"If time can go back 4,500 years ago, brother Taixu...I will go with you...instead of staying in Holy Land..."

old The woman ran out of oil, stroked Jiang Taixu's face with the last trace of strength, her gray lips trembling, almost speechless.

Supreme Elder on the side, even though he has lived for thousands of years, couldn't help but shed tears and couldn't bear to witness this scene.

"I... don't want to..." The old woman's lips trembled, she wanted to say something, but she couldn't speak.

"Cai Yun Fairy, what do you want to say?" A Supreme Elder instilled a huge spiritual power into the old woman's body.

"After I die...cover the body with a white cloth and tell Brother Taixu...Don’t open it and look at me...I don’t want him to see...I am like this, I want to let his memory... …Always the me who was four thousand years ago."

"Okay!" The Supreme Elder choked in his voice.

"brother Taixu... after all... I can't walk with you..." After the old woman said this, the last gleam of light in her eyes disappeared, her head fell silently, and she nestled beside Jiang Taixu.

"Cai Yun senior!"

Just as everyone in Jiang Family exclaimed in pity, a lightning flash appeared above the perimeter, and several silhouettes walked out.

"Yifei! Who is this?"

"He...is he the Boss Chu?"

"Boss Chu, please help Cai Yun Fairy and Divine King Old Ancestor!"


A crowd of Supreme Elders looked at Chu Bei, first for a moment. After guessing the identity of the other party, they immediately cup one fist in the other hand bowed, with pleading in his sincere eyes.

"You guys invited him here!"

In the battlefield, Jiang Yi swept back two powerful Powerhouses with a three-shot scarlet banner, his eyes fell. On that silhouette below, his face was full of surprise.

Seeing the arrival of Chu Bei, Jiang Family Patriarch and Jiang Yun also showed joy. Although the latter has not seen the strength of Chu Bei with his own eyes, he has heard of Jiang Family Patriarch's narration. Raising your hand can destroy the joint attack of the six Extreme Dao Emperor Artifacts, and can suppress the emperor's corpse!

"Who is he!"

Perceiving the expressions of Jiang Yi, Jiang Family Patriarch and the others, the eyes of the thirteen powerful Powerhouses focused on Chu Bei. There was a little dignity on his face. Faintly, this guy gave them a sense of crisis.

"Boss, can she save her life?" Ji Ziyue pointed her white tender finger at the old woman.

Chu Bei glanced at Ji Ziyue, but did not respond.

"Boss, the ancestor of Divine King..."

"He has woken up."

He was pointing at a Supreme Elder in Jiang Family When Jiang Taixu of Dragon Transformation inside the pond was about to say something, Chu Bei's words sounded.

"Look at Divine King's ancestor's eyes, there is a drop of sparkle! He Senior feels all this!"

With an exclamation, everyone in Jiang Family realized that in Jiang At the corner of Taixu's shriveled eyes, a drop of crystal light rolled down gently.

In the next moment, Jiang Taixu suddenly got up and opened his eyes, with a bright divine glow in his eyes.

However, he was motionless, just watching the dead old woman quietly.

After a while, she held the old woman's body in both hands, stood in the Dragon Transformation Pond, and let out a mournful roar: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Roaring, shaking Heaven and Earth, resounding through Divine City, rushing to the sky, shocking everyone.

"This imposing manner, is Divine King Jiang Taixu resurrected?"

"Jiang Family, he did it, but he did it!"

"It now appears that the thirteen powerful Powerhouses from Central Plain failed to kill King Death God, and they are now in a critical situation!"

"There is also the one who controls the other extreme magic Guys!"


The cultivator in every corner of Divine City, simultaneously looked towards the direction of Earth Palace, with a grieving roar echoing in their ears. Under this voice, they felt a sense of confidence inexplicably, and the flow of spiritual power all over the body seemed to be suppressed.

"Is he really alive?" The thirteen Da Neng Powerhouse looked at the upright silhouette below, looking at each other in blank dismay, with a look of vigilance.

"Jiang Taixu!" The Powerhouse manipulating Yin-Yang Divine Sword on the side was completely heavy, and his mouth roared with a fierce killing intent.


Jiang Daxu coldly glanced at that silhouette in the sky, and continued to roar in his mouth, moving Heaven and Earth.

For four thousand years, endless sorrow and sorrow, heroes twilight, and beauty withered, how can we not be heartbroken, how can we not be sad?

Divine King is sad, full of sadness!

The roar of grief shook away the clouds in the night sky, like sea water flowing back into the Ninth Stage sky, endless sorrow, full of sadness.

Jiang Taixu hovered above the Dragon Transformation Pond. The flesh and blood had already dried up, but the corners of the shriveled eyes were shimmering. He held the cold body of the old woman, motionless.

I don't know how long it has passed. Divine King seems to be petrified, there is no sound, no movement, just quietly watching Lao Chu. Hong Yan is old, her face is full of wrinkles, her gray lips, and her rickety body, years have robbed her of her youth.

"It's late." Chu Bei glanced across Jiang Taixu and the old woman in his arms, shook the head and sighed.

