"Hui Lan, since your father doesn't like me, then I will take you away from this high old village. How can this world be so big that there is no place for us!"

The pig demon swept across the crowd full of anger, and then looked towards the lithe and graceful woman, with love in his eyes.

"No...no, you are not a human, you are a pig demon, I don’t want to go with you! Please, let me go..."

Just when the pig demon walks towards lithe And graceful woman, the latter's body curled up together, shiver coldly, and his face was full of fear.

"Huilan, don't even you believe me anymore!"

Hearing the words of the lithe and graceful woman, the pig demon roared and his expression became extremely ferocious.

"Daddy, save my daughter, don’t go with him!"

The lithe and graceful woman climbed up from the ground and ran to Gao Dagong quickly, her face hanging on her face Full of tears.

"Pig demon, don't you want to take away my Huilan!"

Gao Taigong pulled out the saber around waist and protected the lithe and graceful woman behind.

"If it weren't for me to protect you, your Gao Family members would have been arrested long ago! It's okay now, don't you just drank some wine to show your true appearance? You just rejected me like this? He even called me a pig demon! If I can eat people, will I have to wait until today!"

The pig demon has a distorted expression and looks at Gao Taigong with terrible anger in his roar.

After all, holding the Nine-toothed Rake strode towards Gao Taigong and walked, every time you take the next step, there will be a deep seal pit on the ground.

"Don't come, please don't come..."

Looking at the pig demon approaching step by step, the lithe and graceful woman shouted trembling in her mouth while pulling Gao Taigong again and again. Backed up until Duang slammed into Chu Bei's arms.

"You...you are..."

Seeing the appearance of Chu Bei, Gao Huilan hesitated in her mouth. When she saw Sun Wukong, her body, which was trembling because of the main cause, was obviously shaking. It's faster!

"Don't be nervous, it's okay."

Chu Bei lightly patted Gao Huilan's shoulder blades, signaled the other party to relax, and walked calmly to the front of Gao Taigong.

"Who are you two? Go away!"

Pig demon fiercely glared at Chu Bei and Sun Wukong, his eyes were ruthless.

Chu Bei laughed, with his hands around his chest, remaining unmoved, with a playful look on his face.

"You want to die!"

Perceived the joke in Chu Bei's eyes, the anger on the pig demon's face was directly sublimated, and it was the Nine-toothed Rake. Throw a white rays of light.

"As the Tianpeng Marshal who once held the Tianhe Eighty Thousand Squadron, he was demoted to the human world for molesting Fairy Chang'e. Don't you still have to wake up? Can you still not get around this color word? "Chu Bei waved his sleeves, and the pig demon attacked, disappeared.

"Who you are! How do you know this!"

Hearing the'Marshal Canopy' in Chu Bei's mouth, the pig demon's face changed suddenly.

The pig demon paused and looked at Chu Bei again. He was sure that the guy in front of him was not a fairy official in the sky.

"This seat is a businessman, wandering on the plane of the heavens, passing here this time, I feel that you have a destiny with me."

Chu Bei put his hands on behind, watching calmly To Zhu Bajie: "Once you were a marshal of the canopy, but now you are a pig demon, are you going to live like this forever?"

"What do you mean by this!" Pig demon coldly Looking at Chu Bei.

"I want to accept you as a disciple, let you take charge of a shop, pay tens of thousands of money, and exchange for Supreme Divine Ability." Chu Bei said lightly.

"Nonsense! Let me first understand your methods!"

Pig demon clasped Nine-toothed Rake tightly and looked at Chu Bei with disdain. The sarcasm tone barely fell, his body is like an irresistible tens of millions of tons of mountain hit by the head.


His feet plunged into the ground, and then the whole person smashed into the ground, bringing up a giant pit with a diameter of ten meters.

"Slightly punish your teacher if you speak rudely."

Chu Bei's fluttering voice fell, and the pig demon in the deep pit seemed to be supported by an invisible force.

At this moment, the pig demon has no part of his body intact, covered with blood, and the pig's head is also shed blood, which is extremely miserable.

"Very good!"

"The pig demon was taken down!"

"Immortal, you must be immortal!"

Hearing the shouts, the people who had fled outside the mansion also rushed in again, seeing the dying pig demon with a smile of joy on their faces.

"You said these days, those people who disappeared in Zhuangzi, will the secret mastermind be this pig demon!"

Thinking of this, a group of people stared at the pig angrily The demon, although he could not wait to smash the pig demon's corpse into thousands of pieces, but no one dared to step forward after feeling the power of the pig demon.

"Don’t be afraid, everyone, this pig demon has been subdued by immortal, there is no way to fight back! Everyone kills him with a knife!"

