"That's the end of the story, you leave. As for this evil obstacle, let this seat take care of it."

Far away in the sky, Chu Bei moved towards Bodhisattva Guanyin and waved Wave.

At this moment, the cry of the Great King of Inspiration was even more miserable, and it seemed that the torture in his body was increasing.

"Bodhisattva Guanyin, save...help me..."

The breath of the Great King of Inspiration has been weakened to the extreme. The legs, moved towards Bodhisattva Guanyin, knelt down, and the look in Chu Bei's eyes was full of fear.

"Friends Fairy, do you really want to be so persistent?"

Bodhisattva Guanyin shook the head, and while stroking the Clean Jade Bottle, he chanted the scriptures in his mouth.

"Do you want to have a discussion with this seat?"

Chu Bei stood with his hands behind and looked at Bodhisattva Guanyin calmly, without the slightest fluctuation in his emotions.

"If you can only take away this evil obstacle by winning the fairy friend, then I am willing to give it a try."

The voice fell, Bodhisattva Guanyin took out the Yang Zhi from the Clean Jade Bottle, With a squeak, a golden glow burst out, turning into a sword qi moved towards Chu Bei and swung out through the air.

Golden rays of light shining brightly in the sky, peerlessly sharp, and falling straight down.


Chu Bei flicked his finger and easily shook the golden glow of Bodhisattva Guanyin with just one finger.

"How could this happen, Bodhisattva Guanyin is going to fight immortal!"

"Do you think Bodhisattva will hurt immortal? After all, he is fighting for us. Ah!"

"If Bodhisattva Guanyin hurts immortal, I will never worship him again."

"No matter whether immortal wins or loses, I will engrave one when I go back. His Divine Idol is enshrined every day."


Looking at the sky, the two opposing people in an imposing manner, the hearts of the people of the Uth Tibetan nation suddenly fell to their throats. eye.

"I didn't intend to shoot, but the fairy friend was too persistent."

Bodhisattva Guanyin looked at Chu Bei shook the head, and then the Clean Jade Bottle turned: "Great mercy and compassion!"


As the shout fell, there was a chanting Sound of Great Dao in the sky, and the behind of Bodhisattva Guanyin even appeared dazzling rune.

The divine glow emerges through the body and evolves into five phantom Buddhas.

At first glance, these five phantom Buddhas all look like Bodhisattva Guanyin, but the breath they give people has nothing common with each other, corresponding to Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth. Five Elements.

"Is this the Buddhist method?"

In Gao Laozhuang, Sun Wukong watched the scene in the sky, his mouth slightly opened, with a little surprise.

"The Great Merciful Palm actually built Five Elements, which is worthy of being one of the most powerful immortal Buddhas under the Tathagata!" Zhu Bajie, the stupefied king Bodhisattva Guanyin, was full of astonishment.

"Is this Bodhisattva Guanyin strong?" Sun Wukong said curiously.

"Great mercy and compassion is one of the highest secret skills in Buddhism. It is hard to kill the Five Elements body! Even if you kill all four of them, they will remain intact."

Zhu Bajie seemed to know something, and paused continued: "Five bodies moving together, there is the invincibility of Above the Heavens and Under the Earth! This Bodhisattva Guanyin may also be the realm of Great Firmament Loose Immortal."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong frowned and his face became a little serious.

"Friends of the fairy, take the move!"

Far away in the sky, Bodhisattva Guanyin dances poplar branches, and five phantom Buddhas shine between the eyebrows and shoot out at the same time.


Five palm prints shock the sky, one palm is flame-threatening, one palm is rustic boiling, one palm is truly watery, one palm is horizontal, and one palm is golden rays of light.

In an instant, five Buddha phantoms appeared in front of Chu Bei from different directions, enclosing it in the center.

The recitation of Buddha, Five Elements Rotation, destroying heaven extinguishing earth!

"Why is it qualified to take compassion for a person who should be killed in this way? How can the Great Merciful Palm, which is displayed in such a state of mind, reach the Ji Realm?"

The sound of indifferent teasing fell, Chu Bei waved his sleeves, and three thousand light groups suddenly appeared around them. Each light group was like a dazzling scorching sun.

Before Five Elements’ palm prints blasted, the three thousand light groups connected to each other, and then blasted outwards.

After the Five Elements palmprints were instantly crushed, the three thousand light groups did not disappear, but moved towards the five Buddhas.

chi chi chi!

The moment the five Buddhas were swallowed, the divine glow flowed in the three thousand light clusters, and these divine glow seemed to be able to swallow infinite vitality.

In the breathtaking and strange sound, the five Buddhas began to crack, and finally turned into a rain of light.

"Have you seen it? Bodhisattva Guanyin's attack was ruined by immortal again!"

"This immortal is really strong! But someone knows his origin!"

"Even in the sky, I am afraid his status is not low!"

"With this immortal coming, God bless our country!"


Looking at the five Buddhas who are dispersing in the battlefield, the faces of all the people are filled with joy. Obviously they hope that Chu Bei can win the battle.

