"Can’t wait any longer!"

At this moment, the long rainbow thread of the god Northern Part of City crossed over and appeared in Earth in an instant Above the Palace.

"Jiang Taixu, die!"

Above the Earth Palace, thirteen silhouettes are suspended, and the body is filled with tyrannical and terrifying breath, hiding the sky and covering the earth, coming through.

"The breath of those people should be Powerhouse!"

"Why do so many Overlord level characters suddenly appear? No one has a breath weaker than Jiang Family Patriarch!"

"They should all come from outside Eastern Wilderness. These strengths are either the Patriarch of the Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family or the Holy Land Holy Lord!"

"Speaking of which, how many forces did Divine King Jiang Taixu offend back then? The powerhouse attracted so many people to attack and kill him!"


In Divine City , The cultivator's eyes from all corners are cast to the top of the Earth Palace.

There are thirteen vigorous blood energy soaring into the sky, one after another blood dragon is extremely large, penetrating Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, imposing manner majestic, divine force like a turbulent ocean.

The thirteen silhouettes are full of vitality and blood, blazing, reaching the sky, powerful enough to make people tremble!

These Holy Lord Level figures are scattered above the Earth Palace, like a sea of ​​blood energy intertwined, which far shocks a number of cultivators.

They did not know each other before, but at the moment they have a common goal, to kill Divine King Jiang Taixu!

"Central Plain Fang Family, Li Family, Ding Family, glass Holy Land, Myriad Beginnings Holy Land...you are so courageous!" Jiang Family Patriarch looked coldly across the thirteen silhouettes in the field. Report out the influence of the opponent behind once in your mouth.

"Give up. Jiang Taixu is dead, and your Jiang Family can continue to inherit. If you insist on doing unnecessary struggle, there will be no Jiang Family in Eastern Wilderness in the future!" A powerful Powerhouse looked at Jiang Family Patriarch, Sen The cold voice fell.

"Just because you want to offend the Divine King? Not qualified!"

Jiang Family Patriarch coldly shouted, with his hands printed on the Eternal Universe Furnace, the majestic spiritual power gushing out of his body .

Suddenly, Divine Furnace revived again, ten thousand zhang rays of light rushed straight into the sky, and the whole Divine City shuddered, and the golden blood and gold intertwined the avenue to the truth, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

"Patriarch, we will help you!" Jiang Yun and Supreme Elder have played one after another spiritual power and submerged in the Constant Universe Divine Furnace.

Assembling the power of two great abilities and multiple half-step Supreme Being Powerhouses, the Constant Universe Divine Furnace made a ringing hum.

In the next moment, Supreme divine might surge, like a river entering the sea, roaring, like a red sun falling into the sky, strikes the sky.

Under the dazzling rays of light, the Constant Universe Divine Furnace at this moment moves up Nine Heavens and moves down Nine Nether, as if it has become the only holy furnace in Heaven and Earth, covering everything as an eternal divine object .

"Is it the power of Emperor Artifact?"

The thirteen powerful Powerhouses glanced at the imposing manner Constant Universe Divine Furnace, which became increasingly terrifying, and looked at each other, each browsing tightly frowns, his expression became a little dignified.

"I will control this Constant Universe Divine Furnace. As for Jiang Taixu, let you kill it."

Seeing the Constant Universe Divine Furnace is about to explode heaven flooding. When Divine Might blasted the thirteen powerful Powerhouse, the hoarse sound that had been hidden in the sky floated from the air again.

Immediately afterwards, the void directly above the Constant Universe Divine Furnace was distorted, and a long sword with a golden crescent and a round sun appeared along with a golden handle.

"Yin-Yang Divine Sword!"

Looking at the long sword, Jiang Family Patriarch cried out in surprise. Although the whereabouts of Yin-Yang Divine Sword is unknown, in the ancient book description, this sword is indeed a soldier of the Great Emperor.

I saw the Yin-Yang Divine Sword pierced through the void, the tip of the sword dropped, and a humming sound hit the Constant Universe Divine Furnace.

"Not good! Something is out of control!" Jiang Yun complexion greatly changed.

Constant Universe Divine Furnace is like being provoked by Yin-Yang Divine Sword. It is faintly out of the control of the Jiang Family. It actually took the initiative to put the power of the burst on the thirteen powers. Turned to the Yin-Yang Divine Sword.

Constant Universe Divine Furnace, incarnate as a winged Divine Phoenix, is huge, unmatched, and swept towards the Yin-Yang Divine Sword in the clear and distant Phoenix Cry, where the breath of the Ancient Great Emperor is permeated.

At the same time, the Yin-Yang Divine Sword's sword body trembled, like an ancient ominous beast, opening its mouth, vomiting Heaven and Earth, and draining all the essence in Divine City, trembling. The sound greeted the Constant Universe Divine Furnace.

Two waves of terror, like a turbulent ocean, as if two Immemorial Kings were born, and like two gods looking down on the common people.


The collision between Emperor Artifact, Heaven and Earth will last forever!

Even if they are several kilometers apart, a number of cultivators can't help but suffocate.

"Constant Universe Divine Furnace has been restrained by me, what are you still doing?" In the secret, the hoarse voice sounded again.

Hearing this, the thirteen powerful Powerhouses looked at each other and instantly approached the Earth Palace.

"Jiang Family’s greatest support has been constrained by another Emperor Artifact, this time Divine King is in danger!"

"Alas, Divine King Jiang Taixu, who used to be a heroic and stalwart, Looking at the world, no one dared to provoke him, but now he is hit by someone to kill him."

"The Divine King of Supreme, more than four thousand years ago, compares the past and the present...the old age. I have to say it is a kind of sadness, heroes are not allowed to see white heads in the world."


