"Your blood energy is not enough for you to fight with the emperor, and you will end this battle."

An extremely calm voice uttered from the Immemorial emperor. , Full of Supreme majesty, shocking everyone's soul.

The Emperor Immemorial also shot, he drove the Stone Beast to meet Ge Jiuyou's attack, Stone Beast stepped out, a star shattered and burst.

In the starry sky, two terrifying attacks are intertwined.

Perhaps the Star Region is too far apart, or because of the collision of the two forces, whether it is a numerous cultivators or an Immemorial creature, they have not heard the expected explosion like destroying heaven and extinguishing earth. sound.

Far away in the sky, everything that happened in the Star Region seemed to them more like a silent image.

Ge Jiuyou and Immemorial Emperor two supreme existence, their palms collided.

The two of them hung in the starry sky, facing each other quietly, seeming to have their hands pressed together peacefully, but their blended palms were filled with the light of the magical avenue.

Wherever the rays of light pass, the stars they all around burst one after another, silently.

The confrontation between the two lasted for a quarter of an hour.

Finally, a sigh broke the dead silence in the picture.

Ge Jiuyou backed up a few steps, spewing out Golden blood from his mouth. The blood fell on the stars, and the energy contained in it forcibly crushed the stars.

"You die during meditation yourself."

The Emperor Immemorial did not immediately shoot again, but looked at Ge Jiuyou shook the head.

"Have their battle ended? Isn't Lord Guardian an opponent of Emperor Immemorial?"

Seeing Ge Jiuyou coughing up blood, Emperor Jiuyou and the others' complexion suddenly changed It's hard to look.

This Ge Jiuyou is their last hope. If even Ge Jiuyou cannot defeat Emperor Immemorial, I am afraid that the entire Big Dipper will really change hands. Today is the day when their Human Race will die!

"The ancient emperor is mighty!"

Immemorial King and a group of Immemorial creatures shouted.

"Boss, the battle between the two of them just now..."

"The battle is not over yet, keep watching."

Ye Fan looked towards Chu Bei, but Before he finished speaking, the other laughed waved to interrupt him, and pointed to the Star Region in the sky, motioning him to continue watching.

"This era does not belong to us anymore. I am alone on the road and need your company."

In the Star Region, Ge Jiuyou wiped off the golden blood from the corner of his mouth, and the Nine Nether fairy song It sounded again, with a little smile in the calm words.

He step by step towards the Immemorial Emperor, his whole body is glowing, gradually calming down.

Every time he took a step, the Star Region shook, and the rays of light on him became brighter.

During this process, his withered body began to make buzzing sounds, like the voice of the emperor's way.

At the end, you can vaguely see the blood flowing in his body, and the sound of the flow is clear and audible, like a billowing river surging, like a raging ocean cracking the sky!

From the moment Ge Jiuyou's voice fell, his whole person seemed to have undergone a shocking change. When each step fell, it was like walking against the long river for a hundred years, and his body was getting younger and rejuvenated.

"Master Guardian..."

The four emperors stared at the sky, when they saw Ge Jiuyou from an old man to a youth, from white hair Turned into black hair, with an incredible color on his face.

"Old Ancestor, why do I feel like crying."

Ji Ziyue leaned against Chu Bei and pouted, his eyes blurred and filled with mist.

"For Human Race, he is fighting for the last light of life."

Chu Bei took a long breath, looking at Ge Jiuyou in the starry sky, his heart surged inexplicably A sense of melancholy, and a trace of respect.

"What? The last light of life!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the four Great Emperors, the abbot of the Great Thunder Sound Temple, Jiang Taixu and the others looked astonished. color.

"Boss, or stop him." Ye Fan opened the mouth and said.

Chu Bei shook the head: "Since he was awakened, the ending has been doomed. It will only happen sooner or later. This battle may be exactly what he wants, regardless of whether he wins or loses."

"No wonder, no wonder the ancestors said that the Guardian can only be awakened once, so it turned out to be like this!" The four Great Emperors seemed to have thought of something, looking at each other in blank dismay, in a trance.

