"Boss, her relationship with Little Nannan..."

Ye Fan hugged Little Nannan, as if he had a guess in his heart, and looked towards Chu Bei again.

At this moment, Chu Bei’s gaze is on the empress’s body: “It’s such a lifetime, so let’s sigh, how long will it take for one lifetime after another?"

"Wait, Wait until he comes back." The fierce person pointed to Ye Fan, his red lips slightly opened.

After all, the fierce person is no more turbulent, motionless, and his eyes are like sea and deep.

Hearing this, Ye Fan's body was shaken, and he froze in place. Why did this involve him again?

Could it be that the boy in the picture was his previous life?

As an Earth person, Ye Fan has read countless novels. He immediately opened his mind and his thoughts were flying wildly.

"Do you think he will be able to reflect the same flower soul when he is extremely brilliant?" Chu Bei said with a smile.

"Then keep waiting."

Five calm syllables fell, and the Empress finally glanced at Ye Fan and Little Nannan, then turned and moved towards the Holy Mountain below and fell.

Looking at the female emperor's back, Chu Bei sighed faintly, feeling inexplicably melancholy.

Not for longevity, just to wait for your return in the red dust.

This is the best interpretation of fierce person.

"You will know from now on." To Ye Fan's puzzled look, Chu Bei said with a smile.

Shortly after the fierce person left, the complete mastery Saint Physique moved towards Chu Bei nodded by the four Divine Chain restraints signaled and returned to the abyss.

The unusual form in the dome of the sky dissipated, and Chu Bei took Ye Fan, Little Nannan, and treasures looted from the major restricted areas, and disappeared over the deserted ancient restricted area.

Everything ended, but the hearts of the numerous cultivators of Big Dipper could not calm down.

On this day, they experienced the invasion of Immemorial creatures, causing countless casualties!

They witnessed the battle of the quasi-emperor and the battle of the Great Emperor!

They met Boss Chu who had survived five million years, the legendary fairy!

They learned about the past of a generation of empresses!


2nd day.

Central Plain, Western Desert, South Mountain Range, Northern Plains Four Great Domains, led by various Peak forces, began to clear the battlefield and rebuild their homes.

Although the day has passed, all corners of Big Dipper, where there are people, are still discussing the battle of the previous day. Among them, the most topical is Boss Chu Chu Bei.

This True Immortal has lived for 5 million years!

Not only the cultivator, but in the ordinary tavern, some storytellers are excited, they talk about boiling blood, and they have exaggerated expressions as if the Savior is themselves.

Countless cities have spontaneously established Divine Idol, which is exactly what Chu Bei looks like.

3rd day.

Ancient Desolate Jiang Family is a great hall, with purple sky rising to the sky, accompanied by the sound of thunder.

Ye Fan shouting loudly, rose into the air and appeared in the void.

I saw a Green Lotus next to him, with only three leaves, but with the meaning of Dao producing all things, it was lightly shaken, and suddenly it seemed to freeze the void.

Hearing these movements, a group of Powerhouses including Jiang Taixu and Jiang Family Patriarch appeared immediately.

"Four Extremes Realm! He really broke through!"

"He broke the curse of Remote Antiquity Sacred Body!"

"Chaotic Green Lotus ! This is one of the most terrifying unusual forms in ancient times!"


Everyone shouted, showing shock.

The seventh day.

A mountain range 100 kilometers away from Jiang Family.

Above the mountain range, Heaven and Earth are violent, ninth-five Thunder Tribulation, Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation, Moon True Tribulation, Water and Fire Great Tribulation... all kinds of heavenly punishment hiding the sky and covering the earth.

The entire mountain range was submerged, and only one silhouette was vague and indistinct, resisting robbery in the lightning flash.

"The evildoer! The real evildoer!"

"Seven days, from Dao Palace to the four poles, and then to the Great Dragon Tribulation!"

"Remote The Antiquity Sacred Body is not terrifying to such a degree. The threaded fruit in his body is really terrifying."

"Although Boss Chu is helping, but it’s us, we haven’t had time to break through. , It was exploded by the energy in those treasures!"


A group of Jiang Family cultivators hung in the void not far away, looking at the fuzzy silhouette, in their eyes Full of envy.

Above the mountain range, there is a vast expanse of whiteness, deafening, silver snakes dancing wildly, and lightning glow everywhere, like a vast ocean.

Thunder Dragon is in the sky, not one, there are hundreds, and every lightning bolt is as big as a mountain, dancing in the sky.

At this moment, Ye Fan sits in the void, a finger pointed, motivating ten thousand zhang heavenly thunder into the body.

At the same time, a great cauldron emerged, which was completely condensed by Golden Lightning, with patterns all over it, which is the law of Heaven and Earth.

The purple cloud on the surface is shrouded, this is Myriad Things Origin Energy!

"This smelly brat has the qualifications of the Great Emperor!" Duan De smashed his mouth.

"Woof! Will be the youngest Great Emperor since ancient times!" Black Emperor ao wu said twice.

hong long!

Along with the loud noise, a dragon roar sounded from Ye Fan's body.

In an instant, Ye Fan's back resembled a dragon, constantly rushing out of his energy, and his big spine seemed to fly out.

This is a sign of Dragon Transformation!

Dragon Transformation, this Secret Realm matches its name very well. It nourishes a big dragon in the body and emerges in form. The big dragon of the human body is the spine, and all strength must be supported by it.

Dragon roar came out, Ye Fan cracked in his body, his entire spine was as bright as gold, and every joint was moving, like a barbarian dragon resurrecting.

"Is he still Dragon Transformation?" Jiang Family Patriarch stared at the sky above the mountain range, dumbfounded.

There is eighty a heavenly dragon descending from the sky, lifelike, coiling in the sky.

The dragon head is facing Ye Fan, as if it has lasted forever, revealing a mysterious and mysterious aura.

With a loud roar, Ye Fan rushed up, turning into a thunder, and greeted the eighty a heavenly dragon with the ten thousand zhang Lei Mang.

Long time.

The thunder above the mountain range dissipated, and everything became calm.

Ye Fan stepped into the void and landed in front of Chu Bei, bowing heavily.

Not only Ye Fan, but Ji Ziyue, Jiang Tingting, Duan De, Little Nannan and other agents have become the first beneficiaries of All Heavens Store.

Time flies by.

Three more months have passed.

In three months, with the help of the leaders of all parties, All Heavens Store opened the entire Five Great Domains.

"Boss, when you go, you don't know when you will be back?"

Ye Fan, Duan De and the others, to see Chu Bei off, with a sad look in their eyes.

"When you are strong enough, you can find me on your own."

Chu Bei said with a smile, his voice fell, his eyes scanned Jiang Taixu, Ji Ziyue and others , The sleeve robe waved.

long long long ——

The rumbling sound sounded, and the void in front of Chu Bei began to twist.

After a while, a blue cross-rolling wheel slowly appeared. On the top of the wheel, the six characters of [plane Time and Space] are particularly conspicuous; below it, there are four [Journey to the West plane] Smaller words.

Look intently, that in the roller is a blue passage crocheted by time.

Looking at the emergence of the wheel of time and space, Chu Bei seemed to be prepared, stepped out and stepped into this wheel of time and space.

At the moment when he entered the wheel of time and space, the majestic divine force in Chu Bei's body was chained to a chain and couldn't be moved.

Same as the previous two times, he did not immediately appear in Journey to the West plane, but swims in a wonderful world woven by a long river of time, without drifting forward day and night.

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