Knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, yokes, hooks, forks, whips, mace, hammers, ge, trousers, sticks, sticks, sticks, spears, rake... etc A weapon evolved from thunder emerged from Primal Chaos Qi.

These thunder weapons seem to come from outside the sky, breaking through the sky, illuminating eternity, and releasing Immortal's Power of Thunder to the fullest of Heavenspan.

long long long ——

Under the billowing thunder, the endless death spirit behind the Yin and Yang Magice behind has a tendency to be purified.

"This...Is this the end of the world coming!"

"Why are the clouds rolling on a good sunny day, and what happened to these thunders?"

"This breath of thunder came from Eastern Wilderness! What happened there? is it possible that Ancient Great Emperor has recovered!"

"My God, could it not be the Eastern Wilderness of the past?" Wilderness overlord will come back to the world?"


Born in an unusual form, this is a great shock!

Unusual form shocked the past and the present, and shocked the world. At this moment, the sky above the entire Big Dipper is covered by dense thunder, and the cultivator in every corner feels this majestic Power of Thunder.

Central Plain, Western Desert, Northern Plains, South Mountain Range, all cultivators looked up at the sky in astonishment, each with an incredible color.

Some of the Peak forces’ controllers are looking towards Eastern Wilderness, frowning deeply and full of grave expressions.

As for Eastern Wilderness, especially the cultivator in Divine City, one by one collapsed directly on the ground, looking at the various thunders above, shiver coldly, complexion ashen.

Although this thunder power did not deliberately target them, it still caused them to stagnate and a sense of powerlessness.

"My God, is this the unusual form of Boss? You can't see the end at all!" Ji Ziyue's mouth became ○-shaped, looking at the dense various thunders in the sky, with two eyes Gazed rolling ○.

The expressions of Jiang Family Patriarch, Jiang Taixu and the others are not as exaggerated as Ji Ziyue, but they can't help being sucked in a cold breath.

"woof woof woof! Great Emperor, Xiao Hei missed you."

Feeling the power of the thunder in the sky, the big black dog snorted in pain, and howled forever. , Seems to be thinking of those years following Great Emperor Without Beginning.

hong long long ——!

Lightning is densely covered, the power of thunder is pervasive, and the sound of thunder is all over the sky.

One of Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones, undying mountain.

Every mountain is black, some are like swords towering into the clouds, and some are like Barbaric Ox lying on the ground, shrouded, grand and magnificent.

You can see the mutilated Stoneman picking medicine, and the stone crow lacking a claw is flying. These all are Holy Spirit, it looks weird.

"Who is this!" A tall demon figure stood up and looked at the sky.

This is the deepest part of the undying mountain. It is beyond people's imagination. It is not a terrifying magic land, but a hidden land of peace and prosperity, pure and natural.

A piece of Peach Garden, with colorful falling English. Several cottages, Return to the Natural State. An old tortoise was crawling, walking slowly, and fleeing towards the back of the hut, long live divine medicine one after another Black Tortoise.

"I don't know." An old fogey leaned against the wall, very old, with quick hands and quick eyes. He held down the Black Tortoise medicine to prevent it from slipping into his arms.

"Want to fight!" The tall and majestic demon shadow standing like a Demon God holds a black Dualbladed Halberd, murderous-looking.

"There is not much life, don't toss." Messy Old Man shook the head, stroking Black Tortoise's head in his arms.

"That's all." He sighed, the stalwart silhouette of Demon God squinted his eyes, and a pair of cold pupils shot bright light, which directly penetrated the sky, and the rolling thunder retreated from the top of Undying Mountain.

One of Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones, Divine Ruins.

There are many remnants here, and there are dao marks everywhere. There is a huge South Heaven Gate towering, which is the remains of the Ancient Celestial Court, which fell here in the past.

remains are boundless, here was the paradise of the gods, but now it is called Divine Ruins, with Supreme dormant.

In the depths of Divine Ruins, that is a huge Peach of Immortality Tree, all around the tree is filled with celestial mists, refreshing, and fragrance flowing.

Behind the Peach of Immortality Tree is a mouthful of divine spring, which gushes out of the veins of the earth. It has not dried up since ancient times. After it has poured out of the ground, it penetrates into the center of the earth, forming a cycle.

This is the real divine spring. It is the best water source for planting undying medicine, refining pills, and prolonging the life Essence Qi of the human body.


At this moment, a silhouette at the bottom of the divine spring, which has been sleeping for a long time, opened his eyes. It is the Ninth Stage pupil, the pupils shoot out, the spring water is boiling, the whole Divine Ruins released monstrous breath.

The infinite lightning above the Divine Ruins suddenly seemed to have received some kind of traction, first gathered together, and then all poured into that silhouette at the bottom of the divine spring.

