Shoo, hoo!

However, after a few breaths, there were two sky-splitting sounds.

Immediately afterwards, there were two more figures above the rocks.

When Wild Beast saw the two figures in the mountains, they all shiver coldly and crawled on the ground.

Like the Lion Ox King, this new two figures is also the overlord of this Flower Fruit Mountain, with a very fierce reputation.

Like the silver centipede king, it looks like a centipede, but it has a pair of silver wings that are five meters long, thick enough to have arms, and the whole body is shiny, like cast silver.

Like the blue-winged king, he looks like a sparrow, but his body is several times larger. The whole body is covered with flame, and between the flapping wings, the flame burns the void.

At this moment, there are such three powerful Flower Fruit Mountain overlords, their eyes fixed on the rock that releases the magical rays of light, and their eyes are full of excitement and anticipation.

"You two guys are too greedy, this is the hill that this king is in charge of! What do you mean by coming here!"

The Lion Ox King swept across the Silver Centipede, Blue Wing King, coldly snorted, with dissatisfaction on his face.

"Brother Lion and Niu, don't be angry. We are also seeing an unusual form happening on your mountain. Are you worried that something will happen to you?" The Blue Wing King opened his mouth and let out a joking laugh.

"Fart! You must be hitting my Immortal Treasure's attention!" Lion Ox King's expression became increasingly dissatisfied.

"When did this become your Immortal Treasure? Although it is on your hill, it is a spiritual qi of the entire Flower Fruit Mountain. Even the Immortal Treasure has one of mine. Copy!"

Silver Centipede King is not as arrogant as the Blue Wing King, so he directly called on his name: "Who owns this Immortal Treasure depends on its ability!"

long long long ——

Silver Centipede King tone barely fell, the rocks shook violently, and the monster rays of light became more and more dazzling.

The originally clear sky suddenly became dim, and black clouds poured out, one after another lightning slashed straight down. The slender lightning shrouded all around the rocks, and in a moment, the surrounding rocks filled with hazy air.

"Unusual form appears, this stone must be Immortal Treasure!"

"Come out, Immortal Treasure is about to be born!"

Lion Ox King, Silver Centipede King, Blue Wing King three Flower Fruit Mountain overlords have hot eyes in their eyes, and at the same time the breath is rising one by one, guarding each other.

The three of them are ready to take action. Once the stone cracks and Immortal Treasure is born, they will dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety immediately to fight for Immortal Treasure!

Under the anxious wait of the three overlords, the rock gradually became transparent, and the'Immortal Treasure' contained in it was also revealed in the sight of Wild Beast among the mountains.

" could this be a monkey!"

"Should it be Immortal Treasure!"

Lion Ox King, Silver Centipede King, The King of Blue Wings stared at the transparent rock, and then looked at each other, his expressions a little dumbfounded.

Obviously, they never expected that a monkey would be bred out of this rock!

Not only the three major overlords, but the Wild Beast among the mountains, especially the mountain monkeys of the same kind, each of them opened their mouths wide, and their faces were full of surprise.

When I stared, I saw a golden-haired monkey curled up in the middle of the rock.

To be precise, the monkey is bowing his body tight, and it looks like it is accumulating energy, waiting for something.


A few more seconds passed.

With a sound of thunder falling, strikes straight on the rocks. With a loud noise, the rocks exploded, light and rain fluttered in the sky, and the sky filled the sky.

"Come out, I am out!"

Stone Monkey flew out, shouting with excitement in his mouth. It seems that he already has intelligence and has been waiting for the day he was born.

"Even if he is not Immortal Treasure, he is definitely not an ordinary monkey. It won't hurt to eat it anyway!"

Lion Ox King, Silver Centipede King, Blue Wing King three big three The overlord looked at the newly born stone monkey, as if he had the same thought, licked his tongue, and fixed his greedy eyes on the stone monkey one by one.

"What are you three going to do!"

Looking at the three streaks of divine rainbow flying by, and then facing their aggressive gaze, the stone monkey trembled inexplicably. A chill surged in my heart and hurriedly turned and moved towards the distance and ran away.

However, how can his speed compare to the three Great Demon beasts.

In the blink of an eye, the Lion Ox King, Silver Centipede King, and Blue Wing King surrounded the stone monkeys in different directions.

"The three of us don’t fight. This monkey looks like a lot of meat. Let's eat it separately."

Lion Ox King proposed, Silver Centipede King, Blue King Wing glanced at each other, and later agreed with nodded.

Hearing this, the stone monkey shuddered, and his body kept moving backwards, looking at the three major overlords of Flower Fruit Mountain with great dread.

"It seems that you splashed monkey just came out of the stone!"

The stone monkey stared at the lion Ox King, Silver Centipede King, and Blue Wing King in fear. At that time, a smiling illusory voice floated from the air.

"Who is talking!"

The sudden voice suddenly made the three ominous beasts vigilant, looking around one by one, as if looking for the source of the sound.

"little fellow, this splash monkey is not something you can eat, please leave." At this time, the sky above the stone monkey rippled, and a dark and slender gap emerged, with a gap in the gap. Silhouette came out from it leisurely.

"You are a human!"

"How dare you set foot on our territory!"

