
A terrifying voice sounded.

Immemorial creature's attack is directed at Duan De.

However, when the two terrifying beams were about to hit Duan De, a tiny divine glow appeared out of thin air, instantly annihilating the black light beam.

"You are the Eastern Wilderness most powerhouse in their mouths, Boss Chu?"

Watching the attack being defeated, the Immemorial creature converged with a disdainful expression, and his eyes fell on Chu Bei's body was examined carefully.

"Tell me."

Chu Bei glanced at the Immemorial creature, said in a tranquil voice.

"Whether you can accept the letter, you have to let this king see if you are qualified!"

Immemorial creature's cold voice fell, and then took a step forward, raising his right arm to take a picture .

In an instant, the void roared in front of him, and a giant hand, Shrouding The Heavens, wrapped around the Immemorial rune, covered the sun with extreme power and fierceness. It pressed against Chu Bei like a piece of earth, terrifyingly terrifying. .

"It's this power!"

Looking at the giant hand that was depressed, Jiang Yifei complexion slightly changed.

It's not just him, but the younger generations of Holy Land and ancient aristocratic family beside him frowned.

Under this breath, the spiritual power in their bodies is not smooth, they are severely suppressed, and they cannot even activate their organs.

"Boss Chu, his strength should be in Divine King Peak."

Jiang Taixu glanced at Chu Bei's giant hand and spoke at the right time. In the previous battle, he was defeated by the opponent.

hong long!

Just as the giant palm of Shrouding The Heavens was about to fall on the head of Chu Bei entire group, Chu Bei's eyes condensed and two beams shot out from his eyes purple light.

With a roar, the giant hand was instantly pierced and dissipated by a terrifying force crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

"How is it possible..."

This time, the Immemorial creature was directly shocked.

Immemorial Zhenshanzhang was his extremely powerful attack, and he was destroyed by the opponent so easily.

Just when the Immemorial creature was still immersed in shock, a huge black gap suddenly cracked above his head, and then amid the loud noise of hong long long, there was an incomparable gigantic black purple divine glow. With Tao might of Heaven fall.

Immemorial biological eyes shrank, a chill rushed into my heart inexplicably, too late to think, and he slapped another palm of the mountain as quickly as possible.


At the moment when the two forces merged, the Immemorial creature uttered a mournful scream. Even if his divine force was exhausted, it could not stop the dark purple lightning. The power of terror.

Almost instantly, his hands turned into bloody mud, which was shattered by divine glow, and then his arms were like tofu, and his ka-cha shattered, splashing blood and bone dregs across the void.

"Finally saw Boss Chu take action."

Behind Chu Bei, a numerous cultivators were startled, his eyes were golden light, and his eyes were full of admiration. color.

"Half, no, you are Saint!"

The Immemorial creature howled miserably and looked at Chu Bei in horror, with fear in his eyes.

When he arrived at this realm, he had been able to regenerate flesh and bones, but what made him panic now was that his broken hands could not be reborn. There was a terrifying unknown force spreading to stop him. To regenerate his limbs.

"Is this the letter?"

Suddenly, a calm water sound rang in the ears of the Immemorial creature.

When he stared at it, his face changed in shock, and the other party had already taken his letter without him knowing it.

In other words, if the other party really wants to kill it, it will not have time to react.

When I think of this, the Immemorial creature endures the severe pain, and a long cold sweat.

In the sky, Chu Bei face sank like water, although it looks like a young man, its power from time to time is far stronger than Divine King Jiang Taixu ten times a hundred times!

Chu Bei pinched the envelope with two fingers, and the tiny divine rainbow swam around with his fingertips. With a sneer, he destroyed the envelope bag.

After reading the content of the letter, Chu Bei rubbed his fingertips, and the letter disappeared under everyone's eyes.

"Go back and tell your king, if you continue to hibernate, it's okay, if you really dare to invade Human Race, this seat will kill without mercy!"

The cold voice suddenly came from Chu Bei's mouth It confided, like the sound of rolling thunder, under the terrifying sound wave, the Immemorial creature directly turned pale, stumbled and retreated a few steps, mouth spurt blood poured out, and it took a long time to stabilize the silhouette.

The hatred is even worse in the gaze looking towards Chu Bei again!

"This king remembers you! See you next time, this king will make you regret it!"

The words filled with threats fell, and the Immemorial creature finally glanced at it. Chu Bei, spitting out blood, his silhouette sank into the void.

"My seat has changed my mind. You should stay here forever."

When I heard the Immemorial creature, Chu Bei's words changed suddenly, and then right hand turns, Immemorial creature The vanity that disappeared burst open suddenly.

