"Bold! Who dares to offend Pan Peach Garden! Have you forgotten the rules of Celestial Court?" circulation.

"Master Star Monarch, they don't seem to be in Celestial Court." The purple fairy bowed immediately and said respectfully.

"Master Star Monarch, it's up to us to catch these brave people." Mo Lishou, the king of the country, stepped forward and cup one fist in the other hand said.

"No, this Star Monarch will go there in person!" After that, the Five Star Monarch turned into a divine rainbow and went away.


"Who in the world are you guys! Are you afraid of Queen Mother Empress's penalty for doing this?"

In Pan Peach Garden, one The man with thunder's mouth and grow pair of wings hovered in the air, looking at that silhouette above the peach tree with great excitement.

Chu Bei ignored the Thunderclap Seed and continued to scan all around. There was a terrifying mysterious power in this Celestial Court. Even for him, Divine Consciousness could only perceive a hundred miles.

Looking at it, there are a total of 3,600 Peach of Immortality Trees in this Peach Garden, which are divided into three levels.

According to the report, the 1,200 plants in the front are ripe for three thousand years, and people will become immortals after eating them. There are 1,200 plants in the middle, one ripen every six thousand years, and people eat Xiaju soaring, immortality. There are 1,200 plants in the back, with purple veins and fine nuclei, one ripe in nine thousand years. People eat the same life as Heaven and Earth, and the sun and the moon are the same.

Although this rumor sounds exaggerated, it is undeniable that this flat peach has an unspeakable magical effect.

In the All Heavens Departmental Store, there is a flat peach king for sale, and he has even redeemed one.

"Unexpectedly, today will be the day when you hold the flat peach festival."

Chu Bei calmly looked at the fairies gathered together, and said: "Since this seat is passing by, these flat peaches Naturally, I will accept it."

The indifferent voice fell, Chu Bei's sleeve robe waved, and in an instant, the 1,200 Peach of Immortality Trees at the forefront rose from the ground and flew into Chu Bei. Of Small World.

"No, you can't do this...Queen Mother Empress will blame us..."

Looking at the disappearance of the Peach of Immortality Tree in the front row, a crowd of fairies suddenly showed horror. They looked, but their fearful voices had not yet fallen, and the 1,200 Peach of Immortality Trees in the middle and back rows had also disappeared.

"It's over, we're over."

In an instant, all the Peach of Immortality Trees in Pan Peach Garden disappeared. A group of fairies looked like dead gray, as if they had lost their souls.

"Master Thunderclap Seed, please take back the Peach of Immortality Tree for us." Finally, the fairies' eyes fell on Thunderclap Seed with pleading.


Thunderclap Seed glanced at the countless corpses of Heavenly Generals in front of him, hesitating.

This mysterious person of unknown origin, cultivation base Heavenspan, cannot be dealt with by him as a Golden Immortal.

"Bold fanatics! How dare you steal the Peach of Immortality Tree!"

Also, when Thunderclap Seed hesitated, there was a loud bang, and there was a big bang above the Peach Garden. Stars emerge.

"Master Five Star Monarch!"

Seeing that silhouette on the big star, not only Thunderclap Seed, but the fairies also showed joy.

"Master Star Monarch, he has attacked and killed several generals, please take action."

Thunderclap Seed respectfully looked at Wudou Star Monarch, he did not worry that the opponent was not from that origin The opponent of the unknown person, after all, the opponent is a Supreme Unity Golden Immortal.

"Where is this disciple?"

Chu Bei stood with his hand in his hand, calmly looking at the Five Star Monarch, without anger.

"Are you the owner of All Heavens Store?"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Wudou Star Monarch's expression changed slightly, and he glanced at the children of All Heavens Store below. , His face became slightly solemn.

One hundred years ago, he heard that the lord of All Heavens Store had defeated the Buddhist Bodhisattva Guanyin.

"Where are they!"

The same words were spoken again, except that this time, Chu Bei's voice became much lower, with a strong killing intent in his eyes.

"If you can get out of here, then go to Zhongtianmen to find them! But even if you win, I'm afraid they will have become two corpses!"

The coercion that enveloped, five buckets of Star Monarch coldly snorted, and then centered on itself, the top of Pan Peach Garden completely changed.

This is like a world within a party, more like a small piece of Star Region, but the stars are gloomy and there is no life.

At this moment, Five Star Monarch is standing in this small Star Region, blood energy is like the sea, purple starlight is wrapped around, like the starry sky Sovereign patrolling.

"Come to fight!"

Five Dou Star Monarch watched Chu Bei scream, and the sound waves shattered several stars behind. At the same time, his body soared, standing in the Star Region like is a Heavenly God, black hair like Star River, eyes like lightning.

"Boss, be careful."

The first time I saw the horror of Supreme Unity Golden Immortal, all the All Heavens Store dísciples were shocked and looked at Chu Bei with worry.

Chu Bei did not speak, and still looked at Wudou Star Monarch calmly, without the slightest emotional fluctuation on his face.

As soon as he took one step, he had already come to the Star Region where the Five Dou Star Monarch was located. A huge phantom emerged behind the phantom. The inner phantom was magnificent, the weather was vast, the clouds were shrouded, and the purple clouds were flowing.