Looking at the impossible to move Even a little bit of the pig demon, Gao Taigong took the lead to walk towards the pig demon holding the saber, and the others followed closely from behind.

"Do you think you can kill me?"

The pig demon ignored Gao Taigong, his eyes fell on Gao Huilan who was holding the dagger, and shook the pig's head. , Looks extremely lonely.

"All come back."

With the indifferent voice floating in the mansion, Gao Taigong's entire group, who has walked to the pig demon with a sharp blade, was inexplicably affected by a force Shocked out.

"Although he changed his appearance and deceived you, but his intention was not bad, but he was stained with the color word that's all." When Gao Taigong's entire group was less than one meter away from the pig demon, Chu Bei A calm voice sounded.

"Immortal, are the people in Zhuangzi who were captured by monsters in half a month really have nothing to do with him? Then where are they captured again?" Gao Taigong looked confused.

Chu Bei ignored Jiang Taigong, but fixed his gaze on the pig demon: "Are you going to continue to be a pig demon that everyone screams and beat, or will you come to this seat? It can be guaranteed that the reputation of the future All Heavens Store is not weaker than Celestial Court."

I noticed that the restraint power on his body disappeared, and the pig demon trembled with his fat body when he walked past Gao Huilan. , Shook the head sighed, there was no nostalgia in his eyes.

"I have been obsessed with love in my life, but in the end I found out that the so-called love is bullshit!"

The pig demon seemed to have seen it through, roar sounded self-deprecating, and howled. After venting, he knelt down in front of Chu Bei with a puff.

"Master is here, please take the pig and go for three prayers!"

The pig demon heavily knocked Chu Bei three beeps, obviously he has recognized the opponent's strength.

"You broke the law in Heaven Realm. If you don’t change your sexuality, and reboot, it’s better to go straight to the Eight Precepts. From now on, you will be called Zhu Bajie."

Chu Bei waved his hands. The pig demon kneeling in front of him, speaking of the cultivation realm, this pig demon has reached the Divine Transformation Realm, not weaker than the East Sea Flood Dragon King.

"Thanks Master for giving the name!"

Zhu Bajie moved towards Chu Bei bowed again, then pointed at Sun Wukong: "Master, who is he?"

"The name Sun Wukong is your Master Brother. From now on you have to get along well."

With a smile, Chu Bei right hand moves, and a piece appears on the palm of his hand. A ring that exudes rays of light.

"Master, is this?"

Zhu Bajie took the agent ring and looked at Chu Bei in confusion.

"This is the Master's inheritance ring! There are so many wonderful things in it, and you will know it soon."

Sun Wukong spoke on behalf of Chu Bei: "drop a drop of blood into the ring , You will understand everything."

Hearing this, Zhu Bajie did not hesitate, biting his index finger and dripping a drop of blood into the agent ring.

[Host signed Zhu Bajie successfully and obtained the right to use the power of Xiaohei once]

[Level 1 agent package distribution]

Listen to the system sound , And looking at the number of uses of the black power on the system panel, the corners of Chu Bei's mouth rose with an arc.

"Eight Rings, this is a meeting gift for your teacher." Chu Bei clicked on the agent package, which is also a crystal clear and near-transparent Medicinal Pill.

"What a strong medicinal fragrance!"

Zhu Bajie shrugged his nose greedily, quickly took the Spirit Pill, put it on the tip of his nose, sniffed fiercely, and threw it into his mouth.

This process is similar to Sun Wukong!

A quarter of an hour later.

"Master, the discipline seems to control the power of the wind!"

After feeling the changes in his body, Zhu Bajie clicked his fingers and several wind blades flew out with the sound of breaking through the air. chi chi rang.

Chu Bei slightly nod gestured.

"Master, I don’t want to stay at this Gao Laozhuang discipline for a moment."

After familiarizing himself with the Innate Divine Ability he obtained, Zhu Bajie glanced coldly across Gao Taigong’s entire group.

long long long ——

But as soon as Zhu Bajie finished speaking, there was a strange roar in the sky. Immediately afterwards, the black mist enveloped, releasing terrifying breath that was palpitating.

"Here, they are here!"

Looking at the sudden appearance of the black mist, Gao Taigong and the others were taken aback for a moment, fear appeared on their faces, and they knelt together. Fell in front of Chu Bei.

"It seems that the missing people in the village are not caused by the pig demon!"

"Immortal, please take action and save us!"

"I don't want to die, we don't want to die!"

Not only Gao Taigong and the others, at this moment, the entire Gao Laozhuang residents are shiver coldly, watching in the sky with extreme horror shrouded black mist.

"Bajie, do you know the monster behind this?" Chu Bei looked towards Zhu Bajie asked.

