Eastern Wilderness.

Above a mountain forest, a huge Transmission Formation with a diameter of 100 meters is lit up with mysterious rays of light, and the bright rune flashes.

In the buzzing sound, a silhouette appeared in the Transmission Formation.

This is an eminent monk, wearing a slightly gorgeous robes, but with an anxious look on his face.

But when he came out of Transmission Formation and saw everything all around, the anxious color on his face was instantly replaced by surprise and confusion.

The mountains are still Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, the spring water is clear and winding, and the trees are lush and green, full of the breath of life.

There is no fighting, no roaring, no brilliant brilliance, no horrible to see corpses, no ancient warships above the sky, and no countless Immemorial creatures, and no boundless Immemorial. King.

"Isn’t this Eastern Wilderness? Or Immemorial creatures don’t like Eastern Wilderness?"

Alan glanced all around, muttering in his mouth, with confusion between his eyebrows .

It stands to reason that even if Eastern Wilderness withstands the attack of Immemorial creatures, it will have to pay a heavy price. How could it be such a normal sight.

xiū xiū xiū!

"Who is the newcomer!"

Just as Alan was puzzled, several sky-splitting sounds sounded, and at the same time a scream echoed in his ears.

I saw a team of divine rainbow across the sky, and suddenly appeared in the all around of Transmission Formation.

This teleportation great spell is guarded by many Peak forces such as Flickering Light Holy Land, Ancient Desolate Ji Family, Jade Lake Holy Land, etc. The first team to reach this wave is Flickering Light Holy Land. Patrol team.

"Fellow Daoist, the little monk is from Western Desert. I wonder if this place belongs to Eastern Wilderness?" Alan asked.

"Of course, this is the area of ​​Flickering Light Holy Land." A patrolman said.

Hearing this, Alan immediately asked: "Immemorial creatures did not infringe Eastern Wilderness?"

"Come, but all dead." A patrol team replied.

"What? It's dead!"

Hearing the answer, Alan's mouth opened wide, with an incredulous expression on his face, and he asked again: "How many people are they here? There is Immemorial. King?"

"Thousands of warships, the breath is terrifying. Moreover, it is led by an Immemorial King, and the horror is boundless." The patrol said with a serious face.

"Then why... why are you still able to win? What about the warships? What about the corpses? How did you deal with them?"

Alan was completely confused , Pointed out his fingers and pointed all around: "Since we have experienced a great battle, why can't we find any traces of the battle?"

As for the series of questions raised by Alan, several patrol team members looked at each other. With a smile, Chu Bei's deeds of killing all Immemorial creatures by himself were briefly described.

"Boss Chu! Kill the Immemorial King and thousands of Immemorial creatures with one person!"

"Is he the Ancient Great Emperor?!"

After listening to the patrol team members, Alan's expression was startled, as if she couldn't believe her ears, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and as if she had been poured cold water from head to toe, and her whole body was numb.

After came back to his senses from the shock, Alan suddenly showed joy and excitement.

If what these patrols say is true, the man named Boss Chu can really kill all Immemorial creatures by the strength of oneself, as long as you move the opponent, then Western Desert will be saved!

Thinking of this, Alan looked a little excited towards a patrol team member, and couldn’t wait to ask: "Dear Fellow Daoist, the Western Desert has also been invaded by Immemorial creatures. The hosts are doing their best to cooperate with Imemorial. King is fighting. Right now, Western Desert has become a bloody hell battlefield, maybe only Boss Chu can save it. Please tell me where is the other Boss Chu?"

"Ancient Desolate Jiang Family. "

Getting the answer, Alan thanked him repeatedly, turned into a divine rainbow, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.


"who is the newcomer?"

Above Jiang Family, Jiang Taixu's eyes condensed, a terrifying coercion shrouded north.

Feeling this tyrannical power, Alan was shocked. Could it be that the person in front of him is the Boss Chu?

Thinking of this, Alan immediately moved towards Jiang Taixu and bowed down: "Western Desert Great Thunder Sound Temple is the first Alan, pay tribute to Boss Chu! Western Desert is in danger, I beg Old Ancestor to help!"

"Western Desert Great Thunder Sound Temple?"

Jiang Taixu showed sympathy and exhaled deeply: "You are wrong, I am not Boss Chu. As for the crisis in the Western Desert, the old man will take care of it. Go and ask Boss Chu what he meant."

"Let's go for a while."

Without waiting for Jiang Taixu to make a move, a calm voice floated out of the air. Come.

"You...you are the Boss Chu..."

Looking at the silhouette appearing out of thin air in front of him, the monk Alan's tongue trembled and his face was astonished. expression.