Look at the appearance of Chu Bei, Lion Ox King, Silver Centipede The expressions of the three overlords Wang and Blue Wing King instantly turned heavy, and then only three of them were lit up with rays of light of different colors at the same time.


The three Great Demon beasts roared, and when they opened their mouths, a spell that gathered huge spiritual power spewed out.


Seeing that the spell attack from the three Great Demon beasts was about to fall on Chu Bei, I saw Chu Bei's sleeve gown waved, and the three spells with no difficulty were destroyed.

Next, the three Great Demon beasts were fiercely hit by a heavy hammer, and moved towards different directions like cannonballs.

Three loud noises, three more ten-meter-diameter deep pits on the ground, the sky was filled with dust, and the miserable and painful wailing sounds of the Lion Ox King, the Silver Centipede King, and the Blue Wing King were heard.

"Lion, Ox King, they were defeated!"

"What a terrifying human!"

"Is he immortal!"


Wild Beast trembled suddenly in the mountains. After taking a peek at Chu Bei, he stepped back, with a little fear on his face.

Looking at the three more giant pits on the ground in the distance, the stone monkey came back to his senses from shock, and then looked at Chu Bei with admiration: "many thanks immortal!"

"Polar Monkey, do you know what the result would be if I didn't make a move just now?" Chu Bei's mouth was curved, and he looked at the stone monkey with a smile.

"They should have eaten it." Shihou's face was a bit ugly, with a little helplessness.

"In this world, weak are prey to the strong is the basic principle. Although this seat saved you this time, but in the future, in the same situation, what should you do?"


Chu Bei holds his hands behind, and when he looks at him, he looks like a mysterious and unpredictable expert.

Stone Monkey was stunned, his eyes turned, and then he knelt down in front of Chu Bei with a bang: "immortal, I beg you to accept me as a disciple and pass on my Immortal Technique!"

Looking at the kneeling stone monkey in front of him, Chu Bei's eyes showed approval. This perception is really not covered, no wonder he can understand the meaning of Old Ancestor Bodhi's three brains collapsed.

"This seat is out traveling passing by here, and found that you have a predestined relationship with the monkey, since you are willing to enter this seat, then this seat will accept you as a disciple today."

Chu Bei's sleeve robe held up the stone monkey, and said: "You just jumped out of the stone, and you are still unknown. If you are a teacher, you will get one for you."

"Disciple, see Master! I beg you! Give the name to the Master!"

Stone Monkey looked happy, and bowed again to Chu Bei excitedly.

"For my teacher, I saw that you look like a pine cone-eating hunger, this word for 猢 goes to a beast, it is an ancient moon. The ancients are old, and the moon is yin. Old yin cannot be transformed. , It’s better to teach you the surname Xi. The character “Xi” goes next to the beast, and it is a child. The child is also a male, and the child is a child. It is in line with the basic theory of a baby, so the surname is Sun."

Chu Bei holds his chin in his hand, pretending to be thinking: "The last name is there. As for this name, enlightenment is my mind. This mind is a pure nature, neither born nor dying, neither filthy nor clean, nor increasing or decreasing. Only when I realize that my mind is pure can we know the meaning of being a human being. Don’t forget the original intention and always keep it, so let’s call it Sun Wukong."

"Sun Wukong, this name sounds good, many thanks Master ! Disciple will be called Sun Wukong from now on!" The stone monkey was elated and turned his head up and down.

"Disciple, since you have already become a teacher, you will naturally give you opportunities as a teacher." Chu Bei moved towards Stone Monkey beckoned.

"Opportunity? Is that Immortal Technique!" Stone Monkey squatted in front of Chu Bei, his eyes full of anticipation.

Chu Bei laughed, with a wave of his right hand, the agent ring flew to the stone monkey: "Put on him and take blood as a bond, and you will embark on a simple path of cultivation."

"Yes, Master!"

Monkey Sun did not hesitate, biting his index finger and dripping a drop of blood into the agent ring.

[The host has successfully signed a Level 1 agency, and obtained the right to use the power of Xiaohei once]

[Level 1 agency package distribution]

The system sound is in Chu Bei Sounded in my mind.

"Wukong, this is a meeting gift for your teacher." Chu Bei clicked on the agent package, which is also a crystal clear and near-transparent Medicinal Pill.

"Good smell!"

Monkey Sun took the Spirit Pill, put it on the tip of the nose and sniffed it, and didn't even know its effect, and threw it directly into the mouth.

"My body..."

Soon Monkey Sun discovered the changes in his body.

After swallowing that Medicinal Pill, every cell, every skeleton, and every piece of meat in his body is madly multiplying.

"Master, the discipline has eaten the pill you gave, and seems to be in control of a kind of magical energy."

Monkey Sun moved his muscles and bones and looked at Chu excitedly with his eyes wide open. Bei, afterwards, an expression of be eager to have a try.

Two somersaults turned out one after another, Monkey Sun came to a huge rock, which was dozens of times larger than the rock he jumped out of. It was eight meters high and ten times long. Meter.


Monkey Sun put his hands on the huge rock, just listening to him shouting loudly, and then his hands lit up with white light.

long long long!

next moment, the huge rock like a house was lifted up in Monkey Sun's hands, looking at his expression, it seemed that he didn't use much force.

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