"Stone Emperor, you fight, I will continue to sleep. Time is limited, so I won't step into your storm anymore."

A bad old fogey Holding the Black Tortoise divine medicine, I walked out of the mountain and looked at Shi Huang and Hong Jun, shook the head, dug a hole on the spot, and lay in.

Shi Huang glanced at Messy Old Man with no expression on his face. As for Chu Bei, he naturally ignored such a familiar old man.

"What? He...he is the King of Stone!"

"Five hundred thousand years ago, he was born in Chaos, absorb strength of Starry Sky, transformed into a rock along the way Great Emperor!"

"Unexpectedly, he was still alive! Moreover, he became the master of Undying Mountain!"

"No wonder, no wonder that even Great Emperor Void and complete mastery Saint Physique are both Can't level the undying mountain!"

"Stone Emperor, an Ancient Great Emperor who exists in books!"


I heard bad Old fogey called that silhouette. Some cultivators were petrified on the spot when they recalled various stories about the'Stone Emperor'.

"Let's go, change place." The calm voice fell, and Chu Bei moved his steps, and appeared in a Star Region in a flash.

"hahaha... I can fight against the Great Emperor that Chaos first opened, so happy!"

Stone Emperor laughed, he was so powerful, his hair fluttered, and Chu Bei came to Star. Region.

The sound fell, and the stone emperor held the halberd and took the lead in moving towards Chu Bei and hacked away. The black light cuts through the eternity and illuminates the Star River!

"The real battle of the Great Emperor!" Ji Ziyue cried out in surprise, his mouth forming a circle.

"No, the Stone Emperor is not yet the Great Emperor. In order to survive, he chopped off himself and has fallen to the Great Emperor. His current strength lies between the Ninth Stage Heaven and the Great Emperor. In the starry sky, Ge Jiuyou seemed to hear Ji Ziyue's astonished sound, suddenly opened the mouth and said, and the sound floated throughout Big Dipper.


In the starry sky, the stone emperor's euphorbia smashed down, making a buzzing trembling sound.

The dragon mark collapsed, and a black dragon rose up and culled Chu Bei. The Dualbladed Halberd had spirit, baring fangs and brandishing claws. This was the strongest Sovereign Dao blow.

"Don't waste time, now you, too weak!"

Chu Bei didn't move, raising his hand, the starry sky appeared chaotically, forming a great cauldron, Dingkou Erupting black lightning, crushing ten directions of the universe.


Lightning swept out, and the frontal hard Fangtian Euphorbia directly shook the latter back during the collision.

"Yes, this emperor shouldn't have a fluke."

Slightly self-deprecating voice floated in the starry sky, and Shi Huang began to make a sonorous sound.

Followingly, in the burst of the emperor's law, the stone emperor's body was filled with thousands of strands of immortal light, and the Rui Cai bursted out.

At this moment, in order to fight Chu Bei, Shi Huang sublimated, and he returned to the Great Emperor realm.

This battle, whether he wins or loses, will end!

If he could come back, maybe he would let the other party take Enlightenment Tea Tree away the day before, instead of trying to obliterate the other party; but at this moment, he has no retreat.


With one word, Shi Huang behind appeared in an unusual form.

The lonely smoke in the desert is straight, and the sun sets over the river.

In the unusual form, a Stoneman was born from a barren star, roaring the mountains and rivers of the Star River, the stars collapsed.

This is the scene when Shi Huang was born. At that time, God shook for him, and the starry sky screamed for him. He was just born and overwhelming the Great Desolate world.

He was blessed by the starry sky. He was born according to the will of Heaven and Earth. He was born in accordance with the will of Heaven and Earth. He was born with a variety of taboo divine ability and Great Perfection on his own, and his mana was boundless.

At this moment, in the battle with Chu Bei, the moment he returned to the Great Emperor realm, he directly performed the ultimate divine technique-God!

He was conceived by the strength of Starry Sky, he was a heir of God, and the divine technique was used. This starry sky moved for it, and all the ways were harmonious.

hong long!

Star River is surging, endless stars hiding the sky and covering the earth, coming like sea turbulent, law intertwined with the Divine Order Chain, connecting the past, the present and the future, just like God is angry.

I saw a huge Stoneman appearing behind the stone emperor, then united with his body, holding the dualbladed Halberd with flashing metallic luster, moving towards Chu Bei slashed down.

This is the ultimate move of Shi Huang's preaching!

It can also be said to be the ultimate blow of Dualbladed Halberd!

The halberd fell, the starry sky faded, and the Ancient Territory collapsed.

Even though there are thousands of Star Regions apart, everyone in Big Dipper Star Region felt the violent shaking of the ground.

This blow is too terrifying!

Chu Bei's expression became serious, there was no longer any underestimate, behind the chaotic unusual form appeared, and the endless divine glow gathered in his palm until it formed a snake-shaped long sword.

The sword is out, thunderous!

One halberd and one sword, both come out at the same time!

In an instant, the Star Region was flourishing, and it was boundless, and there was nothing to see. I only heard countless stars exploding one after another, as if the universe was about to burst.