Obviously, he did not expect the existence of the Ancient Great Emperor, but a youth man who seemed to be in his twenties.

"The Buddhists said, saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda. Let's go to Western Desert." The indifferent voice fell, and Chu Bei waved his sleeves.

As the lightning flash dissipated, the entire groups such as Ye Fan, Duan De, Ji Ziyue, Jiang Taixu, and Alan disappeared above Jiang Family.

With the passage of time, the great monks of Western Desert have been defeated.

Blood bones can be seen everywhere, internal organs, cracked brains are all over every corner, and the smell of blood-reeking qi in the air is disgusting.

The high monk who used to be high-spirited killing intent, at this moment, the fighting intent is gradually receding.

The current situation of the war is irreversible, and they have been unable to guard this homeland that has been living for several years.

There are too many Immemorial creatures, and they are extremely powerful. Even the weakest Immemorial creature has the strength of Four Extremes Realm cultivator.

"In the face of an absolute chasm, even burning blood essence is nothing more than delaying that's all, and it will not change any ending."

In the battlefield, Immemorial King's words carry The sarcasm was another bombardment.

Dongdong dong!

The fist stamp with the order of Grand Dao Law Heaven and Earth kept struck on the 7-Layer pagoda.


The 7-Layer pagoda trembles, constantly shooting out terrifying rune beams; however, these beams are not at all lethal to the Immemorial King, and do not have any Threatened.

Pu chi!

Perhaps after being in a state of burning blood essence for a long time, the body hosted by the Great Thunder Sound Temple shuddered suddenly, followed by a mouthful of blood spray When he came out, his face paled, and Breath rioted along with it.

"Host, Northern Plains has been powerless to defend himself, their situation is similar to ours, they are in danger!"

The monk Aso returned, returned to the battlefield and started fighting with a face Desperate expression.

"Host, the same is true for South Mountain Range. Those Monster Races are already powerless to defend himself."

The monk Ananda also returned to the battlefield, and his voice was rather helpless.

"Although the situation in Central Plain is better than us, it is also at a disadvantage. The four dynasties have no spare capacity to help us."

The monk Ah Wu's eyes were red and hissed. Shouting and killing a powerful Immemorial creature, it seemed to be saying goodbye to this World.

"Naivety is going to kill me, Western Desert!"

Hearing the news brought back by the three monks, Aso, Ananda, and Awu, the host of Da Leiyin suddenly became crazy. Laughed.

After that, he even gave up his attack, sat cross-legged on the ground, turned the Buddhist beads in his hand, and began to recite the scriptures.

Seeing this, the hosts of Arles, Aner, Amosin and others looked at each other and smiled. After the helpless sigh fell, they imitated the host of Great Thunder Sound Temple and sat cross-legged on the ground. , Chant the scriptures.

"Nan Wuyue La Da Na-Duo La Ye Ye-Po Lu Jie Di-Shuo Bo La Ye-Nan Wu Xi Ji Cong-Yi Meng Ai Ye..."

Looking at the entire Western Desert, all the eminent monks gave up fighting and sat cross-legged on the ground, chanting strange and incomprehensible scriptures.

For a while, the entire Western Desert was filled with chanting sounds, and countless golden-bright and dazzling Buddhist texts appeared in the sky.

"A bunch of old bald donkeys are really noisy!"

"Kill all of them!"

Immemorial King digs out his ears and can’t wait to give orders. Obviously it hates these verses very much.

The cold voice fell, his hands clenched his fists, all around spiritual qi crazily poured into the surface of his fist, the Immemorial law intertwined, and terrifying breath poured out like a billowing river.

hong long long!

However, just as the Immemorial King was about to kill the abbot of Great Thunder Sound Temple and the abbots behind him, a huge gap suddenly cracked above his head, and a deafening rumbling came from the gap. sound.


The sudden rumbling sound caused Immemorial King's pupils to shrink suddenly, and a chill rushed into his back inexplicably.

Perhaps out of instinct, the pair of punches that Immemorial King had previously accumulated changed the direction of the attack and instead hit the pitch-black gap.

There was another loud noise, and a purple beam with a diameter of hundred zhang was split into the gap, which instantly smashed the fist marks made by the Immemorial King.

Immediately afterwards, in the breathtaking rumbling sound, a ten thousand zhang wide knife interwoven by rolling divine light emerged slowly from the gap, and the blade released blue rays of light from the sky.


The Immemorial King was dumbfounded. Before it could react, the ten thousand zhang wide knife slashed straight down.

I don't know if it is blade glow or thunder, a terrifying linear light wave instantly penetrates from Immemorial King between the eyebrows to the lower body.


