
The Emperor Immemorial was shouted again, and the behind unusual form merged with him, and he struck Chu Bei on the stars.

"This knife, if you take it, you can leave!"

The calm voice fell, and Chu Bei raised the wide knife above his head.

In an instant, the endless chaotic sea in this Star Region all poured into the wide sword.

In an instant, the starry sky that had been illuminated by endless rays of light dimmed.

From the eyes of the human race cultivator and Immemorial creatures watching the battle, apart from Chu Bei, Immemorial Emperor, and Ge Jiuyou, there is only pitch black in the Star Region.

Black is faint, black is terrifying!

With a slash, the starry sky split into two halves where the blade glow passed.

At this moment, the starry sky is deadly silent!

Under everyone's eyes, the blade glow moves slowly in the starry sky, as if silently.

Everything seems to have slowed down.

The Emperor Immemorial has a hideous expression, drawing all around Power of Stars, taking photos with both palms, overlapping each other.

The huge palm print greeted the blade glow.


In turn, the picture seemed to pick up quickly again.

In a flash, the blade glow split the huge palm print and continued to sweep forward.

Afterwards, in the immemorial emperor's frightened expression, the blade glow penetrated through his body.

This time, Immemorial Emperor was split in half by the blade glow between the eyebrows.

However, instead of re-healing his body as before, he released the dim dazzling light all over his body, and his body gradually turned into a rain of light and dissipated.

The speed of dissipating turned out to be faster than Ge Jiuyou on the side.

"Is this the gap between the Great Emperor and the Zhun Emperor..."

The life fluctuation of the Immemorial Emperor is getting weaker and weaker, and his eyes look towards Chu Bei with a strong look Unwilling.

After Chu Bei glanced at the Immemorial Emperor shook the head, he no longer paid attention to, but instead set his gaze on Jiang Taixu who was also dissipating, and a strange feeling was inexplicably in his heart.

Ge Jiuyou, a man who can become an emperor instinctively.

But it was born in the wrong era. If the Azure Emperor was alive, I believe he would definitely challenge it back then!

Ge Jiuyou’s dream, Ge Jiuyou’s death, Ge Jiuyou’s wish... a man who should have bloomed the most brilliant rays of light in history, because he missed an era, and finally before he died, Still can't set foot on that extreme state!

This is a Supreme personality with regrets, and an old man with a dream in his heart that never disappeared. He failed to do so, but used the last years for the Protector clan.

Finally, it burned and ended in the battle with Emperor Immemorial!

"Won, this battle is won by Boss Chu!"

"The Human Race crisis is over!"

"Five million years, worthy of it The Great Emperor who has lived for five million years!"

"In the past, Great Emperor Without Beginning was as dazzling as Old Ancestor. Great Emperor, the Black Emperor missed you."



Looking at the emperor Immemorial in the starry sky, the Human Race army was taken aback for a while, and after a long while from the shock came back to his senses, began to cheer .

Every corner of Big Dipper, you can hear excited shouts everywhere, one by one looking up at the stalwart silhouette in the Sky Dome Star Region, with a high expression.


"Master Gu Huang is defeated!"

"How can there be such a Great Emperor in Human Race!"



Compared with Human Race, a group of Immemorial creatures looked at the dying Immemorial Emperor with horror on their faces, and once again looked towards Chu Bei, they were full of fear. color.

"senior, many thanks."

In the starry sky, Ge Jiuyou stared at Chu Bei with gratitude in his eyes.

He thanked him not only for saving the Human Race from the crisis, but also for the other party who took the action after he tried his best to sublimate the battle.

He has been asleep for many years, and once he is awakened, his ending cannot be changed.

If the opponent takes an early move to solve the Immemorial Emperor, maybe he can live for a while, but the natural died during meditation is not what he wants.

He is eager to ascend the battle to the extreme, and in the final battle, he has no regrets in this realm.

"This seat has been cut from nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine ways. The current cultivation base has fallen to the Great Emperor. If it were placed 5 million years ago, this seat would be able to heal you at the time of Peak. Dao hurt. But now, this seat is also helpless." At this point, Chu Bei sighed faintly.

However, just as Chu Bei's voice fell, Human Race, Immemorial creatures, Ge Jiuyou and even Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones all reported strange breath fluctuations.

"Have you heard that? The Old Ancestor now is not his Peak time!"

"Self-cutting nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine ways, fell into the Great Emperor realm! Then what is the cultivation base of his Peak period?"

"Is it immortal? Is there really immortal in this world! Moreover, he is still in front of us!"

