"Divine King Old Ancestor, I Jiang Yi is here!"

Just when Jiang Family Patriarch and Jiang Yun retreated in a row, a thunder-like surprise The noise exploded, shaking the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a three-shot blood-colored banner fell from the sky, hunting and hunting, seeming to shatter Heaven and Earth. Every shot is red as blood, and baleful aura soars into the sky, like drinking the blood of endless creatures.

Qiang, Qiang, clang!

Three red flags went straight into the battlefield, and the flagpoles stood in the void, like supporting a pillar of heaven and imposing manner like Yue. The flag shook, clanging, blood light soaring into the sky.

In the next moment, a group of seventy-eighty people came from the north swept in a flash, and they all rode on the wild beasts, the whales were thick, and the roar of the beasts spread all over Divine City, murderous aura rushing to the sky.

This is a group of powerful Knights, with blood all over them. You don't have to think about killing people like scything flax. They have gathered an unimaginable killing intent, with blood light shrouded on them. The seventy-eighty roar, with its iron hoofs smashing into the sky, took up the void in a blink of an eye.

The leader of this line of team is a gray clothed middle aged man, sitting on a prismatic beast, with iron clothes shining all over his body, very magical. On the left and right sides of him, stood an old man with monstrous blood energy, apparently all powerful Powerhouses.

"Who are those guys? The imposing manner does not seem to be weaker than the Ancient Desolate Jiang Family!"

"I don’t know, but what is certain is that they are here to assist the Ancient Desolate Jiang Family and protect Divine King Jiang Taixu."

"Look at the posture of those three people, It seems that they are all Da Neng Powerhouses. Putting it that way, Jiang Family already has five Da Neng Powerhouses, plus Jiang Family Patriarch's Great Emperor formation mark that has not been completely wiped out, it should be able to delay some time. "


In Divine City, the gaze of a numerous cultivators fell on the strong Great Knight who forcibly joined the battlefield, and his face was stunned.

"Northern Domain big bandits, are you going to be enemies of my Great Influence in Central Plain?" A powerful Powerhouse's complexion became dignified, looking coldly at Jiang Yi coldly snorted.

"Divine King Old Ancestor is in trouble. If Jiang Yi doesn't come back, I am ashamed of my offspring!" Jiang Yi waved, and the three-shot bloody banner returned to his hand, releasing a bitter chill.

"many thanks." Jiang Family Patriarch glanced at Jiang Yi with some gratitude.

"I have nothing to do with you anymore. It is my duty to rescue Divine King Old Ancestor, and it has nothing to do with you!" Jiang Yi glanced at Jiang Family Patriarch, shouted loudly, and continued to hold on With three shots of blood energy, he smashed thirteen powerful players.

Jiang Yun and Jiang Family Patriarch did not hesitate anymore and immediately joined the battlefield.

long long long ——

The battlefield has become chaotic again, and all kinds of brilliance flicker.

With the joining of Jiang Yi and his party, although he is still at a disadvantage, it can obviously delay the time.

Looking at the Dragon Transformation Pond again, nine small dragons have been refined and eight have been submerged in Jiang Taixu's body, leaving only the last one.

"Why... why Divine King Old Ancestor hasn't come alive..."

When the last small dragon was also cultivated into Jiang Taixu's body, nine Supreme Elder faces deathly pale, murmured constantly.

At this moment, Jiang Taixu's dry body has almost returned to a normal human form, but it still hasn't woken up.

"Is it really powerless?" A group of Supreme Elders sat slumped beside the Dragon Transformation Pond, extremely lost.

At the same time, above the Divine City city wall, a thunderbolt blasted from the blue sky, and a lightning flash flashed by.

Chu Bei, Ye Fan, Ji Ziyue, Duan De, Jiang Yifei, Jiang Tingting and other entire groups and a big black dog walked out slowly.

"Is this fighting already?" Looking at the fierce battle above the Earth Palace, Jiang Yifei's eyebrows became a little more solemn for an instant.

