
Shortly after Chu Bei entire group fell into the sea, a silhouette came quickly. It was a patrolling Yaksha.

When he saw the King Jiao who was caught by the giant ripple hand in the sky, his body shook visibly.

"Jiao... Your lord Jiao... why are you..."

Xunhai Yaksha first glanced at King Jiao, wriggling his throat, and there was a trembling sound in his words. , Hesitated in his mouth, and finally his horrified eyes fell on Chu Bei's body.

Chu Bei glanced at Yaksha patrolling the sea, ignored it, and continued to rush towards the seabed.

"No...it's not good. Someone is going to trespass into the Dragon Palace!"

Looking at the Chu Bei entire group that continued to dive, Xunhai Yaksha finally reacted, crying out in her mouth. Surprise, but how fast his speed can be compared to Chu Bei.

seabed, it is a series of magnificent buildings.

There is a layer of light film directly above the building complex, which completely isolates the sea water from the building.

One of the huge palaces at the forefront, the four characters'East Sea Dragon Palace' are very eye-catching.

Looking around, the entire Dragon Palace swallows stones as caves, and spit stones as flowers. Divine Palace is made by water; gathering water to form an abyss, covering water to form a waterfall, the scenery is born on the stone.

Stone pillars, stone bridges, stone statues, stone Buddhas, stone sculptures, stone waterfalls, stalactites, stone birds and beasts, stone strange flowers, exotic plants, everything.

Each landscape has all kinds of strange things, with various manners and vividness, Major Perfection. It was relaxed and joyful to see, and I couldn't help but stunned, and was amazed.

Especially the largest main hall, which seems to be covered with colorful neon lights, dazzling.

"Bold! Who would dare to break into my dragon palace!"

When Chu Bei entire group first landed in front of the main hall, a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals who came to hear the sound held it. The weapon stopped in front of the Chu Bei entire group.

However, when they saw King Jiao, they immediately showed a look of astonishment, and backed back again and again, and there was a little more fear in the eyes looking towards Chu Bei.

Even the East Sea Flood Dragon King is in such a tragic situation, they are even more impossible to be opponents to the person in front of them!

Shoo, hoo!

In the sound of breaking through the air, an old tortoise with Human Transformation but still behind its shell and a creature holding a delicate lance dorsal shark fin swept over.

"Black Flood Dragon, what's the matter with you!"

General Turtle and General Shark looked at King Flood Dragon with a heavy look, and then looked at Chu Bei very solemnly. .

"This little fellow offended this seat. He was going to kill him directly, but after thinking about it, he still has some value. He will use his life to exchange some treasures with you." Chu Bei glanced over General Turtle and General Turtle. General Shark, with a smile in his words.

"Exchange the life of the Black Flood Dragon with us for our dragon palace baby?"

"You are so bold!"

Heard Chu Bei's words, turtle The generals and General Shark's faces became more and more ugly. After they looked at each other, they climbed up in an imposing manner.

In an instant, the turtle shell behind General Turtle appeared in his hands.


Two figures moved at the same time, one holding a hard tortoise shell and the other holding a delicate lance, attacking Chu Bei from the left and right.

When the two attackers were about to fall on Chu Bei, a terrifying shock wave exploded with Chu Bei as the center.

Under this shock wave, General Turtle and General Shark felt their bodies sank suddenly, as if they were pressing on a huge mountain weighing ten million tons.


Next moment, rumbling sound starts.

Two figures smashed straight down, smashing a giant pit tens of meters deep on the surface of the Dragon Palace, and the entire Dragon Palace shook under the violent movement.

"Okay...really strong!"

"What on earth does he come from! Is it possible that is a mountain demon of cultivation complete mastery?"

"General Turtle And General Shark has no power to fight back!"

"Quickly, go and ask the Dragon King!"

Looking at the two deep pits, a crowd of shrimp soldiers were watching the battle. and crab generals immediately stepped back and opened the distance from Chu Bei.

The King Jiao, who was still held by the giant ripples hand, glanced at the act recklessly General Turtle and General Shark in the two deep pits. He sighed faintly, with pity and a little fortunate at the same time. After all, he still Not so miserable.

"If the fairy friend comes to the Dragon Palace as a guest, as the host, this king is naturally very welcome. But at the moment, what the fairy friend does is too far from the king's eyes!"

Without waiting for a few shrimp soldiers and crab generals who were preparing to report to leave, a majestic voice floated from the depths of the great hall.

Immediately afterwards, a burly silhouette flew out of the great hall. He was wearing a golden robe with a dragon mark pattern engraved on the gown, especially the dragon head on the chest is extremely powerful.

If you say that the most distinctive feature of a person, there is nothing more than the pair of golden dragon horns on the top of the head.

"pay respects to the dragon king!"

Seeing the incoming people, a crowd of shrimp soldiers and crab generals knelt to the ground quickly, very respectful. Even the King Jiao, who was caught in the air by the giant rippling hand, bowed his head and worshiped.

"This king appears, are you still not willing to let go of the Black Flood Dragon!"

The Eastern Sea Dragon King is coldly snorted, and his body is all around Immortal Qi shrouded, a vast and powerful spiritual pressure moved towards Chu Bei.