Under the endless coercion, a large number of space fragments fell from the sky, and then the Immemorial creature that had already been submerged in the void and was ready to escape, appeared again in the sight of everyone in the field.

At this moment, the Immemorial creature has a distorted expression and a frantically struggling body, as if being tortured by inhuman.


Only hearing a blast, under the horrified eyes of everyone, the body of the Immemorial creature exploded, along with the twisted soul body.

Looking at the bloody head in the distant sky, a numerous cultivators swallowed their saliva.

"Boss Chu, I don’t know what that letter said?"

Jiang Taixu stepped forward respectfully moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, Shaking Light Holy Lord, Ji Family Patriarch, Jade Lake Holy Lord and the others follow closely from behind, with confusion between the eyebrows.

"Immemorial Royal Family has recovered from the deep sleep, allowing you to move away from the major heavenly paradise, and they will move in one day later." Chu Bei said in a tranquil voice.

"What? Let us hand over the Holy Land! Damn it!"

Jade Lake Holy Lord and Shaking Light Holy Lord looked at each other, with terrible anger on their faces.

As for the faces of Jiang Taixu, Ji Family Patriarch and the others are even more ugly, the place where their clan is located is inherited from the ancients, how could it be possible to hand over to these Immemorial Royal Family.

"Boss Chu, what if we disagree?" Jade Lake Holy Lord asked.

"Apart from World War I, do you have other methods? At that time, you can only speak through strength." Chu Bei laughed.

"Are they going to be an enemy of Human Race?"

Jiang Taixu's gaze narrowed: "Even if blood flows into a river, we don't want us to hand over our distant ancestors to stay The treasure of the world!"

"Right, fight!"

A numerous cultivators fighting intent is proud.

Not only Chu Bei received a letter from Immemorial Royal Family, Central Plain, Western Desert, Northern Plains, South Mountain Range also received such a letter.


Central Plain, the huge area is mainly divided by the four Great Influences, that is, the four dynasties, Great Xia Dynasty, Gu Hua Dynasty, Nine Li Dynasty and Divine Land Dynasty.

In a main hall of the Eccentric Mansion, there are a total of four people sitting in the center.

A person is wearing a golden red robe and a crown of golden diamonds on his head. Although a little old, he has an invisible imposing manner sitting there. This person is from the Great Xia Dynasty. Emperor.

In the second position, the seated person wears a white robe and a purple crown that symbolizes identity, the emperor of the Gu Hua Dynasty.

The third position, the purple dragon robe is added, wearing a five-pointed platinum crown, is the emperor of Nine Li Dynasty.

The fourth position, the Dragon Phoenix pattern on the Golden robe is intertwined, dazzling, and the emperor of the Divine Land Dynasty.

Under the heads of the four emperors, there were nearly a hundred people wearing gorgeous robes sitting back and forth. All of them were breath and majestic and powerful.

Qin Sect Sect Master, Heaven's Mystery Pavilion Hall Master, Vermilion Bird Church Sect Lord, Cai Family Patriarch... the people in the great hall are all Central Plain power controllers.

At this moment, these normally seen great characters are all gathered together, their faces are heavy, and the atmosphere in the field is extremely silent.

"Damn it! Do they really think they are the masters of Big Dipper? They want us to give up the territory!"

The Emperor Jiuli slapped a palm on the chair and got up. Face angry.

"If they want to fight, they will fight!" Emperor Shenzhou's eyes narrowed.

"Shopping to the end, resolutely not let any inch of land!" The leaders of all influence got up one after another and expressed their opinions.


Western Desert.

This is the gathering place for all Buddhist believers in Big Dipper.

In Mount Meru, the Great Thunder Sound Temple, a group of eminent monks sit cross-legged on the futon, each with a heavy face.

Among these bald donkeys, there are the host of Great Thunder Sound Temple, the host of Alan Buddhist Temple, the host of Ahan Buddhist Temple, the host of Floating Buddhist Temple, the host of Steep Orchid Buddhist Temple... etc.

"Immemorial creatures are born, Big Dipper is going to change! Amitabha!"

"In this battle, Western Desert is inevitable and can only face the enemy."

"The major Transmission Formation has been repaired. If it is really lost, we can also flee to another domain."

"I am afraid Eastern Wilderness, Central Plain and other places have also received the same letter. They I must be on high alert now."


In the Thunder Sound Temple, a group of eminent monks talked, and the atmosphere was solemn.


Northern Plains.

Here is snow all year round, mainly including Three Great Influences, Ice God Palace, Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family Wang Family and ancient giant.

At this moment, in the Ice God Palace, there are three silhouettes sitting relative to each other. One of the men is holding a letter in his hand, his eyes full of anger.

"Will they not even let this remote place go?"

