weng weng weng!

At this moment, the Bronze Immortal Palace shook violently again, and the continuous trembling sound it made seemed to carry a feeling of resentment.

Even the powerful Powerhouses such as Shaking Light Holy Lord and Jiang Family Patriarch in the battlefield can detect the strong killing intent.

"Look at it, it's coming out, it's coming out!"

"This, how is this possible!"

In the battlefield, a number of cultivators are in contact with While the ancient creatures are fighting, they always pay attention to the movement of the Bronze Immortal Palace.

When the palm of the skeleton in front of the gate of the fairy hall was retracted, and a black glow swept out, a cultivator suddenly screamed. However, when a number of cultivators saw the black glow clearly, they all showed expressions of astonishment, as if they had seen a ghost during the day, and their faces were full of disbelief.

This is a juvenile with soft hair and loose hair, floating next to Chu Bei, like an elf dancing under the night and moon. However, she was four or five years old, and she was born with a pink duo, plump and plump, very cute and beautiful.

There are a pair of white wings on the back of the child, and there are double pupils in the eyes, as if they are not descendants of Human Race.

"How could a child walk out of Bronze Immortal Palace? Where did the previous skeleton go!"

"What is the relationship between this child and that skeleton?!"

Shaking Light Holy Lord, Tu Tian and many other powerful Powerhouse's gazes are fixed on the children, the complexion has greatly changed, and it is difficult to calm their hearts.

If it is elsewhere, anyone will love such a cute and pink child. But here, no one will feel that way. For them, facing this unknown child is more like facing an enemy, ready to fight at all times.

The children surrounded Chu Bei, the eyes of the pupils looked curiously, there was no sign of danger.

"Fake, all fake..."

Suddenly, the old lunatic laughed madly, then his eyes condensed, and the two gloomy lights merged into one. Penetrating the sea of ​​clouds and strikes directly on the child's body.


Suddenly, the child let out a screaming roar, and then the whole body was shrouded in black mist, layers of flesh and blood fell off, and finally turned into a dense white skeleton.

Amidst the terrifying and weird friction sound, the bones of the skeleton swelled continuously, reaching a height of five meters in an instant, and a strong hostility was permeated.

"It's it, that's it, the previous skeleton bone!"

"The child who was almost deceived by it, what is it? Obviously there is no breath of life, and How can it be like a living thing?"

"Who is the owner of this corpse?! Is this the owner of the Bronze Immortal Palace?"



On the battlefield under the clouds and mist, the battle gradually subsided, and the eyes of a number of cultivators were all projected on the skeletons and the bodies of Chu Bei. Those ancient creatures invariably stopped fighting and looked at the white bone religiously.


With a syllable resembling hell from Heaven and Earth, a skeleton giant palm pierced directly through the purple cloud and appeared on the head of the old lunatic for an instant Over the sky.

hong long long!

But before the skeleton giant palm grabbed to the old lunatic, a huge sword glow appeared, suddenly strikes on the skeleton giant palm.

In the sound of sword cry, two kinds of destroying heaven and extinguishing earth-like energies interweave and fuse, and finally dissipate between Heaven and Earth simultaneously.

The skeleton and the white bones are facing Chu Bei, uttering low roars again and again.

The roar has not disappeared, the skeleton and bones' body vibrated violently, and then a black mist appeared all over the body.

When the black mist dissipated, the skeleton and white bones seemed to have evolved, and the body surface was covered with a black mist armor. At the same time, two points of red light are projected from the eyes.

After a slight change in form and appearance, the skeleton and white bones stepped out, and the endless purple clouds below suddenly rolled and surging like waves, and the void of its body all around, the space fragments continued to peel off, one after another dark and thin The long gaps in the space spread out like a spider web, densely packed eyes.

next moment, the skeleton and white bones moved towards Chu Bei and photographed it.

This palm fell, and the Bronze Immortal Palace behind it suddenly stopped trembling, Heaven and Earth became silent, as if all living objects had become dead.

All cultivators including Shaking Light Holy Lord, Jiang Family Patriarch, Tu Tian and other powerful Powerhouses, surprisingly discovered that at this moment, the whole body was imprisoned again, and time and space seemed to change. It has to be still, staying at this moment forever.

The only thing moving between Heaven and Earth is the palm of the skeleton in front of the Bronze Immortal Palace.


The palm of the bone fell and hit Chu Bei's chest, to be precise, a distance of five centimeters from his chest.

A soft, low crash sounded from the silent Heaven and Earth.

The moment the palm hits, the silence disappears, and everything is restored as before.

"This...what's going on?"

A numerous cultivators regained their freedom, looking blankly at the skeletons and Chu Bei in front of the Bronze Immortal Palace.