"According to the report, In order to continue life, the Great Emperor of the ancients fell from the realm of the Great Emperor and became the existence between the quasi-emperor and the Great Emperor. They were called Supreme. Unexpectedly, the Old Ancestor actually killed nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine. Nineteen Dao, but even so, he still has the strength of the Great Emperor Realm!"

"Really unimaginable Old Ancestor, his strength before the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine Dao! I am afraid it is really superior On top of the thousands of Star Regions."


Human Race sighed, the words were full of surprise and astonishment, and his eyes were adoring.

"Dare to ask if there are immortals in the world? It turns out that there are immortals."

Ge Jiuyou looked at Chu Bei and his eyes gradually became clearer. This was caused by Far Ancient Era. The controversial question finally has an answer.

At this realm, he naturally would not think that Chu Bei was fooling him. Being able to step into the Great Emperor realm, their state of mind has been tempered for at least ten thousand years. They have their own arrogance and disdain to deceive the world.

Above the stars, Chu Bei put his hands behind behind, his eyes fell on Ge Jiuyou's body, and his mouth turned: "The current strength of this seat cannot completely heal your wounds, but it can help you. Delay the arrival of that day!"

The calm voice fell, and the dark starry sky was once again flooded with divine glow, so bright that you could not open your eyes.

In the divine glow, countless stars trembled at the same time, and the majestic breath of life hidden in the starry sky poured into Ge Jiuyou's body under the thunder package.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

The rune flickers, and the voice of the emperor's way fills.

Almost instantly, Ge Jiuyou's body, which had become transparent, stopped dissipating, and even a little rain began to return to Ge Jiuyou's body.

As they gathered bit by bit, Ge Jiuyou's body began to become solid.

This is a slow process.

Chu Bei glanced at Ge Jiuyou, without paying too much attention, his gaze was cast on the Immemorial creature in Central Plain.


Immemorial creatures are inexplicably filled with a crisis in their hearts, but before they take any action, a cry of miserable mourning echoes on the land of Central Plain.

In a few breaths, all the Fleshy bodies of the Immemorial creatures exploded together with their soul bodies, including the Immemorial King, none of them were spared.

"Dead, all dead!"

"Is this the Prestige of Great Emperor? Kill the Gu Clan group with one thought!"

"I Human Race has Boss Chu, who will dare to invade in the future!"

"Thanks to Boss Chu, Master Guardian doesn't seem to have to die."

"Look, Boss Chu Come out! He's here!"


In the battlefield, the Human Race cultivator swept all around the Immemorial creatures that suddenly exploded, and a smile of joy appeared on his face.

At this moment, someone pointed to the sky and screamed first.

I saw Chu Bei stepping on the stars in the Star Region, as if he had crossed thousands of Star Regions during his steps, fell from the sky and appeared above the Central Plain battlefield.

"Meet Boss Chu!"

The four emperors of Central Plain, War God Temple Palace Master, Da Leiyin host, South Mountain Range Demon Lord, Jiang Taixu and other five domain leaders immediately moved towards Chu Bei cup one fist in the other hand

Almost at the same time, all Human Race cultivators bowed down, clasped their hands together, and looked reverent.

The color of gratitude on the face is from the heart. The Boss Chu above not only saved them, but also saved the entire Human Race.

Chu Bei glanced lightly at the Central Plain Four Emperors and the others, slightly nod as a greeting.

After that, the sleeves were waved, stepping on the void, and moved towards the west.

"Boss Chu, where is he going!"

A group of people looked at Chu Bei’s back. Just as they were confused, the sky suddenly buzzed. The earth trembled violently.

Seven terrifying power breaths soar into the sky from Big Dipper in different directions, straight to the Heavenspan dome, the Star Region emerges in the sky dome, various unusual forms are present.

"These breath...life forbidden zones are Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones!"

"Boss Chu is going in the direction of Undying Mountain!"

"Boss Chu, what is he going to do? is it possible that he wants to flatten the life forbidden zone?"

"Since ancient times, the life forbidden zone is so mysterious! Even the Ancient Great Emperor can't be flattened, What exactly does Boss Chu want to do?"

"It is rumored that the complete mastery Saint Physique and Great Emperor Void both went deep into the Undying Mountain, but they failed to clear this life forbidden zone. Why is there no one in the forbidden zone? I know."


A crowd of Human Race cultivators looked at the direction Chu Bei was going, and seemed to have guessed what the other party was doing next, and all of them were shocked.

"In the end, the curtain ended in this way..."