Looking at a number of cultivators from a distance, sighed again and again.

"As long as we are still here, we will never allow you to offend Divine King Old Ancestor!" Jiang Family Patriarch shouted, and the voice of Divine City was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

"If time goes back four thousand years, who would dare to compete with my family Divine King? Now that he is deceived and desolate, and his life is dying, what a great expert for you all!" Jiang Yun and Jiang Family Patriarch Standing side by side, with a cold voice, murderous aura swept out like a tide.

"haha, years are aging, he shouldn't live in this era. People who should have passed away, why do you do this!" A powerful Powerhouse took a picture of it, accompanied by It was his deep voice.

"Kill Jiang Taixu!"

"Cut Jiang Taixu's head!"

"Search for the soul, get the Nine Secrets!"


One after another icy voice came from the thirteen powerful Powerhouse.

These thirteen people are all super experts who are watching the side. Their voices are not loud, but they reverberate all over Divine City, cold and cruel, and their low-pitched words are like a handle hammer hitting people's hearts.

hong long!

A powerful Powerhouse took a shot, split up and in pieces of the ground above the Earth Palace, and the rubble flew across.

Another powerful Powerhouse attacked and fell, the earth sank, one after another crack burst out, and then a huge sinkhole appeared, and the Earth Palace was completely exposed to everyone's sight.

"Kill! Never let them offend Divine King Old Ancestor!"

"If you want to offend Divine King, then step on my corpse first!"

"Guardian God King!"


Jiang Family A group of Supreme Elders guarded above the Earth Palace, and the shouts fell, and the unusual forms appeared one after another. , Respectively moved towards the thirteen powerful Powerhouse attack.

"trifling half-step Supreme Being, dare to prestige!"

The sneer fell, and a great power greeted the Jiang Family three Supreme Elder, just one face, It was to blast the three people into mud, and the blood mist was permeated.

"Come back, you are not their opponents!" Jiang Family Patriarch shouted, these Supreme Elders are tantamount to dying in front of these powers.

"Even without the Emperor Artifact, I can kill you!"

Two divine lights shot out from the eyes of Jiang Family Patriarch, filled with the voice of utter anger falling down, and there are many hands After a fight, an ancient tower appeared above his head.

"With you alone, empty words!" Among them, two powerful Powerhouses approached the Jiang Family Patriarch, and while the pace moved, the behind void collapsed.

"Offend Divine King Old Ancestor, kill!"

Jiang Family Patriarch took one step forward, the ancient tower on top of it ups and downs, and the fighting intent skyrocketed. black Zhan Ge gleams with icy luster, pointed finger towards the two powerful Powerhouses that flew over, sweeping away with one blow.


Suddenly, with a trembling, Jiang Family Patriarch's warrior rune flickered, drawing out a beam of black light, splitting the void.

Under this blow, the two powerful Powerhouses instantly retreated. When each step is stepped on, the void will tremble.

"Great Emperor formation mark!" Looking at Jiang Family Patriarch's rune, two powerful Powerhouses exclaimed at the same time.

Jiang Family Patriarch ignored the two powers, and swept them with one blow, moved towards the two men's chest and abdomen, to cut them off.


Looking at the Zhan Ge coming from the slash, two powerful eyes suddenly shrank, and then both hands shook together to contend with the black Tie Ge. At the same time, the pace retreats rhythmically.

I saw their big hands, one crystal clear as jade and one red as blood, intertwined with Law Power, penetrated the void, and forcibly resisted Zhan Ge.

peng~ peng~ peng~ ……

Jiang Family Patriarch's hand waving the battle faster and faster, at the same time, the ancient tower on its head quickly zoomed in, moved towards two Fame can be overwhelmed.

In a series of collisions, the void shattered, and the two mighties were more or less suppressed and chopped, blood flowing across the injured parts.

"This is the formation mark of the Great Emperor Eternal-Universe! It's really scary!" When they retreated to a safe place, the two powerful abilities shouted in unison, with fear in their eyes, as if they were in fear.

This Jiang Family Patriarch is roughly equivalent to their cultivation base, but with the formation mark left by the Great Emperor, they forcibly suppressed them.

"But the incomplete formation mark is still one of the corners. It won't be long before the energy in the formation mark dissipates."

Above the Earth Palace, thirteen powerful Powerhouses stand side by side. , And then made a concerted effort, one after another, attacking the formation mark of Jiang Family Patriarch in the hands of Jiang Family Patriarch.

"Patriarch, you must hold on for a while, the boss's breath fluctuates!" At this moment, an old man beside the Dragon Transformation Pond shouted excitedly.

In the milk-white pool, there are nine small dragons bred by divine spring. Six of them have been refined and successfully submerged into Jiang Taixu's body.

His body is no longer dry, and there are strands of vitality. Although he still hasn't awakened, but there is already a faint breath fluctuation, and his hands and ten fingers have begun to beat slightly.

"Kill! Go all out! Never let Jiang Taixu wake up!"

The thirteen powerful Powerhouse killing intents surging, their breath continues to rise, and they jointly obliterate the Void Path mark. , Heaven startling Divine Force played again and again.

Maybe I heard the sound from the Dragon Transformation Pond, the existence hidden in the sky actually started to control the Yin-Yang Divine Sword to launch an attack towards the Dragon Transformation Pond. Fortunately, every attack was successfully resisted by Constant Universe Divine Furnace.

As for the two powerful Powerhouses of Jiang Family Patriarch and Jiang Yun, their vitality and blood climbed, and the whole body was surging. They did not fear death to the thirteen powerful powerhouses.

hong long long ——

The battle in the sky is getting fiercer, but as the Great Emperor formation mark on Jiang Family Patriarch dies, the situation is obviously becoming unfavorable .

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