"Junior Brother, there is company on the road."

"Well, this trip is not alone. If there is reincarnation, our senior and junior brothers will go to Celestial Court again! "

"Unfortunately, I still failed to complete the task assigned by the Master. The inheritance of the All Heavens Store in this world is finally broken in our hands."

With the black Behead Immortal axe above the head, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie looked at each other and shook the head unanimously. There was a bitter smile at the corner of their mouth, and there was a little regret and unwillingness in their eyes.


The Primordial Unity Daoist waved the dust in his hand, and the black Behead Immortal axe crashed down.

Almost at the same time, the proxy ring in the hands of Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie burst out the most beautiful rays of light.

But this time, the energy on the agent ring seems to protect itself more.

"Look at how you block this time!"

Primordial Unity Daoist let out a sneer, looking towards Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie with disdain in his eyes.

However, when the black Behead Immortal axe was about to fall on the heads of Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, the void suddenly became stagnant.

An enveloping mysterious ripple spreads from a distance, and then the speed of the Behead Immortal axe's descending becomes extremely slow.

In this brief moment, the celestial troops and generals including Tota Heavenly King Li Jing and Jiguo Heavenly King Mo Lishou seemed to have felt something, all looking towards Pan Peach Garden. direction.

At this point, I saw a small Star Region in my line of sight blasting from it, and various stars bursting in it.


The little Star Region hit the Behead Immortal stage accurately and accurately.

In an instant, one hundred thousand celestial troops and generals roared in their heads, and those with the weaker cultivation base bleed directly from the seven orifices, and there was darkness in their sight.

"This is what happened!"

When the light returns, a pair of vision falls on the Behead Immortal stage again, and all of them suddenly show horror, and their eyes are full Astonished, it seemed that he couldn't believe what he saw before him.

Under the bombardment of the small Star Region there, the Behead Immortal platform shattered directly into pieces of rubble. Two dark chains hanging from the sky were broken into several pieces, and the black Behead Immortal axe split from it. In two halves, the weird rune gradually dissipated.

"It's Five Star Monarch!"

The little Star Region gradually dissipated, revealing a horizontal silhouette.

Seeing the appearance of the silhouette, the nearest sky will immediately exclaimed. After that, quickly swept in a flash to the opponent.

However, just as the heavenly admiral was about to support the Five Dou Star Monarch, a terrifying scene happened.

I saw the original intact body of the Five Dou Star Monarch began to split, turning into a little rain of light and dissipating between Heaven and Earth, until the rain of light became nothingness.

"This...this is what happened!"

"Master Five Star Monarch...how could he..., is he dead!"

"Impossible! My lord, he is the long-famous Supreme Unity Golden Immortal. It is said that he is only one step away from the Great Firmament Loose Immortal! By the way, isn't he going to Pan Peach Garden to punish those invaders?"

"Could it be..."

One hundred thousand celestial troops and generals watched the five buckets of Star Monarch transform into nihility. Just when they were suspicious, they felt a sense of fierceness inexplicably. The chill.

Immediately afterwards, one by one moved towards from instinct and looked obliquely upward.

There, golden sands are floating in the sky, and the silhouette gradually becomes clear. The leader is a young man who is about twenty years old.

"That...that's the people in All Heavens Store!"

"Impossible, how could they be here! Counting time, they should have been fighting Star Officer and growing It’s right when the king is destroyed!"

"Could it be said that those who offend Pan Peach Garden are referring to them!"

"Impossible! So, how can he say that the Five Star Monarch" I didn’t die in the hands of people in All Heavens Store!"

"Wu Dou Star Monarch, that is the old Supreme Unity Golden Immortal! Even Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie are not his opponents, this All Heavens Store Who else can kill him!"

"Look! Who is the leader!"


Looking at the sudden appearance After the celestial troops and generals recognized the identities of the crowds of Heavenly God, they were shocked, and there was a lot of noise.

They really couldn't believe that these children of All Heavens Store were able to escape from the hands of the King of Growth, and they also offended Peach Garden and killed Five Dou Star Monarch.

"Master, are you okay!"

In the yellow sand, two figures swept out, and Sun Wujie and Gao Sen knelt down in front of Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, respectively. Deep concern.

At this moment, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie did not care about Sun Wujie and Gao Sen at all. Their eyes were firmly fixed on the youth man at the forefront of the children of All Heavens Store.

Unconsciously, the eyes of the two began to flush, and their expressions changed from the initial trance to the joy after regaining consciousness, and then to the explosive excitement.


Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie were trembling a little, and they flew to Chu Bei's front, knelt down in the air with a thump, with deep thoughts in the trembling sound.

"Through the past hundred years, you have worked so hard."

Chu Bei laughed and waved up Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie. Because of the efforts of these two disciplines, All Heavens Store is in Journey. The prestige value of to the West plane has exceeded 40, and even surpassed many sects and forces with a history of ten thousand years.

The gratifying voice fell, Chu Bei pointed out, and two streams of light fell on the purple bracelets on the tops of Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie.


In the crisp sound, the purple bracelet shattered and disappeared as a rain of light.

