"How strong will it take to support Divine King Old Ancestor to achieve this step?" Jiang Family Patriarch stood in front of the Dragon Transformation Pond, looking at the dry body in the pool, His eyes are full of respect.

Jiang Taixu, the Divine King of the Jiang Family generation, once had the heroic look of the world, but now it is just endless sadness.

Since ancient times, the beauty has sighed for twilight, and heroes are not allowed to see white heads.

Unfortunate fate, the end of the hero.

"Patriarch, Divine King, his body is almost dead, and the divine sense will also be wiped out. I am afraid he looks like this..." A Supreme Elder frowned. Even with divine spring and life-saving divine medicine, the situation remains the same Not optimistic.

"For the past three days, we have been conditioning with Medicinal Gang, but there is almost no effect." There was another sigh.

"Even though Yifei bought a pot of divine spring water, the medical power of the spring water is too strong. Divine King is so weak and afraid of using too much. His Senior can't bear it." Jiang Yun shook the head, caught in a dilemma for a while.

“Looking at Divine King’s situation right now, the last trace of life fluctuation may disappear at any time. We have no other choice.” Jiang Family Patriarch took a deep breath, hesitated and gave instructions, “Continue to inject divine Spring water."

Received instructions, nine old men with unbearable hair like snow once again sat around the Dragon Transformation Pond.

The jade bottle gourd filled with divine spring water hung above the Dragon Transformation Pond, and the crystal liquid dripped down. The heads of nine old people rushed out of the Innate divine light at the same time, melted into the liquid, and refined. With innate essence, it sinks into the dry body of the old Divine King.

Divine King Jiang Taixu's body is too weak, they can only work together to make a shot, each time refining a drop, little by little penetrates Jiang Taixu's body.

Perhaps this refining divine spring water consumes too much spiritual power, and the nine old people gradually look pale and are shaken.

They really worked hard, urging their own Innate life, integrated into the divine spring to continue the life of the old Divine King.


Suddenly, the sound of metal made a loud noise, and it rang endlessly, resounding throughout Divine City. The vast Earth Palace was shaken, and the Jiang Family cultivator of Dragon Transformation Pond all around instantly changed their faces.

"This breath is specifically aimed at Dragon Transformation Pond!"

"Not good, there is a great expert coming!"

"Who is this? Constant Universe Divine Furnace sits in the Dragon Transformation Pond. He even dared to offend. Is it the people of Central Plain?"


Including Jiang Family Patriarch and Da Neng Jiang Yun. The crowd inside, browse tightly frowns, since the adversary dared to offend, they must have no fear and have a way to retreat.

"Jiang Yun, you are here to urge the Constant Universe Divine Furnace!" Jiang Family Patriarch passed the order, and he himself was standing in front of the Dragon Transformation Pond, guarding Jiang Taixu in the pool with a vigilant face.


Suddenly, the void roared outside the Earth Palace, like a rag being shaken violently, and even the Earth Palace was shocked, like There was a big earthquake.

Fortunately, Jiang Family Patriarch made a timely shot and played several brilliance to ensure that the Dragon Transformation Pond was not affected in the slightest.

At the same time, everyone in Divine City outside the Earth Palace was alarmed.

One by one looked towards the direction of the Earth Palace, looking from a distance, the red clouds rushed into the sky, and the Phoenix Cry moved the sky, as if a Divine Phoenix was born on fire, soaring Nine Heavens and Ten Between Earths.

An unimaginable coercion enveloped the whole city in an instant, no one could resist, and even some people with a weaker cultivation base collapsed directly to the ground.

Many cultivator souls trembled and couldn't help but worship. This was completely involuntarily, as if facing a god, full of natural awe.

Obviously, this is the ultimate divine might!

"It is indeed an ancient aristocratic family that has inherited from the past!"

"Constant Universe Divine Furnace, worthy of being a soldier of the Great Emperor, even if it is motivated by great power, Actually they already have this imposing manner. If the Great Emperor of Jiang Family were there, what an imposing manner would it be!"

"Jiang Family Divine Furnace took out, is it the Peak expert of those secret forces? Can’t help but shoot it?"

"A generation of Divine King, even if his life is dying, is a nightmare existence for those Central Plain forces."


Divine City, a numerous cultivators, looked at the top of the Earth Palace in a daze, dumbfounded, even the lips of some older people were shaking.

The Divine Sun Furnace made of blood and gold rushed out of the Earth Palace and hovered directly above the Earth Palace. It seemed to be the only one between Heaven and Earth. Even if they are far apart, its coercion has penetrated into the in the bones of every cultivator in Divine City, which is memorable.

"Patriarch, the previous offenders have been wiped out under the Divine Furnace and become fans. But they are not real people, but four ancient corpses." Before Dragon Transformation Pond, Jiang Yun looked towards Jiang Family Patriarch opened the mouth and said. .

"Ancient corpses?" Jiang Family Patriarch frowned, "What kind of cultivation base are these ancient corpses?"

"They are all powers that have passed away in ancient times. According to my guess, There should be a terrifying guy hiding in the dark to control them." As soon as Jiang Yun said, all the Supreme Elders beside the Dragon Transformation Pond suck in a breath of cold air.

