"What is that! I can ignore those tyrannical strikes!"

"Is this the defense of Boss Chu? It's terrifying!"

"Why do I feel that the ripples brought by the sword have Devouring Power similar to my clay pot? It's just more terrifying!"

"No, it's not swallowing power, it should be purification Power! The skeleton attack was directly purified!"


The cultivator in the field looked at the scene in the sky in astonishment.

"What kind of method is this?" Fat Daoist Priest Duan De stared at the thunder giant in front of the Bronze Immortal Palace without blinking.

"Boss, he is already invincible." Ji Ziyue's eyes flashed, "If only I could have this kind of ability, even if it can only resolve the Dragon Transformation situation. Expert, I'm satisfied too!"

The old lunatic, who was entrenched in the void, looked startled, and the words of the gods and gods stopped in his mouth.


In front of Bronze Immortal Palace, two scarlet beams shot out from the eyes of skeletons and bones. The beam of light hit the ripples directly, and the beam of chi chi sounded. Make nothingness. What followed was its stiff, resentful sound.

Chu Bei did not answer the question of the skeleton and bones, but the thunder giant he transformed into slowly began to dance the Xuanyuan Sword, which was magnified thousands of times.

"Eight extremely boundless!"

next moment, the indifferent voice floats from the sky.

The giant sword moved towards the skeleton with the thunder and the bones went straight down.

The void that it traverses brings up eight avenues of rune, which are intertwined and interpreted, forming a variety of ancient Divine Beasts.

Long Yan rises together, and Huang Lin competes!

White Tiger screams at the moon, and the longevity turtle is in the sky!

Thunder blasted the sky, and tangible sound waves turned into ripples and instantly blasted the endless sea of ​​purple clouds into nothingness.

“clang! ”

Chu Bei is like a Spiritual God, standing tall, but the thunder giant sword has pushed the sun and the moon to travel, rolling the sky.


Looking at the brilliant and dazzling thunder giant sword, Shaking Light Holy Lord, Jiang Family Patriarch, Tu Tian and other powerful Powerhouse hearts Frightened.

In this brief moment, their unusual form was completely suppressed, as if they had met King-like, they could not be displayed at all.

Look at the ancient creatures all around again. They instinctively crawled in the void, prostrated again and again, and screamed miserably in their mouths. At the same time, 簌簌 moved towards the mountain range below it smashed away.


Thunder giant sword is finally swung down.


With a crisp sound, the skeleton and bones raised to the sky and wailed in agony. The roar of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, the violent sound waves directly shred the sky, and the Bronze Immortal Palace behind it was also trembling violently. Make a continuous and ear-splitting sound.

Under everyone's attention, the skeleton and white bones were cut off by the thunder giant sword. Not only that, the two halves of the bones were turned into pieces of bones under the road rune.

In an instant, the original intact skeletons and bones turned into countless pieces in the breathtaking sword cry, and piled up in the void in front of the Bronze Immortal Palace.


Thunder giant sword turned across the sky, and then slashed towards the Immortal King Overlooking Nine Heavens unusual form.

In an instant, the unusual form dissipated, and Heaven and Earth fell into a dead silence.

"Is that ancient emperor's corpse destroyed?"

"Perhaps, it has become a pile of ashes."

"This is the Boss Is Chu's true strength?"


Below, a number of cultivators murmured, looking at the sky far away, with a dazed expression.


However, this abnormal silence lasted for about thirty seconds. Just when everyone thought the battle was over, the piles in front of the Bronze Immortal Palace The ashes released scarlet rays of light.

After that, under the incredible gaze of everyone, these ashes fuse together, and once again changed back to the complete skeleton and bones.

"Is it impossible to die like this?"

"Is it really immortal in that kind of realm?"

"Perhaps, after all The powerful Powerhouse can regenerate parts of their limbs, let alone them."


Looking at the restored skeletons and bones in front of the Bronze Immortal Palace, the complexion of numerous cultivators turned into Grayed out.

"This is all undying." Duan De fiercely cursed.


The roar from hell once again came out of the bones of the skeleton.

next moment, a little bit of red light, centered on itself, actually penetrated the thunder barrier directly, like a bright red rain of blood.

As the red light spread, the ancient creatures that were crawling in the mountain range of the earth suddenly had their pupils covered with bloodshot eyes, exposing their muscles and bones, and rushed towards the sword glow barrier as if they had gone mad.

In the sound of chi chi, the ancient creatures stepped forward, and when they touched the sword glow barrier, they were raged into scum by the sword qi.

However, their blood essence was wrapped in the red glow in an instant and quickly passed through the barrier and sank into the skeleton's bones.

Almost at the same time, the skeleton and white bones changed again, and flesh and blood began to grow out of the original white and intimidating bones.

After plundering the blood essence of thousands of ancient creatures, that little bit of red glow turned the target on a crowd of Human Race cultivators and monsters.

"Not good!"

Looking at the weird red glow coming, Shaking Light Holy Lord took the lead to react, eyes suddenly shrank.

Soon, a large number of cultivators reacted, and there was a look of fear on their faces. They saw the ancient creatures go crazy under these red glows, crashing into the barrier uncontrollably, and finally Turned into blood essence, swallowed and absorbed by the bones.

chi chi chi!