It stands to reason that the palm of the skull and bones is enough to crush the rivers and obliterate the void, and even the aftermath has already imprisoned the Heaven and Earth in a radius of a hundred miles.

But it is such a terrifying palm, hitting the Chu Bei that is not evasive, but it is really like gentle clapped randomly, not painful or itchy.


In front of Bronze Immortal Palace, the skeleton and white bones retracted their palms, and they made a very humane whisper, which was transparent but printed with two red light There was a little confusion in his eyes.

【Sword Fall】

Chu Bei faint smiled at the skeleton and bones, after two indifferent syllables confided from his mouth, I saw it reached out and beckoned, Bronze A huge gap appeared above the Immortal Palace.

In the breathtaking billowing sword chants, the blood-red eight sword glow intertwined into a beam of light, a Thunder Dragon faintly appeared in the beam, and the sound of chi chi was deafening.

A very terrifying sword! "

"Lightning flash was born! Comparable or even more terrifying than Thunder Tribulation! "

Looking at the beams of sword glow intertwined in the gap, Ji Family Patriarch, Tu Tian and other powerful Powerhouses showed fearful expressions.

To their realm Every breakthrough a small realm will go through Thunder Tribulation. After passing Thunder Tribulation, the cultivation base goes one step further; Transcending Tribulation fails, body dies and Dao disappears.

The path above the Bronze Immortal Palace is formed by the sword glow In the lightning flash that appeared in the beam of light, the terrifying power contained in it has been sharply compressed and converged, but even so, they can feel that the Power of Thunder in it is far more than a hundred times and a thousand times the Thunder Tribulation they have experienced in the realm of power. !

"I drop a buddha, really worthy of being the future patron of Lord Tao, terrifying! "Fat Daoist Priest Duan De swallowed saliva and said, feeling the terrifying fierce sword power and dense Power of Thunder, shrinking neck instinctively.

hong long!

With a loud noise, the beam from Chu Bei above the Bronze Immortal Palace crashed onto the skeleton bones.

ka-cha !

In a flash, all the beams of thousands zhang high injected into the skeleton. In the bones, accompanied by a crisp sound, a crack appeared on the skull of the skull and bones.

"Insult the emperor's corpse, die! "

A killing intent Ling Ran's roar suddenly echoed from Heaven and Earth.

"Insult the emperor's corpse, die! "

The monstrous roar is accompanied by a fierce killing intent.

The billowing thunder beam has all strikes on the bones of the skull, and the crack on the skull has healed as the roar spreads.


The skeleton roars, the sea of ​​clouds is boiling, the transparent eyes and two beams of blood light rushes straight into the sky, centered on itself, the majestic black mist is like a vast ocean. It spreads far, and blends with the endless purple sea of ​​clouds.

"Emperor...Emperor Corpse! "

"Is it a Great Emperor before him?" "

"Emperor Realm, what kind of existence it is, who can tell me the complete cultivation system." "


Below, a number of cultivators raised their eyes and looked at the sky that resembled the Eighteen Levels of Hell, his expression changed drastically, a kind of inexplicable fear and palpitations rise in the mind.

In front of the Bronze Immortal Palace, endless killing intents rushed to Chu Bei like a surging heat wave, all directions, surrounded him.

"Emperor Corpse? But it's just a quasi emperor. even more how Divine Consciousness has long been annihilated...now you are just a cultivation attached to this corpse that's all, what qualifications do you have to become an emperor! "

Chu Bei sneered, black hair flying, eyes deep, standing in the sky, staring at the skeleton and bones indifferently. He has no fear, and is extremely calm and calm!

"Accept you as a servant!" The two bloody glow of the skeleton and the bones were fixed on Chu Bei's body, and after the sound fell, the rays of light were lit up behind.

"Could it be...Immortal King Overlooking Nine Heavens!"

"One of the most terrifying unusual forms in ancient times!"

"My God, I didn't expect to see such unusual forms in this life! "


Looking at the unusual form displayed by the skeletons and bones, a large number of cultivators including Da Neng Powerhouse, they widened their eyes and spoke with a wide open mouth. With the shock of my heart.

I saw the skeleton behind the white bones, and there appeared a huge fuzzy silhouette comparable to the Bronze Immortal Palace, sitting high on the Ninth Stage, around the Black and Yellow Qi, like a statue overlooking the common people. Immortal King !

chi chi chi!

The skeleton and white bones stepped on the void, glanced under the eyes lightly, listening only to coldly snorted.

Suddenly, it was filled with black The purple clouds of qi turned into an incomparable gigantic tornado.

"Not good! "

Looking at the downward pressure of the sea of ​​clouds tornado, Shaking Light Holy Lord, Ji Family Patriarch and other Powerhouses' faces changed in shock, and took out Extreme Dao Weapons without hesitation.