If you say that the most noticeable thing is the golden sand sea, such an unusual form appears in the Star Region, the stars are very small.

"Five buckets change, town!"

Looking at the unusual form of Chu Bei behind, the five buckets of Star Monarch frowned, and then shouting loudly, shaking the Star Region.

With a buzz, five Flying Swords swept out of his body, and the tip of each Flying Sword carried a reduced version of the star.

When these five Flying Swords communicate with each other, it is as if the five worlds are integrated together and shoot at Chu Bei at the same time, to engulf him and possess infinite divine ability.

Chu Bei was expressionless, directly raised his hand, and patted forward under the astonished gaze of All Heavens Store dísciple and the fairies below.

Although this palm is simple and direct, even the breath that penetrates is enough to be suffocating.

That's the grandeur of Only I Am Supreme!

In front of Zhongtian Gate.

Li Jing, the king of Tota, glanced at the direction of Pan Peach Garden, and his face changed when he heard the loud noise coming from there.

"Brother Li, I have a bad feeling in the midst of my life, should I cut it out in advance." Mo Lishou, the king of the kingdom, suggested.


The King of Tota Li Jing glanced at Mo Lishou. When the voice fell, the two dark chains hanging in the sky trembled instantly, bringing a burst of fright. The secretive sound of the soul.

long long long!

On the Behead Immortal stage, the Behead Immortal axe swayed, and with a trembling, it crashed down.

The axe blade flashes with silver light, dragon roar Phoenix Cry, those mysterious runes engraved on the axe body seem to have come alive, carrying the breath of the avenue.

Gold-banded Ruyi Stick and Nine-toothed Rake automatically protect the lord, facing the Behead Immortal axe.

However, at the moment of the collision, the two Divine Items were shaken out, and the speed of the Behead Immortal axe was not slowed down at all.


The Behead Immortal axe landed on the heads of Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, causing a metal tremor.

"Is this your eternal golden body!"

At this moment, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie have become Golden.

Looking at them, it is vaguely visible that their body surface is like a transparent golden light gauze.

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie remained silent. This is the defense given to them by their proxy ring.

"Even the Behead Immortal axe can't kill the two of them in one blow!"

Looking at the scene on the Behead Immortal stage, including the king of Tota Li Jing and the king of Jiguo The celestial troops and generals including Mo Lishou and the others were shocked at the same time, with an expression of disbelief.

This Behead Immortal stage once killed a Supreme Unity Golden Immortal with one blow!

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie who stepped down from the stage, the cultivation base has not yet reached the Supreme Unity Golden Immortal, but they blocked the first cut of the Behead Immortal knife.

"Second cut!"

The King of Tota Li Jing shouted, and saw the Behead Immortal axe lifted up and fell down again.

Compared to the previous time, the runes on the axe this time flew out directly, condensed on the axe blade, and the breath became more and more terrifying.

hong long!

There was a loud noise.

Behead Immortal The axe fell, splitting the sky, and the aftermath it brought directly caused the blood of the hundred thousand heavenly soldiers to roll, and their bodies trembled.

Even the Behead Immortal table, which is made of the same material as the Behead Immortal axe, trembles, and there is a faint tendency to crack.

"This...how is this possible!"

"The two of them are even next to the second cut!"

"Their eternal golden body Defensive power is too awesome right? !"

"I just don’t know where they learned this golden body!"

"You can see clearly, this time is not just eternal gold Body, the ring in their hands also revealed a strange energy fluctuation!"

"If it weren’t for the Primordial Unity Daoist, and the two purple bracelets left by the Supreme Taoist, I’m afraid I really can't hold these two guys."


The expressions of celestial troops and generals such as Tota Heavenly King Li Jing, Jiguo Heavenly King Mo Lishou, etc. became increasingly confounded.

On the Behead Immortal stage, after Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie looked at each other, they looked towards the agency ring with rays of light exuding in their hands.

Although they succeeded in blocking the second cut of Behead Immortal's axe under the protection of this proxy ring, they were obviously seriously injured.

At this moment, the two look pale, their mouths are flowing, and their breath is very disordered.

"Okay, okay, okay! I am actually a little interested in your defenses!"

At this moment, the sky ripples in front of Li Jing, the king of Tota Swinging up, an old man wearing an azure robe with a goatee with a whisk in his hand walked out.

"Meet Primordial Unity Daoist!"

The azure robe old man appeared, Li Jing, the king of Tota, Mo Lishou, the king of Guangmu, Mo Li Hong, and the sea of ​​Mo Li Hai And one hundred thousand celestial troops and generals bowed immediately.

Primordial Unity Daoist moved towards a group of immortal officials slightly nod. After signalling, their eyes fell back to Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie on the Behead Immortal stage: "Let this daoist see how you take this Three cuts!"

As the dreary cold voice fell, the Primordial Unity Daoist waved a divine glow and landed on the Behead Immortal axe.

Next moment, the Behead Immortal axe is raised again.

long long long!

This time, the rune gathered at the axe blade of the Behead Immortal axe became black directly, and even the silver white axe body was dyed black.

Not only that, the void of all around splits one after another gap for it, the gap is densely covered with thunder, and various unusual forms appear.

The axe trembled, and a terrifying breath filled with terrifying breath. Under this breath, even the Behead Immortal platform had slight cracks.

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