"This...is this the inheritance of the immortal!"

"What exactly is the Immortal Pill! It suddenly made this stone monkey have this Such a terrifying strength!"

A group of Wild Beasts in the mountains stared at the scene ahead in a daze, with their faces full of shock and envy in their eyes. Looking towards Chu Bei again, he became more admired and respectful.

"Master, the ability of the discipline seems to be able to change their weight."

Monkey Sun looked excited, and immediately found a few bigger rocks to try it out. More excited.

"The one you just ate is called Gravity Pill, which is already your Innate Divine Ability. When the cultivation reaches the complete mastery, this Celestial Court can collapse in your first thought."

Chu Bei smiled and looked at Sun Wukong. This gravity pill, like the thunder pill that Ye Fan eats, is an exclusive product of system.

"Master, since you are a businessman, where is your shop?"

After digesting the flow of information in his mind, Monkey Sun looked at Chu Bei curiously.

Chu Bei glanced at Monkey Sun, but did not respond, just waved his sleeves.


In an instant, Chu Bei took Monkey Sun to a waterfall.

I saw the waterfall flow straight down, the water splashed in all directions, the sound was like thunder, and the white water splashes hung in front of my eyes, like a curtain of beads.

A group of monkeys in the mountains hid far away, following Chu Bei's behind, with curiosity on their faces.

"Master, why did you bring the discipline here?" Sun Wukong pointed to the waterfall in front of him with confusion on his face.

Chu Bei laughed, a finger pointed.

Suddenly, the originally rapid waterfall diverged, moving towards both sides.

"There is a cave!"

The wild monkeys in the distance exclaimed that they had lived for so many years without knowing that such a cave was hidden behind the waterfall.

A column of vertical characters are engraved on the stone walls on both sides of the cave, Flower Fruit Mountain, Water Curtain Cave Celestial Grotto.

Entering the cave, looking at it, its area is extremely wide. Stone tables, stone chairs, stone beds, etc. should be only available, and bamboo grows in the corners, and the floral fragrance released by some exotic flowers is intoxicating.

This layout is like an immortal once lived here.

"Let’s build the first one here."

Back in the cave, Chu Bei pointed like a sword, and a calm voice fell, and there were four more directly above the cave. Sonny and powerful characters, All Heavens Store!

"Master, don't you have no shop?"

Looking at the four golden-bright and dazzling characters, Monkey Sun looked at Chu Bei and said tentatively.

"As the teacher just arrived in this world, you will be in charge of the first shop in the future. For this reason, let's put your strength up early." Chu Bei patted Monkey Sun.

"Master, doesn't it take money to take a shortcut? There is nothing for a discipline." Monkey Sun scratched his head.

"There is a way for the teacher." Chu Bei smiled.


Immortal World, Celestial Court.

In the shrouded clouds, splendorous and majestic pavilions hang high in the sky, giving people an illusory feeling.

In the misty fog, the huge main hall on the core area stands tall, with huge pillars standing majestically.

Looking intently, each pillar is engraved with a golden dragon pattern, just like a living thing beginning to stir, hovering on the pillars, as if they would rush out roar towards the sky at any time.

When you come to the giant hall, you will find its golden light circulating, exuding a lot of invisible power, which makes people have an urge to worship on both knees!

At this moment, two longs The rainbow thread flicked across and entered the great hall.

I saw the first person in the center of the main hall, a man who couldn't see his appearance sat on Dragon Throne, his body wrapped all around Immortal Qi, not angered by himself.

"Jade Emperor, Dongsheng Divine Continent Flower Fruit Mountain, a stone monkey popped out of a rock. The stone monkey was born and attracted World Mysterious Anomaly. I don't know what the Jade Emperor is going to do with it?" Respectfully looked at that silhouette in the first place.

"It is just a piece of leftover material for Empress Nuwa to fill the sky. After ten thousand years of tempering, such a stone monkey was born. As for it, don't pay more attention to it, let it go."


On Dragon Throne, Jade Emperor spoke lightly, with the power of a superior in his extremely calm voice.

"Yes, the Jade Emperor!"

After hearing the words of the Jade Emperor, after clairvoyant complied respectfully, he turned and exited the great hall.

"Jade Emperor, it's raining in Fengxian County." Another silhouette that entered the great hall with clairvoyance opened.

"What's the matter? Without my order, who would dare to rain them!" The Jade Emperor browses tightly knit.

"Jade Emperor, I have checked, but I can't find the origin of the person. He is not in the fairy class, and there is no list of his appearance in the Life and Death Book." After that, that silhouette With a wave of his sleeve robe, a picture appeared.

In the picture, it is the scene of Chu Bei raining rain for Fengxian County.