Almost for an instant, the imposing manner Immemorial King hadn't even uttered a miserable howl, and his body exploded. The soul that had escaped from the fleshy body glanced at the ten thousand zhang wide knife in horror, and when it was about to escape, the ten thousand zhang wide knife slashed again.

First, the void was imprisoned, and then came in an instant, with a sneer, it directly smashed the Immemorial King's soul.

"Fa...what happened!"

"The ancestor, it is dead!"

"What the hell is going on!"


The closer Immemorial creature was stagnant, and looked at the gap in the sky with fear, and began to tremble inexplicably.

hong long long ——

The rumbling sound is heart-trembling.

I saw the ten thousand zhang wide knife across the sky, swinging wanton, countless huge blade glow intertwined with divine light sweeping across the sky, and the void collapsed everywhere.

The metal sound is mixed with the miserable howls of Immemorial creatures. In less than 3 minutes, all Immemorial creatures turned into piles of flesh and blood scattered from the sky, and the original intact ancient warships were all shattered into fragments, chi chi falls.

Since the gap appeared, the hosts of Great Thunder Sound Temple, Arles, Anir, Amosin and other hosts stopped chanting and saw the Immemorial King and thousands of others. When Immemorial creatures died under the ten thousand zhang wide knife, their expressions fell into a dullness.

With confusion in a trance!

The change of the situation was so sudden that they were completely unprepared, and they didn't even have time to think about the reaction.

A moment ago, I returned to the Western Desert and wanted to kill the Immemorial King and Immemorial creatures who were all of them. The next moment all perished and died inexplicably under the ten thousand zhang wide knife.

"It's the Buddha! It must be the Buddha who showed his power!"

"Yes, the Buddha heard our voices, so he lowered Thunder Punishment and disciplined these Immemorial creatures!"


"Amitabha, it must be so!"


Western Desert, after a group of monks came back to his senses, they prayed devoutly, moved towards the void and bowed down.

"Fuck you shit! What Buddha manifestation? If he can manifest the manifestation, why didn't he do it sooner? The one who saved you is Boss Chu! Remember, Boss Chu!"

However, just when a crowd of monks was talking about the Buddha, Duan De's extremely angry roar sounded like a thunder-like explosion from the sky.

Hearing the sound, the hosts such as Great Thunder Sound Temple looked towards the direction where the sound came from.

"Brother Alan!"

"Could it be that they are the foreign aid invited by Brother Alan?"

"Who are they? They are so powerful. Is it this way? That is the Immemorial King that can't even be dealt with by all the presiding officers using the glass stupa!"


The eyes of the monks first fell on The body of Monk Alan then instantly transferred to Chu Bei, Duan De, Ye Fan and the others, scanning back and forth.

"Host, this is Boss Chu. The Immemorial King and Immemorial creatures just now were killed by him."

Alan landed next to the host of the Great Thunder Sound Temple. He pointed his finger at Chu Bei with a respectful look on his face.

"Boss Chu? This number seems familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere." A host murmured with confusion in his eyes.

At this moment, the host of the Great Thunder Sound Temple has arrived in front of Chu Bei, his hands folded and worshipped piously: "many thanks Boss Chu life-saving grace, you are the benefactor of Western Desert, and all monks in Western Desert will Don’t forget your kindness today, Amitabha."

"Is he the Boss Chu? The Immemorial King killed earlier and the ten thousand zhang wide knife of Immemorial creatures are his divine ability?"


"What's his background? Is he more powerful than the Buddha?"

"Maybe it is the Ancient Great Emperor."


In an instant, the saved Western Desert monks all discussed the Savior Boss Chu, and guessed his identity one by one.

"Get up, this seat is also related to the Buddha. Since I am here, I will do it easily." Chu Bei held up the Great Thunder Sound Temple to host, his expression still looked like an expert.

"Boss Chu, South Mountain Range is also in crisis, I am afraid that the current situation is not better than ours before." The monk Ananda turned his hand to the Buddha beads and moved towards Chu Bei bowed.

"Boss Chu, you care about the world and take compassion as your heart. Northern Plains is also invaded by Immemorial creatures and is at stake." Asso moved towards Chu Bei respectfully.

"Boss Chu, Central Plain’s situation is better than ours, but it is also at a disadvantage. It will be a matter of time before the defeat." Ah Wu is also a step forward and will see from Central Plain The situation is briefly described.

"Then let's go for a while."

The indifferent voice fell, Chu Bei waved his sleeves, and the red glow passed by, and he brought it along in addition to the original entire group. Part of the host has disappeared.

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