
"You, you are back!"

In the battlefield, Gao Sen and Sun Wujie saw the youth man clearly At first, he was taken aback. After he came back to his senses from the trance, his mouth opened wide.

After that, the two looked at each other, their faces full of excitement, indescribable excitement.

"Have you heard what Senior Brother Gao and Senior Brother Sun said?"

"They are calling the mysterious person who suddenly appeared from unknown sources as the Boss!"

"Oh my God! Isn't he the same boss who founded All Heavens Store and disappeared soon after!"

"It's incredible! In my lifetime, I will be able to see our shop Boss deity. !"

"According to the Bajie Master, the Boss is a Great Principle Golden Immortal! If it is really him, wouldn't we be safe!"


In the battlefield, a group of All Heavens Store children stopped fighting one after another, their eyes focused on Chu Bei's body in unison, each with curiosity, more joy, and some faint expectation.

"Are you the Little Monkey?"

Chu Bei recognized Sun Wujie at a glance. The other party was the first one when he asked the monkeys to join the All Heavens Store. Little Monkey standing up.

"Boss, I didn't expect you to recognize me!"

Sun Wujie quickly nodded, and then moved towards Chu Bei heavily and bowed his knees, the expression of anxiety seemed to be a great honor.

Chu Bei laughed, after waving his hand to hold up Sun Wujie, his eyes fell on Gao Sen, his brows frowned slightly.

"Boss, do you remember that a hundred years ago, you entered a family in Gaolaozhuang? There was a girl in that family, and I was the girl’s son."

Gao Sen looked at Chu Bei respectfully: "When I was six years old, I followed my parents to Flower Fruit Mountain. Later Master Bajie knew that I was from Gaolaozhuang and accepted me as a Direct Disciple."

"It turns out that you are the child of that girl."

Chu Bei suddenly realized, and then he seemed to think of something, his expression changed slightly: "You said this seat has been gone for a hundred years. !"

Gao Sen and Sun Wujie glanced at each other, after confirming their eyes, they nodded and said at the same time: "No more, no less, a whole hundred years."

Chu Bei took a deep breath: "Tell me about the changes that All Heavens Store has experienced in the past hundred years of leaving this seat."

"That day since you suddenly left..." Sun Wujie straightened his thoughts. , And dictated for Chu Bei in an orderly manner.

As for Chu Bei, anger appeared on his face as he listened, and finally a strong killing intent rose up.

Originally, shortly after his disappearance, Li Jing and Four Great Heavenly Kings brought one hundred thousand celestial troops and generals to Flower Fruit Mountain.

Because of the Queen Mother Empress’s order to capture the lord of All Heavens Store, Li Jing, the king of Tota, stayed at Flower Fruit Mountain for seven, seven and 49 days. Unexpectedly, he still couldn’t wait for his appearance.

In the end, in order to cope with the business, he directly crashed Flower Fruit Mountain with pagoda, and Water Curtain Cave was destroyed, also known as All Heavens Store was destroyed.

However, although Flower Fruit Mountain was destroyed, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and the group of monkeys were safe and sound.

For All Heavens Store inheritance, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie re-established an All Heavens Store in Aolai City, not far from Flower Fruit Mountain.

At first, apart from the two of them, this All Heavens Store had only a bunch of monkeys from Flower Fruit Mountain and a bunch of people from the Uzbek.

But with the increase of Monkey Sun cultivation base, he used a large sum of wealth to redeem a cultivation Qi Method, which is called Heavenly Immortal Sutra.

Because of the existence of the Heavenly Immortal scriptures, All Heavens Store had a small reputation in Aolai Country after only ten years of silence. Later, the dignitaries in Aolai Country would scramble to buy the treasures, while those in the shops Wild monkeys have also become stronger due to the cultivation of Heavenly Immortal.

The same is from concentrating to accepting the spirit, other cultivation methods may take five years and ten years. But in All Heavens Store, as long as you have money, it only takes three months, one month, or even shorter time.

At the 60th year, All Heavens Store had a small reputation throughout Divine Continent in Dongsheng. However, the All Heavens Store at that time had not yet attracted the attention of Celestial Court.

In recent years, when the prestige of All Heavens Store has begun to penetrate Xiniuhezhou, Nanfangbuzhou and Reed Continent, the Celestial Court did not notice this force.

As soon as it was known that it was called'All Heavens Store', Celestial Court immediately caused a sensation and immediately dispatched the immortal official to investigate the lower realm.

At this moment, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie have grown up, and both have stepped into the realm of Supreme Unity Loose Immortal.