"There is no his name on the Life and Death Book?"

The Jade Emperor browses slightly wrinkle, and after a long silence, he said: "Since you can't find it, then catch him back Interrogation."

With a majestic voice, the Jade Emperor slowly closed his eyes and rested.


Flower Fruit Mountain.

hong long long!

Suddenly, the mountain shook violently, like an earthquake caused by a tsunami.

In a short while, I saw a large number of Wild Beasts running out of the mountains and forests, looking panicked and frightened, as if they had encountered natural enemies.

"Lion Ox King, Silver Centipede King, Blue Wing King, all three of you come out for me!"

"Before I saw the unusual form on the mountain, Immortal Treasure must be born Is it hidden by you guys!"

"The Dragon King’s birthday is coming soon, I need to use this as a gift!"


Flower Fruit Mountain In the area near the sea, a huge flood king opened his hideous blood mouth, roaring in his mouth, and slaughtered a Wild Beast wherever he went, and the smell of blood was permeated.

Behind this giant flood, hundreds of shrimp soldiers and crab generals are holding cold glow weapons as if they are looking for something.

"Lord Jiao Wang, you don’t know, there was indeed an unusual form in this mountain before. But it’s not Immortal Treasure, but a stone monkey."

Hear the roar, The three monsters of the Lion Ox King, the Silver Centipede King, and the Blue Wing King soon appeared in front of the giant dragon, one by one, very respectful.

Different from their three monster beasts, this giant is under the jurisdiction of Celestial Court, and its status is equivalent to that of a heavenly soldier!

"Stone Monkey? Where is he!" said the giant Jiao.

"I was taken away by a human and moved towards the waterfall." Lion Ox King said.

"Why are you injured?" The giant eyes of the giant dragon rolled.

"I was injured by that human being. He is very strong."

Lion Ox King, Silver Centipede King, Blue Wing King have a bit embarrassed expressions. For them, this is A humiliation.

"Let this king see what the human skills are!"

The giant scorpion rose into the sky and moved towards the waterfall directly, the lion Ox King, the silver centipede king, and the blue King Wing and a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals follow closely from behind Fang.

"How come the King Jiao of East Sea Dragon Palace is here!"

"My God, he is going to kill us all!

"He seemed to be rushing to the stone monkey. "

"Go and see! "


At the same time, outside of Water Curtain Cave.

Since the arrival of the Giant Flood King, a group of wild monkeys ran to the waterfall in fear Front, scattered behind a block of stones, as if seeking refuge from Chu Bei.

"Here, King Jiao is here! "

Looking at the giant floodgate falling in front of the waterfall, a group of wild monkeys shiver coldly.

The giant floodgate apparently noticed the existence of these wild monkeys, and after a faint glance, it was coldly snorted. , It was shocked that a few wild monkeys that were closer together bled in the mouth. Even those farther away were pale instantly.

"East Sea Dragon Palace? "

Chu Bei looked at King Jiao and his behind the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, the corners of his mouth smiled even more.

At the moment, he is thinking about why he robbed East Sea. What about Dragon Palace.

"Is it the stone monkey? "

King Jiao didn't answer Chu Bei's question, his eyes fell directly on Sun Wukong, and he asked the three Great Demon beasts.

"Yes, that's it. ! We saw it pop out of that rock with our own eyes! "

Lion Ox King has a respectful look on his face, and he doesn't forget to point to Chu Bei, and said: "It's him who hurt the three of us!" "

"Take them away! "

The shrimp soldiers and crab generals who moved towards behind the King Jiao moved towards behind the commander of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and seemed too lazy to do it himself.

Suddenly, the shrimp soldiers and crab generals at the forefront held Pounced on Chu Bei with an exquisite weapon.

"Master, practice your hands with the discipline! "

Sun Wukong moved towards Chu Bei bowed, and then directly picked up a side of rocks the size of a house, and swept across the shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

With the loud bang, a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals suddenly wailed miserably. The first wave that rushed forward was directly smeared by the blood of this huge rock.

"I was born. There is such a brute force, it is not an ordinary monkey, it is worth studying! "

The subordinates died tragically. Not only did King Jiao not have the slightest anger on his face, he was filled with joy, and his gaze looking towards Sun Wukong was full of fiery heat.



next moment, I saw the Jiao Wang rise into the air, the hideous mouth opened, all around spiritual qi riots, gathered in his mouth to form a blue light sphere.


The light sphere gushes out, bright and dazzling, and the dazzling wild monkeys can't open their eyes.

"Little snake, what can your cultivation base study? "

Seeing that the light sphere was about to hit Sun Wukong when the light sphere was about to hit Sun Wukong, Chu Bei's calm and indifferent voice floated from the air, and then I saw that the light sphere was seen out of The giant rippling hand of thin air smashed to pieces.

