"Little black will follow you closely."

The big black dog moved towards Chu Bei very respectfully and reverently. The eyes of Ye Fan and Duan De were still full of hatred.

"Boss, where are we going next?" Ye Fan asked.

"Since you have entered the Dao Palace realm, then this trip will take you to see the new scriptures." Chu Bei replied.

Ye Fan was curious: "New scriptures?"

"Wheel Sea Realm is the strongest Taoism; and this Dao Palace realm is the Empress Mother of West's Scripture is the strongest." Chu Bei smiled knowingly, then raised right hand, lightning flash flashed, and disappeared with Ye Fan, Ji Ziyue and the others.


"Father, I bought a pot of divine spring water, it must be of some use!" Divine City, a huge mansion, Jiang Yifei quickly Step into a secluded entrance.

"Okay, very good!"

This is a middle-aged man wearing a gray robe. After taking the kettle in Jiang Yifei's hand, he quickly swept deep Place.

From the perspective of his release, he is obviously also a powerful Powerhouse!

The secret entrance is the Earth Palace, and Dragon Transformation Pond is located in this space.

In the Earth Palace, the clouds and mist are shrouded, the holy breath is blowing, the underground dragon energy is surging, the divine power flows, and there is a breathtaking pressure.

Looking at it, a huge Divine Furnace made of phoenix blood and red gold fell in the most central position. It was the Extreme Dao Weapons of Jiang Family, Constant Universe Divine Furnace!

At this moment, a group of old men sitting cross-legged in the Earth Palace occupy various important positions. They are not the Supreme Elder of the Jiang Family, but the ancestors with terrifying identity.

Behind the Constant Universe Divine Furnace, there is a three-foot-long dragon pond. The water in the pond is milk-white, very crystal clear.

There is a skeleton-like body in it, the flesh and blood are completely dried up, there is no luster, and the bones are dry.

He was lying in the Dragon Transformation Pond, motionless, as if he had already lost his life, he couldn't sense any vitality at all, it was no different from a piece of dead wood.

"Is this the Divine King Old Ancestor?" Jiang Yifei could hardly believe what he saw in front of him. This was the first time he came to Earth Palace.

Jiang Yifei took a long breath. There are too many records about this Divine King ancestor in the genealogy. For this reason, it is difficult for him to compare the Divine King ancestor in the genealogy with what he sees. See the association.

In the genealogy, the Boss Zongfeng is like a jade, and the battle strength is shocking. No matter where he goes, he is eye-catching, and he is the outstanding person of the unparalleled cloud.

More than four thousand years ago, he was full of vigor and vigor, watching the world; but looking at the present, his shape is withered, thin and dying, how sad is this?

Beauties are late, and heroes are at the end. They are the most helpless sadness in the world.

Heaven-blessed Genius, a stunning posture, originally a generation of Heaven's Chosen, but ended up like this, making people sigh and tears.

"Yifei, now the undercurrent in the city is surging, I have an unknown premonition. I am afraid that the only one who can save the Boss Sect right now is the Boss Chu."

"Now, you Leaving and taking Little TingTing to find Boss Chu. Perhaps, Boss Chu's look at Little TingTing can help us solve the current crisis." The middle-aged man looked at Jiang Yifei and said.

"Child, do it now!" After all, Jiang Yifei left quickly.

"Boss, the Empress Mother of West's Scripture shouldn't be in Yaochi? So here is it?" Ye Fan looked all around and looked at Chu Bei with a puzzling expression.

At the moment, they fall in front of a huge rock, behind Xiufeng stand in great numbers, with a ruined grand palace.

The jade stone floor of these palaces is smooth and moist, untainted by even a speck of dust, but empty, without any silhouette.

In front of them, there are a number of stone walls that are connected together, and there are countless carvings on the stone walls.

"This is Jade Lake Ancient Land! Back then, I followed the Great Emperor Without Beginning to come here!" The Black Emperor glanced at all around, startled for a moment, and then screamed.

After tens of thousands of years of changes, the new Jade Lake Holy Land has moved hundreds of kilometers away.

"Could the legendary Empress Mother of West's Scripture be here?" Duan De's eyes were bright.

"The Empress Mother of West was enlightened here, and the Empress Mother of West's Scripture created by it was carved on this rock wall." Chu Bei pointed to the mountain wall road.

"I didn't see the scripture." Ji Ziyue pouted and muttered.

In general, there are more than 500 carved pictures on the stone walls, some depicting flying birds, some depicting Wild Beast, some depicting human beings, and more are pictures of scenery, lifelike and vivid.

Although there are many portrayals, if you really count it, only one portrayal is a bit special.

That is a mural with a woman engraved on it. The woman on the mural gives people the feeling of One with Heaven and Earth. The more you look at it, the more you feel the illusory.

"Some things are in front of you, but you can't see them." Chu Bei smiled knowingly, and then pressed his right palm against the stone wall.

hong long long!

In the rolling rumbling sound, the entire stone mountain is suddenly flooded with gorgeous rays of light.

At this moment, the hundreds of carved pictures on the rock wall seemed to come alive, blooming with dazzling divine glow. Immediately afterwards, amid the weird buzzing sound, crimson characters appeared one after another on the stone wall.

These crimson characters are arranged in an orderly manner and can be roughly divided into five areas.

