"Since the Master created the All Heavens Store, we have been content with Flower Fruit Mountain and have never caused trouble, but you have regarded us as a thorn in your eyes! Today, the Master returns and see how you still suppress it We!"

In the battlefield, Sun Wukong's eyes were cold and his words were cold.

After all, Sun Wukong is full of golden glow, Gold-banded Ruyi Stick a pillar holding heavens, and every time it is accompanied by a bang, it will bring a piece of miserable hiss.

Li Jing, Mo Lishou and other celestial troops and generals looked ugly, facing the attacks of Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie.

Whether it is the children of All Heavens Store or one hundred thousand celestial troops and generals, they never forget to pay attention to the battlefield in the Star Region during the fight.

They all know that the two figures are the key to winning or losing this war.

"I'm really curious, where did your teacher come from! I don't believe you can cultivation to this realm alone." Primordial Unity Daoist stared, as if he wanted to see Chu Bei through.

Chu Bei looked at the Primordial Unity Daoist calmly, and did not respond, but the probe moved towards the front and patted it.

In an instant, the Star Region trembled, and a giant rippling hand swept towards the Primordial Unity Daoist.

The giant hand seems to have an infinite mysterious power, but the stars on the path it travels, as if inexplicably hit and squeezed, exploded with a bang.


Primordial Unity Daoist shouted, threw away the dust in his hand.

While the dust flies, it turns into a seven-color galaxy, taking the immortal dao breath moved towards Chu Bei and blasting away, trying to penetrate the giant rippling hand carrying the power of terror.

hong long!

The ripples giant palm collided with the seven-color Milky Way.

Suddenly, the Star Region trembled violently, and the sound rang to the sky, spreading throughout the Celestial Court.

"Who dares to make trouble in Celestial Court!"

"That...that is Primordial Unity Daoist! Who is fighting him!"

" Oh my god, there are people who dare to provoke Primordial Unity Daoist? It’s a supreme existence that has been retreating for countless years and only recently exited!"

"That person is a little strange! Is it possible that he just hired God’s loose cultivator?"

"How is it possible! Primordial Unity Daoist has entered the Great Firmament list thousands of years ago. Which loose cultivator do you think can cultivation to this realm?"


Following the loud noise from the Star Region, several powerful fairy officials in Celestial Court were alarmed, among which is included Martial Arts Star Monarch and Taibai Jinxing , Erlang Shen Yang Jian, Iron Crutch Li, Zhongli Quan, Zhang Guolao, Lu Dongbin, He Xiangu, etc.

At this moment, not only the immortal officials who were alarmed, the All Heavens Store dísciple and the celestial troops and generals who were fighting fiercely in front of the Zhongtian Gate also stopped fighting by coincidence, and all their attention was projected on In the Star Region above.

At the same time, Queen Mother Yao is inside the pond.

Hundreds of fairies in various colors who were originally busy, heard this inexplicable loud noise, their bodies slightly trembled and stopped at the same time. .

In the first place, Queen Mother frowned, a luxurious golden robe inlaid with silver patterns humming, and then I saw her dancing the scepter inlaid with countless gems in her hand.

In an instant, the battle in the Star Region above the sky dome appeared above the Jade Lake.

"Today is the birthday of Empress, how can anyone dare to make such a noise!"

"It seems to be Primordial Unity Daoist!"

"Who is the other person ! Are they discussing each other?"


"Report to Empress that Peach Garden had a major event and someone stole all the flat peaches. No, it’s not the flat peaches, yes. Even the roots of the 3,600 Peach of Immortality Trees were dug away."

At this moment, a fairy flew in a panic from a distance and knelt down on the Queen Mother. In front of you.

"Bold! Who did it!" Queen Mother got up, her almost perfect face filled with anger.

The purple fairy shiver coldly, with a trembling sound in her words: "The slave and maid don’t know where he came from, he is very powerful, and he killed the Five Star Monarch. I only know that he is wearing an azure robe and looks But she looks like her in her twenties..."


The Queen Mother coldly snorted interrupted the woman in purple, "Is it him?"

Looking in the direction of Queen Mother’s fingers, the fairy in purple only noticed the Star Region battlefield scene above Yaochi. After seeing Chu Bei's appearance, she trembled: "It's him, it's him. , It’s him!"

"I see, keep busy, and prepare other Immortal Fruit ferments first."

Queen Mother spoke lightly, showing her superiors in every move. Breath. Especially the invisible noble sacredness revealed on his body, it is even more tempting to worship.

At this moment, although the battle in front of the Zhongtian Gate has subsided, the atmosphere has become more tense. Because more and more Warlord Martial Gods are coming, among which is included Nezha, Sihailong King and the others.

hong long!

In the Star Region battlefield, there was a loud noise again.

The original stalemate situation was broken, and the dust that turned into a seven-color galaxy was shaken off.

"Ninth Stage?"

Primordial Unity Daoist retracted the whisk and looked at the cracked one after another, again looking towards Chu Bei, allowing some fear in his eyes.

Although this was just a simple test, it was enough for him to roughly judge Chu Bei's strength.