The next moment, this giant hand passed by in the air.

In front of the giant rippling hand, the huge body of King Jiao turned out to be It looked a little small, and before he could react, the giant hand slammed it firmly.


Suddenly, there was a miserable and painful wailing. From the mouth of the King Jiao, his original hideous expression has also become distorted.

"Black Flood Dragon roars! ”

The roar king roar, his whole body bloomed with silver white radiance, and all the spiritual qi on Flower Fruit Mountain gathered towards his mouth. Soon, a beam of light emitting terrifying breath formed in his mouth.

However, the fiercely strikes of this beam of light on the giant rippled hand did not seem to cause any damage to the latter.

The giant hand was clenched tightly, and the shouts in King Jiao’s mouth became more miserable Now, the original violent breath is a cliff-like decline.

"No...impossible! "

"The King Jiao entered the Divine Transformation Realm three years ago. The spiritual power has already begun to turn into a divine force. How could it be defeated!" "

"Is he really Loose Immortal?" Or is it a fairy official who has come down from the sky? Otherwise, how could it be possible that even King Jiao didn't have the slightest chance to fight back! "


Looking at the painful appearance of King Jiao, a touch of fear appeared on the faces of Lion Ox King, Silver Centipede King, and Blue Wing King. They looked at each other and moved towards at the same time. Retreat back.

But before they quit and went half a meter away, they suddenly found themselves inexplicably imprisoned by a force, unable to move even a little bit.

"This seat When I first came here, I bypassed your three little fellows, but I didn't expect you to come again. "

In the fear of the three monsters, Chu Bei’s indifferent voice rang from their ears.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Chu Bei flicks with the finger, suddenly The body of the three-headed ominous beast exploded, and the flesh and blood flew around, and even the screams were breathe one's last.

"Lion Ox King, Silver Centipede King, Blue Wing King, he ...They are dead..."

The shiver coldly monkey group hiding behind the stone in the distance, their face changed in shock, watching Chu Bei become more respectful.

"My Nai One of the seven generals under the seat of Donghai Dragon Emperor, the East Sea Flood Dragon King, you can’t kill me! "

Looking at the three-headed monster beast that instantly turned into a pile of flesh and blood, the King Jiao, who was caught in the palm of his giant hand, finally showed a look of fear, and his weak voice uttered from his mouth.

As for the shrimp soldiers and crab generals who came with the King Jiao, they have not knowing what to do since the former defeated, and they have been stunned in place.

"Do you little fellows want to be strong? If you want to be immortal, instead of being an ordinary wild monkey that others can handle, then you can follow your monkey king. "

Chu Bei ignored the East Sea Flood Dragon King. Instead, he glanced across the monkey group and pointed at Monkey Sun opened the mouth and said.

Heard, everyone The wild monkeys looked at each other in blank dismay, no one dared to speak out.

"immortal, I am willing to treat him as king! "

Finally, about half a minute later, a monkey couldn't bear to move towards Monkey Sun and fell to his knees.

With the first one, soon the second and the first Three, tenth, and after a while, a bunch of monkeys knelt down in front of Monkey Sun.

"Yes, you are very enlightened. "

Chu Bei was satisfied and nodded, and looked towards Sun Wukong: "Disciple, these little fellows are also your kind. When your cultivation base comes up, you have to take them with you." "

"Yes, Master! "

Sun Wukong is heavily nodded complied. Obviously he is very happy to have such a group of followers of the same kind.

"I am famous on the Celestial Court. If you kill me, you will be with Celestial Court. Right! "

The East Sea Flood Dragon King trembled and released another Life Protecting Talisman. He knew he was so reckless this time that he kicked a hard board.

Chu Bei's gaze returned to the East Sea Flood Dragon King, said with a smile: "Don't worry, there is a group of Little Monkeys in this discipline, who lack some weapons in their hands. Out of humanitarianism, this seat can just use you to exchange some weapons. "

With a playful voice, Chu Bei raised his hand and took Sun Wukong into the air, moved towards the sea. As for the East Sea Flood Dragon King, it was under the giant ripples, forced Followed behind Chu Bei.

"Not good, they are going to the Dragon Palace! "

"Hurry up! "

Shrimp soldiers and crab generals reacted, one by one they used their speed to the extreme, and soon returned to the sea.

Above Eastern Sea.

Chu Bei held his hands behind, and after Divine Consciousness caught the East Sea Dragon Palace, he moved towards the sea and fell leisurely.


Churning of the sea, watching the sea When Chu Bei entire group was about to fall on the sea, the blue water seemed to be separated by an invisible force, revealing a spacious road leading directly to the seabed!

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