The corpse of Ancient Supreme Expert is hard to find, and this person hiding in the dark has four of them. It is definitely a terrifying Powerhouse with terrifying origins!

"I don’t hesitate to destroy the four powerful corpses for testing. The secrets of the people in this secret place are not as powerful as usual."

Jiang Family Patriarch sighed, frowning more and more Deep, feeling the seriousness of the situation, looked towards Jiang Yun and said: "Highly alert, as long as people of unknown origin approach the Earth Palace, they will be suppressed by Divine Furnace!"

Of course, Jiang Family Patriarch's voice fell. Before long, the Constant Universe Divine Furnace trembles again, releasing heaven flooding Divine Might.

"Is anyone coming again?" Jiang Family Patriarch asked quickly with a solemn expression.

Jiang Yun nodded: "The offender is a pair of humanoid weapons cultivated by blood essence, which has been intertwined with the power of the law, but has been turned into fly ash by Divine Furnace."

"From the breath point of view, they are not the same group of people who previously manipulated the powerful corpses. But the other party is willing to release even this weapon. I am afraid that at least it is the Powerhouse of the powerful level." Jiang Yun added.

hong long long ——!

The second wave temptation has just passed less than a quarter of an hour, and the third wave, Fourth Wave, and Fifth Wave temptations followed one after another.

These temptations come from different forces. Fortunately, they are far from being able to compete with Extreme Dao Weapons.

"What are they relying on? These tentative attacks cannot shake my Jiang Family’s Constant Universe Divine Furnace at all!" As the frequency of external attacks gets faster and faster, the atmosphere in the Earth Palace Becomes heavy.

the rising wind forebodes the coming storm, everyone feels the seriousness of the situation, and maybe there will be a powerful blow from Thunder soon!

"Not good!"

At this moment, Jiang Yun, who urged Constant Universe Divine Furnace, changed his face: "I felt another breath of Extreme Dao Emperor Artifact !"

"What? In the entire Central Plain, the number of Extreme Dao Emperor Artifacts can be counted by one hand! Can you tell what kind of Emperor Artifact it is?" Hearing this, Jiang Family Patriarch and many Supreme Elder's face was extremely heavy.

"Extreme Dao Weapons, which Holy Land in Central Plain is it!" A group of Jiang Family Supreme Elder clenched their fists.

"I don't know for the time being." Jiang Yun shook the head: "This Extreme Dao Weapons is located in a dark place, and it just seeps out a little breath at the moment, and it doesn't fully motivate."

" Is it really going to develop to the point where Holy Land is at war? There has been no war between Holy Land for thousands of years, and they want to open this dispute to nowhere!" A Supreme Elder shouted angrily.

long long long!

Huo Ran, in the rumbling sound, an extremely terrifying coercion came from above the Earth Palace.

Detecting this breath, Jiang Family cultivator's complexion becomes more and more heavy, and it is hard to see the extreme.

They are so familiar with this breath, but the Great Emperor Holy Weapon is recovering!

"Hurry up, try your best to motivate the Constant Universe Divine Furnace!" Jiang Family Patriarch shouted.

"Crazy, are they so afraid of Divine King and Senior? Don't hesitate to break out the Holy Land war!" Except for the Dragon Transformation Pond all around those nine elders who are refining divine spring water in Jiang Taixu, the rest are Supreme Elder has injected spiritual power into the Constant Universe Divine Furnace one after another.


The great earthquake shook, Heaven and Earth seemed to be pierced, a vast coercion gushing out from the sky far away from the sky, and the direction it struck was Earth. The location of the Palace.

Almost at the same time, the Constant Universe Divine Furnace made of phoenix blood and red gold, rays of light flourished, a Divine Phoenix soared into the sky, and Phoenix Cry moved Nine Heavens, resounding through the sky.

"Can you tell which Extreme Dao Emperor Artifact is now?" On the Dragon Transformation Pond, Jiang Family Patriarch frowned and looked towards Jiang Yun.

Under the majestic divine might of this Extreme Dao Emperor Artifact, even if the Constant Universe Divine Furnace competes, the Dragon Transformation Pond is still affected, violently shaken, and the milk-white pool water splashes a lot. high.

"Not any Extreme Dao Weapons we know!" Jiang Yun said back.

"Who the hell!"

Jiang Family Patriarch's gaze narrowed, "at all costs, protect Divine King Old Ancestor! They want to fight, my Jiang Family will fight then!" "

A group of Jiang Family cultivators shouted, each with firm eyes, as if ready to fight back.


Jade Lake Ancient Land.

"Boss, Junior, on behalf of the entire Jade Lake Holy Land, thank you! If it weren't for you, I am afraid that the Empress Mother of West's Scripture carved by the Queen Mother would not be available for thousands of years."

Jade Lake Holy Lord moved towards Chu Bei bowed, and after paused, he said: "Boss, there is a request from the late birth, I implore you..."

"Don't worry, this Empress Mother of West's Scripture is It’s your Jade Lake scripture. After this seat is taken away, it will naturally not be passed on."