The absolute beauty of the past, no complaints, no regrets, the first is four thousand years, the time has passed, the heart is depressed, and we wait in silence until we are completely old.

Even though four thousand years have passed, Cai Yun Fairy heard about the Divine King and came to save Jiang Taixu, vanished fragrance and crumbled jade.

"Divine King Old Ancestor, mourning." Jiang Family Supreme Elder whispered.

"Cai Yun..." Jiang Taixu ignored Supreme Elder, lightly said in his mouth, and his voice trembled.

He has endless sorrow, endless regret, knowing that soulmate is saving himself and offering sacrifices to the gods, but he can do nothing.

Four thousand years ago, his clothes whiter than snow, able to move unhindered in the whole world, who would fight for it? Now, returning home in his old age, even the life of the woman he loves the most can't be saved, and she died to save him.

The love is uncontrollable, and his heart is broken. He looks up to the sky and hugs the cold corpse firmly.


Divine King roared, the sorrow remained the same, the boundless grief turned into a killing intent soaring, in this brief moment the entire Divine City was cold Coming down, it seemed like a stern autumn wind swept away.

At this moment, the endless Heaven and Earth spirit madly flooded Dragon Transformation Pond, hiding the sky and covering the earth, to be precise, it should be merged into Jiang Taixu's body.

"Boss, this Jiang Family's Divine King looks so distressing." Ji Ziyue looked towards Chu Bei, pointed Jiang Taixu and bit his lip lightly, with compassion in his eyes.

"There was a generation of formidable persons, but they could only watch their beloved die for themselves." Duan De faintly hissed, rare to be serious.

Chu Bei did not speak, but silently looked at Jiang Taixu on Dragon Transformation Pond.

At this moment, Divine King Jiang Taixu absorbs the essence of all directions, swallows the Yuehua star, and the whole body is enveloped by the surging dim light.

"Why do you want a white cloth to cover your body? Why don't I see you?"

Jiang Taixu choked up with the old woman in both hands, muttering to himself: "In my eyes, you It’s always the same, it’s always the same, whether it’s four thousand years ago or now!"

"You like the appearance when you were young, and I will let you stay young forever." A cry of sadness fell, The sea-like essence is surging like a tide, surging, one after another.

I saw Jiang Taixu release the rays of light with both hands, almost transparent, injecting all the gathered essence into the old woman's body: "If you can't save your soul, you must also wake up your fleshy body !"

With the infusion of countless essences, Lao Ji's body changed rapidly, and her wrinkled skin slowly stretched and smoothed out slowly, and her sparse hair began to grow.

"I want to promise you a look that is not old!" Jiang Taixu shouted, with a voice like a thunder divine might, pierced Heaven and Earth, shocked Divine City, everyone's ear drums hummed.

For a moment, Cai Yun Fairy seemed to be resurrected, as if she had gone back 4,500 years ago. She was covered with black hair, her body was crystal clear, and her appearance was completely restored.

"It's a pity that the beautiful lady is dead, and Divine Soul is annihilated." The Black Emperor barked.

"You guys, you have to die today!" Slowly put down Cai Yun Fairy, Jiang Taixu lifted his eyes and scanned the void, his eyes were fierce.

"A living dead four thousand years ago, what are we afraid of! This is not his time anymore! Kill him together!" Thirteen powerful Powerhouses gathered together, coldly Staring at Jiang Taixu, killing intent overflowing heaven.


The cold syllables fell, Jiang Taixu appeared in front of the thirteen Da Neng Powerhouses in one step, and raised his hand to take a picture.

The sudden attack, the thirteen powerful can't respond, their pupils suddenly shrank, and instinctively raised their hands to block.

hong long!

With a loud noise, the void exploded directly, and the thirteen powerful Powerhouses flew upside down almost at the same time. The blood poured down, and blood spurted from their mouths.

"Is it still so horrible after being sealed for many years!" After the thirteen Da Neng Powerhouses stabilized the stability, they were frightened.

Looking at the thirteen criminals who had retreated in an instant, Jiang Family Patriarch, Jiang Yi, and Jiang Yun looked at each other, and their faces were filled with joy.

The Peerless God King recorded in the ancient book is back!

Jiang Taixu stepped into the void, with deep eyes, walking in the world like a Supreme Spiritual God while moving.

"Unfortunately, you still haven't recovered the strength of the previous years, and the ending will not change." Suddenly, a hoarse voice floated from the air, and a black robed man stepped out in the air. I don't know when, Yin-Yang Divine Sword has appeared in his hands.

"Dark Night Monarch!" Jiang Taixu gave up the attack on the thirteen powerful Powerhouse, his eyes turned to the black robed man, and his voice was cold.

"Unexpectedly, you can remember me." The black robed man pointed at Jiang Taixu.

"Dark Night Monarch, have you forgotten the agreement you signed with Eastern Wilderness? What does it mean to set foot here today! Do you really want to tear up the agreement made back then?" Jiang Family Patriarch stared closely at the black robed man.

"The agreement can be destroyed, but Jiang Taixu must die!" At this moment, he has walked from the dark to the light, and has no choice.

