
Hearing the undying mountain mentioned by Chu Bei, Jiang Taixu's face changed in shock.

After came back to his senses, Jiang Taixu wriggled his throat and looked at Chu Bei and quickly said: "Boss Chu, undying mountain is one of the Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones! It has been rumored for several years. Previously, there were complete mastery Saint Physique and Ancient Great Emperor who fought for two lives, but they did not level it. I wonder if you are going this time?"

"Take a tree, whose name is enlightened. "Chu Bei looked at Jiang Taixu calmly, indifferently said.

"It turns out that you did it for that tree too! But the ancient book records that the Ancient Great Emperor who tried to level the undying mountain also failed to bring the Enlightenment Tea Tree out. In the eyes of Wansheng, this undying mountain The existence of terrifying is bound to fall asleep, I am afraid you will go now..." Jiang Taixu looked worried and tried to persuade Chu Bei.

There are too many terrifying legends about the undying mountain. The existence that came out of it once messed up the earth, causing Human Race blood to flow into a river, and the skeletons became mountains, forming the most terrifying Darkness era.

If the complete mastery Saint Physique and the Ancient Great Emperor were not born one after another, and the power of the two generations had suppressed all of this, the history of the Big Dipper Human Race might have to be rewritten.

"Which Great Emperor actually broke into Undying Mountain back then?" Duan De asked.

"Great Emperor Void." Jiang Taixu replied.

"It's my distant ancestor!"

Hearing this, Ji Ziyue's mouth is wide open, and his delicate and flawless face is full of look of shock.

"Little fellow, I can't think of your Old Ancestor with such great feats!" Duan De patted Ji Ziyue said on the shoulder.

In the world, there are few legends about the Great Emperor Void, and even Ji Ziyue, who is his descendant, doesn't know much about it. Who would have thought that this Great Emperor was so powerful, he once broke into the undying mountain, created such great achievements, and resolved the disaster of Human Race.

"Ancient Great Emperor, every one is a Supreme personage, endless years, only one is born out of billions of absolutely creatures, even if there are not many rumors about a certain Great Emperor, it is not that you, a stinky Taoist priest, can guess Yes." The Black Emperor glanced at Duan De and roared.

Hearing the words of the Black Emperor, Jiang Taixu agrees that nodded, every Great Emperor is the only protagonist of a period. If we talk about their life alone, everyone has an endless Legendary.

"Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with this seat." Chu Bei moved towards Jiang Taixu nodded.

"Seven restricted areas, I'm really curious about what's in them!" Ji Ziyue rubbed his hands, his eyes glistened.

"This time I will go alone, and I will go back."

However, when Ji Ziyue looked at Chu Bei expectantly, the latter's calm voice was directly on her Pouring a pot of cold water on his head.

next moment, Chu Bei all around rippled, and the silhouette disappeared from everyone's sight.


undying mountain.

The scorching sun hangs in the sky, the mountains are full of life, lush and green, black land, black cliffs, it looks old and mysterious.

This is a primordial area, a vast wilderness, many ancient wood towering high in the sky, just like hills, many ancient vines buried the mountains below.

Everything is too primordial. These vines and trees do not know how many years they have grown. They should have been Monster Transformation, but unfortunately they are still the main body and there is no channeling.

Occasionally you can see beasts in the mountains, all unheard-of unprecedented, all strange and terrifying, full of dangerous breaths, all psychic ancient beasts.

The deeper you go, the more you can feel the terrifying breath of this hell, which makes people uneasy, like getting closer to the terrifying existence of a Supreme.

In the central area, there is a big mountain, imposing manner majestic, towering majestic, as if splitting heaven and earth apart had already stood here since the beginning of splitting heaven and earth apart, it can be called the king of the mountain, the emperor of the mountain, and the imposing manner is majestic and majestic.

The mountain is lush and green, full of ancient trees in the sky, it looks full of vitality, and there are some lakes dotted with the mountainside, but they can hardly conceal the true color of the mountain, and it is as dark as ink.

At this moment, Chu Bei is hovering on the top of this mountain, his eyes staying in one direction.

There is an ancient tree there. Although it is covered by a lot of ancient wood, its unique and unmatched aura is particularly special.

It is not very tall, but it is more than three meters high, but it is as vigorous as a horned dragon, and its old skin is cracked, as if it has gone through hundreds of millions of years. It is very peculiar. There are no duplicates in the leaves of the tree. Each leaf is unique, all crystal clear and near-transparent, like carved jade.

Some leaves resemble small cauldrons and are misty. Some leaves, such as Divine Phoenix, shimmer in the sunlight. Some leaves are as vivid as immortal sitting cross-legged. Some are like gold, rays of light are bright, and some are like red jade, very bright and colorful.

"It is indeed the Enlightenment Tea Tree." During his steps, Chu Bei has already arrived under the Enlightenment Tea Tree.

The trees all around seem to have endless roads flowing, full of mysterious power, which makes people feel ethereal at once. Chu Bei has no cultivation, but it seems to be enlightened.


Just then, a bell rang.

Next moment, a misty silhouette appeared in front of Chu Bei, which is not real.

I saw him pacing around the Ancient Enlightenment Tea Tree, and above his head was a big bell shrouded with chaotic mist.