In the starry sky, Emperor Immemorial looked lonely, seeming to be pitying clansman's death, and seeming to be unable to see. I felt sorry for the next battle.

Finally, the last vitality dissipated, and the silhouette of Emperor Immemorial completely dissipated in the starry sky.

At this moment, Chu Bei has also come to the sky above Undying Mountain.

"Five million years... can anyone really live so long?"

In the wild ancient restricted area, the sound of iron chains shook the sky, the fairy cast by four divine gold The silhouette, whose chain was firmly locked, looked towards the woman on another Holy Mountain and asked.

"He has lived more than a lifetime! Maybe he really was since ancient times, the only one who touched that realm."

The woman stood in the clouds, her hair fluttering, her eyes It penetrated the void and landed on that silhouette above the undying mountain.

"What did he do to Undying Mountain? Could it be that he really wanted to try to calm down like the void before."

"He has been to Undying Mountain once, but last time No fight. Maybe he is conflicted with the guy in the Undying Mountain, or he wants to get the Enlightenment Tree in the Undying Mountain."

The woman spoke faintly, her voice was ethereal and difficult to catch.

In the Absolute Beginning Mine, one after another, a silhouette covered in black mist that cannot be seen clearly floats out.

"First killed a quasi emperor from Immemorial, and now he descends on Undying Mountain, is he going to fight again?"

"a matter of no concern to oneself, watching the show Just fine."

"It's okay to lose, but if he wins, who knows if his next destination will be here."

"If he really comes, It’s up to you to go out to fight."

"No, you go, I want to sleep for another ten thousand years."


The long and deep voice wafted in the ancient mine. These silhouette eyes shot through the sky, watching every move of Undying Mountain.

At the same time, Samsara Sea, Immortal Tomb, Divine Ruins, Burying Heavens Island, the four life exclusion zones, more or less, have several line of sight thrown at Undying Mountain and fixed on Chu Bei's body.


undying mountain, every mountain is black and crippled, some are like swords towering into the clouds, some are like Barbaric Ox lying on the ground, Haze shrouded, grand and magnificent.

In the mountains, you can see the mutilated Stoneman picking up medicine, and the stone crow lacking a claw is flying, with mysterious weirdness everywhere.

"You are still here!"

In the depths of the undying mountain, there was a low roar.

"This is the promise of this seat." Chu Bei stood in the void, with his hands on his chest, and his indifferent eyes scanned the black Dayue in front of him.

The last time he came, because there was only the Quasi-Emperor Realm, he believed that he could not take the Enlightenment Tree from the opponent, so he had to leave.

But right now, he can mobilize Xiao Hei's power, even if only part of it, he is confident that he will blow the opponent.

"Five million years, you live far longer than I thought. If you don't come, I won't look for you."

"One hundred thousand years Before, Void also came and tried to smooth this place, but he failed. Do you think you will succeed?" There was another voice from the depths of the undying mountain.

Chu Bei laughed, did not speak, just took a step, stepped on the golden light avenue, and reached the depths of the undying mountain.

hong long!

Chu Bei stepped on it, and the large mountain standing in the deepest part of the undying mountain below instantly collapsed, turning into chaos and flying everywhere.

A loud roar, shaking the entire Big Dipper!

Maybe Chu Bei deliberately did it. His scene on Undying Mountain appeared directly in the sky, and everyone in Big Dipper could clearly see it.

"My God! Is Boss Chu so overbearing? A life forbidden zone, ordinary people can't avoid it, but Boss Chu goes straight to the deepest! It is simple and rude to step on the biggest mountain !"

"As expected of Boss Chu, looking at since ancient times, even those Great Emperors, who would dare to do this?"

"In the face of absolute strength, what is so called? There is no life forbidden zone!"


A numerous cultivators stared at the scene that appeared in the sky, dumbfounded.

"You don’t think of the emperor too much! What if you live for five million years!"

"The emperor is not the one who was hit by you It’s too Gu Clan little fellow who didn’t even step into the Great Emperor Realm!"

There was an angry voice, and a dualbladed Halberd silhouette appeared like a Demon God, holding a black rod. Opposite Chu Bei, murderous-looking.

With the appearance of the Demon God-like silhouette, Big Dipper suddenly became tumultuous again.

"Look, he has appeared, the existence in Undying Mountain has appeared!"

"Is he the master of Undying Mountain?"

"Listen Is that what he just said? He doesn't seem to put the quasi emperor who is too Gu Clan in his eyes!"

"Could it be that he is also a Great Emperor?!"


The eyes of a crowd of people switched back and forth between Chu Bei and Shi Huang, with amazement in their eyes.

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