In Endless Starry Sky, Ge Jiuyou has an extra silhouette beside Ge Jiuyou, but because his whole body is wrapped in chaos, it is impossible to see its body for a while.

With the appearance of this silhouette, the complexions of Immemorial King and Immemorial creatures have become difficult to look at again.

"Boss, it's the Boss! He shot, it was his Senior shot!" Ji Ziyue exclaimed excitedly.

"Master Dao, how do I feel that Boss's breath has changed." Duan De muttered.

"It is worthy of talking to the distant ancestors, even if it is a battlefield like the Emperor Zhun, he can join." Looking at the divine glow in the starry sky, Jiang Family Patriarch muttered to himself .

"Didn’t Lord Guardian say that he was just entering the quasi-emperor? Why, he made me feel stronger than Lord Guardian?"

After the consternation, the four emperors looked at each other. With a smile, if it was true, they saw the light again in despair.

Ye Fan remained silent, but when he looked at that silhouette in the sky, he clenched his fists subconsciously and his eyes became firmer.

"No...impossible! You, how could you..."

In the starry sky, Ge Jiuyou's face changed. Even if the previous battle ended, his mood swings are not as it is now. So big.

Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones, an ancient restricted area.

In the forbidden ground, the sound of the iron chain rang from the sky, from several hundred li to several thousand li, and finally to tens of thousands of li, until all the creatures in the whole area worshipped.

A silhouette flew out of the abyss and stood in the sky. He was firmly locked by four fairy chains made of divine gold, struggling hard, Nine Holy Mountains was about to leave the ground, Rise from the ground.

With a low roar, the empty space above the ancient restricted area collapsed, and the vast sky directly exploded into chaos.

This is the original owner of the ancient restricted area, a complete mastery Saint Physique!

"You are awake."

On another Holy Mountain, a slender silhouette stood in the clouds, with hair fluttering, the moment of looking back, like thousands of years, this The Great Avenue of Heaven was trembling, and collapsed because of her. It's a pity that this stunning gaze only lasted for a moment, and then it became indifferent.

"These years have been taken care of."

Complete mastery Saint Physique looked towards the woman, with gratitude in her plain words, and then pointed her finger towards the starry sky above: "Who is he !"

"I don't know."

The woman glanced at the lightning flash in the Star Region of the sky, shook the head.

Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones, Absolute Beginning Mine.

The land of reddish-brown seems to be infested with blood, hard and withered. Desolation and emptiness coexist, and some huge rocks stand scattered on the ground, which looks like tombstones at first glance.

The space between Heaven and Earth is drowsy, and the faint black mist adds a touch of gloom to this world. The endless reddish-brown land is far away and dead, with no signs of life.

"It's him again!"

"No, he is stronger!"

"Who is he? The ancient emperor of Human Race before Immemorial? Or is it an ancient Human Race's Great Emperor?"

"Each Great Emperor was the only existence in that era, why is there nothing about him! Is he still before us?"

"Maybe his era has been faulted, no one knows. Is Darkness turmoil less?"


The Absolute Beginning Mine has a long, deep and difficult burst The misty sound of the capture, I saw a few line of sight shooting through the sky, and throwing at that silhouette in the Star Region of the sky.

Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones, the sea of ​​reincarnation.

crash-bang ——

The silver wave rolled up like a metal storm.

The sea surface suddenly seemed to be cut by Heavenspan giant sword and divided into two halves, and then the Ancient Great Emperor's Qi machine overflowed, traversing the Three Realms and Six Paths, cutting through the past, the present, and the future.

A stalwart silhouette appeared on the sea, a pair of cold eyes looked towards the starry sky, eternal shaking, the long river seemed to be in disorder at this moment.

Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones, Immortal Tomb.

The eternal silence was broken, and the prehistoric stone tablet trembled violently.

Under a huge stele king, a huge black shadow slowly emerged.

"What do you want to do! Why do you wake up in this era!"

This huge shadow doesn't seem to care about Emperor Immemorial and Ge Jiuyou at all, his eyes are fixed on the road wrapped in thunder Silhouette on.

With its coldly snorted, hundreds of Immemorial Stone monuments rose from the ground, blooming dazzling rays of light, like a round of scorching sun, releasing monstrous breath.

Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones, Divine Ruins.

"Human Race, Immemorial Royal Family, another Darkness turmoil."

"Who will calm this turmoil."


In the sound of sigh, a terrifying silhouette at the bottom of the divine spring opened his eyes. It was the Ninth Stage pupil. The pupil shot out and penetrated several stars in the Star Region of the sky far away.

Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones, Burying Heavens Island.

On the floating island, a huge black shadow wandered around. The moment the divine light appeared in the Star Region with a slightly blank look, it turned a bit clear.

"Ancient Great Emperor...who..."

The black shadow whispered in his mouth, taking a step forward, the landslide and the sea are dry, staring at it for a moment, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields.

Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones, undying mountain.

Every mountain is black, some are like swords towering into the clouds, and some are like Barbaric Ox lying on the ground, shrouded, grand and magnificent.

"Are you still going to fight him?"

The speaker is a bad old fogey, holding the long live divine medicine Black Tortoise in his hand, pointing at that in the Star Region silhouette, faintly speak.

"If he doesn't come, let go; if he comes, Life and Death Battle!"

A magical shadow holding a black Dualbladed Halberd tall and majestic standing like a Demon God, squinted The eyes and a pair of cold pupils shot out brightly and penetrated into the Star Region of the sky that day.

Since the silhouette wrapped in divine light appeared in the Star Region, Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones, a supreme existence with a terrifying wake up, imposing manner.


In the rumbling sound, the dazzling divine light outside the silhouette of that silhouette gradually dissipated.

The robe moves without wind, and the hair rises slightly. Chu Bei puts his hands behind his back and stands on a star, his indifferent gaze seems to penetrate thousands of Star Regions and land on the Central Plain. Land.

It's stronger than the Immemorial King and the Four Emperors of Central Plain. In this remaining light, I can't help but tremble.

In the starry sky, countless stars gush out the majestic life energy in the lightning flash. I saw these life’s breath transform into one after another small river, crystal clear and brilliant, flowing across the Star Region into Chu Bei’s body .

"Great...Great Emperor! But, your breath just now, just entered the Quasi-Emperor Realm..."

Ge Jiuyou's physical function is declining , The power of the years began to slowly erode him, and the pair of eyes fell on Chu Bei's body with astonishment, with surprise.

After living for nearly ten thousand years, he almost half-footed into the Great Emperor during the Peak period; on the cultivation path, he disregarded the heroes. If he had not been born in the wrong era, he would have the confidence to become a Great Emperor.

Every realm he cultivated to the extreme, but even so, he still couldn't understand the existence in front of him, why he could step into the realm that he had never stepped into.

even more how, still in this era of weak spiritual qi!

"When you are above Heaven and Earth, the sky can be deceived. What about you? Sometimes, the perception of Divine Consciousness is not true."

The calm voice fell. , Chu Bei glanced at Ge Jiuyou indifferently, his gaze seemed to be cast on the Central Plain battlefield again.

In an instant, the Immemorial King and other creatures on the Central Plain battlefield felt chills inexplicably rising, the cold sou sou in the spine, and the life in the body was like an invisible and strange energy deprivation.

"What the hell did he do?!"

"Who can stop him! Our vitality is passing!"

"Who, who is he? ! Why is there no record of him!"


A group of Immemorial creatures were panicked, and suddenly, the vitality in their bodies dropped sharply, as if they had reached the end of their lives.


Amidst the sound of panic, one after another Immemorial biological bodies began to decompose, turned into rain and disappeared in the sky.

The waves of the eyes flow, and the cycle collapses!

Chu Bei didn't move, but just a ray of gaze penetrated the Star Region and landed on the Central Plain battlefield, which caused this terrifying sight.


The big black dog was suddenly excited and barked: "Boss is the Ancient Great Emperor, a perfect Great Emperor!"

"Nothing Shi, Xukong, Hengyu, Tuntian, Xihuang... these Human Race's Great Emperor, who are you!"

Above the stars, Immemorial Emperor stared at Chu Bei, and as he was coldly shouted, his A Star River emerged behind, and at the same time the right hand shot divine glow, it seemed to be resisting Chu Bei's power for the Immemorial creatures on the Central Plain battlefield.