"I can’t think that you Divine King Old Ancestor did a lot of wicked things back then. Those guys who want you Divine King are all famous and great characters in Central Plain. They are all a region's. Overlord." Duan De sighed after seeing the appearance of the thirteen powerful Powerhouses.

"Smelly Taoist priest, you are not allowed to insult my boss!" Jiang Yifei fiercely stared at Duan De, bruising on his face.

"tut tut tut, there seems to be a great character hidden in this dark place. If it weren't for him, the Constant Universe Divine Furnace would not be pinned down. Yin-Yang Divine Sword, Great Emperor Yinyang's portable sword!" The black emperor's gaze switched back and forth between Constant Universe Divine Furnace and Yin-Yang Divine Sword, his eyes gleaming.

"Isn't that the Northern Domain tycoon Jiang Yi? Unexpectedly, he is very affectionate, and he can help out at this crisis." Ye Fan recognized Jiang Yi and praised him.


Over the fierce battlefield, Jiang Family Patriarch, Jiang Yi, and Jiang Yun seem to be aware of the abnormality below, and their faces are ugly to the extreme.

"You must kill it yourself, you can't be careless!"

But even if we knew that Jiang Taixu did not wake up, the thirteen Da Neng Powerhouses did not slack in the slightest, they were still crazy. The output is now.

"brother Taixu …brother Taixu …"

Just beside the Dragon Transformation Pond, a group of Supreme Elders looked at Jiang Taixu in the pool while frustrated, one was like a ghost. The -like sound resounded throughout the Earth Palace and even the sky above it, and everyone on the battlefield heard it.

The voice is very faint, from east to west, and from south to north, quickly approaching the Dragon Transformation Pond.

In an instant, no matter it was a member of the Jiang Family or the thirteen powerful Powerhouse who came to commit crimes, everyone changed their faces.

"Who is the owner of this voice!?"

Calling Jiang Taixu the brother, one can imagine how scary his age is. He is definitely a man who lived more than 4,000 years old. Peerless character.

A crowd of people swept all around, and there was a flash of rays of light. There was a wrinkled old woman beside the Dragon Transformation Pond. She squatted her body with sparse white hair. , Leaning on a cane like a ghost.

The old woman is very old, but she is wearing a five-color feather coat, which is not suitable for her age.

"brother Taixu...for four thousand years, you really came back, and I finally waited for you!" The old woman burst into tears, and said: "But I'm old, my youth is gone, I really I don’t want you to see me like this."

"Are you Cai Yun Fairy?!"

I heard the words of old women, including Jiang Family Patriarch, Jiang Yun, etc. With Powerhouse included, the expressions looking towards the old woman looked like a ghost, and they never thought that there were still people living in the same generation.

In the past, Jiang Taixu horizontally and horizontally Eastern Wilderness, known to everyone known to everyone, and his deeds are also recorded in various ancient books. It is for this reason that a group of powerful Powerhouses quickly guessed the identity of the old woman.

The soulmate of Jiang Taixu in the past, Saintess of Myriad Beginnings Holy Land.

Saintess cannot marry outside, Cai Yun Fairy has no way to be with Jiang Taixu. So Jiang Taixu forcibly broke into Myriad Beginnings Holy Land and forced her to take her away, but Cai Yun Fairy thought of Shien, and finally did not leave.

But she never married Holy Son all her life. She was alone in the ancient cave and never walked in the world. But who would have thought that after more than four thousand years, she was still alive.

"In the past, your boss was beaten by Brother Taixu for obedience. Now, you have also become a region's Overlord, but you still have to join forces to deal with the old brother Taixu. It's ridiculous! You younger generations, If you want to take the life of my brother Taixu, step on my corpse first!"

The old woman looked up and swept across the thirteen powerful Powerhouses, with white hair flying, and her crutches point forward. Incomparable terrifying pressure burst out, with hundreds of stripes appearing intertwined.

"This is..."

"Divine King order!"