"Old Ancestor, you have the means to resurrect Cai Yun. I wonder if it can be Ge Jiuyou..."

Jiang Taixu spoke tentatively, but he didn’t say anything. It was to see Chu Bei shook the head: "At this realm, even this constellation is helpless in a short time."

Hearing this, when a crowd looked towards Ge Jiuyou in the starry sky again, one by one With awe.

This old man, for the Protector clan, has been able to hold on to this era. For the Protector clan, in the last time, forcibly tempering the essence to restore oneself to the most prestigious state in the past, we must fight the Emperor Immemorial!

The result of this, maybe one hour, maybe one hour, maybe a quarter of an hour, he will directly turn into dust.

destroy both body and soul, will never exist again.

Already aging, for this battle, tempering blood essence, condensing time, just for that moment of strength, to restore to the former Peak state that was about to break into the Great Emperor realm!

All this is done is for the Protector family!

"Fight again!"

In the starry sky, Ge Jiuyou looked at Emperor Immemorial, his voice was calm, without anger or sadness.

Some are just a fighting intent high, with an amazing brilliance on his face. As soon as the words came out, the stars behind Ge Jiuyou burst again.

"If you had just died during meditation, you might still have a good reincarnation. But now, at the end of the day, I’m afraid it’s really necessary to completely eliminate Life and Death Dao."

Immemorial Emperor Looking at Ge Jiuyou, there was some pity in his eyes: "Is it worth it?"

"Take you on the road together!"

Ge Jiuyou said again, the sky was full of shock The stars are all trembling.

Nine Nether's fairy tune came slowly, resounding through the starry sky, his body became younger and younger, and the rays of light covered his body. step by step Walking towards Emperor Immemorial, his dim eyes are full of amazing brilliance.

In the end, blood energy soars into the sky, and the whole body is full of vitality, superb and supernatural.

"Is this Ge Jiuyou of flourishing period?"

Looking at the stalwart silhouette in the starry sky, Duan De was a little surprised.

At this moment, Ge Jiuyou has a majestic appearance, brilliant eyes, thick black hair, scattered behind his shoulders, like the reincarnation of an Immortal King, giving people a super yet powerful sense of direct vision.

This is a strange man with a full-bodied posture. He is as rich as a jade and possesses a mighty power. Standing there, his unique aura suppresses the sky. Only one person can suppress the universe and surpass the gods. .

This is Ge Jiuyou of the young age, the starry sky is the respected, unparalleled in the world!

"Boss, can he take away the Immemorial Emperor?" Ye Fan felt sour and couldn't help but look towards Chu Bei and asked.

He can feel Ge Jiuyou's longing and perseverance, fighting desperately, and also taking away Emperor Immemorial with him.


Chu Bei shook the head, spit out one word.

"The emperor fulfills your last long-cherished wish!"

Immemorial sovereign aura swallows mountains and rivers, Supreme imposing manner gushes out of his body, and Stone Beast roars and shatters thousands of stars. .

The battle between the two quasi emperors broke out in the starry sky.

As before, the battle was silent, but the scene was extremely shocking.

This is an emperor war!

They broke into the depths of the starry sky, traversed many Star Regions, and exploded one after another Star Explosion wherever they passed.

In the endless starry sky, they played a brilliant emperor brilliance.

This battle lasted for an hour.

Finally, Ge Jiuyou took the lead to stop the stature and hover over a star.

The Emperor Immemorial also stopped attacking, also hanging on a star, quietly looking at Ge Jiuyou.

"God's will cannot be violated."

A sigh of unwillingness floated in the starry sky.

Ge Jiuyou's body began to shine with the light of the road, the black hair became black at the speed visible by naked eye, and the youth appearance also moved towards the change of old age. The vitality that was originally vigorous as the ocean is also declining, and the vitality seems to be slowly passing away.

In this battle, he didn't lose, but because of the extreme sublimation, all the light of his life disappeared after all.

During this period, he also did not defeat the Immemorial Emperor, and was always in a state of Jiaozuo.

"Who won this battle?"