In contrast to Great King of Inspiration, in addition to fear, there is more regret in his eyes. I knew that this immortal that appeared out of thin air could fight Bodhisattva Guanyin, he said nothing would come up.

At the same time, some Loose Immortal, such as the Land Master, Land Lady, Wasabi King, and others who live in the realm of the Tibetan country of Us, were also disturbed one by one, looking at the sky in an incredible manner.

"It seems that I still underestimate the fairy friends."

Bodhisattva Guanyin inserted the willow branches back into the Clean Jade Bottle, glanced at Chu Bei approvingly, just the Great she had previously displayed. The Merciful Palm is connected to the palm and the power is connected. There is no weak spot in the all-round attack. The general Great Firmament Loose Immortal is difficult to take.

But the other party, not only was unharmed, but also ruined it with no difficulty.

"Do you still want to persist in your own wrong doings?" Chu Bei stood with his hands behind, looking at Bodhisattva Guanyin blankly.

"I will try again."

Bodhisattva Guanyin's expression became serious, and a shocking and terrifying imposing manner broke out completely, extremely compelling.

When they reach this realm and the cultivation base is introverted, the body and mind are as peaceful as a lake of spirit, floating and born; but once it erupts, it will be like the Sword Slashing Void, which is terrifying.

"Who in the end! It forced Bodhisattva Guanyin to take it so seriously!"

Feeling the breath of Bodhisattva Guanyin in the sky, the eyes of Loose Immortal watching the battle fell on When he touched Chu Bei's body, his eyes were full of consternation.

At this moment, Bodhisattva Guanyin's whole body is wrapped in Golden rune, and the flesh and blood contains the essence and energy, like a dormant fairy phoenix!

"Friends of the fairy, I am offended!"

Bodhisattva Guanyin's power broke out completely at this moment, his eyes were bright, his pupils flew out of two silver white light beams, and they turned into two Immortal Crane, with a monstrous white air wave, moved towards Chu Bei and culled away.

Seeing this, the crowd of Loose Immortal who watched the game were astonished. Obviously they did not expect that Bodhisattva Guanyin would directly use such terrifying means.

The real battle broke out instantly!

Ordinary people looked at the sky with a dull expression, their eyes focused on Bodhisattva Guanyin's body, their mouths wide open. The other party just condensed his eyes to create this terrifying sight. There were silver Immortal Crane in the pupils, which was really amazing.

"What about Great Firmament Loose Immortal, this seat is not in my eyes."

Chu Bei pointed forward and shot forward, and the sky suddenly collapsed. Even with the red glow isolation, the people of the Uz Tibetan country still tremble with tinnitus.

Next, I saw countless divine glow converging into two Divine Chains, dazzling, if lightning strikes Bodhisattva Guanyin's eyes.

Wherever you pass, the leaves formed by the ripples in the void are flying, like a heavy rain, and with a violent light, annihilating the vast white flames.

Bodhisattva Guanyin frowned, the poplar branches in his hand once again shot out, and dense lines appeared on the front of the branches, welcoming the two Golden Divine Chains from Chu Bei.


With a trembling, after Yang Zhi blocked the Divine Chain formed by divine glow, he only listened to Bodhisattva Guanyin shouted and turned into an Immortal Crane.

With a neigh, and then I saw its wings spread out, with a dazzling white light, a surging silver flame, swooping towards Chu Bei.

This is the Heavenly Crane Treasure, and it is the most prestigious holy technique in Buddhism. It was cultivated to complete mastery by Bodhisattva Guanyin, and its power is overwhelming!

At this moment, the void seems to be imprisoned, time is still, everything becomes deadly silent.

Loose Immortal, such as the Land Lord, Land Lady, Wasabi King, etc., held their breath, their eyes flashed, locked in the sky battlefield.

The people of the Uth-Tibetan nation are even more nervous, staring at this heaven-shaking, earth-shattering blow without blinking!

Buddhism's famous Heavenly Crane Art, bloomed in the hands of Bodhisattva Guanyin with a brilliant brilliance, full strength attack, shaking the Star River of the sun and the moon!

"If the Tathagata guy used this treasure, maybe it was Interesting. However, if you used it in your hands, it would be a little worse."

Different from the Loose Immortal, The civilians were astonished, Chu Bei's expression remained calm as before, and there was no change from start to finish.

Only when the crane arrived that day, Chu Bei all around the Golden divine glow evolved again, becoming a Five Clawed Divine Dragon, and greeted it.

Golden scales carry the azure body, circulate the air of Hong Meng, and carry Myriad Things Origin Energy to drive the great divine force.

hong long!

Far away in the sky, on the battlefield, the sky crane and the Divine Dragon are intertwined and collided, like a tsunami hitting the shore, like rocks and clouds, surging divine force shooting all around, can be seen everywhere holy light, sweeping everything, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

In the isolated sky dome, under the terrifying collision, there was a white glow. The eyes of the people watching from below stinged and couldn't open their eyes. Some people even shed tears unknowingly.

