"What is that, how can a colorful light avenue be so long!"

"It spreads into the depths of the universe, is this the journey of the Great Emperor? !"

"What kind of realm is the Great Emperor? Did they change the battlefield?"


A numerous cultivators staring at it Looking at the sky far away, the Star Region in the gap completely changed, the stars in it were dim and there didn't seem to be any life.

In the Star Region, Chu Bei blood energy is like the sea, wrapped in chaos, and the bright divine light floods the starry sky, like a starry Sovereign patrol.


With a scream, Emperor Immemorial smashed several stars, and his body soared, standing in the Star Region like is a Heavenly God, black hair like Star River, eyes are like lightning.

In his physiognomy, the gods are magnificent, the weather is vast, the clouds are shrouded, and the purple clouds are flowing. The unusual form directly towers over the universe, and the stars appear extremely small in front of it.

This is a kind of majesty of letting me be the only one!

With a buzzing sound, a treasure wheel flew out from the great hand of Immemorial Emperor Faxiang, shining cold light.

The treasure wheel is flying, and there are six world rotations on it, like a real reproduction, to swallow Chu Bei, with infinite divine ability.

"Six Paths world, the universe changes, suppress!" Immemorial Emperor shouted, shaking the Quartet Star Region.

The treasure wheel is as red as blood, and the breath is more terrifying, as if it has fixed the entire Star Region, moved towards Chu Bei and suppressed it.

"His precious wheel is refining from the flesh and blood of a Great Emperor, and it contains the meaning of Six Paths Reincarnation Fist. You must not touch the precious wheel, so that you will be fascinated by its fist intent. "Ge Jiuyou reminded him in due course.

However, Chu Bei not only did not listen to Ge Jiuyou's reminder, but under the latter's horrified gaze, he took a step forward and directly turned into a light and poured into the scarlet, bloody treasure wheel.

When I saw this, Emperor Immemorial was taken aback for a moment, and after reacting, the color of ecstasy surged above, with a little excitement.

"What about the Great Emperor! The arrogant, die!"

Immemorial Emperor coldly snorted, and then quickly formed the Immemorial seal with both hands, drawing all around strength of Starry Sky, all Pour into the treasure wheel.

Suddenly, the treasure wheel spins frantically, and Six Paths immortal glow shoots out. It is six ancient worlds, which are connected by the strength of Starry Sky, giving full play to the Profound Truth.

"The laws are endless, the divine force is boundless, and extinct!"

Immemorial emperor hand moved towards Baolun photographed, like a piece of Star Sea smashed down.

hong long long!

Under the traction of Emperor Immemorial, the strength of Starry Sky in the treasure wheel was immediately detonated.

At this moment, all of the Human Race cultivator or Immemorial creatures watching the battle were all pierced by the dazzling rays of light in the starry sky.

When they saw everything in the Star Region again, the Fang Baolun that was in the riot had calmed down.

"The Human Race's Great Emperor was suppressed by the ancient emperor?"

Looking at the calming treasure wheel in the starry sky, the Immemorial King and the Immemorial creatures looked erratic .

"No way, Boss Chu is so powerful, but he has lived for 5 million years!"

"Don't worry, wait."

"The treasure wheel is refined by the Great Emperor fleshy body, it must be Extreme Dao Weapons. An Extreme Dao Weapons is in the hands of Zhundi, Old Ancestor, he will not really suffer a loss, right?"

"Wang woof! You Fat Daoist Priest, if you dare to talk nonsense, the emperor will kill you!"


One second, two seconds, three seconds...

The starry sky became more and more silent. The hearts of the four emperors Ye Fan, Ji Ziyue, Jiang Taixu, Central Plain, and the others also hung in their throats, holding their breath, without blinking their eyes. Staring at the treasure wheel without any movement.

The people suppressed by Baolun are related to the survival of Human Race!

Gradually, the Immemorial brows above the stars gradually unfolded, and when it was confirmed that the fluctuations in the blood-red treasure wheel had completely subsided, the right palm flew up again, another Immemorial seal Settle out.


However, just when it was about to return Baolun summon back, it found something unusual.

The treasure wheel made from the corpse of the Great Emperor and blood refinement has lost contact with him!

Immemorial's pupils shrank, and an unknown premonition surged in his heart, but just as he was about to step to the treasure wheel, the calm treasure wheel suddenly lit up blue rays of light.

After that, ka-cha made a crisp sound, as if it had been cut by a sharp weapon.

The treasure wheel rotates again, but it does not rotate under the control of Emperor Immemorial.

The force that urged it to turn came from within, and then I saw the Six Paths fairy light bursting out of it suddenly dimmed, and the six ancient worlds collapsed and exploded.

With a thunderous bang, centering on the treasure wheel, it shot out an endless divine glow.

Almost instantly, this Star Region was all covered by divine light, crackle thunders were all over every corner, and the originally gloomy starry sky seemed to become an endless sea of ​​thunder.

Thousands of stars are simultaneously driven by one after another Power of Thunder, and one after another terrifying Power of Stars are all poured into the treasure wheel.