One of Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones, Immortal Tomb.

Here is a desolate, Qiuling everywhere, each of them is not very high, but they all have an imposing manner, some are Yin Qi shrouded, and some are Ruixia rushing into the sky.

It is extremely mysterious and is considered to be the burial site of ancient immortal. Although all the graves are it's empty, people think that it is caused by the emergence of immortal physique, leaving no real body.

Hundreds of prehistoric stone tablets trembled violently, devouring the thunder above frantically, and a huge black shadow formed under the stone tablet faintly.

With its coldly snorted, hundreds of stone tablets rose from the ground, blooming dazzling rays of light, like a round of scorching sun, releasing monstrous breath.

One of Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones, the sea of ​​reincarnation.

It is silver, like an endless Star River hanging down into a vast ocean.

It is vast, without borders, and the silver sea is endless. It is larger than the entire Eastern Wilderness, but it is normally not visible at all.

Obviously, here is another world, and the exit is connected in the mysterious area of ​​Big Dipper.

crash-bang ——

Suddenly, the silver wave rolled up like a metal storm.

The sea surface seemed to have been cut by Heavenspan giant sword and divided into two halves, and in the middle an unimaginable giant palm suddenly protruded, tearing off the upper thunder.

Immediately afterwards, the waves came together again and became extremely calm, as if nothing had happened.

One of Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones, Absolute Beginning Mine.

The land of reddish-brown seems to be infested with blood, hard and withered. Desolation and emptiness coexist, and some huge rocks stand scattered on the ground, which looks like tombstones at first glance.

The space between Heaven and Earth is drowsy, and the faint black mist adds a touch of gloom to this world. The endless reddish-brown land, far away and dead, with no signs of life,

Here is the source of the highest High Level of Big Dipper, and the large and small mines are densely arranged together, but if you are careful It can be seen that there are hundreds of bones piled up under every mine.

"Who is this guy? What an unfamiliar breath!"

"Who knows, maybe it is because of the compelled by circumstances reason that it can be ascended to the fullest, it seems He can't wait for the next prosperous age."

"It's hard to become a fairy!"


The Absolute Beginning Mine came out with long and deep waves. There was a faint sigh that was difficult to catch, and a burst of gray rays of light gushed out from below, and the thunder that was shrouded above the ancient mine disappeared.

One of Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones, Burying Heavens Island.

This powerful Supreme once lived here, because he provoked the chaotic Great Emperor of Monarch Overlooking The Whole World.

In that battle, heaven falls and earth rends, Star River turned into powder. In the end, Chaos Great Emperor greatly showing divine might, although it succeeded in winning, but also exhausted the blood essence of the whole body, unable to live to the second life and fall here.

However, after his death, his obsession remains immortal, and he turns into a Yin God comparable to supreme existence.

chi chi chi!

On the floating island, a huge black shadow wandered around, glanced at the thunder that suddenly appeared above his eyes, opened his mouth and sucked sharply, rolling The thunder fell into his mouth, followed by the sound of crunching chewing.

One of Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones, an ancient restricted area.

A lithe and graceful woman stands on the Holy Mountain. The beauty of the woman is too unreal, dusty and indifferent. She is clearly above the Holy Mountain, but it makes people think of her. It seems to be in Immortal World.

She gives people a kind of supernatural temperament, which does not seem to belong to this World. There is a breath of not interested in mundane affairs, which gives people a feeling of feathering and going away at any time.


The woman stared at the direction of Divine City, her gaze seemed to penetrate thousands of miles of void, and the silhouette of Chu Bei reflected in the beautiful eyes, with her murmur confused.

"Is this true strength." The woman glanced at the thunder on the sky, and did nothing. After shook the head, the silhouette fell back into the Holy Mountain.

Almost at the same time, the Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones, except for the ancient restricted area, broke out with an incomparable horrible breath.

The energy of Domination spreads to the entire Big Dipper Void, the secret places of the mountains and forests, and the ominous beast roars, as if being frightened.

Above the Divine City, Chu Bei stands with his hands behind, like the Ancient Great Emperor descending into the world, like the Immortal King patrolling sentient beings, coldly looking at the Yin and Yang Magistrate.

Immortal King Overlooking Nine Heavens, Yin-Yang Life and Death, Green Lotus of Chaos, Stars Shine in Heavens, Jinxiu Heshan... etc., various ancient unusual forms have evolved behind Chu Bei’s, of course, these all are Intertwined by terrifying thunder.


In Divine City, a large number of cultivators looked at the various unusual forms behind Chu Bei, and each one was dumbfounded, and was beyond speechless.