What’s more terrifying is that although these two people realm are in the Supreme Unity Loose Immortal realm, they have a mysterious ability with each other, so that their real battle strength can be compared with the ordinary Supreme Unity Golden Immortal. World War One!

Looking at the entire Immortal World, there are not many Supreme Unity Golden Immortal, and most of them are in retreat and enlightenment. For this reason, Celestial Court has not been able to win the All Heavens Store for a long time.

Until recently, Celestial Court, a digital veteran Supreme Unity Golden Immortal, went out of the customs, and it was only when they joined forces to defeat Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie.

After that, there will be this scene of celestial troops and generals encircling the All Heavens Store.

"Are you the owner of All Heavens Store who fled without a fight a hundred years ago?"

In the sky, the cold eyes of the growth king Moli Qing fell on Chu Bei's body, the voice Sen Han.

"Flee without a fight? Just rely on you?"

Chu Bei turned to looked towards Mo Liqing, with a sneer, with contempt in his words.

At this moment, everyone in the battlefield suddenly relaxed, and the invisible force of restraint on their body disappeared.

Although their freedom was regained, the two parties did not immediately start a war, but cast their eyes on Chu Bei.

"Since you dare to show up, the king will take you today!"

The growth king Moli's blue eyes condensed, and after a cold glance at Chu Bei, he was on his body Blooming blue rays of light.

At the same time, the Qingfeng sword in his hand trembled, and four orchids condensed at the tip of the sword, resonating with the four runes on the sword.

Following the magic blue shouting loudly, the four orchids interweave to form a hideous black panther.


The black panther roars, the roar is heart palpitating, and the imposing manner is monstrous.

In an instant, the black panther appeared in front of Chu Bei.

However, seeing the ferocious blood mouth about to bite on Chu Bei's head, the panther's all around buzzed in the void.

After that, ka-cha made a crisp sound, and the black panther intertwined with four orchids was inexplicably distorted, exploded and dissipated.

Looking at the black panther that disappeared out of thin air, the growth of the heavenly demon brows slightly wrinkle, and once again looked towards Chu Bei's eyes with a little more solemnity.

However, when both of his hands were holding the hilt and preparing to attack again, only an invisible force struck shatter void and submerged in his body.

At this moment, his body seemed to be extremely heavy, and the divine force in his body could not be mobilized.

"trifling Supreme Unity Loose Immortal, do you dare to be king? Who gives you the confidence?" The calm and indifferent voice floated in the sky, with joking and contempt.

This cold voice sounded in her ears, Mo Liqing felt a chill in her heart, but before he could react, the flesh, blood, cells and even Primordial Spirit soul all squeezed at the same moment. Press it up.


Suddenly, a cry of pain wailed through the sky, followed by a loud peng sound.



Looking at the Mo Liqing that suddenly exploded, Dongdou Star Officer Su Hu, Xidou Star Officer Huang Tianlu and the thousands of heavenly soldiers were first taken aback, then their expressions suddenly stagnated, and their faces were full of horror.

"How could this happen!"

"Why did the heavenly king die!"

All the heavenly soldiers came back to their senses from the trance, full of amazement. Looking at Chu Bei, they couldn't believe the scene they had just seen.

Growth Heavenly King Mo Liqing, that is one of the Celestial Court Four Heavenly Kings, a Supreme Unity Loose Immortal!

But it takes only a few seconds before and after, the Primordial Spirit and the physical body are broken!

"Is this the Boss that disappeared for a hundred years?!"

"Really strong!"

"Kill the King of Growth in an instant!"

"Boss is back, our All Heavens Store is going to usher in glory!"


On the ruins below, the children of All Heavens Store returned one after another God, one by one looked at Chu Bei's back, raised his arms and cheered, and the look of worship in his eyes became even worse.

"Still so powerful!"

Gao Sen and Sun Wujie glanced at each other, after looking at the direction of Mo Liqing's demise, they looked towards Chu Bei at the same time, muttering in their mouths.

For them, Mo Liqing, who has stepped into the Supreme Unity Loose Immortal, is an insurmountable mountain and an irresistible supreme existence.

But in front of their Boss, the opponent is as small as an ant. Even from start to finish, they didn't see their own boss taking action, and the opponent was killed.

"You...what did you do to the king!"

Perceiving the sweeping gaze, the Star Officer Star Officer looked at Chu Bei extremely nervously, with a vibrato in his words, A look of fear appeared on his face.

Chu Bei didn't speak, but moved towards Su Hu, Huang Tianlu and the heavenly soldiers indifferently smiled, and then only saw him raise his hand.

A ripple passed like the wind!


Boom, boom, bang!

Amid the blast, scarlet blood rose from the sky, which was mixed with disgusting minced meat.

"All...all dead."

"Very good!"