The treasure wheel buzzed, clanging, and the universe roared, then exploded, turned into countless fragments, and disappeared into the chaos.

At the moment of the explosion, the cry of a soul could be faintly heard in the starry sky. It was the god of the corpse of the Great Emperor refined by this treasure wheel.

After a while, a silhouette formed in the chaos, slowly pacing towards Emperor Immemorial.

"Boss, he appeared, he is okay!"

"Not only is it okay, but he also ruined the Immemorial Emperor’s Extreme Dao Weapons!"

"I just Say, how could something happen to Boss, he has lived for five million years."

"Woof! You stinky Taoist priest, I didn’t say that just now!"


Looking at the silhouette coming out of the chaos, Ye Fan, Ji Ziyue, Jiang Taixu and the others took a long breath, and their hanging hearts seemed to relax.


Looking at Chu Bei approaching step by step, the Immemorial Emperor instinctively retreated. Every time he took a step back, the stars on both sides of its behind would burst. Open.


With a beast roar, Stone Beast under the Immemorial throne opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, sucking it sharply, swallowing a few After the stars, he pounced on Chu Bei.

Chu Bei glanced at Stone Beast disdainfully, and as he stepped, he burst out with divine light and Power of Destruction.

Gradually, a huge unusual form emerges from the thunder sea behind Chu Bei, hazy, with Heaven and Earth bells, Divine Sea, Yin-Yang Fish, quadruple boats... it emits Thunder Light , Not in human form, just vague Heaven and Earth, all kinds of lightning shrouded.


In the unusual form, a thunder rushes up to meet Stone Beast, wherever it passes, one star after another collapses and turns into powder.

Lightning flash shrouded, swallowing the Stone Beast in an instant.

The miserable neighing sound came, and the imposing manner Stone Beast suddenly appeared countless cracks on the outside of the body, and then disintegrated and exploded in the lightning flash.

"pu! ”

Perhaps because Stone Beast is connected to the origin of Immemorial Emperor, at the moment of the death of Stone Beast, Immemorial Emperor's face turned white, his breath fell instantly, and his mouth was silver. Purple blood spurted, directly crushing a starry sky.


The Emperor Immemorial wiped off the blood on the corners of his mouth, and the strongest god in his body rushed out, transformed into a Heavenly God knife, chopped Chu Bei, terrifying matchless.

That is the ultimate rule of law, turned into eternal brilliance, seems to be able to destroy all forms.

"Too weak."

Two indifferent syllables echoed in the starry sky, and Chu Bei opened his mouth to clear howl, and the spouted Innate Daoguang turned into a dao chart, directly It blocked those gods and wiped them out between Heaven and Earth.

Hearing Chu Bei’s evaluation, Immemorial Emperor complexion ashen, this humiliation was too much for him, and his emotions became turbulent.

"What about the Great Emperor, the emperor dare to fight!"

The Emperor Immemorial looked at Chu Bei and swept away his previous panic, and the whole person was burning like a scorching sun, soaring to the sky. .

Afterwards, he took out a treasure bottle, unscrewed the stopper, and poured it into his mouth. It was Golden's blood, and the red clouds skyrocketed to the sky. He drank it in one gulp.

"The blood of the Great Emperor, Interesting."

Perceiving the breath in Golden's blood and the skyrocketing life fluctuation of Immemorial Emperor, Chu Bei narrowed his eyes.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The sword array pattern directly hides the sky and covering the earth, submerging this starry sky.

"This...this is Formation' Character Secret!"

Looking at the immortal sword array pattern that Immemorial Emperor tried his best to make, Ge Jiuyou cry out in surprise, with eyes in his eyes With a look of surprise.

hong long!

The battle broke out again, Chu Bei glowed all over, bathed in chaos, impacting in this group of words Secret Skill, speed to the pinnacle, stepping on the stars And OK.

The behind unusual form bursts out, transforming into a giant intertwined with divine glow, advancing with him, crushing the great spell Magical Artifact formation mark and so on.

At the same time, a wide knife appeared in his hand, with countless blue glow on the blade extending out, and the one at the end was connected to the one after another star without life and breath.

Chu Bei seems to be the incarnation of the starry sky Sovereign, carrying the Power of Stars, invincible, in the great spell, hitting the starry sky to burst, the stars exploded.

The terrifying breath fluctuates diffusely through the void and spread to Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones; the existence in the major life-forbidden zones is full of consternation!

The battle continued, Chu Bei crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, and finally slicing several knives, smashing the formation mark of Emperor Imemorial, and then slicing several knives again, the body of Emperor Imemorial Split into eight pieces.

"too weak."

Chu Bei stood on the stars, calmly looking at the eight split bodies.

"I'm not dead yet!"

The eight bodies were put together again, Emperor Immemorial wiped off the blood on the corners of his mouth, and looked at Chu Bei behind the giant standing in the starry sky. There was unwilling hatred in his eyes.

Chu Bei laughed, and then shot again, with a wider blade radiance in his hand.

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