are also helpless shook the head. Obviously they didn't expect such a result in the end.

However, the chill rises behind these powerful Powerhouses, watching the ten thousand zhang white glow fall, especially unwillingly waiting for death to come, body dies and Dao disappears, when the body dies and Dao disappears, the ear sounds A piercing sword cry.

At the moment when the ten thousand zhang white glow strikes to them, a dazzling sword glow emerges from the void, facing the ten thousand zhang rays of light straight from the bottom up.

hong long!

With a loud noise, the collision void directly exploded a ten thousand zhang gap, and countless space fragments fell like a majestic rain, until the void disappeared.

The moment after the loud noise, there was a dead silence between Heaven and Earth, and everything fell silent.

Almost in an instant, Shaking Light Holy Lord, Jiang Family Patriarch, Tu Tian and the others in the sea of ​​purple clouds regained control of the body. After reacting, they did not hesitate one by one, holding the Extreme Dao Weapons quickly away from the surging purple sea of ​​clouds.

After the eight people selected one of the voids to stabilize the stature, they simultaneously looked at the indifferent expression, and put their hands on the behind Chu Bei.

I don't know when, Chu Bei's hand appeared a long sword that released the mysterious rays of light.

They are extremely certain that the previous sword glow came from the hands of this Boss Chu, who pulled them back from the edge of death.

Immediately, even Shaking Light Holy Lord couldn't help but moved towards Chu Bei and hugged a cup one fist in the other hand to show his gratitude.

Since ancient creatures emerged from the Bronze Immortal Palace, the all influence of the original giving tit for tat has unanimously united, as if tied to a boat inexplicably.

"Your opponent is me."

Suddenly, a very calm voice came out from Chu Bei's mouth. It was not loud, but it was in the minds of everyone in the room. Reverberated in the sound.

Chu Bei pointed the sword at the fairy hall, and his robe automatically went without wind, and a suffocating Supreme breath that did not entrain spiritual power fluctuations suddenly exploded centered on it.

Xuanyuan Sword, Level 14 product!

Maybe it’s because of what Chu Bei deliberately did. Under this sword, Human Race and Monster Race performed well, but those ancient creatures, shiver coldly, frightened beasts from time to time. The roar, like the being in the moved towards Bronze Immortal Palace calling for help.

crash-bang ——

The existence of Bronze Immortal Palace responded.

The half of the skeleton hand bones exposed outside the immortal temple gate trembled slightly, and layers of white glow spread, selectively enveloping the surface of the ancient creatures all around.

Roar, roar, roar!

In an instant, these ancient creatures that were previously suppressed by Chu Bei breath seemed to have regained a new life. Roar struck again. numerous cultivators.


Perhaps with the asylum of Chu Bei, the pressure from the Bronze Immortal Palace that the Human Race cultivator and Monster Race Powerhouse had originally endured suddenly Disappeared, led by the eight powerful Powerhouses, facing the ancient creatures, imposing manner like a rainbow.

Within a short while, the battlefield where the armistice was once again flickered with splendor and flesh and blood.

Chu Bei glanced at the battlefield below his eyes, with no emotional fluctuations in his expression, controlling the stature to fly slowly towards the sea of ​​purple clouds.

To be precise, it should be flying to the Bronze Immortal Palace above the sea of ​​clouds.


The sea of ​​clouds surged, and a thick barrier took shape. However, it only lasted for half a second before it turned into light rain fragments under the sword glow of Xuanyuan Sword in Chu Bei's hand.

Looking at Chu Bei who had already appeared above the sea of ​​clouds, the old lunatic stabilized his swaying body, and the originally hollow eyes shot out two bright lights, focusing on the Bronze Immortal Palace.

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