Eastern Wilderness, Central Plain, Western Desert, Northern Plains, South Mountain Range, and the entire Big Dipper discussed intensely.

"I'll drop a mother, I finally sorted it out."

"Don't sell it, just talk about it! Then come and go. Soon, what is going on with the apocalyptic thunder? Has the Ancient Great Emperor revived!"

"This is a long story. Let the old man take a sip of tea and water. "

"Do you know, the Jiang Family's Divine King of Eastern Wilderness 4500 years ago?"

"The Jiang Taixu who killed the Sun King!"

"Yes, that's him! In fact, he didn't die, but was sealed in Purple Mountain. When he was rescued, he was dying. After the forces of Central Plain in the past learned about it, thirteen Holy Lords went to attack and kill Among them is the old monster, Dark Night Monarch, who has lived for more than four thousand years!"

"My God, wouldn't you say that Jiang Taixu made the thunder unusual form?"

"Of course not! If not for Boss Chu, then Jiang Taixu would have been killed by the Dark Night Monarch."

"Boss Chu? It sounds strange! Is this? Is it a certain Ancient Great Emperor samsara reincarnation?"

"This Boss Chu is amazing, it is said to have survived from the ancient times. Regarding his deeds, I have to drink two more glasses of water to slowly Come on."

"Get the heart of the Great Emperor, Central Plain treasure, suppress the emperor's corpse, enter the Bronze Immortal Palace, my god!"

"What? Kill thirteen Holy Lords and Dark Night Monarch!"

"Grab someone from the Hades and successfully resurrect the dead!"

"The thunder unusual form turned out to be caused by him. Come on, how defying this is!"


The whole Big Dipper, all the topics among cultivators are all around Hong Jun Dao ancestor, and it becomes more and more intense.

The Divine City battle ended. When the entire Big Dipper was intensely discussing the protagonist of the battle, Boss Chu, some hidden places in every corner of Big Dipper began to release strange fluctuations.

Maybe it was influenced by Chu Bei’s thunder unusual form, or because of the terrifying breath riots released by the seven restricted areas, the strange fluctuations of these hidden places begin to stir, this feeling is like there is What an extraordinary existence has to be born.

On the edge of Eastern Wilderness, this is the Great World of ice and snow, and you can look at a white ice field.

Under the ice sheet, chunks of huge transparent Divine Source began to shake.

In the first piece of Divine Source, this is a shriveled body, with only a layer of old skin attached to the bones. There are some grass-like dry and yellow hair on the head, very sparse, and releasing A bitter chill.

Suddenly, his eyes opened, and cracks began to appear on the surface of Divine Source, which were cracking slowly, and the falling Divine Source debris was shining.

In the second Divine Source, this is an Old Ape, majestic and tall, sitting cross-legged. It was tall, covered with snow-white animal hair, and looked peaceful, as if it were still alive.

Vaguely, this Old Ape seems to be united with Dao Idol, as if united with Heaven and Earth.


Old Ape's claws moved, and he tore a corner of Divine Source directly, and an imposing manner that looked all over the world came out.


Northern Plains periphery zone.

Deep underground, there is a huge Earth Palace.

This is a huge project, like an endless man-made, which is extremely wide and can't see the end at a glance.

The magnificent Earth Palace is full of ancient times, like a layer of dust, stone chamber, stone palace hall, etc. are full of traces of time.

But the underground is not so dim, there are a few strange stones shining brilliance, you can clearly see everything here.

The dragon energy is turbulent, like a river, impacting at every corner of the Earth Palace, bathing in it, making people feel refreshed.

In this huge Earth Palace, there are countless huge pupae. At this moment, the originally quiet pupa suddenly shook, and at the same time it caused all kinds of weird neighing noises.

Gradually, mysterious creatures in these pupae began to protrude their claws, heads... all released monstrous breath.


South Mountain Range periphery zone.

This is a vast abyss, like a bottomless pit, which seems to swallow people's minds and sink people into it.

The abyss, extremely empty and silent, seems to be connected to the nether, even if they are far apart, there will be throbbing in the heart, and the back will be cold inexplicably.

Under the abyss of endless Darkness, dragon energy is like a tide, constantly turbulent, and occasionally there is divine brilliance, and a few Divine Source particles burst out, crystal clear and near-transparent, sparkling and shining.

The abyss is too big to illuminate all of it, and it is still a bit dim. Looking at it, it is empty, not like the ground at all, but as if it came to an Ancient Battlefield.

One of the most conspicuous is an Ancient Sacrificial Altar. It is difficult to guess how many years it has existed. It is engraved with the traces of the years, and even the stone is about to rot.

The weird thing is that it is actually a five-color altar made up of ancient stones of five colors.

On the altar, a transparent ancient coffin rises and falls, which makes people feel restless. The flesh and the skeleton seem to be torn apart. This is a terrifying pressure!

"Human Race, these years have been so beautiful! It's time to return to the era of the Sovereign of the Immemorial clan!"