Until Jade Lake Holy Lord finished speaking, Chu Bei had already guessed the other party’s thoughts and waved said with a smile. .

After that, Chu Bei took the Empress Mother of West's Scripture under the coercion and temptation, and contributed it to the system.

"many thanks Boss, understand!" Jade Lake Holy Lord looked grateful.

"Let’s go, go to Divine City and take a look."

Chu Bei moved towards Jade Lake Holy Lord nodded, looked towards Jiang Yifei, raised hand, lightning. flash flashed.

In the sound of thunder, the entire group took a dog and disappeared in Jade Lake Ancient Land.


Divine City, above the Earth Palace, the mysterious Extreme Dao Emperor Artifact hidden in the sky, becomes more and more terrifying, like a turbulent ocean, hidden There is a tendency to penetrate Heaven and Earth.

If it weren't for the Constant Universe Divine Furnace, I am afraid that the Earth Palace would no longer exist.

xiū xiū xiū!

In the sound of breaking through the sky, the long rainbow thread in the Earth Palace passed by, and nearly a hundred Supreme Elders of Jiang Family hung in the air, staring coldly at the distant sky.

"Since it's here, why hide the head and shrink the tail!"

Jiang Family Patriarch is at the forefront, coldly snorted down, and the right palm is attached to the Constant Universe Divine Furnace on.

weng weng weng!

Suddenly, Constant Universe Divine Furnace hummed softly, as if it had been injected with fresh blood, and the rays of light ten thousand zhang, Chijin Divine Phoenix soared into the sky. .

A beam of red light with a diameter of hundreds zhang pierced the sky far away. After a while, the imposing manner of the Extreme Dao Emperor Artifact hidden in the sky weakened and seemed to be suppressed.

At the same time, the cultivators that were originally closer to the Earth Palace flew away for fear of being affected.

At this moment, the entire Divine City is boiling.

"Is that also Extreme Dao Emperor Artifact!"

"Oh my God, is this a contest between Extreme Dao Emperor Artifact? Unfortunately, I can’t see that hiding in the sky The appearance of the Emperor Artifact."

"If these two Great Emperor soldiers really collide, I am afraid that the entire Divine City will suffer."


In Divine City, the cultivators in every corner looked at the top of the Earth Palace with trepidation. There, like Nine Heavens, the Milky Way fell down, the sky was shrouded in all directions, and the sky shrouded with red light seemed to burn.

hong long!

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, the Constant Universe Divine Furnace made of golden blood and gold suddenly released dazzling rays of light, which looked like a scorching sun from a distance It illuminates Heaven and Earth in general. Even, a Divine Phoenix can be seen spreading its wings, pressing on the sky above Divine City, incomparable gigantic, covering the sky.

Compared with the ever-increasing Constant Universe Divine Furnace in the imposing manner, the Extreme Dao Weapons hidden in the void, the imperial prestige released by it has become weaker and weaker.

Perhaps it was because of deliberately hiding and not wanting to be exposed to the eyes of the world. It didn't take long to be completely suppressed by Constant Universe Divine Furnace, and it was difficult to reveal the terrifying emperor's prestige.

"Jiang Taixu, must die!" Suddenly, a deep and hoarse voice that came from hell spread from in the sky.

next moment, the imperial prestige hidden in the dark disappeared out of thin air.

"Who, who the hell!" Hearing the cold voice, Jiang Family Patriarch's face changed in shock. Judging from the breath that the other party had previously revealed, the other party's cultivation base was at least already at the peak of power.

Jiang Family Patriarch shouted, but the person hiding in the dark did not give him any answer.

With the disappearance of the power of the Emperor Artifact in that dark place, the Earth Palace gradually became stable. But Jiang Family, a numerous cultivators, dare not slack in the slightest, because they know that the Emperor Artifact is definitely still lurking all around and can attack at any time.

"Patriarch, Divine King is alive! He is alive!" Suddenly, an excited voice came from the Earth Palace, the voice full of excitement.

Hearing this, Jiang Family Patriarch was overjoyed, and appeared above the Dragon Transformation Pond during his steps.

At this moment, the nine old people are still in different directions, refining divine spring water. However, in the divine spring water at this moment, nine dazzling small dragons have grown unexpectedly.

Nine small dragons shrouded outside Jiang Taixu's body, like nine true dragons transforming into form, and like living creatures, they are almost psychic, making that dry body give birth to crystals.

"This divine spring fruit is wonderful. It is worthy of ancient divine medicine. It contains undying substance essence and can live and die."

The face of Jiang Family next to Dragon Transformation Pond The color of joy, as long as this Divine King Old Ancestor can live, his Jiang Family will surely surpass all Aristocratic Family and Holy Land!


Dragon Transformation inside the pond, the pool water is boiling, a magical rays of light soars into the sky, releasing the vigorous breath of life.

"Really strong, big breath fluctuation!"

"Did Divine King Jiang Taixu come back to life?"

"Look at this imposing manner , It should be fast! Unexpectedly, Jiang Family has succeeded!"


In Divine City, a number of cultivators stared at the direction of Divine City with surprise in their eyes .

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