"Heart's Divine Depository, God's Storehouse of the liver, God's Storehouse of the lungs, Kidney's Divine Depository, and Spleen's Divine Depository, exactly corresponding to five areas!" Seeing the crimson characters appearing on the rock wall, Ye Fan showed his face The color of joy.

Ye Fan quickly entered the state. After learning these scriptures by heart, he began to meditate cross-legged. According to the First Chapter, the cultivation method of Heart's Divine Depository began to evolve.

Suddenly, Ye Fan was motionless, with a calm and detached expression, completely immersed in one type of Dao Realm.

Although Duan De, Heihuang, and Ji Ziyue have no cultivation, they have mastered these scriptures in mind.

Gradually, Ye Fan's body has changed, and the fiery red spirit in Heart's Divine Depository is circling, naked eye is visible.

xiū xiū xiū!

It didn't take long for the long rainbow thread to appear above the heads of the people in Chu Bei from far to near in the sound of breaking through the air.

"Boss Chu! You... why did you appear in my Jade Lake Ancient Land?" Seeing Chu Bei's appearance clearly, the person in charge criticized out in surprise, his face was full of surprise.

Chu Bei raised his eyes and glanced faintly at Jade Lake Holy Lord and his behind Elder, who had been face-to-face not long ago. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, which was regarded as a greeting.

"This...this is the complete Empress Mother of West's Scripture Dao Palace!"

Jade Lake Holy Lord looked away from Chu Bei, when he saw the With five large pieces of crimson text, the emoji is startled first, and when the text content is clear, the face is full of consternation. After the shock and surprise, there was more excitement.

"Holy Lord, I didn't think the scripture we were looking for would be here! Finally, I found it!" The Elders behind the Jade Lake Holy Lord also showed an infinite joy.

"Since you are here, let's feel it together and fill in the incomplete part." Chu Bei glanced at Jade Lake Holy Lord and the others opened the mouth and said.

Jade Lake Holy Lord is heavily nodded, and looked towards behind one person: "Go back and summon all the Elders and let them come to the ancient land immediately!"

——————— —

"Does any of you know where Boss Chu is? Jiang Family is now looking for him at a sky-high price!"

"Why did Jiang Family look for Boss Chu? Is it true? For Jiang Family's Divine King!"

"Boss Chu, hehe, I know where he is!"

"Do you still know? Jiang Family’s sky-high price is not very profitable. If you lie to them, I’m afraid the consequences will not be good."

"Your old friend belongs to Jade Lake Holy Land. Could it be that Boss Chu is in Jade Lake Holy Land now?"


Since Jiang Family set the price of ten black sources, cultivators in all corners of Eastern Wilderness have been frantically looking for the whereabouts of Chu Bei.

Three hours later.

Before Jade Lake Ancient Land, Ye Fan Huo opened his eyes, and the five secrets in his body slammed into thousands of flames, rushing into the brand on the stone cliff.

"Boss, I have practiced it again. This realm, it seems that as long as there is a continuous source, I can break through without any bottleneck." Ye Fan looked at Chu Bei opened the mouth and said.

"Not bad." Chu Bei was satisfied and nodded. I have to say that Ye Fan's perception is really strong. As the other party said, in this realm, Remote Antiquity Sacred Body has an advantage, as long as the source is sufficient, it can break through all the way.

Looked towards all around again, dozens of hundreds of Jade Lake Elders sat cross-legged, and the five secrets released glowing light.

"Big brother!" Just then, a clear voice came.

"Boss, that's Little TingTing!" Ji Ziyue eyes shined, the little tiger tooth gleamed, and immediately stepped forward and hugged Jiang Tingting in his arms.

At this moment, Little TingTing's dress is no longer a shabby shirt full of patches, but a white gauze skirt, just like a little fairy.

"Little TingTing, why did you come here?" Ye Fan squeezed Jiang Tingting's face.

"Brother Yifei is looking for Boss, so I will come with him." Jiang Tingting has a naive expression on his face.

Hearing this, Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue looked at Jiang Yifei suspiciously, with questions in their eyes.

"Boss, frankly, I came here to ask for you. My Jiang Family Boss more than 4,000 years ago, the first generation of Divine King Jiang Taixu was discovered from Purple Mountain not long ago, but now Life is dying, and some Peak forces other than Eastern Wilderness have also learned of this news. There are many hostile forces who want to kill Divine King."

"On behalf of Jiang Family, I implore Boss to help. , Save Divine King in danger, save Jiang Family in danger!” When this is said, youth Jiang Yifei in white gave a puff, and knelt directly in front of Chu Bei, raised his fists and looked sincerely. .

"Divine King Jiang Taixu..."

Chu Bei whispered, then he held up Jiang Yifei and looked towards the distance: "Get up, this seat can follow you Last time, go and take a look. But after it’s done, rewards are inevitable."

"This is natural!"

"many thanks Boss!"


Hearing what Chu Bei said, Jiang Yifei was taken aback at first, and his face was full of excitement when he reacted. Obviously he didn't expect this Boss Chu to speak so easily.

Even, he has already figured out how to use Tingting's relationship to seek each other again after being rejected by the other party.

Divine City, an Earth Palace.

Dragon Transformation inside the pond a piece of crystal Ying, the pond water becomes milk-white, the fragrance is wafting out, that dry body is motionless, and the vitality seems to be completely extinct.

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