"You really can't touch this thing! It's not a weapon!"

In the depths of the Dragon Palace, the Eastern Sea Dragon King's face is extremely heavy. In front of me, there was a huge pillar of Heavenspan, which was shining with dazzling Golden rays of light.

"disciple, this is the morality Heavenly Venerate uses nine-turn iron and spiritual Yang God iron to cast a rod through 9 by 9, 81 days, and now it absorbs Heaven and Earth by itself for thousands of years, Among them, the Artifact Spirit is the first to become a weapon, and it is most suitable as a weapon." Chu Bei pointed to Sea Calming Divine Needle.

While Chu Bei was giving the introduction, Sun Wukong had already come under the Sea Calming Divine Needle, with his head held up, with a dumbfounded expression.


Sun Wukong puts his hands on the Sea Calming Divine Needle, shouted in his mouth, this time not only his hands, but his whole body is lit up Ying white glow.

But even so, it can be seen from his slightly distorted expression that pulling up the Sea Calming Divine Needle is still a bit difficult for him.

long long long ——

It was shocking loudly again, the Sea Calming Divine Needle shook, and then there was a roar, and the bottom was separated from the seabed.

In an instant, a tumbling sea tornado leaped above the Sea Calming Divine Needle, and the entire Dragon Palace shook violently, as if a sea quake had occurred.

"This monkey... actually pulled up the Sea Calming Divine Needle!"

"Could it be that the Artifact Spirit recognizing Master in the Divine Needle!"


"Impossible! How can Artifact Spirit identify with a monkey!"

"Is there anything special about him!"



Looking at Sun Wukong successfully pulling up the Sea Calming Divine Needle, a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals instantly appeared astonished, and their faces were full of incredible colors.

If you want to pull up the Sea Calming Divine Needle, it is more than just a big effort, it must be recognized by Artifact Spirit!

"Master, I succeeded! It recognizes me as your Lord!"

Sun Wukong's face was full of excitement, thoughts move, and the originally huge pillar shrank quickly. , Until it becomes a normal-sized Iron Staff.

"Gold-banded Ruyi Stick!"

Sun Wukong read the five golden characters on the needle in one go.

"Big, big, big...no matter how big it is, it will be bigger!"

Sun Wukong shouted, only to see that the volume of the magic needle doubled and expanded again At the end, I reached the surface of the sea and reached the Heaven Realm!

"Dragon King, I thank you for your gift here on behalf of the discipline."

Chu Bei looked towards Dragon King, nodded satisfied.

After that, my eyes fell on Sun Wukong who was playing with Gold-banded Ruyi Stick: "disciple, go back to Flower Fruit Mountain."

"Dragon King, you just let him go like this Did he not only emptied the treasure house, but also took away the Sea Calming Divine Needle!"

Looking at the direction where Chu Bei master and disciple disappeared, a crab would step forward and respectfully look at the Eastern Sea Dragon King.

"What else can I do? is it possible that continue to fight him? His cultivation base is higher than this king, I am afraid he has entered the Golden Immortal realm!"

Eastern Sea Dragon King looked resentful and resentful: "You are here to guard the Dragon Palace. This king will go to Celestial Court. Please Master Yudi will send military commanders to arrest this All Heavens Store Sect Master!"


Flower Fruit Mountain.

"Master, can I take a shortcut now!"

Sun Wukong stroked the agent ring, looking at Chu Bei expectantly.

"Didn't you already know the benefits of being an agent?" Chu Bei smiled.

Hearing what Chu Bei said, Sun Wukong rubbed his hands, and through the agent ring, one treasure after another contributed to the system.

As time goes by, Sun Wukong's breath is getting stronger and stronger.

Immortal World, Celestial Court.

In the shrouded clouds, splendorous and majestic pavilions hang high in the sky, giving people an illusory feeling.

"Jade Emperor, you have to be the master for the old dragon!"

In the huge main hall, the Eastern Sea Dragon King knelt on the ground, moved towards the first one in the center with a dragon crown Some fuzzy men knocked their heads again and again.

"What happened? Well, Dragon Palace is not waiting, run here to complain." A calm and majestic voice came from the man in the center.

"Jade Emperor, someone trespassed into the Dragon Palace! He is stronger than the old dragon, and the old dragon can't beat him. Not only did the Dragon Palace treasury be looted by him, but even the Sea Calming Divine Needle was taken by him. Let's go." The Eastern Sea Dragon King wailed with a nose and tears.

"Is there anyone else who has such courage? Let me see what he looks like." The Jade Emperor became interested.

"Lao Long, I don’t know his origin, I only know that he is from Flower Fruit Mountain."

Speaking of which, a crystal ball appeared in the palm of the Eastern Sea of ​​Eastern Sea. The two figures are Chu Bei and Sun Wukong.

"It's him again!"

Look at the silhouette in the crystal ball, the Jade Emperor brows tightly knit.

"You can give me an oral message, let Nezha kid accompany you on a trip." After a long while, Jade Emperor spoke.

"Jade Emperor, have you seen this person?" Eastern Sea Dragon King was shocked.

Jade Emperor didn't say much, and waved his hand to signal Eastern Sea Dragon King to retreat.

"The old dragon thanked the Jade Emperor!"

The Eastern Sea Dragon King bowed his head to thank him, got up and left.


The next day.

"Master, where are you taking the discipline?" Sun Wukong looked at Chu Bei in confusion.

"Going to receive the second discipline is also the second agent." Chu Bei patted monkey brain.

