"Big Sun Treasure Wheel!"

The Great King of Inspiration roared, the majestic divine force spread, and the void exploded in front of him. Golden's roulette flew out.

With a buzzing sound, the Great King of Inspiration blasted away with the treasure wheel moved towards Chu Bei, releasing the thick sacred breath, powerful and unmatched.

At this moment, the hearts of all spectators in Ust Tibet trembled. This blow shook the entire sky and seemed to collapse.

"I don't know how many treasures you stole from those old Buddhas."

Chu Bei looked at the roulette in the hands of Great King of Inspiration, and then a finger Pointed, with a buzzing sound, the sky swept across the sky.

Spots of light were wrapped around the arm of Great King of Inspiration, and the Great King of Inspiration instantly heard a scream, and then the treasure wheel fell off uncontrollably.

At this moment, Chu Bei right hand moves, an unstoppable Heaven Devouring Force gushing out of his palm, sucking Baolun into his hand.


The Great King of Inspiration stepped back again and again, pulling away from Chu Bei, and a roar that shook the earth in his mouth.

Since he stole the Great Sun Treasure Wheel, he has been nurturing for endless years, but now this Treasure Wheel was cut off from him by the guy in front of him just after he was born!

"Come back!"

In the sky, Great King of Inspiration was chanting sutras, and his hands quickly formed mysterious and incomprehensible seals, and a stream of light was cast on Chu Bei. On the Dahibao wheel in the hand.

In an instant, the big sun wheel spins, bursting out dazzling rays of light.

But just when Da Ri Baolun was about to re-establish the connection with Great King of Inspiration, Chu Bei smiled knowingly and put it into Small World.

"Return my treasure wheel!"

Summon failed in the treasure wheel, and Great King of Inspiration was completely angry.

next moment, the golden rays of light released by his body suddenly turned into black rays of light, and immediately after a corpse floated out of the rays of light, there were thousands of them. .

At the moment these corpses appeared, the atmosphere of the entire Uth Tibetan country was immersed in an indescribable sadness.

Heart-piercing crying can be heard in every corner, including children’s voices, girls’ voices, middle-aged men’s and women’s voices, old women’s voices... all ages are different His cries are intertwined, and it is heartbreaking and irritating to hear.

Obviously, the corpses of the Great King of Inspiration all around are ordinary people of the Uth Tibetan nation, and the relatives of those crying below.


The Great King of Inspiration screamed, and the blood of all around the corpse suddenly came out, wrapped in Corpse Qi and poured into the Great. In the body of King of Inspiration.

In an instant, Great King of Inspiration's horrible breath rose sharply, blood oozing out of his body, his eyes became red, and the bruises on his face were exposed.

"The actions you did are enough to kill you a hundred times!"

Looking at the corpses that turned into corpses, Chu Bei's face was extremely cold. From his stern expression, it is not difficult to see that he is really angry this time.

"The one who died is you!"

At this moment, Great King of Inspiration's whole body is covered by scarlet light film, like a golden body. With a loud roar, he turned into a scarlet buddha stick, fixed on the sky, and blasted towards Chu Bei.

"How about using the evil way to break through, but Supreme Unity Golden Immortal that's all!"

Chu Bei Sen Leng's words were full of disdain.

If he is based on his previous strength, he may not be the opponent of Great King of Inspiration, but now, he has redeemed Level 16 products!

Chu Bei carried his hands behind, standing high in the sky, and glanced at the scarlet stick made by Great King of Inspiration. He didn't move, but it burst out with a blazing divine light.

For an instant, there was a ripple in front of him, and one hundred and eight light blades rushed out of the ripple.

Each light blade is white, as if it contains terrifying formidable power that can crush the sky. It is brilliant, sacred and dazzling. When they swept toward the scarlet stick together, the traces they brought out were like one hundred and eight Divine Order Chains.

Kang Dang!

In an instant, the scarlet stick and 108 light blades were intertwined together, bursting out dazzling rays of light and an incomparable terrifying space riot.

If Fang Tianqiang had not been isolated by Chu Bei early, I am afraid that the entire Uzbek Tibetan nation would have been destroyed by this earth-shattering explosion.


After the explosion, the rays of light gradually dissipated.

The scarlet stick has changed back to the Great King of Inspiration appearance again. His whole body is pierced by those 108 light blades. There are bloody through holes, blood flowing horizontally, horrible to see.

What's more terrifying is that he tried to use Buddha power to repair the wound, but found that it failed. No matter how he repaired it, the wound was still bleeding.


On the expressionless gaze of Chu Bei, there is no more fighting intent in the eyes of Great King of Inspiration, only thick Deep fear.

"Bodhisattva Guanyin, save me!"

At this moment, Great King of Inspiration seemed to have made some kind of painful decision. crumb.

"The Great Demon was surrendered by the fairy official!"

"Immortal, please kill him and avenge my child!"

"Immortal, you have to call the shots for us!"


In Ust Tibet, mourning was everywhere, one by one knelt down and moved towards Chu Bei in the distant sky and bowed his head, Nothing but begged Chu Bei to execute the Great King of Inspiration.

"The Great King of Inspiration... unexpectedly... was defeated..."

In the Imperial Palace, the emperor Uth murmured in a daze, looking at the sky in a daze, as if not I can believe what I saw before my eyes.