The Star Region exploded, the sky trembled, the vast sea of ​​light gradually dissipated, and two silhouettes appeared.

A Dualbladed Halberd fell in front of Chu Bei, and the ripples outside Chu Bei's body could be seen faintly cut.

But soon this layer of ripples surged, wrapping Chu Bei again.

Look at the stone emperor, standing in the sky, extraordinary martial arts, full of thick hair flying, like is a Heavenly God.

However, his eyes dimmed at this time, and a serpentine long sword intertwined with Power of Primal Chaos cut into his between the eyebrows mercilessly, without his mind. In, where the blood is dripping, it seems horrible to see.

Snake-shaped long sword, divine light permeated, Thunder Fire beating, a little bit penetrated into the mind of Shi Huang, that is the most terrifying power in the universe burning.

Stone Emperor’s Immortal Platform collapsed, the clicking sound continued, and the dao fruit began to dissipate throughout his life.

"It's still defeated."

The lonely voice fell, and Shi Huang's body exploded and became blood mist, turning into the most terrifying Great Emperor blood rain between Heaven and Earth. Rush into the universe.

Although this is the battle of the Great Emperor, it is actually just a showdown.

Whether it is Shi Huang or Chu Bei, they have used everything!

Looking at the Great Emperor blood rain in the starry sky, Chu Bei said nothing.

Life and Death Battle, he survived and is considered the winner.

But judging from this battle, he won't be fair.

After all, this is not his true strength, but borrowed the power of Xiaohei.

Glancing at the battlefield again, Chu Bei walked away on the Star River, returned to Big Dipper, and landed on the undying mountain.

I saw him a finger pointed, an old tree in the mountain soared to the sky and flew in front of Chu Bei.

It is not very tall, but it is more than three meters high, but it is as vigorous as a horned dragon, and its old skin is cracked, as if it has gone through hundreds of millions of years. It is very peculiar. There are no duplicates in the leaves of the tree. Each leaf is unique, all crystal clear and near-transparent, like carved jade.

Some leaves of this ancient tree resemble a small cauldron, foggy; some leaves are like Divine Phoenix, with glints; some leaves are like immortal sitting cross-legged, vivid; some are like gold, rays of light Bright, some resemble red jade, extremely bright, various colors.

[Host successfully obtained Enlightenment Tea Tree]

[Host cultivation progress to Level 12 Peak]

[Level 12 commodity permission has been enabled, if you want to enable Level 13 Commodity permissions, the host can go to Journey to the West plane]

[Enable condition: Journey to the West plane, host reputation points reach 90, All Heavens Store reputation points reach 90】

When Chu Bei accepted Enlightenment Tree according to the method given by system, a series of system beeps.

"Stone Emperor lost, Boss Chu won!"

"The same Great Emperor, but Boss Chu still won, and he was unscathed!"


"putting it that way, from now on, will Undying Mountain be removed from Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones?"

"Since ancient times, I am afraid that Boss Chu is the strongest The Great Emperor is over!"

"You are wrong, Boss Chu, but he cut nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine ways before he fell to the present Great Emperor! In his Peak period, maybe he was The only fairy!"


Looking at the battle that ended in the sky, everyone came back to his senses from shock, and their eyes fell on that silhouette above the undying mountain. When I went up, my expression was in a trance.

"Xiang, what kind of existence is that..."

In the starry sky, Ge Jiuyou sat cross-legged, his eyes pierced through the void and fell on Chu Bei's body, with a soft voice in his mouth Whispered.

Obviously, the ultimate battle between Chu Bei and Shi Huang shocked him again.

Obviously they are both Great Emperors, one side of Life and Death Dao disappears, while the other side is safe and sound.

"I drop an infinite Heavenly Venerate. When will I be able to be as powerful as a Boss and be worshipped by the world." Duan De's eyes were hot, and his face was envious.

Wild ancient restricted area.

"What is that method? Why can't I see it at all!"

The complete mastery Saint Physique, which is firmly locked by four divine gold chains, looks in his eyes Shoot out two faint azure light, projected to the woman not far away.

"I can't see through! Maybe this is a method five million years ago, or a method that was only available after landing on that realm." The woman shook the head, I don’t know when, there was a Grimace mask.

"If you are against him, how sure are you?" Complete mastery Saint Physique asked again.

"Have never played." The woman shook her head again.

Absolute Beginning Mine.

The land of reddish-brown seems to be infested with blood, hard and withered. Desolation and emptiness coexist, and some huge rocks stand scattered on the ground, which looks like tombstones at first glance.

The space between Heaven and Earth is drowsy, and the faint black mist adds a touch of gloom to this world. The endless reddish-brown land is far away and dead, with no signs of life.

"Stone Emperor is defeated!"

"This is a fair fight, but even if he tries his best to recover the strength of the Great Emperor, he still loses!"

"Is this the old monster who has lived for five million years? Even if he cuts himself, he is still fearless in the face of the Great Emperor!"

"I hope he didn't come to level the restricted area, I really don't want to Fight with him."


Over the Absolute Beginning Mine, the long, deep, and elusive sounds intertwined.

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