Crane Moving Nine Heavens!

Divine Dragon is amazing!

Two Divine Beasts were bombarded and an unusual form appeared. It can be seen that the whole body of the crane was shrouded in Buddhist scriptures that day, and Divine Dragon all around was also a golden divine glow.

bang! !

Finally, the white glow dissipated, and the sky crane flew out with a scream.

Looking intently, Tianhe's body surface was sunken and covered with Golden divine glow. His body quickly dwindled, and his flesh and blood were about to be sucked dry.

"Om and Madariehu..."

When the sky crane was about to turn into a corpse, there was a mysterious and incomprehensible chanting sound in its belly.

next moment, those Golden divine glow were shaken off, and they changed back to Bodhisattva Guanyin's appearance, the chest undulated violently, and a mouthful of Golden blood spewed out.

"Do you want to continue?"

In the battlefield, Chu Bei held his hands behind, staring at Bodhisattva Guanyin extremely calmly.

Bodhisattva Guanyin stabilized the stature, the fighting intent was especially present in her eyes, but as she continued to mobilize the divine force, there was a loud bang, and the sky above her head split a huge gap.

In the gap, a huge celestial stone blasted down.

At the moment this fairy stone appeared, Bodhisattva Guanyin raised his hand to greet him, but at the next moment, his face suddenly changed.

This celestial stone does not look big, but its weight seems to be infinite, and contains a force of horror that is hard to resist.


Bodhisattva Guanyin frowned, and then the sound of broken hand bones sounded, his face turned white, and a palm was lifted and shot out, and his whole body was enveloped by the Golden light sphere.

At the same time, reciting mysterious and incomprehensible scriptures quickly in his mouth, one after another Golden Swastika blasted towards the Great Immortal Stone!

However, even if Bodhisattva Guanyin tried his best, he still could not stop the landing of the fairy stone.

"Bodhisattva Guanyin cultivated the Heavenly Crane Treasure Technique to complete mastery, but he still fell into a disadvantage!"

"It is reported that Bodhisattva Guanyin has been Great Firmament Loose Immortal thousands of years ago. , But she actually lost!"

"Could it be said that that immortal is also Great Firmament Loose Immortal, or even Great Principle Golden Immortal!"

"Since the opening of the sky, Great Principle Golden Immortal has always been rare in number, everyone has a prestigious name, why I have never met him!"


Loose Immortal, such as the Land Lord, Land Lady, etc., Looking at the breath disordered look pale Bodhisattva Guanyin, who is trying hard to resist the immortal stone, his faces are full of incredible expressions.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe that their unheard-of existence could hurt the legendary Bodhisattva Guanyin!

Immediately, one by one looked towards Chu Bei again, and the respect in his eyes became even greater.

Perhaps, this immortal of unknown origin is most likely the Great Principle Golden Immortal!

"Are you still relying on now?"

In the battlefield, Chu Bei's eyes moved away from Bodhisattva Guanyin, and fell back to the body of Great King of Inspiration, calm words There was joking in it.

Hearing the sound, Great King of Inspiration trembled all over his body. Since Bodhisattva Guanyin fell into the wind, his heart had sunk to the bottom.

"For the heinous crime you committed, bear the consequences."

The cold voice floated from the air, and the grandiose of Heavenly God flooded towards the Great King. of Inspiration.


In an instant, Great King of Inspiration's horrified roar echoed between Heaven and Earth, and the roar contained pain, as if experiencing the most inhuman in the world Tortured.

"Bodhisattva Guanyin, help...help me..."

In the light of Heavenly God, the intermittent calls of Great King of Inspiration for help came out, and the voice became weaker and weaker.

Bodhisattva Guanyin glanced at the tortured Great King of Inspiration in the yellow sand. He shook his head and sighed. He wanted to save, but he was really helpless.

To be precise, she herself was in a dangerous situation. The celestial stone above his head is like being blessed by an unknown mysterious force, no matter how he activates the divine force in his body, he cannot stop the other party from landing.

What's more terrifying is that this immortal stone locked him, and she has nowhere to escape.

If we continue, I am afraid that not only the fleshy body, but even the Primordial Spirit will be destroyed by this fairy stone town.

hong long!

Finally, there was a loud noise, accompanied by the last scream of the Great King of Inspiration, scarlet blood and a pile of blood fell in the light of Heavenly God A pile of shattered bones.

"Look! That Great Demon is dead!"

"Very good! Immortal killed the Great King of Inspiration and avenged those who died!"


"In the future, we won't have to worry anymore, we can finally get out of the house!"


Looking at the drops of blood falling from the sky, from the Tibetan country of Uth After the people came back to his senses from the shock, they cheered and were excited.

Especially those relatives of the deceased murmured in their mouths, tears like raindrops.

At the end, they moved towards Chu Bei again and bowed to Chu Bei, with devotion and gratitude on their faces.

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