
In the battlefield, the fairy stone also fell on Bodhisattva Guanyin's body, there was a loud bang, and Bodhisattva Guanyin's body burst into pieces.

However, seeing the fairy stone about to hit the Primordial Spirit of Bodhisattva Guanyin, Chu Bei raised hand and the fairy stone disappeared.

Followingly, Bodhisattva Guanyin fleshy body reorganized. Although it looks sound, its breath is obviously weaker.

"It seems that my cultivation is still too shallow, many thanks to the immortal friends."

Bodhisattva Guanyin glanced at the location where Great King of Inspiration was previously located, and then looked after shook the head Towards Chu Bei, with a sigh, with a little helplessness.

"Since they are all here, why hide in hiding."

At this moment, Chu Bei glanced across all around, and as his calm voice fell, the void rippled Swing up, and then one silhouette after another walked out of it.

"That...that is King Fudo Ming, King Peacock Ming, Maitreya Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, and Manjusri Bodhisattva!"

Look at the appearance of those people appearing in the sky. All of the Loose Immortal, such as the land lady, suddenly became horrified.

In addition to these Buddhist tycoons, there are also many Celestial Court immortal officials, such as the Antarctic Immortal Weng, the old man under the moon, and Feng Bo Yushi.

The civilians of the Uzbek are also stunned one by one, as if they were hit by a thunderbolt from the blue sky, they were stuck in place with dull expressions.

These silhouettes that appeared in the sky were all the fairy Buddhas they worshipped and worshipped normally, but they actually appeared in their sight right now.

The appearance of Bodhisattva such as Manjusri and Samantabhadra, Bodhisattva Guanyin's mood has not fluctuated. Obviously, she has known that these people are watching in the dark.

"The immortal friend is unpredictable and difficult to see through. I don't know which sect came from?" The King of Peacock appeared behind and took the lead in moving towards Chu Bei and greeted him.


Chu Bei laughed: "This seat is a sect of its own. How come sect said. Or, this seat is just a businessman from outside the world."

"Businessman? I don't know what immortal friends sell?"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, a group of immortals looked at each other in blank dismay. It was confused, and apparently no one knew the person in front of him.

"All Heavens Store, this is my store name, and you will know it in the near future."

Chu Bei’s words seem to be more than just talking to these fairy Buddhas in the sky. Said it more like speaking to all the people in the Uzbek.

"Have you heard? Immortal, he doesn't seem to be from Celestial Court!"

"All Heavens Store? What kind of store is that! What are they selling? Why did I I haven't heard of it."

"No matter what, my worship will be changed from Buddhism to All Heavens Store! Who will Bodhisattva Guanyin protect the Great Demon!"

"You said, does this All Heavens Store handle miscellaneous goods? Where is the address?"


When Tibetan residents were discussing All Heavens Store, it seemed to be a solution Their confusion, Chu Bei, standing in the sky far away, said again.

"All Heavens Store, currently located in Flower Fruit Mountain in Divine Continent Aolai Country, Dongsheng. In a few days, its branches will be opened in all cities, and I hope you can visit more. All Heavens Store , It can give you everything you want, including making you immortals!"

As Chu Bei's voice fell, there was a sudden uproar in Usi Tibet, one by one began to stir.

"Dongsheng Divine Continent, Aolai Country, I wrote down the name!"

"When I get rich in the future, I must go and see!"

"As long as you are strong, you can protect your father and mother. Don't be afraid of monsters."

In Gao Laozhuang, one after another silhouette clenched his fists and kept talking about All Heavens Store one after another. name.

"Did you ever want to enter my Celestial Court? With the strength of your fairy friends, you will surely be able to serve as an important fairy official."

The old man in Yuexia looked at Chu Bei with a smile: "Furthermore, if the fairy friend is in need, senior can also give the fairy friend a beautiful marriage."

"Marriage is a matter of course, you have to work hard and you will add blessing to me. But as for Entering the Celestial Court should be avoided. After all, this seat comes from outside the world and is the master of the All Heavens Store. Perhaps, soon, the reputation of this All Heavens Store will not be weaker than that of the Celestial Court."

Chu Bei's attitude towards the old man under the moon is obviously different from that of other immortal Buddhas. He is obviously more polite, and he said: "Someday, I will invite you to join the All Heavens Store."

"The fairy friend is really jesting."

The old man under Yuexia sneered, apparently thinking that Chu Bei was joking, and said: "Where is the outside world that the fairy friend said?"

When the old man asked this in the next month, Bodhisattva Guanyin, Peacock King, Maitreya Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and the others looked at Chu Bei in confusion.

"Besides Celestial Court, there is a broader world that you don't know about! Or in other words, your world is within the realm in the mouth of this book." Chu Bei said. After finishing the clothes, the words were calm.

"A broader world? What do you mean!"

The confusion in the eyes of the old man under the moon, the king of the peacock and the others is even greater.

"Wait one day, when your cultivation base is strong enough to break this boundary, you will naturally know the meaning of this conversation." Chu Bei stopped.

The voice fell, Chu Bei nodded with a group of immortal Buddhas, and then the silhouette fell to Gao Laozhuang.

"Master, defeated Bodhisattva Guanyin!"

Chu Bei just appeared in the high mansion, Zhu Bajie was the first to yell with admiration.

"Master, are you Great Principle Golden Immortal?" Zhu Bajie couldn't help but tentatively asked.

"In the future, you will learn about it slowly."

Chu Bei patted Zhu Bajie, "Let’s go back to Flower Fruit Mountain."