"Boss is mighty!"

Looking into the sky The heavenly soldiers that exploded in pieces, the children of All Heavens Store were startled first, and then screamed wildly, very excited.

"Boss, Master, they entered the Celestial Court, and I don’t know what the situation is now."

At this moment, Gao Sen and Sun Wujie came to Chu Bei and bowed and said, There is a look of worry in it.

"When I was absent, I dared to deceive me All Heavens Store. Today, I will lead you to level this Celestial Court!"

Chu Bei looked up at the sky With a wave of his sleeves, an extremely terrifying imposing manner rushed into the sky; although its voice was not loud, it shook the heart of every All Heavens Store dísciple, with the majesty of hard to describe.

At the moment, he has naturally used ten Level 6 commodity use rights again!

"Tread the Celestial Court!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, all the children of All Heavens Store boiling passionately, fighting intent is high, and the uniform roars have not had time to reverberate. When they came, a ray of golden light supported them and disappeared in the sky.

At the same time.

Celestial Court.

Compared with the battlefield before All Heavens Store, the Celestial Court at this moment is represented by Queen Mother Yaochi and Zhongtianmen respectively, forming two completely different sceneries.

Queen Mother Yao inside the pond, hundreds of fairies wearing various gauze are busy going back and forth in Pan Peach Garden, because today is the birthday of Queen Mother Empress.

On the first place in Yaochi, there was a woman sitting in a luxurious golden robe inlaid with silver patterns, wearing a nine-curved purple crown, and holding a scepter about two meters long and inlaid with countless precious stones. . The fair skin and the almost perfect face make her look so different.

Especially the intangible noble sacredness revealed on his body, it is even more tempting to worship.

Queen Mother, the lord of Jade Lake, the companion of Jade Emperor, the existence of Celestial Court under one person above ten thousand people.

"The little fellows of the two All Heavens Stores in the Lower Realm should also be dealt with soon. Let’s start picking flat peaches."

Queen Mother spoke indifferently, showing her superiors in every move. The breath of the person.

"Yes, Empress!" A group of fairies kowtowed and left.

The other side.

Outside the Zhongtian Gate, one hundred thousand celestial troops and generals are standing by, their eyes all cast on the Behead Immortal stage.

Behead Immortal stage all around, Immortal Qi shrouded, True Dragon, Divine Phoenix flying. Two dark chains fell from nowhere, hanging on the top of the Immortal Platform, each wrapped around one end of the Behead Immortal axe.

I don't know what kind of material the axe is made of. The silver light flashes, and the axe body is engraved with mysterious rune, releasing a terrifying breath.

Below the Behead Immortal axe and above the cutting board, two figures sit cross-legged, eyes closed, expressionless.

One of the silhouettes is like a monkey, with a stick releasing golden light hanging beside it; the other is a pig head with a Nine-toothed Rake hanging beside it.

If you look closely, whether it is Sun Wukong or Zhu Bajie, there is a purple bracelet above their heads. It seems that it is this purple bracelet that has imprisoned them.

"Zhu Bajie, I think you used to be the marshal of the Tianpeng who was in charge of the Tianhe Eighty Thousand Squadrons, but now you are in the All Heavens Store! For the sake of working together, what else do you have before you die? What do you want to say!"

Tota Heavenly King Li Jing's icy eyes fell on Zhu Bajie's body, and his voice was cold. Behind it stands Mo Lishou, the heavenly king of the east, Mo Lishou of the western broad-eyed heavenly king, and the sea of ​​Mo Lishou of the north-sounding heavenly king.

"Let go of the children of All Heavens Store." Zhu Bajie opened his mouth and said.

"All Heavens Store, don't keep one!"

Tota heaven shook the head: "This is the will of Queen Mother Empress."

"What do you feel!"

"The breath of Mo Liqing has disappeared!"

At this time, Mo Lishou, the king of the kingdom of the East, Mo Lishou and the West Guangxi who are located next to the Behead Immortal platform Mu Tianwang Molihong and Northern Duowen Tianwang Molihai suddenly condensed, looking at each other in blank dismay.

"How could this happen!"

"Is it possible that he has..."

Mo Lishou frowned, his face is a bit ugly.

Although their Four Great Heavenly Kings don’t know each other, they also have some feelings between them. But at this moment, they couldn't even sense the existence of Mo Liqing.

"Impossible! Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie are here, and with the rest of the All Heavens Store, they will not be Mo Liqing's opponent at all!" Mo Lihong and Mo Lihai looked open. the mouth and said.

"My lord, Pan...Peach Garden is offended!"

Just as the three Mo Lishou were upset, a purple-clothed fairy flew over from a distance with a panic expression.

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