Sen Leng's voice fell, and Dark Night Monarch's gaze returned to Jiang Taixu: "Four thousand years ago, when you killed my brother, you would have thought of this day!"


Four thousand years ago, the name of the twin kings of Central Plain shakes the whole world, the elder brother was the king of the sun, and the younger brother was the Dark Night Monarch. The two brothers came out together, Sweeping Across the World, invincible.

Divine King Jiang has encountered countless enemies in his life, only the battle with the Sun King is the most difficult and dangerous, which can be called Ghost God!

They crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, and don’t know how much mountain range they broke. They fought for a whole night, and Divine King Jiang destroyed both body and soul with a shocking blow. , Disappear from the world forever.

"Four thousand years have passed, and you have also taken this step." Jiang Taixu seemed to be reminiscing about the past, beckoning, Constant Universe Divine Furnace floated in front of him.


Jiang Taixu and Dark Night Monarch shot at the same time, each holding Extreme Dao Weapons.

Finally, the battle between Dark Night Monarch and Peerless God King broke out, and they rushed to the sky to show their infinite means.

Constant Universe Divine Furnace and Yin-Yang Divine Sword are also entangled with each other, forming a battlefield of their own.

In the sky, the two are walking in the smashed in the sky. Unlike the battle between Great Expert, what they are fighting is a confrontation between them. Although it may seem ordinary, it is far bigger than the battle. The battle between Noh can be countless times more dangerous.

"That's the Fighting Character Art of the Nine-Character Secret, Fighting and Victory!"

"Good thing!"

Big black dog and Duan De have two eyes Taking the golden light, staring greedily at Jiang Taixu in the sky far away.

I saw his black hair dancing wildly, his eyes sharp as knives, between his hands and feet, thousands of sword glow shot out, and the void was beaten into a honeycomb, completely pierced through.

Battle Saint Method, the holy technique of attack, the lethality is unmatched in the world!

"Boss, which of them will win?" Ye Fan turned his head and looked towards Chu Bei, pointing to the battlefield in the sky.

"He has been sealed for more than four thousand years, even more how he just woke up..."

The words in Chu Bei's mouth have not yet been finished, and the sky far away suddenly splits a huge space The gap, followed by a silhouette fell into the sky.

hong long!

The sound and shadow did not fall to the ground, but it caused a burst of explosion in the sky.

"Divine King Old Ancestor!"

Seeing the silhouette that landed, Jiang Family Patriarch, Jiang Yun, and Jiang Yi immediately flew forward and supported them with their faces With a worried color.

"You are defeated by time after all." Dark Night Monarch descended slowly from the sky, right hand moves, Yin-Yang Divine Sword fell into the palm, and then the tip of the sword pointed directly at Jiang Taixu.

Dark Night Monarch releases a breathtaking breath from the whole body, like a deity descending, patrolling the earth.

"It's indeed a little overwhelming." Jiang Taixu said with a little bit of self-deprecating.

Of course, as soon as his voice fell, drops of bright red blood penetrated from the body and floated outside the body, and then turned into a flaming flame in the sound of chi chi.

Almost at the same time, its breath fluctuation suddenly rose, and the vigorous blood energy seemed to have suddenly returned to more than four thousand years ago.

"Divine King Old Ancestor, no, absolutely no!"

"Boss, you just came back, Jiang Family still needs you!"

Look With the blood dripping from Jiang Taixu's body, the complexions of Jiang Family Patriarch, Jiang Yun, and Jiang Yi changed drastically at the same time.

This Divine King Old Ancestor is actually burning the essence of the original blood, thus temporarily restoring the peak strength of the past years!

"Where did the Dark Night Monarch come from? Isn't even the resurrected Jiang Family's Divine King his opponent? He actually forced the Divine King to burn the essence of blood!"

"Central The Dark Night Monarch of Plain Twin King, and Jiang Family's Divine King are the Peak characters of the same era! More than four thousand years have passed, and he is still alive. Obviously he has also become a Divine King!"

"No wonder Jiang Family's Divine King will be defeated!"


In Divine City, a numerous cultivators raised their eyes and looked at Jiang Taixu, whose blood energy is becoming more and more prosperous in the sky, with continuous sighs. Continuously.

"In your current state, the Blood Essence Combustion is exhausted, and this king is not afraid!" Dark Night Monarch said coldly.

"Then fight again!"

Jiang Taixu suddenly raised his eyes, two golden lights shot out in his eyes, and the fighting intent climbed to the extreme. The shout was thunderous, with a divine might punching through Heaven and Earth, shaking Divine City, and buzzing in everyone's ears.

"Jiang Family still needs you, I will leave it to this seat next." At this moment, an extremely calm voice floated from in the sky.

Although the voice is not loud, it steadily stabilized Jiang Taixu's thunder-like voice with an invisible momentum, clearly floating in everyone's mind in Divine City.

At this moment, the flaming flame outside Jiang Taixu's body was like a downpour and instantly extinguished, and the blood bead floating outside the body was forcibly pressed back into the body. .

In an instant, Jiang Taixu's breath that climbed to the extreme fell back to its original state.

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