On the system map, the position of the second proxy red dot has appeared, and it is marked in Uszang in Hezhou, Xiniu.

"Gao Laozhuang."

This is the specific location marked by the red dot.

"Could this Marshal Canopy have molested Chang'e and was demoted to the lower realm?" Chu Bei muttered to himself.

"The second discipline? Isn't that my Junior Brother?" Sun Wukong looked forward to his eyes.

"Let’s go, follow the teacher to the Uzbek."

The voice fell, Chu Bei waved his sleeve robe, and directly took Sun Wukong into rays of light and disappeared. not see.

Xiniu Hezhou.

As soon as Chu Bei entered the border of the Uth-Tibetan country, his brows frowned.

A vague evil monster energy is shrouded above the huge country.

This evil monster energy is not to be said to be ordinary people, even if it is the arrival of the gods and the spirit refinement cultivator, it may be difficult to detect.

After Chu Bei frowned, he took Sun Wukong directly to the boundary of Gao Laozhuang.

"Master, why is this lifeless?" Sun Wukong scanned all around, scratching his head.

In this Gaolao village, there are not many houses, almost every two steps is a family.

But now in broad daylight, there is no one on the bustling streets that should have been, and the doors of households are also tightly closed.

If it weren’t for some people’s stoves with smoke, outsiders would think it’s a dead city.


At this time, a house close to Chu Bei master and disciple heard the sound of closing the door.

Chu Bei laughed, he has disappeared from the place he took Sun Wukong in his steps.

"You...how did you come in!"

"Daddy, monsters, there are monsters! wu wu wu, he is going to take us away!"

"Don't come here, the baby is still young, if you are hungry and want to eat people, just eat me!"


There are three people in this family, one The couple brought a girl who was only four or five years old.

Looking at the two figures that suddenly appeared in front of her, the girl cried loudly. The young couple also looked scared and guarded the girl behind.

"Don't be afraid, Master and I are not monsters." When Sun Wukong spoke, the girl cried louder.

"Don't be nervous, our master and disciple just passed by the Uzbek Tibetan country and found that Monster Qi is heavy here, so we came down to take a look." Chu Bei said.

Hearing what Chu Bei said, the young couple looked at the appearance of Chu Bei again and seemed to have a little refreshment: "Could it be that not only Gao Laozhuang, but the entire Uzbek has the same What happened to you?"

"Tell me." Chu Bei smiled kindly, moved towards the young couple slightly nod.

Thinking of Chu Bei entering the house unconsciously, the young man took a deep breath and said: "If you are immortal, please get rid of the demon! Since half a month, every three days, There will be two hundred fewer people in Zhuangzi. Some people have seen that these people are not only a monster, they are extremely powerful, and they are not what ordinary persons like us can resist."

" Once someone was arrested, those of us who survived had some luck. But when we came back for the second and third time, everyone in Zhuangzi fell into a panic and never dared to go out easily. But even so, Zhuangzi There are still people disappearing. And today, it is the 3rd day. It stands to reason that those monsters are coming to arrest people again."

"For this reason, I just saw you and this monkey Great Immortal. Out of the currently, inside the manor, I will close the door tightly, thinking that a monster is coming to arrest people."

After that, the young man hugged his wife and daughter tightly, looking like he was afraid of them. Will disappear the same.

"Do you know where this monster's lair is?"

Chu Bei asked the young man with a smile on his mouth.

Although his Divine Consciousness has swept the entire Gao Laozhuang, it seems that Journey to the West plane has a certain rejection of its Divine Consciousness, and he can't lock it on Monster Qi.

The young man shook the head: "Although I don't know, but the pig Great Immortal of Gao Taigong's family knows!"

"Pig Great Immortal?"

Hearing the name of the man, Chu Bei couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, telling him intuitively that this pig Great Immortal would be Zhu Bajie.

"Gao Taigong's house is at the end of the road ahead, and the biggest mansion is." the young man said.

"I see."

Chu Bei calmly complied, and then with a wave of his right hand, he disappeared with Sun Wukong.

"Run, everyone, run!"

"Pig demon! Great Immortal pig is a pig demon!"

"Cheat, we are here I've been cheated!"


Chu Bei just showed up in front of Gaofumen with Sun Wukong, and saw a group of people running out of it in a panic .

In these days when the family was in panic, Gao Mansion was uncharacteristically. Not only did the door open, but the mansion was lit up with lights and festoons. When you look around, you can see the big'happy' characters posted everywhere.

"Sir Father, don't be afraid, I am really not a pig demon!" There was a vigorous roar inside the mansion.

"Master, is that the pig demon in their mouth?" Monkey Sun raised his eyes and looked at the sky crying out in surprise.

I saw a silhouette suspended there. Its body was plump, with a big belly, and it was pretty personal from under the neck, but above the neck was a pig face, black face and short hair, long beak. Ears, looking at it makes people avoid three feet.

"Go up, give it to me! If anyone can take down this pig demon, today the old man will marry Huilan to him!" Gao Taigong had fear on his face and moved towards the next person. give an order.

Hearing this, a group of people hesitated. They looked at the lithe and graceful woman wearing a red gauze. They plucked up their courage and drew their bows and arrows and shot them towards the pig demon in the air.

"Huilan is mine! Don't even want to get involved!"

Looking at the arrows that came, the pig demon seemed angry, and appeared out of A thin air Nine-toothed Rake slapped out.

The majestic spiritual power directly shattered the shot arrows, and when they landed on a group of people, they directly shook them and flew out and fainted on the spot.

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