In the transparent ancient coffin is a large Divine nearly two meters long. Source, bright and dazzling, makes people unable to open their eyes, and there is a humanoid creature inside.

As a deep and gloomy speech fell, Divine Source exploded, the coffin lid flew, the humanoid creature stood upright, two gloomy lights shot out from its eyes, and it hit the Heavenspan dome, with a strange unusual form.


Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family, Jiang Family.

"Boss Chu, these are all the valuable treasures that our Jiang Family can take out so far."

Jiang Family Patriarch respectfully looked at Chu Bei and shook his head and sighed. .

He didn't expect anyhow, after this Boss Chu helped them, he would take the initiative to ask them for remuneration.

And when you speak, you are all the precious treasures of Jiang Family!

Looking at the treasures piled up in front of him, Chu Bei was satisfied and nodded. With 90% of Jiang Family's wealth, the conversion progress of his cultivation base should be able to directly enter 100%.

[Host cultivation base conversion progress 69]

[Host cultivation base conversion progress 70]

[Host cultivation base conversion progress 71]


[Host's cultivation base conversion progress is 100%, reward the host with ten Level 6 commodity use rights once]

The result is indeed as expected by Chu Bei, even Jiang Family The wealth has not yet been used up, and the progress of the conversion has reached 100%.

Apart from this, Chu Bei is delighted that after the successful conversion of the cultivation base, he even rewarded the right to use Level 16 products!

Level 15 Splitting Heaven Ax has given him the strength equivalent to Great Saint Peak; and Level 16 merchandise corresponds to the realm of quasi-emperor!

Three days later.

Yan Capital City.

The capital of Yan Country is very prosperous, and the main road is crowded with to-and-fro people.

"Silver red dates, big and sweet."

"Fried buns, don’t taste good, don’t pay for it."

"Niu’s duck blood fans The soup, the blood is thick, the soup is juicy and delicious, come and taste it."

"Ice candied fruit stick, only one Copper Coin per string."



On the streets, all kinds of calls for buying and selling are endless.

"Boss, are you taking us to cultivation in the red city? Ye Fan looked at Chu Bei in confusion."

Chu Bei laughed, and then put his finger out Got out.

Ye Fan immediately followed the direction of Chu Bei’s fingers. It was a corner. A dirty little girl was pitifully begging a man with a big belly, but was frightened by the man’s roar. Living.

The little girl withdrew two steps timidly, staring down at her little shoes with holes in the toe, she didn't dare to say a word.

"Boss, did you come to see her specially?"

Ye Fan did not go over immediately, but browsed the little girl carefully and wanted to see if she had How different. However, to his disappointment, he did not detect an abnormality.

Chu Bei slightly nod responded that this is the new Level 1 agent.

A little girl related to Great Empress Ferocity!

The little girl was obviously frightened by the roar of the previous man. She did not dare to beg from passers-by anymore. She wiped her tears aggrievedly, walked forward with her head down, and almost bumped into others several times.

She was very scared, for fear of being scolded again. She was timid, and her head lowered deeper. The more she looked, the more pitiful she became, which made people feel pity.

"Is she an orphan?"

Ye Fan can't stand it anymore. She thought of the first time she saw Little TingTing, but Little TingTing still had a grandfather. Reduce to the point of begging.

With a sigh, Ye Fan silhouette flashed, squatting in front of the little girl, looking at her softly.

"I'm sorry, big brother, I didn't mean to..." The little girl walked forward with her head down, looking dazed, because she almost ran into Ye Fan's body, tears flickering in her eyes, she was scared.

"Don't be afraid, the big brother is not a bad person." Ye Fan got up and bought four steaming soup bags, wrapped them in oil paper, and handed them to the little girl.

"Thank you...you are a kind big brother." Tears rolled from the corners of the little girl's eyes, and she took the soup packet with a grateful expression.

Ye Fan touched the little girl's head and said, "Do you have no relatives?"

The little girl blinked her big eyes, shook her head in confusion, and said, "No, 囡囡I don't remember anything."

"Don't remember anything?" Ye Fan felt something unusual and couldn't help but ask carefully.

"My daughter and daughter will forget everything in the past every time, without any impression. Maybe after a while, I may not even remember my kindly big brother." The little girl lowered her head, emotional somewhat low.

"Why is this?" Ye Fan was surprised.

"My daughter doesn’t know it myself, I seem to have forgotten a lot of things. I don’t know where I came from or where I want to go. Others have relatives, but I don’t. My daughter is very lonely and sad. "The little girl lowered her head, her eyes filled with tears.

Hearing this, Ye Fan frowned, once again Divine Consciousness penetrated into the little girl's body. After careful examination, there was still no trace of abnormality.

Why is this happening? Ye Fan was suspicious.

This little girl is obviously very unusual, but why can’t it be checked out?

"Good heart, big brother, this is for you."

Little girl From his tattered clothes, he took out a small crystal clear and near-transparent stone. The seven kinds of brilliance flowed, and at first glance it was nothing.

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