Zhu Bajie shook the head: "Master, in fact, I lied to them, so I can only deal with these little monsters. As for the Great Demon behind, I simply haven't seen it before. Don't say knowing where he is."

"This Zhuangzi needs three hundred people today, hands-on."

Suddenly, there was a cold voice in the shrouded black mist, next moment, Several silhouettes walked out of the fog.

These silhouettes have different appearances, including a huge centipede with wings, a sphinx with a human face, and a Silver Wolf with a golden unicorn...

"immortal, It's them!" Some villagers recognized these monsters, their faces pale for an instant.

"Don’t panic, since this seat has met, I will naturally solve this problem for you."

Chu Bei glanced at the shrouded black mist in the sky, and his indifferent voice fell. His body is floating in the air, and his body is getting bigger and bigger. Until the end, his whole person stood in the sky, like a giant able to support both heaven and earth.

Even in the border area of ​​the Tibetan country of Naus, Chu Bei can be clearly seen.

"Daddy, mother, look at it, it's the immortal who just came to our house! He is so big!" A five or six-year-old brain pointed at the giant in the sky, with excitement on his small face , Could not help exclaiming.

At this moment, Chu Bei is standing in the sky, frowning gradually.

Looking at the entire Usi Tibetan country, the Monster Qi in Gao Laozhuang is still light, and the evil spirit of the capital and the surrounding city is just terrifying.

Us Tibet, imperial city, Imperial Palace.

Outside the Temple of Shenglong, a line of soldiers covered in delicate armor, holding sharp weapons, watched the sky filled with thick black mist very vigilantly.

Among them, dozens of Taoist priests in strange robes are doing this, like expelling Evil God.

In the great hall, a middle-aged man wearing a dragon robe has a dignified face, with anxiety in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, look at the sky!"

"immortal! The immortal officials in the sky have finally heard our prayers!"

" A fairy official came to the world to save us!"

"Very good, we don’t have to be afraid of those monsters anymore."


Look at that Suddenly appearing above the thick black fog, a huge silhouette high in the sky, a military commander exclaimed.

"Will this immortal official be his opponent..."

What does Uth’s sovereign statue know, looking at Chu Bei who appeared in the sky, the anxiety on his face Not faded.

xiū xiū xiū!

Above Gao Laozhuang, the creatures that emerged from the black fog first swooped down, with a terrifying expression and a thrilling neighing sound from their mouths.

"Immortal, help!"

Looking at the monsters that came down, a group of villagers appeared in horror, and quickly moved towards Chu Bei, who was high in the sky, kneeling down and begging for help.

At this moment, Chu Bei pointed out a finger, and a demon wind hung above Gao Laozhuang.

To be precise, this is a terrifying energy storm carrying countless wind blades!


When a group of monsters were about to fall to the ground to catch people, they suddenly wailed mournful scream.

Under the energy storm, all these monsters were cut mercilessly by the wind blade, their bodies turned into pieces, and blood poured into the sky.

"This...this is dead..."

"immortal, immortal rescued us!"

"It's okay, we don't have to worry about being The monster was taken away!"


Gao Taigong and the others startled their expressions, and after reacting, they shouted in excitement.

"Who...Who are you!"

Looking at the fallen corpse below, a cold and terrified scolding sound came out from the black fog.

"Since it's here, why hide the head and shrink the tail."

Chu Bei calmly looked at the black mist, only a beam of light came out, Gao Laozhuang The black mist above collapsed suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, amidst the wailing, a creature with a deer head and a snake body was detained.

"Let...let me go, otherwise Great King of Inspiration won't let you go!" The deer-headed snake-body creature looked at Chu Bei in fear.

"Great King of Inspiration? This name is a bit familiar."

After a daze, Chu Bei smiled even more: "Where is he? Those who were previously caught by you Where is the person who was captured?"

"That's all, since you don’t say it, I don’t even bother to ask about it."

Seeing that the other party refused to speak for a long time, Chu Bei sighed, flicks with the finger, the creature with the deer head and snake body directly exploded and turned into a cloud of blood mist.

After solving the monsters above Gao Laozhuang, Chu Bei looked towards other areas of the Uth Tibetan Kingdom.

Boom, boom, bang!

Chu Bei stood in the sky far away, and the huge silhouette was shot with palm after palm.

In a short while, the black mist that spread all over the Uth Tibetan country exploded and dissipated one after another.


Almost for an instant, except for Gao Laozhuang, other places where people gather in the Uth Tibetan country, mournful screams wailed one after another.

Especially the imperial city and the surrounding cities. Since the thick black fog dissipated, a pungent rain of scarlet blood has fallen in the sky, and even white bones are faintly visible.

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