Yin and Yang Magistrate looked directly at Chu Bei, for a long time, finally shook the head, glanced at the direction of Cai Yun Fairy, and sighed faintly.

next moment, its behind reaches Nine Heavens and then steps on Nine Nether. The horrible breath makes people tremble and the golden light-filled virtual image disappears.

"Return to the house."

The two syllables that were slightly unwilling to fall, Yin and Yang Magicstrate put away the Magicstrate pen, and finally looked at Chu Bei, the body sank slowly and returned In the bottomless abyss, until disappeared.

"Can't even Master Magistrate surrender him?"

The two teams of Yin and Yang Ghost Soldier looked at Chu Bei in horror, their eyes filled with incredible colors. Although they don't know how powerful Yin and Yang Magistrate is, they have personally seen a Saint King in Magistrate's body dies and Dao disappears.

But even with such a powerful existence, in front of the mysterious person in front of him, he is helpless.

clang clang clang ——

In the sound of metal crash, the two teams of Yin-Yang Ghost Soldier also disappeared into the abyss together with Yin-Yang Magistrate after all.

Gradually, the abyss began to heal, and the dark clouds, billowing thunder, and various unusual forms in the sky began to disperse.

The sky is clear again, and the earth is healed again. If countless people have not seen it with their own eyes, they would have thought that nothing had happened before.

"Is this Boss Chu defeated without a fight?"

"It is, and it really is! He really snatched Cai Yun Fairy from Hades. !"

"Even Yin and Yang Magicre had no choice but to retreat. What kind of cultivation realm is this Boss Chu? Is it really the Ancient Great Emperor?"

"Maybe Anyway, his realm, we have been impossible to reach it for several lifetimes, and it is out of reach!"


In Divine City, a numerous cultivators looked at Chu Bei in the sky, came back After to his senses, squirming his throat, his eyes are not only shocked, but also worship.

"Those Ghost Soldier and Yin-Yang Magicstrate are all withdrawn. As expected, Boss Chu is stronger!" Ji Ziyue looked excited, his eyes squinted into crescents, and the little tiger tooth gleamed.

"woof woof woof!" Black Emperor roar towards the sky, looking at Chu Bei in the sky far away, as if seeing the Supreme majesty of Great Emperor Without Beginning Monarch Overlooking The Whole World in the past.

In the sky, Chu Bei faintly glanced at the corpse of Cai Yun Fairy next to the Dragon Transformation Pond below his eyes. The right hand spread out, and a huge suction force burst out suddenly. At the next moment, I saw Cai Yun Fairy's corpse soaring, moving towards Chu Bei, the corpse exuding shining light.


The calm one-word syllable fell, Chu Bei first reactivated the breath of Cai Yun Fairy's corpse with Power of Thunder, and then beckoned, soul, and fleshy body Two into one.

"brother Taixu …"

in midair, Cai Yun Fairy slowly opened her eyes, her clothes fluttering, tears hanging on her peerless appearance.

"brother Taixu, in the past, you found the earth essence fruit for me to replenish my life essence, and you want me to live with you for four thousand years and dying of the Human World. But this difference is more than four thousand Year..."

"If time can go back to four thousand five hundred years ago, brother Taixu.. I will go with you instead of staying in Holy Land.."

With tears in the corners of Cai Yun Fairy's eyes, step by step slowly walked to Jiang Taixu's side, raised his hand and stroked Jiang Taixu's face, her gray lips trembled, almost speechless.

"Let the past pass, aren't we together again now?"

Jiang Taixu gently stroked Cai Yun Fairy's forehead blue silk, the whole body lit up The dazzling rays of light, and then I saw Jiang Taixu's appearance began to change, from a bad old fogey to a handsome young guy.

"From now on, we can stroll under the sunset."

Jiang Taixu took Cai Yun Fairy's hand and walked to Chu Bei's side. They both knelt down at the same time:" Many thanks Boss resurrected Cai Yun, many thanks Boss reinvention!"

Not only Jiang Taixu, Jiang Family, a number of cultivators including Jiang Family Patriarch, have moved towards Chu Bei and bowed in their voices. With respect.

"Get up all, this can be considered to do a good deed. As for the cause and effect, it is up to this seat."

Chu Bei looked at the blue sky, one Wielding his robe, the domineering spirit is undoubtedly revealed.

love will find a way, those who spread dog food will eventually become siblings.


The majestic breath in Divine City dissipated, a number of cultivators came back to his senses from shock, and still seeing people is fiercely exploring the previous sky. battle.

As for Central Plain, Western Desert, Northern Plains, South Mountain Range, countless powerhouses turned into rainbows and flocked to Eastern Wilderness. Seeing people was asking about the reasons for the previous thickening of thunder.

Soon, this sensational major event spread wildly under the water effect.

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