At this moment, the shackles on Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie seemed to disappear, and a violent breath suddenly spread.

xiu xiu!

With two sky-splitting sounds, Gold-banded Ruyi Stick and Nine-toothed Rake returned to the hands of Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie.

"Many thanks Master, get out of trouble!"

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie were grateful, and then turned and looked towards the 100,000 celestial troops and generals including Li Jing, the king of Tota, monstrous Anger burst out, this imposing manner even aroused the unusual form.

However, they did not immediately make a move, but walked to the behind of Chu Bei, as if waiting for instructions from the other party.

"Have you heard? Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie actually call that person Master!"

"Could it be that he...he is the owner of All Heavens Store!"

"Didn't he disappear for a hundred years, why did he suddenly come back!"


The gaze of one hundred thousand celestial troops and generals is fixed on Chu Bei, After guessing the identity of the other party, each of them opened their mouths with dull expressions.

The heavenly king Mo Lishou, Guangmu heavenly king magic red, Duowen heavenly king Mo Lihai looked at Chu Bei, the three looked at each other in blank dismay, each with an incredible color in their eyes , Faintly seems to understand something.

No wonder the breath of Mo Liqing will disappear, no wonder All Heavens Store dísciple will appear here, all because the Lord of All Heavens Store who has disappeared for a hundred years is back!

About the death of Five Dou Star Monarch, it also makes sense. Although the opponent is the veteran Supreme Unity Golden Immortal, this All Heavens Store Boss defeated the existence of Bodhisattva Guanyin!

"A hundred years ago, but you ruined Flower Fruit Mountain while this seat was away?"

Chu Bei shifted his eyes slightly, and his gaze fell on Li Jing, the king of Tota On his body, the voice is extremely calm, without the slightest mood swing.

Looking at Chu Bei's gaze, Li Jing frowned did not answer the call, but threw out the golden Exquisite Pagoda in his hand.


Just listen to Li Jing shouting loudly. The Exquisite Pagoda, which was originally just three zhang high, swelled crazily. In a blink of an eye, it reached a height of tens of meters, just like a real Ninth Stage pagoda. The rays of light flickered in the tower body. The bottom of the tower is like an endless abyss, releasing breathtaking breath.

However, the Exquisite Pagoda carrying the terrifying breath has not yet reached the front of the All Heavens Store. Chu Bei's eyes condensed, and a beam of light came out.


With a loud noise and brilliance, the huge gold Exquisite Pagoda exploded directly under this beam of light.

The surging prestige of the gaze blasted on Li Jing, the king of Tota, with a dull sound, and the latter flew out directly, his face instantly pale, blood spurting out.

"Ok...really strong!"

"Is this the strength of the Lord of All Heavens Store? Even without moving, he ruined the tower with a ray of light The pagoda of the heavenly king will seriously hurt him!"

"It is reported that the tower was taught by the Great Immortal Taoist of the Great Immortal. I never thought it would be so vulnerable in front of the Lord of the All Heavens Store!"


Looking at the pagoda shattered into several fragments and Li Jing flying upside down, one hundred thousand celestial troops and generals looked towards Chu Bei, their gazes became more and more horrified Jealous.

"It’s too unreasonable to shoot at juniors."

Just as the cold light flashed in Chu Bei’s eyes again, Primordial Unity Daoist raised the dust and caught Li After Jing, calmly looked towards Chu Bei.

"Then why did you do it to us in the first place!"

Instead of waiting for Chu Bei to speak, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie scolded: "If it wasn't for you old fellows, just rely on Li Jing And Mo Lishou and the others, how could they win our senior and junior brothers!"

Hearing this, Primordial Unity Daoist's face is a little hard to look.

"Do you still think this seat bullied these juniors too much?" Chu Bei looked at Primordial Unity Daoist with a playful smile, with joking in his words.

"Do you really think you are Great Principle Golden Immortal!"

Faced with Chu Bei's contemptuous gaze, Primordial Unity Daoist was coldly snorted and opened in the distant sky with just a few fingers. Out of a separate battlefield.

To be precise, this is also a Star Region, but it is much larger than the Star Region created by the Five Dou Star Monarch.

Great Firmament Loose Immortal this realm has a total of Ninth Stage, one hurdle, Bodhisattva Guanyin’s cultivation base is the 8th layer, and Primordial Unity Daoist’s cultivation base is the 2nd layer.

"Takes part or not, what's the point."

Chu Bei took a step and appeared in the Star Region far away from the sky.

After that, Chu Bei bowed his head and looked towards Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie below, said with a smile: "What? Is it possible that these little fellows really want to solve it for your teacher?"

After hearing the sound, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie looked at each other. After understanding the meaning of Chu Bei’s words, they loudly shouted at the same time, holding Gold-banded Ruyi Stick and Nine-toothed Rake respectively, carrying violent ones. Energy, attacked Tota Li Jing, Mo Lishou and the others.

"Boss returns, today is a day of shame!"

Gao Sen and Sun Wujie shouted, and then led tens of thousands of All Heavens Store children to 100,000 celestial troops and generals.

hong long long ——

Almost instantly, there was chaos outside the Zhongtian Gate, forming a fierce battlefield.

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