"Master, he is probably a Great Firmament Loose Immortal!"

Thinking of this, Zhu Bajie looked at Chu Bei with golden light, admiringly looked at Chu Bei. Even when he served as Marshal of the Canopy in Celestial Court, his cultivation base was nothing more than Golden Immortal.

As for the Great Firmament Loose Immortal, in his perception, even the Four Great Heavenly Kings is nothing but Supreme Unity Loose Immortal, and the strength is one level stronger than the current Great King of Inspiration. .

"Slaying ordinary people, I really don't want you to die too easily." Chu Bei held his hands behind, looking at the Great King of Inspiration blankly, his voice was extremely cold.

"Friends of the fairy, please keep someone!"

At this moment, an illusory voice rang from the sky, echoing in the ears of everyone in the Uzbek. , Can vaguely hear the mysterious and incomprehensible chanting.

In the next moment, the syllables of the Buddhist scriptures above the Great King of Inspiration were filled, the sky shattered, and a lithe and graceful silhouette walked out of it. It gives people a sense of illusory, releasing a holy breath, making people subconsciously want to kneel down and worship.

This is a woman holding a Clean Jade Bottle. She is dressed in a white heavenly robe, looks solemn and graceful, wears a crown, shrouded with mist outside her body, giving people a kind and cordial look directly at her.

"That...that is Bodhisattva Guanyin!"

"Bodhisattva has appeared, she heard our prayers, she is here!"

"First immortal, there is Bodhisattva Guanyin again, this time the Great Demon must have escaped with great calamity!"

"My Buddha bless!"


Looking at The white clothed woman with golden glow released all over the body, the people of the Uth Tibetan nation were taken aback for a moment, and when they recognized the other party, all of them were full of excitement.

"Bodhisattva Guanyin is here, I know I was wrong, please help me."

When I saw Bodhisattva Guanyin, I was dying and fell into fear for the moment of Great King of Inspiration. It was like finding a straw.

"Friend Fairy, it is a goldfish raised in my pond. Unexpectedly, it has a stubborn nature and fell to the world."

Bodhisattva Guanyin moved towards Chu Bei slightly nod, and then looked at it. towards Great King of Inspiration: "You kill civilians, this crime is unforgivable! Come back with me, take the sin!"

"What? Did you hear that, this Great King of Inspiration turned out to be raised by Bodhisattva Guanyin Goldfish!"

"Isn’t Bodhisattva Guanyin here to kill him? He’s here to save him!"

"No, no! He killed my child, he couldn’t just Let him leave like this!"

"Immortal, please call the shots for us! Kill this Great Demon!"


Uss The Tibetan people moved towards Chu Bei again and bowed down, and even some people had blood on their foreheads.

"Bodhisattva Guanyin, I am willing to accept the sin."

The words of the Great King of Inspiration fell, and the body released the rays of light and turned into a golden fish.

However, just when he was about to follow Bodhisattva Guanyin to leave, his body trembled suddenly, and in an instant, it was like being imprisoned by an invisible force, unable to move even a little bit.


As the friction of the fracture of the fish bones sounded, Great King of Inspiration wailed bitterly and painfully, as if he was suffering from inhuman torture. Like.

"Have you ever said to let you go?"

At the same time, Chu Bei's extremely calm voice floated in the sky. Although the sound was not loud, it directly shook the hearts of everyone in the Uth-Tibetan country, full of the majesty of Supreme.

"Bodhisattva Guanyin, save me..."

The expression of the goldfish transformed by the Great King of Inspiration is distorted, and the breath is getting weaker and weaker.

Bodhisattva Guanyin glanced at the Great King of Inspiration, then turned the orb in his hand, and his gaze fell on Chu Bei's body: "Friend of the fairy, this wicked obstacle has committed a heinous crime, please let me bring it back for punishment . As for the civilians who have died, I will go to the underworld to find the good people that Yama will tell them in their next life."

"Where were you when he slaughtered these people?"

Meeting Bodhisattva Guanyin's gaze, Chu Bei spoke calmly and it was not difficult to hear the questioning in his tone.

"I was in retreat at that time and I didn't know, otherwise I would never allow this evil obstacle to do such an act." Bodhisattva Guanyin shook the head.

"Then you have heard the demands of the people below?"

Chu Bei looked at Bodhisattva Guanyin indifferently, "Since you were not there when he killed the people , Now what right do you have to take him away from this seat?"

"What does the fairy friend mean?" Bodhisattva Guanyin frowned slightly.

"Naturally, this seat must be in front of the people below, and personally kill this evil barrier!" Chu Bei's eyes condensed, and his voice was cold.

Hearing this, Bodhisattva Guanyin's face became a little ugly: "The fairy friend is a bit strange. I wonder if the fairy friend has any position in Celestial Court? I have also discussed Buddhist scriptures with the Jade Emperor."

"Celestial Court?"

Chu Bei laughed: "A trifling Celestial Court, I can't fit this seat!"

Chu Bei's voice is cold, he is a Level 6 product The right to use has been used, how could it be possible to let the Great King of Inspiration leave.

even more how, he wants to use this to increase his reputation.

"You are a loose cultivator!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Bodhisattva Guanyin's face was obviously a little strange, and it seemed that I couldn't believe that a loose cultivator could seriously injure the Great King of Inspiration. .

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