The big clock seems to be able to hold time, chaos and turbulent, hanging down ten thousand silk ribbons, extremely mysterious and hazy, like a long river of years flowing.

After turning for a while, the misty silhouette sits under the Ancient Enlightenment Tea Tree. The big clock rises and falls, making him look like nothingness, as if he has merged into the vast Heaven and Earth, and is about to disappear.

After a while, he seemed to be looking thoughtful, stood up and looked at the sky, and then step by step away, he seemed to be walking against the long river of time, crossing the gate of time and leaving, returning to the distant ancient past Years ago.

"Great Emperor Without Beginning..."

Looking at the fading back, Chu Bei whispered softly. If the Black Emperor is here, I’m afraid he will cry hoarsely Heart cracked.

After the beginning of the journey, there is another silhouette under the old tree. She is even more mysterious. Only a shadow can be seen, behind a jar with a grimace in it ups and downs.

She stepped under the ancient tree, and every time she took a step, a black hole appeared under her feet, as if she wanted to swallow everyone in, with only a little bit of energy overflowing, Heaven and Earth seemed to collapse. Up.

"Have the Great Empress Ferocity come too..." Chu Bei murmured.

After this abyss-like dark shadow left, several silhouettes appeared under the ancient enlightenment tree, but they left after a short while.

"Unexpectedly, there would be so many Great Emperors who came to enlighten the Tao under this tree." After Chu Bei let out a sigh of emotion, his right hand was attached to the torso of Enlightenment Tea Tree.

crash-bang ——

Suddenly, the ancient tree more than three meters high shook, and the torso burst out with sacred rays of light.

It is so peculiar, every leaf is different, there are small cauldron, Divine Phoenix, immortal, god clock, mountains and rivers, clouds, gossip... all kinds of shapes are vivid.

Each leaf is like a Small World, representing a unique way, swaying a dreamy brilliance.

Look carefully, the trunk is ancient, full of atmosphere and ancient meaning; while the leaves are natural, full of life and Dao Rhyme. The two blend together, mysterious and mysterious.

"It's you!"

Just as Chu Bei was preparing to subdue Enlightenment Tea Tree according to the method described by the system, a thrilling low-pitched sound suddenly sounded in the undying mountain.

next moment, amidst the weird sound of hong long long, the roaring sound of the river came. This is a big black river rushing, and the black hair is flat, without a trace of anger, which makes people feel inwardly just by looking at it. Blocking.

Feeling the lifelessness of the black river, Chu Bei's heart was inexplicably cold. Raising his hand is the power of quasi-imperialism bestowed by system.

In the rumbling sound, an incomparably huge gap was opened above the black river. Inside the gap, a ten thousand zhang high thunder giant holding a thunder giant axe moved towards black and the river slammed down.


The sound of thunder resounded through the sky, and the waves of the black river rolled, bringing layers of weird splashes.

"It turned out to be you, no wonder I have the confidence to enter my undying mountain."

The flat voice fell, and a tall and majestic shadow appeared above the black river, standing like a Demon God. , I saw that he was holding a black Dualbladed Halberd, murderous-looking.

With a sigh, the stalwart silhouette of Demon God squinted his eyes, and a pair of cold pupils shot bright light, which directly penetrated the thunder giant of ten thousand zhang high.

Hearing what the other party said, Chu Bei's heart trembled, and the other party knew him!

After the astonishment, Chu Bei quickly calmed down. It must be because the breath revealed by using 15th level products not long ago was perceived by the other party.

"Stone Emperor?"

With the memory in his mind, Chu Bei tentatively opened his mouth and speculated, without the slightest mood swing on his face.

Immemorial Era’s Great Emperor Level characters are called ancient emperors, such as undying Heavenly Sovereign and Empress Mother of West; while in the ancient times they are called Great Emperor, such as Great Emperor Without Beginning, Great Empress Ferocity, Great Emperor Void.

"Since you know this is the place where the emperor sleeps, why dare to come, and even want to take away Enlightenment Tea Tree!"

Gao Daxiong Wu is like Demon God The standing magical shadow is coldly snorted, and the river at its feet is turbulent, like a black dragon about to sweep the sky, making people feel ill at ease.

"It's a bit difficult." After confirming the identity of the other party, Chu Bei brows tightly frowns.

The masters of these restricted areas were once the supreme existence of the Great Emperor, just to live longer, and when they perceive the passing of their lives, they advance Dao Severing so that they can fall into the next realm.

"The bones are loosened after slumbering for thousands of years."

Stone Emperor waved his black Dualbladed Halberd: "Fight!"

The emotional syllables fell, and the halberd in Shi Huang's hand fell, making a buzzing trembling sound.

Suddenly, over the undying mountain, the sky split open and the dragon mark collapsed. A huge gap seems to connect the vast universe outside the Big Dipper Star Region. Through the gap, the Sun, Moon and Stars of the Foreign Domain are faintly visible.

A Molong appeared from the gap, carrying the mysterious power in the universe, blooming with monster rays of light all over the body, and flickering towards Chu Bei while the rune flickered.

Molong has spirit, baring fangs and brandishing claws, this is the strongest Sovereign Dao blow.

In an instant, the all around void where Chu Bei was located was ignited, and time and space seemed to be frozen.

In an instant, Chu Bei was submerged and couldn't avoid it.

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