The breath of this sea of ​​clouds tornado makes them feel palpitations. If they are really allowed to fall, not only the cultivator they are present, but also the residents around a hundred miles will be implicated.

Maybe a few breaths, a hundred miles, or even a wider area will become a sea of ​​blood.

The eight powerhouses have no reservations, and they are fully motivated by the Extreme Dao Weapons, and the rest of the cultivator seems to be Also aware of the seriousness of the matter, one after another, the sea shook, and spared no effort to move towards the sky to make a brilliant attack.

chi chi chi!

However, it is difficult to resist with a large number of cultivators. This is more like a natural disaster's cloud sea tornado, when Chu Bei holds the Xuanyuan Sword in both hands.

Swipe it out!

Amidst the sound of the sword cry, one piece is fused with gorgeous rays of light The barrier appears out of thin air.

The barrier is like a sea of ​​clouds, far from being able to see the end, forcibly separating the sea of ​​clouds from the ground below.

The tornado of destroying heaven extinguishing earth is also cut off by this barrier.

"The sword falls to Nine Heavens! "

With the appearance of the barrier, the pressure of numerous cultivators suddenly disappeared. At this moment, four indifferent syllables echoed between Heaven and Earth.

Xuanyuan Sword by Chu Bei Throw to the sky, next moment, the sky far away is densely covered with thunder, roaring constantly.

Thousands of Xuanyuan Swords emerge from the thunder.

Chu Bei’s body is multiplied and expanded. Great, to be precise, he is no longer a human, but a humanoid lightning.

"Is that the unusual form shown by Boss Chu? "

"Who can tell me what an unusual form this is and why there is no record in the ancient book!" "

" Directly transformed into ontology, can this be called an unusual form? "


A number of cultivators below stared at the distant sky in amazement.

Almost instantly, Chu Bei turned into a thunder giant holding the Xuanyuan Sword. It has been as high as ten thousand zhang, facing the Immortal King Overlooking Nine Heavens unusual form of the skeleton and bones.

"Who are you? "

The skull and white bones shook their heads, and stiff words that were cold and not mixed with emotion came out slowly.

At the same time, the bones of his right hand were raised, followed by those in the behind unusual form. Pang Great Immortal King Phantom puts out a big hand and shoots at the thunder giant transformed by Chu Bei.

At the moment the skeleton raised his hand, the spiritual qi between Heaven and Earth seemed to be isolated and taken away. , It’s like standing in another starry sky, lingering fairy music.

The misty fairy sound, melodious and melodious, seems to flow from the ancient times, resonating with the avenue, full of inexplicable charm.

I don’t know when, all around the bones of the skeletons appeared white mist, as if they were standing in the pure land of Immortal World.

However, the killing intent was turbulent. Even with the sword glow barrier, Many cultivators below only feel that the body is cracked, the five internal organs will be injured, the Divine Soul is about to be destroyed, and the bone head is about to melt.

murderous intention unlimited!

Shaking Light Holy Lord, Jiang Family Patriarch and many other powerful Powerhouses were terrified and took out Extreme Dao Weapons quickly.

The sound of fairy tunes, with endless killing intents, is like heaven falls and earth rends!


Extremely terrifying!

weng weng!

Bone skeletons control the Immortal King in the unusual form with one blow, hiding the sky and covering the earth, and covering the sky with big hands, and The voices of Heaven and Earth collide fiercely.

"If you are in this seat, you will continue to dormant for thousands of years. ”

The thunder giant transformed by Chu Bei stood still in the sky, standing still, Xuanyuan Sword all around dark green-colored rays of light shrouded, like the evolution of a Small World, and the sinking and floating of Nine Heavens.

Above his head, the ten thousand thunder thunder falls like a waterfall, and the thunder has everything in all colors. The huge twin pupils are sparkling, and the solemn appearance is like a Spiritual God.

Above everyone’s heads, it gives people a very ethereal illusion, like standing on the other side of the starry sky, isolated from the inaccessible Heaven and Earth.

In dead silence, under everyone’s horrified eyes , The palm of the unusual form Immortal King shattered the void, and the strikes were on the body of the Thunder giant.


giant palm is unparalleled in power, and the sound carried by the giant palm is like that of an army of millions Fighting, pierce gold and split stone, scrolling the sky, and like the sky tsunami, endless big stars fall.

This palm, killing like a tide, like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses Pentium , The star and the moon are not light, causing the sky to burst, which is a shocking attack.

Of course, it is just such a palm that did not shake the Thunder giant.

It's just different from the previous, this time, all the cultivators in the field witnessed the ripples from the Thunder Giant.

At the moment when the giant palm strikes to the Thunder Giant, the giant sword in the Thunder Giant’s hands appeared inexplicably ripples. The ripples tremble, and the forcibly absorb all the powers of the amazing Heaven and Earth Ghost God hidden in the giant palm.

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