hong long long!

In the South Mountain Range battlefield, just when the three most powerful Powerhouses of South Mountain Range Monster Race Clan Leader, War God Temple Palace Master, and Barbarian Race Clan Leader were unwilling to give up the last unnecessary struggle, in The sky sounded heaven-shaking, earth-shattering thunder.

After that, in their desperate eyes, a ten thousand zhang long divine bow appeared in the sky, lightning was a bow, and Power of Thunder was an arrow.


The first arrow was shot, and the Immemorial King was directly penetrated.

The second arrow was shot, and the Immemorial King's body exploded.

All this happened in the sparks of calcium carbide. It was almost impossible for the Immemorial King to react, and he was buried under the divine bow.

xiū xiū xiū ——

Wait for Immemorial creatures to come back to his senses from panic, the ten thousand zhang divine bow fired hundreds of thunder arrows in succession.

bang bang bang!

A thousand arrows are sent, tore the void.

In an instant, wailing sounded, and countless Immemorial creatures were pierced and bursted by an arrow. Some Immemorial creatures even turned into a pile of flesh before they screamed.

The battleship exploded, and countless tiles flew horizontally, rubbing against the air to create a continuous harsh sound.

"Is this saved?"

South Mountain Range Monster Race Clan Leader, War God Temple Palace Master, Barbarian Race Clan Leader and a lot of Monster Race, cultivator, one by one Looking at the sky in a daze, with a somewhat numb expression.

This scene made them a little confused.

Desperate, the dawn has appeared inexplicably!

"Look, someone has appeared!"

"Did they save us?"

"That is the Great Thunder Sound Temple in Western Desert Host! Who are the people next to him?"

"Chu...Boss Chu! So he did it!"


Amidst the noise, two powerful roars revealed the origins of Chu Bei, which are the Peacock King and Cyan Flood Dragon King of the human race Supreme Powerhouse.

"He is the mysterious Human Race Powerhouse that you mentioned to me before that survived from Ancient Desolate Era?" Monster Race Clan Leader looked towards Peacock King and asked.

"Clan Leader, it's him! It's just that he didn't expect, he will show up at this time!"

Peacock King's eyebrows are filled with joy, and the opponent appears The crisis of the entire South Mountain Range was lifted.

"Many thanks Boss Chu, help! In the future, if you have anything useful for my Monster Race, please speak up!"

Barbarian Race Clan Leader, Monster Race Clan At the same time, the Leader moved towards Chu Bei and bowed his eyes with sincere eyes.

"The man who saved us was called Boss Chu. Has anyone of you heard of him before?"

"I know some! Still got the news from Cyan Flood Dragon King !"

"Don’t ink, come and listen. I don’t know such a powerful character."


When a crowd of Monster Race, Barbarian Race, and human cultivator talked about Chu Bei violently, a strong silhouette came to Ye Fan's side.

"Leaf, this Swindler is so strong, it's terrifying!"

"Pang Bo, why are you here!"

Human appearance, Ye Fan's face was full of joy, and he went up as a big bear hug.

"Hey, it's a pity that I can't leave South Mountain Range recently, otherwise I must relive the old with you."

Pang Bo patted Ye Fan's shoulder, and then looked at Chu again Bei's back figure couldn't help but sigh again.

He had seen this Swindler's method and knew that the other party was very strong, but in any case he did not expect it to be so strong.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the best Powerhouse in the world!


After solving the South Mountain Range crisis, Chu Bei took the entire group to Northern Plains again.

Less than one minute.

The original noisy battlefield became quiet, and only the sound of the Northern Plains cultivator sucked in cold air.

Whether it is the Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family Wang Family Patriarch, the ancient giant Clan Leader, or the Giant Race Clan Leader, one by one stared at Chu Bei in amazement, with an unbelievable color on his face.

The mysterious person in front of him who had survived the ancients, turned the tide of the battle in a few breaths, and smashed the Immemorial King and all Immemorial creatures with one person.

Strong to the extreme!

"Senior, dare you to ask who are you?" The ancient giant Clan Leader swallowed his saliva, and asked with some anxiety.

"Just call it Boss Chu." Chu Bei's calm voice spread from the air.

"What? You are Boss Chu! No wonder, no wonder!" Wang Family Patriarch apparently has knowledge of Boss Chu's deeds, and suddenly a suddenly enlightened expression of clearing the clouds and seeing the sky.

hong long long!

At this moment, two terrifying breaths came from the distant sky in the south.

This breath seems to be separated by a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, but even so, under this breath, all the powerhouses and even Divine King Realm Powerhouse, the divine force in the body are all killed Suppressed, each breath became suffocated.

Even if it is better than Chu Bei, feeling the breath of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, my brows can't help but frown.

"That's the direction of Central Plain!" Jiang Taixu moved his lips slightly, exhaling seven syllables.

"I still have to be born." Chu Bei muttered to himself while looking towards the direction of Central Plain.

"Boss, what are you talking about?" Ji Ziyue stared at Chu Bei with round eyes, with confusion in his eyes.