Thirteen powerful Powerhouses were shocked.

The force played by the old woman is not very scary, but what it swings is the avenue, it is the order of Heaven and Earth, not a simple divine force, this is the understanding of the Tao, it is more Terrifying attack method.

"Cai Yun Fairy, why are you doing this? You could not marry him back then. Now that four thousand years have passed, can you still not let go of him?" A Da Neng Powerhouse shook his head and sighed, "You know, What you do now will affect the Myriad Beginnings Holy Land behind you."

"Patriarch, the breath of Divine King Old Ancestor is weak!" At this moment, a Supreme Elder suddenly exclaimed, his voice With trepidation in it.

"The reason why brother Taixu can't wake up is that the spirit is not enough...Leave it to me." Perceiving the changes in Jiang Taixu's body, Cai Yun Fairy glanced at Jiang Family Patriarch in the sky , "Do your best to block these offenders!"

Falling with a majestic voice, the old woman plunged directly into the pool and hugged Jiang Taixu in her arms.

"Brother Taixu, for four thousand years, you were as rich as jade and valiant, but now you have become like this." Dragon Transformation inside the pond, old woman tears like rain, forbearance Can't help but tears.

She injected herself one after another god element into Jiang Taixu's body, divine light like unrolled bolt of white silk, illuminating the entire Dragon Transformation Pond.

"Cai Yun senior, you..." Upon seeing this, the Supreme Elders were all moved.

"This is my own choice, you don't need to say more." The old woman moved towards Four Elder Zhou waved her hand, constantly rushing out of the gods above her head, and continued to sink into Jiang Taixu's body.

The old woman stroked Jiang Taixu's face with her hand, tears kept rolling down her muddy eyes: "In the past, you were able to move unhindered in the whole world, who would dare to block it? Back home, there are so many people who want to kill you."

"brother Taixu...you must wake up..." the old woman muttered to herself, almost begging, as if she was back four thousand years ago .

The battle in the sky became more and more intense, the sky was dark and the sky was cracked.

Gradually, the breath of the old woman is getting weaker and weaker, but Jiang Taixu's life fluctuation is getting stronger and stronger, and nine small dragons appear in the faintly round sea, bringing a deep dragon roar sound.

"Cai Yun, don’t you want to resurrect Jiang Taixu!"

With a hoarse shout, the person hiding in the dark finally couldn’t help it. The moment the sky appeared, Yin-Yang Divine Sword buzzed, and the Great Emperor breath on its sword suddenly soared.

Vaguely, I forcibly suppressed the Constant Universe Divine Furnace.

This is not to say that Yin-Yang Divine Sword is stronger than Constant Universe Divine Furnace, but that the cultivation base of the people who motivate Yin-Yang Divine Sword is far superior to Supreme Elder of Jiang Family.

dang dang!

Dang dang!

In the deafening impact, Yin-Yang Divine Sword, while fighting against the Constant Universe Divine Furnace, hits the sword glow and swept down the old woman, the speed is almost coming Extreme, seems to be preventing everything she did.

"haha, Dark Night Monarch, you can't stop me, brother Taixu will definitely live!" The old woman let out a big laugh, letting the sword glow penetrate her body, and blood flowed.

"Brother Taixu, do you know? I really want to walk with you under the sunset, but unfortunately...there is no time, you will never...and you will never hear my voice." Dragon Transformation Pond , Cai Yun Fairy's cloudy eyes are getting darker and darker.

all around Jiang Family Supreme Elder tried his best to block the sword glow from Yin-Yang Divine Sword, to buy the last time for Cai Yun Fairy.

"brother Taixu, in the past, you found the earth fruit for me to replenish my life essence. You want me to live with you for four thousand years and dying of the Human World. I waited until you... Unfortunately... but can't I'll see you resurrected with my own eyes."

old woman a light shout, an endless divine light burst out of her body, and all the energy of the whole body was injected into Jiang Taixu's body, her fleshy body suddenly withered. , The eyes are completely dim.

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