However, at the next moment, his face suddenly changed, and a more terrifying coercion appeared on the opposite side.

peng sound!

Eastern Sea Dragon King's face suddenly turned white, and Golden blood spewed directly in his mouth, and the whole person flew upside down like a cannonball. Fiercely smashed a stone pillar and finally hit the ground.

"Did the Dragon King just fight him? Also, I lost!"


"Who is he! This way!" People, how come to our Dragon Palace!"


Looking at the Eastern Sea Dragon King that flew out, the crowd of shrimp soldiers and crab generals became numb immediately, one It was like a thunderbolt in the blue sky, and it froze there like a wood.

The Turtle Generals and the Shark Generals who climbed up from the deep pit are also dumbfounded when they see this scene. Their faces are full of incredible colors, as if they can't believe what the eyes see.

Different from the fact that they are only recorded on the Celestial Soldier Record, the Eastern Sea Dragon King is a real fairy official!

According to the ranks of this world, the Eastern Sea Dragon King has entered the realm of Loose Immortal!

But such a statue also has an official position in the Celestial Court. Just now, without even seeing how the opponent shot, he was blown out!

"This is just an offense to you just now, a slight punishment. If you dare to be rude, I will let you report to the King of Hades!"

Looking at the Eastern Sea Dragon King flying backwards In the direction of Chu Bei, Chu Bei is coldly snorted, the indifferent and cold voice carries Supreme power.

The majestic and indifferent voice of Chu Bei rang in his ears, and the Eastern Sea Dragon King coughed up blood in his mouth, with pain on his face, and flew back in front of Chu Bei.

"I heard that the purpose of the fairy friend here is to exchange some weapons with the Black Flood Dragon. I don't know how many weapons the fairy friend needs?"

Eastern Sea Dragon King adjusted the whole The clothes, looked at Chu Bei with dread. Although on the surface he looked a lot more polite, it was not difficult to detect the hatred in his eyes.

"A thousand or eight hundred pieces, I will go to the Dragon Palace Treasure by myself."

Chu Bei naturally noticed the unwillingness and hatred in the eyes of the Eastern Sea Dragon King, but Suppressed by absolute strength, he didn't care at all.

After all, with the perception of Divine Consciousness, Chu Bei took Monkey Sun into Changhong moved towards a pavilion and flew away. Almost at the same time, the giant ripple hand disappeared, and King Jiao fell to the ground with a thud.

Looking at the direction Chu Bei swept away, Eastern Sea Dragon King complexion greatly changed and hurried to catch up.

"Master, there are so many weapons here!"

When he came to the Hidden Treasure Pavilion at Dragon Palace, Sun Wukong had golden light in his eyes.

Looking intently, there are hundreds of treasure chests in each row, all of which are dazzling with brilliant rays of light.

In addition to various weapons, there are countless High Level gems, Luminous Pearl, etc. in these boxes.

"Friends of the immortal, this nine-piece fork is cast by Xuan iron essence. It weighs three thousand six hundred jin. No stronghold one cannot overcome!" Eastern Sea Dragon King guided Chu Bei and Sun Wukong , Personally introduce.

"Master, let me try it."

Sun Wukong took the lead in picking up the nine-piece fork. At first, it was not able to hold it, but as his hands released the white light , I even held this fork in my hand with no difficulty, and it swept through, clanging.

"What did this monkey do just now?"

The Eastern Sea Dragon King couldn't help looking towards Chu Bei and frowned.

He has entered the realm of Loose Immortal, and naturally he has noticed the anomaly before and after Sun Wukong.

At first it was difficult for the opponent to pick up the nine-piece fork, but when the white light of the opponent's hands turned on, the nine-piece fork seemed to have lost its weight inexplicably, light like a piece of wood.

If he could feel the spiritual power fluctuations, he would not be so surprised. The key is that the energy fluctuations used by the other party, he is very unfamiliar and has never touched it.

"This is the strength of Inheritance from All Heavens Store." Chu Bei put his hands around his chest, smiling at the Eastern Sea Dragon King.

"All Heavens Store?"

Eastern Sea Dragon King frowned tightly, with confusion on his face, he had never heard of this sect at all: "Could it be that fairy friend Is this the owner of All Heavens Store?"

"Not bad."

Chu Bei nodded answered.

"Disciple, what do you think?" After responding to the Eastern Sea Dragon King, Chu Bei looked towards Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong's eyes swept across the all around box again, scratching his head, and said: "Master, these are all good, and I don't know which discipline to choose."

"Since you are all If you like it, then accept it." Chu Bei smiled knowingly, then waved his sleeves.

Next moment, all the boxes in Hidden Treasure Pavilion flew into Sun Wukong's agency ring.

"You...what is the difference between your behavior and the robber!"

Looking at the rows of empty weapon boxes, the Eastern Sea Dragon King's face turned gray on the spot.

Chu Bei ignored the Eastern Sea Dragon King and looked towards Sun Wukong with an excited look: "Disciple, besides the treasures in the boxes, there is also a Life Source weapon that suits you well."

"What weapon?"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Sun Wukong's eyes flashed.

"You will know soon." Chu Bei pretended to be profound.

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