Fortunately, these countless red glows have not yet touched the Human Race cultivator, in the sky appear out of thin air tens of millions of tiny Thunder needle; in an instant, the red glow will be wiped out.

"You shouldn't be here."

The skeleton bones are no longer pure skeleton bones, but become a flesh and blood man, wearing black gold Battle clothes, like black jade, crystal clear and near-transparent, the cold black metal makes his skin white and delicate.

The covering of Wujin's battle clothes gave him a kind of heroic aura, his eyes were like water, his hair was flying, and he held a black bone sword in his hand.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would be impossible to connect the valiant and formidable looking man in front of him with the previous skeleton and bones.

"To kill the common people and absorb the essence, I will finally step by step until I reach the impossible realm." After the skeleton and the white bone became a man, the words in his mouth were no longer rigid, but instead There is a little feeling.

"Be my servant, eternal loyalty! This is your opportunity!" The man stood in front of the Bronze Immortal Palace, his Ugin battle clothes flashed, his black bone sword was intimidating, and he was extremely conceited.

"Where does your confidence come from?" Chu Bei's jokes floated between Heaven and Earth.


The man in Motionless As Mountains, but his blood energy is soaring, behind Immortal King Overlooking Nine Heavens unusual form appears again, but it is compressed sharply until he becomes one with him.

At this moment, the man transformed by the skeleton and bones turned into that Immortal King himself. He raised his hands and feet, almost cutting open this World.


The bone sword in the man's hand vibrated, as heavy as a big mountain, almost crushing the space, step by step pushed forward.

"Is this the oneness of the legendary self and the unusual form!"

All the cultivators were shocked. Obviously, they did not expect that the rumors handed down from ancient times were true. , And they saw it with their own eyes today.

"The ending will not change."

The indifferent voice fell, and the thunder giant that Chu Bei transformed into suddenly shrank, and finally his body size was about the same as that of a skeleton man.


Chu Bei gently waved the Xuanyuan Sword to cut through the sky, the imposing manner was not weaker than the bone sword of the skeleton man.

Even the huge Bronze Immortal Palace resonated with the thunder sound at this brief moment.


The skeleton man's black gold battle clothes bloomed brilliantly, the bone sword in his hand was held high, and the sound shook the sky.

Chu Bei is not afraid, and also holds Xuanyuan Sword high, the sword rune flashes, and the thunder snake surges.

Two swords are swung at the same time.

Far away in the sky, deathly silence!

This is not a pure sword collision, it is more like an understanding of the Dao, a contest between Dao and Dao.

The sword of the skeleton man fell on Chu Bei's body and was blocked by the ripples that appeared out of thin air.

This sword still failed to split the ripples.

The sword in Chu Bei's hand fell on the skeleton man, and the Ujin battle clothes instantly turned into nothingness, and then there was a scream, and the skeleton man was drowned by the sword light.


For a time, Heaven and Earth is eternal, and only the wailing of the skeleton man is left.

The thunder dissipated, and the skeleton man became a pile of ashes again.

[Nine Heavens Thunder Forbidden]

Seeing that the pile of ashes is fused again, Chu Bei waved the Xuanyuan Sword again, and the nine-color thunder at the tip of the sword shot out, intertwined into one Giant net.

In the breathtaking thunder sound, the giant net instantly held up the unformed ashes, and then under the control of Chu Bei, it flew towards the wild ancient restricted area.

"Since I have watched it for so long, then this is my chance to send you!"

Chu Bei's eyes shoot out two faint green lights, shining through the sky in the wilderness. On the highest Holy Mountain in the ancient restricted area.

hong long long!

Suddenly, when Chu Bei’s voice fell and everyone looked puzzled, several black spots appeared under the Holy Mountain, and then they became bigger and bigger in the eyes of the numerous cultivators, and heard There was a sound of wind and thunder.

In an instant, nine huge monsters appeared on the top of Holy Mountain, like nine black rivers falling down.

"What is that? The coffin is like a coffin!"

"Why is there such a large coffin in the wild ancient restricted area? What is buried in it! "

"The nine big guys pulling the coffin, are they really Ancient Divine Beast True Dragon?"

"nine dragons pulling a coffin, I have seen it! Two days Before, it just landed in this deserted ancient forbidden area!"

"What did Boss Chu say before? Could it be that he has something to do with nine dragons pulling a coffin!"


Looking at the scene above Holy Mountain, all cultivators including Shaking Light Holy Lord, Jiang Family Patriarch, Tu Tian and other powerful Powerhouses, at this moment, their expressions are frozen and they look at each other in amazement. .

Above the deserted ancient forbidden area, nine huge dragon corpse pulled a mouthful of bronze ancient coffin, slowly leaning against the ashes that had been thunder restrained.

These nine dragon corpse are each one hundred meters long, like cast iron, full of shocking force. They are all five-claw Black Dragons. Except for the dragon horn crystal clear and near-transparent, and the purple light gleaming, the dragon body is black, the black light is shimmering, and the scales are shining with a little mysterious brilliance in the Darkness.

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