"What about Immemorial creatures? If they really dare to come, they will definitely come back and forth!"

"Immemorial Royal Family is not easy to deal with. Just now, you also played against that guy. The strength has reached the Divine King Peak. It is difficult to handle!"

"these all are ten thousand years The guys before, how powerful they are, and I haven’t come into contact with them. If every Immemorial Royal Family has the strength of Divine King Peak, then this is really difficult!"


Sandao silhouette looked at each other in blank dismay, the imposing manner on the body is constantly rising.


South Mountain Range.

Here is mainly controlled by Three Great Influences, one is War God Temple, which is the largest Human Race Sect in South Mountain Range; the other is Monster Sovereign Temple, where South Mountain Range Monster Race is located; and the third is Barbarian Race, Also known as the ancient War God tribe, it is very powerful all year round.

"I am afraid that these Immemorial creatures have yet to recognize the current situation! Tens of thousands of years have passed, and Big Dipper is no longer their Sovereign era."

"But just not I know which existences of the Immemorial Royal Family have revived, and will Supreme Powerhouse wake up!"

"It’s really a critical juncture, you can open up the space passage, and unite with Central Plain and South Mountain Range. Take the entire northern battle qi!"

"I heard that Eastern Wilderness has an amazing character, it seems to be called Boss Chu, it is said to be a character from the ancient period, I wonder if he can shock the Immemorial Royal Family. "


With the passage of time, the forces of Eastern Wilderness, Western Desert, Central Plain, Northern Plains, South Mountain Range large and small have all entered a state of preparation .

The Magical Artifact from the ancient inheritance, the ancient Treasure Item, and the Great Emperor weapons have all been moved out and placed in the center of Sect and Holy Land, ready to attack at any time.

"What the hell is happening? How come you are ready for battle!"

"My God, your news is too blocked! Immemorial creatures are born, maybe tomorrow There will be a battle of blood flowing into a river!"

"Immemorial creatures? Don't they only exist in the ancient book? Don't they die!"

" Avenue news, this Immemorial Royal Family sent letters to the people of Eastern Wilderness Western Desert Central Plain Northern Plains South Mountain Range, threatening to keep us away from heavenly paradise, or kill them all!"

"Damn it , Are they so rampant? Are we really bullying about our Human Race!"

"How powerful the Immemorial Royal Family is, and even the Holy Lord they don’t know what terrifying were born out of these Royal Family Existence, that’s why I’m so vigilant."

"And as far as I know, the Peak Powerhouses of Eastern Wilderness Western Desert Central Plain Northern Plains South Mountain Range Five Great Domains have all agreed with each other, and the major Transmission Formation They can all be opened, and the five domains can be transferred at any time."

"putting it that way, in order to face these Immemorial creatures, Five Great Domains unexpectedly put aside their old grievances and stood on the same line? "


Gradually, Big Dipper, big and small, all forces have noticed a kind of wind and rain, and the content of each other's conversations is all centered on Immemorial creatures. Unfold.

[Recovery mission is on: the host gets the Enlightenment Tea Tree]

[During the mission, the host can mobilize the power of this world given by the system; after the mission is over, the The power of the emperor disappears]

[Task completion reward: the host’s cultivation base is directly raised to Level 12 Peak]

In a great hall of Ancient Desolate Jiang Family, Chu Bei calm and composed Drinking tea, at this moment, the familiar system sound sounded in my mind.

"Enlightenment Tea Tree? Power of Quasi-Emperor? Level 12 Peak?" Chu Bei murmured.

After successfully converting all the cultivation bases of Doupa and Douluo planes, he obtained the right to use ten Level 6 commodities once.

According to system evaluation, the battle strength given to him by ten Level 6 products is the realm of quasi-emperor.

In the process of this recovery mission, he can also use the power of the quasi-emperor given by the system, just to take this opportunity to get familiar with the power of the quasi-emperor in advance.

As for him, the current cultivation base is still Level 11 Peak, which is also the Divine King Peak equivalent to Shrouding The Heavens plane.

Not long ago, the method of killing Immemorial creatures was to redeem a Level 12 commodity, so as to have the power of Half Sage Peak.

Thinking for a moment, Chu Bei put down the tea cup in his hand, got up and scanned Jiang Taixu Cai Yun Fairy and the others: "I'm out for a trip."

"Boss Chu, Immemorial creature You are the only supreme existence in Eastern Wilderness when you are born. I don’t know where you are going? How long will you be going?"

Jiang Taixu immediately got up and moved towards Chu Bei bowed, with respect.

"undying mountain."

Chu Bei glanced at the red dot area on the map marking the location of the Enlightenment Tree, said in a tranquil voice.

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