Chu Bei looked towards Immemorial Emperor: "Five million years ago, the world called this seat the lord of heavenly punishment; 4 million years ago, the world called this seat Nine Heavens Divine Sovereign; three million Years ago, the world called this seat the Netherheaven Emperor; two million years ago, the world called this seat the Red Dust Ancestor; a million years ago, the world called this seat Boss Chu."

The slightest indifferent voice uttered from Chu Bei's mouth, drifting across the entire starry sky, spreading boundlessly, and countless stars trembled.

Hearing this, even Emperor Immemorial and Ge Jiuyou, who have lived for thousands of years, are complexion greatly changed, and their hearts trembled.

The two looked at each other, and there was a little sluggishness in their eyes, with an incredible expression on their faces.

The existence in front of me has lived for 5 million years!

"Have you heard? Boss Chu has lived for five million years!"

"The Lord of Heavenly Punishment, Nine Heavens Divine Sovereign, Netherheaven Emperor, Red Dust Ancestor... These are actually his honorific titles! It's not that he is not famous enough, but that we were born too late!"

"The history of the Great Emperor recorded in the ancient book can be traced back at most 300,000 years ago. , The Great Emperor of Immemorial years ago is vaguely recorded, let alone a million years ago!"

"No wonder, no wonder, we don’t know anything about Boss Chu!"

"But having said that, why did the Boss live for five million years, and all the previous Great Emperors disappeared?"

"Perhaps they are not as powerful as Old Ancestor!"

"Living for five million years, the day Old Ancestor was born, I am afraid it will be traced back to the beginning of Chaos."


Since Chu Bei's voice fell, and a number of cultivators on the battlefield instantly changed their complexions, each of them was like thunder and lightning, and they were directly stunned.

They seem to be unable to believe their ears, like a thunderbolt on the blue sky, and as if they were poured cold water from head to toe, and their whole body was numb.

Even Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones, in this brief moment, broke out one after another strange terrifying breath, which is suffocating.

"The Great Emperor Without Beginning was born 80,000 years ago. It is the last Great Emperor of the Human Race. The Boss is the Great Emperor 5 million years ago. I am afraid he is Human Race first Great. Emperor." The Black Emperor sucked in a cold breath of air, at a loss, like a dog carved from clay and wood.

"The distant ancestor was born 150,000 years ago. I heard from Boss that he knew the distant ancestor. I thought he and the distant ancestor were from the same age. Now it seems that I was so wrong. !" Ji Ziyue thought of the record of the Great Emperor Void in the genealogy, his mouth opened wide.

"Five million years, Boss, he must have countless treasures in the world, no wonder he can't even look down on Extreme Dao Weapons." Duan De sighed, with envy in his eyes.

"putting it that way, if I talk about seniority, am I the same as those ancient Great Emperors?" Ye Fan muttered.

Undoubtedly, whether it is an Immemorial creature or a Human Race cultivator, when they heard this news, they were all shocked, which is tantamount to a blow from the blue.

In the starry sky, Chu Bei held his hands behind, watching the Immemorial Emperor shook the head: "Your era has fallen, so you should not aggressively violate Human Race."

"I If they were ordered to retreat at this moment, would you have nothing to do with it?" Emperor Immemorial looked at Chu Bei calmly.


Chu Bei is crisp and neat, two indifferent syllables echoing from the stars.

He triggered the power of Xiaohei. If he just lets the opponent go, what if the opponent returns in a swirl of dust after his time limit expires?

cut weeds and eliminate the roots, no future troubles!

This is the most secure.

"So, fight to the death!"

In the starry sky, the Immemorial Sovereign Physique is surrounded by Purple Qi boiling, rolling out, like the wind and thunder-like sound echoing among countless stars .

"Let’s change to the star region where there is no vitality."

The indifferent voice fell, Chu Bei surpassed the chaos, stepped forward, starlight brilliant, Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move , Heaven and Earth transformation.

I saw a flaming rainbow bridge traversing the universe, passing through the heavens and tens of thousands of domains, and directly leading to a 1-star place.

The divine rainbow at the feet of Chu Bei is so bright, it seems to connect the two sides of the starry sky.

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