"It seems that Guardian has lost! His time is up!"

"No, no, so Say, isn’t our end here!"

"Haha, Lord Ancient Emperor is victorious! See how these Human Races can rely on, kill them all!"


Looking at the scene in the starry sky, a group of Human Race cultivators looked like dead gray, with unwilling faces on their faces, as if they had seen their end.

As for the Immemorial King and Immemorial creatures, they are just the opposite, each of them is excited, their voices are excited, and once again looked towards the eyes of a crowd of Human Race cultivators full of bloodthirsty.

"The emperor cannot be with you. This way, let your Human Race companions accompany you." Emperor Immemorial moved his eyes slightly, and his gaze fell on a number of cultivators in the Central Plain.

Hearing this, Ge Jiuyou looked lonely. He didn't say anything, but sighed again and again. Now he can't do anything.

In the starry sky, Emperor Immemorial put out his finger, his fingertips filled with light, and he aimed at Big Dipper.

"Boss Chu...please do it!"

Jiang Taixu, monk host, Cyan Flood Dragon King and the others, they all looked towards Chu Bei, all with their eyes Begging.

Even Guardian Ge Jiuyou is not an opponent of Emperor Immemorial. At this time, the last straw they can think of is the mysterious Boss Chu next to him.

Meeting Jiang Taixu and the others' gazes, Chu Bei condensed his eyebrows and remained silent.

Because of the system's presence, he himself can ignore Emperor Immemorial's attack. However, trying to keep others from the hands of Emperor Immemorial is almost impossible.

Although the system gave him the power of the quasi-emperor, it was only equivalent to the quasi-emperor, but the Immemorial emperor had already stepped into the real Great Emperor with half his foot.

[Since the enemy's strength exceeds the host and meets the conditions for mobilizing the power of Xiaohei, the host can borrow part of the power of Xiaohei for one hour]

Just when Chu Bei is ready to use Level 6 The right to use the product, choose the strongest killer product and try to fight the Emperor Immemorial, the system sounded.

"Little black power?"

Hearing the sound, Chu Bei was taken aback. He remembered the system hint when he left the Douluo Continent plane.

At a specific time, you can borrow the power of Xiaohei.

Obviously, as assessed by the system, now is this specific time.

After came back to his senses, Chu Bei divine sense moved.


A trembling sound.

A large amount of hazy and chaotic fog suddenly gushes out of Chu Bei's body.

In the chaos, a two-meter-high humanoid robot with iron knots emerged.

"Boss, is this?"

In the perplexed eyes of Ye Fan, Ji Ziyue and the others, the humanoid iron lump robot slowly submerged into Chu Bei's body. Fusion.

"Master Guardian is defeated, is Human Race really going to die?"

At the same time, a number of cultivators saw the sky in the Star Region, and the Emperor Immemorial pointed to him , My heart sank in an instant, and a chill shone from behind inexplicably.

At this moment, the spiritual power in their bodies was imprisoned, their breathing became rapid, and their black hair quickly turned white.

They cannot move, but they can perceive that the vitality in the body is fading at a terrifying speed.

However, just when their consciousness was about to lose, a thunder sound rang in their minds inexplicably.

This thunder sound was like falling from the sky, like the dawn in Darkness, and like Savior. The moment it sounded, everything returned to normal.

They regained their freedom again, their gray hair returned to their black hair, their breathing became even, and the vitality that had been rapidly decayed not only returned to the original, but even faintly filled.

From the disappearance of vitality to the restoration of vitality, all this is only in the light of calcium carbide. But the cultivators who have personally experienced it are like a reincarnation.

"This...what happened? Shouldn't we be dead?"

"Isn't it because Lord Guardian hasn't lost yet! He protected us!"


"No, look! There is another silhouette in the Star Region!"

"Who is he! Isn't there only one Guardian of our Human Race?"

"So, in this battle, our Human Race hasn't lost yet!"


A numerous cultivators came back from rejoicing to his senses, when he looked up towards the Star Region in the distant sky again, everyone was dumbfounded, as if lost and numb.

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