"An existence nine thousand years ago." Chu Bei said lightly.

"Nine thousand years ago! Is that who?" Jiang Taixu, the monk abbot and the others looked at each other, looking at each other in blank dismay.

"You will know when you go." Chu Bei's voice was calm.

Central Plain.

On the boundless vast ground, in the sky, a piece of brilliance flickers.

Countless tyrannical attacks tore the void full of holes, and there are collapsed space fragments everywhere, four poles, Dragon Transformation, half-step Supreme Being, Da Neng Powerhouse and even retreat. The Divine King is fighting.

The battle has become fierce, and countless attacks sank one area after another in Central Plain. Mountains, forests, lakes, and grasslands can be seen everywhere. Bloody corpses and the pungent and bloody smell in the air are disgusting.

However, such a fierce battle in the vast battlefield suddenly became quiet with the ancient great spell activated by the joint activation of the four emperors.

Whether it is Human Race cultivator or Immemorial creature, it seems that they have reached an agreement in an instant, and they stopped the attack in their hands, and cast their eyes on the resurgent great spell.

Under everyone's gaze, the ancient great spell moved towards Yuanyao Sky, which was activated by the four Great Emperor emperors, flew away, and at the same time it released the flickering rune, it became bigger and bigger.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

The avenue roared, and the sky above the ancient great spell suddenly cracked, and thousands of rays of light were crushed from the sky. Next, it seems that Central Plain or the entire Big Dipper will be enveloped.


Looking at the cracked gap, all the cultivators in Central Plain are all discolored, with their mouths wide open and their faces full of terrified look.

No one knows how big this gap is, but everyone in every corner of Central Plain can see the cracked gap whenever they look up. It is too big to describe.

What dazzled them was that it was not just a dark gap, but an endless starry sky, with the dazzling Star River pouring down, and the light, seemingly to crush the universe.


Suddenly, a ray of purple light swept down in the endless starry sky, and silently swept across the chest and abdomen of an Immemorial creature, and cut it open, instantly Split into two halves, blood splashing several ten zhang far in the sky.


The terrifying creature of the second only to Immemorial King screamed in agony, the blood rained over the sky, and the Light of Primordial Spirit lit up, trying to tear it away. Kai Xukong wanted to escape.

But the ray of purple light that has not yet dissipated, with no opportunity and capable of imprisoning the void, the soul body simply cannot cross over. With a sneer, the soul body of the Immemorial creature quickly dissipated.

"Old King, Lord Ruos, it...why did it die..."

Looking at the location where the Immemorial creature died, the eyes of the Immemorial creatures Panicking, they turned their eyes to the Immemorial King in unison.

"What did you do!"

The Immemorial creature with a bushy golden hair and a pair of golden Dragon Ancestor Horns did not pay attention to all the men, but Pointing at the boundless starry sky above, while questioning the four Great Emperors, his expression began to become solemn.

In the endless starry sky, the powerful aura that reveals makes people tremble with every inch of flesh and blood. Even if it is as strong as it, there is an inexplicable urge to kneel down and worship.

This imposing manner, it has only been experienced in Emperor Immemorial!

"Do you Human Race still have such taboo characters survived in the world?" Looking at the endless starry sky above, Immemorial King's body trembled slightly.

Great Xia, Gu Hua, Jiuli, and Divine State, the four emperors did not answer Immemorial King's questions, they were moving towards the endless starry sky and bowing down.

They don't know what terrifying existence they will attract. This is just an ancient great spell inherited by their emperors from generation to generation.

When the emperors of the four dynasties simultaneously engrave this ancient great spell into activation according to the Secret Skill, a Human Race Guardian will come.

There is a strict indication in the emperor's register that even their generation of emperors must bow down to the Human Race Guardian!

Seeing the four emperors kneel down, a group of unknown cultivators knelt down, looking at the endless stars in the gap with some confusion.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

Huo Ran, the endless sky trembled.

The faint fairy sounded like a song, shaking the sky.

I saw an old man at the end of the Star Region, a declining body, dim eyes, and a kind of sadness, step by step, and appeared in the sight of numerous cultivators and Immemorial creatures.

At first glance, he appears to be hanging above everyone's heads; but if you look closely, you find that the other party seems to be in the distant Star Region, separated by tens of millions of kilometers.

"Is this Lord Guardian?"

Looking at the late old man in the Star Region, the four Great Emperor murmured, with a little surprise in his eyebrows.

"Is the Human Race crisis coming..."

In the Star Region, the late old man has a sick face, his voice is flat, and there is no smoke.

"Master Guardian, the Immemorial creatures are now resurrecting and are aggressively invading my Human Race territory. Now the entire Big Dipper is probably in danger." Emperor Gu Hua immediately said aloud, with respect in his voice.

"Immemorial biological invasion..."

The voice of the vicissitudes of life of the late old man fell, and his body gushed out majestic and gorgeous rays of light. These gorgeous rays of light seemed to be instantaneous. Shrouded in the entire Big Dipper.

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