——— —

At this moment, the upper part of Flower Fruit Mountain is covered with black, all are heaven soldiers wearing delicate armors.

These heavenly soldiers are neatly arranged and imposing manner. In front of them are the Eastern Sea Dragon King and the Nezha with the Wind-Fire Wheel with its feet on the Wind-Fire Wheel, the universe ring, and the fire-pointed spear in hand.

"Where is the person who trespassed in the Dragon Palace!"

The Hun Tian Ling on Nezha's waist danced with the wind, and the cold voice floated in the Flower Fruit Mountain.

"These heavenly soldiers, he... they are here to find the boss!"

Before the Water Curtain Cave, a group of monkeys gathered together and looked at the heavenly soldiers above their heads in horror.

"old dragon king, are you sure that the address of All Heavens Store is in this Flower Fruit Mountain?" Seeing no response below, Nezha frowned looked towards old dragon king.

"Didn't you see the four characters All Heavens Store!"

The Eastern Sea Dragon King pointed to the four bold Golden characters above the Water Curtain Cave, and said: "Those wild I'm afraid the monkey knows where that guy is going."

The low voice fell, and the Eastern Sea Dragon King reached down and immediately detained nearly ten wild monkeys.

"Say, where is that guy!"

The Eastern Sea Dragon King stared at the wild monkey coldly, and the majestic coercion came out.

"Boss he...he..."

The wild monkey shiver coldly captured by the Eastern Sea Dragon King, with cold sweat on his forehead, fear on his face, and hesitating in his mouth.

"What do you mean by the array rod? It's not like visiting this seat."

At this moment, a joking voice in the sky floated. Immediately after that, the wild monkey detained by the Eastern Sea Dragon King received an invisible force and was safely sent to the Water Curtain Cave.

"Master of All Heavens Store!"

Hearing the voice, Eastern Sea Dragon King's face changed suddenly, not only him, but Nezha and all the heavenly soldiers looked around.

Amid the buzzing sound, the void rippled, and three silhouettes slowly walked out of it.

"Are you the master of All Heavens Store?" Nezha's eyes fell on Chu Bei's body, and his eyebrows condensed.

"It is this seat."

Chu Bei smiled at Nezha, and naturally recognized the identity of the other party at first glance.

"Hand over the Sea Calming Divine Needle, and follow me to Celestial Court to meet Jade Emperor." Nezha's voice was cold.

"This Sea Calming Divine Needle recognizes that the discipline of this seat is the master, and it is already a master. What qualifications do you have for this seat to hand it over?" Chu Bei looked playful.

"Stubborn as expected!"

The scolding fell, Nezha stepped on the Wind-Fire Wheel, holding the fire-tip spear in both hands, and swept towards Chu Bei, behind where he passed. Turned into a fire sea, the blazing high temperature burned through the void.

"Even if your Master Primordial Unity Daoist is here, you are not a junior that's all in the eyes of this seat."

Chu Bei casually looked at the flying Nezha, indifferently smiled: "I don't have time to play with you juniors."

After that, Chu Bei raised hand, the palm of the palm is filled with Heavenly God light surging, forming a giant hand with several thousand zhangs.

The giant hand swept across, filled with bright golden light, peng sound, and collapsed the sky.

With a scream, Nezha, the Eastern Sea Dragon King, and a group of celestial troops and generals disappeared.

The sky is quiet,

But the monkeys in front of the Water Curtain Cave are boiling in the frying pan, excited ao wu.

"Boss is mighty!"

The monkeys looked at Chu Bei admiringly and cheered.

Zhu Bajie also had a look of astonishment and a trance. Afterwards, he seemed to think of something, and his face turned gray in an instant.

"Master, that's the Eastern Sea Dragon King and Martial God Nezha! You shot them flying like this, but you are fighting against Celestial Court!"

As the former Marshal of the Canopy, Zhu Bajie knows the details of Celestial Court, and his face can't help showing a little worry.

"Have you forgotten what you said as a teacher? All Heavens Store, it will be no weaker than Celestial Court!"

Chu Bei glanced at Zhu Bajie: "This The people in Celestial Court are coming to Flower Fruit Mountain. Is it possible that you still watch them go wild?"

"This...Master is right."

After a long pause, Zhu Bajie suffocated such a sentence.


Outside South Heaven Gate, Changhong flew upside down, and there was a loud noise. Nezha, Eastern Sea Dragon King and the others fiercely hit the great hall. on.

"Damn, this is the Golden Immortal in your mouth?!"

Nezha's breath is disordered, Senhan's eyes fell on the Eastern Sea Dragon King, and he shouted angrily.

Compared with Nezha, the Eastern Sea Dragon King at this moment is even more miserable. Not to mention the blood all over his body, a pair of dragon horns on his head broke directly.

"I'm going to see the Jade Emperor!"

The hatred in the eyes of the Eastern Sea Dragon King is even greater, but when he came to the main hall, he learned that the Jade Emperor was in retreat. Celestial Court is temporarily handled by Queen Mother Empress.

"Bold! This All Heavens Store Sect Master dared to hurt my Celestial Court immortal officer!"

Queen Mother Empress yelled, and then ordered: "Tota Li Jing, Four Great Heavenly Kings, rate one hundred thousand celestial troops and generals to capture the lord of All Heavens Store, beheaded to show the crowd!

[Because the host’s cultivation progress is too fast, this system opens Tian City for the host, and the host performs the first time Experience]

Just when Chu Bei took Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie in front of the Water Curtain Cave, the system sounded in his mind.

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