This Supreme Unity whisk is his Life Treasure, which he has sacrificed for countless years. Even if it can't be considered the most solid Immortal thing in the world, it is by no means an ordinary Great Firmament Loose Immortal. It broke, let alone cracked it, but the owner of All Heavens Store in front of me did it.

Chu Bei still did not answer Primordial Unity Daoist's question, and seemed to be reluctant to talk to each other at all. Just casually blasted a punch forward and suppressed it.

Different from the previous ripple giant palm, this fist directly encases a colorful sword glow in the seal.

The sword glow trembled, as if it ditched all the Power of Stars in the Star Region, overwhelmed the Star River, and appeared in front of the Primordial Unity Daoist in a flash.

Yao inside the pond, looking at the trembling sword glow in the fist marks, a trace of surprise flashed in Queen Mother's eyes.

Those Great Firmament Loose Immortal, who have been awakened for thousands of years in retreat, perceive the breath contained in the fist marks, and all frown, with grave expression on their faces.

"The Eight Changes of Supreme Unity myriad forms!"

Primordial Unity Daoist screamed, with a very serious expression, holding the whisk in both hands.

At this moment, I saw his body and the whisk glow at the same time, and the two seemed to blend together. Behind the presentation of eight different unusual forms, there are Dragon Phoenix flying, there is the Milky Way hanging down, there is the annihilation of mountains and rivers...

Primordial Unity Daoist greeted them.

hong long long!

The fist prints are staggered, and the eight unusual forms are fused together under the leadership of Primordial Unity Daoist.

The two collided, and in an instant, huge black holes emerged one after another in the Star Region, and the deafening hum released the terrifying breath of Divine Soul.

The dazzling intertwined rays of light directly deprived All Heavens Store dísciple and the sight of one hundred thousand celestial troops and generals, and only those Great Firmament Loose Immortal could see what happened in the Star Region battlefield.

"Lost! Primordial Unity Daoist unexpectedly lost!"

The Great Firmament Loose Immortal awakened from the retreat, after seeing the situation in the Star Region battlefield, they all expressed their expressions. Suddenly stagnated, with an incredible color.

I saw the bright collision center, and all the eight unusual forms of Primordial Unity Daoist behind were shattered by the fist marks.

In the crisp sound, the Supreme Unity whisk directly shattered into powder, and the Primordial Unity Daoist itself also flew out under this majestic force, strikes on a star.

In this tremor, the Primordial Spirit of Primordial Unity Daoist almost left the physical body.

"Supreme Unity's true body!"

When he stabilized the stability, Primordial Unity Daoist looked at Chu Bei and his expression became more solemn.

Along with a long whistle, the hazy fairy light outside the Primordial Unity Daoist's body suddenly turned into purple, the breath climbed again, and the body rolled all around Battle Qi.

"What is the origin of the owner of the All Heavens Store! Why have I never heard of it before? It seems that I have missed a lot during these years of retreat."

"I can't think of his strength. It’s already so powerful! I actually forced Primordial Unity Daoist to use this move!"

"It is said that there are many strange products in the All Heavens Store, many of which have unknown origins and have never been seen before. !"


The Great Firmament Loose Immortal, who were awakened one after another from the retreat, were surprised and analyzed the situation in the Star Region battlefield.

"Meteor earthquake!"

Looking at the Primordial Unity Daoist that seemed to have evolved, Chu Bei's mood did not fluctuate at all.

Raise the right hand and take the third shot, but this time there is a black halo in his palm spinning wildly.

Under a palm, like a sky collapsed and swept out.


Primordial Unity Daoist loudly shouted, Essence, Qi, and Spirit climbed to the extreme, and the purple glow all over the sky.

At this moment, Primordial Unity Daoist's whole person turned into a purple sharp blade, like the burning of blood energy, facing the black halo produced by Chu Bei.


Another shocking collision.

The stars burst and the galaxy flows backwards.

However, the stalemate lasted only less than two seconds, and the Primordial Unity Daoist let out a scream, and saw that black halo inside, one after another only palm-size fairy stone crazily submerged there. purple in the blade.

With a bang, the purple blade shattered and changed back to the Primordial Unity Daoist appearance.

Looking intently, the body of the Primordial Unity Daoist and even the Primordial Spirit that is about to be separated are twisted, as if they are being squeezed by a strength of Supreme that is difficult to resist.


Finally, in the wailing sound, the body of Primordial Unity Daoist exploded, and at the same time several palm-sized fairy stones flew out.

Obviously, these blessing horrible celestial stones are the source of the Primordial Unity Daoist body bursting.

"The battle is not over yet!"

At this time, an 8th layer Great Firmament Loose Immortal exclaimed.

It turned out that in the Star Region battlefield, not only the Fleshy body of the Primordial Unity Daoist was broken, but even his Primordial Spirit began to swell strangely.


The Primordial Spirit of the Primordial Unity Daoist was distorted, and the screams became more and more miserable.

However, when the Primordial Spirit was about to explode, a touch of golden light seemed to come from the Foreign Domain and enveloped the Primordial Spirit of Primordial Unity Daoist.

At this moment, Primordial Unity Daoist's distorted and painful expression was relieved, as if being nourished by another external force.

"Master of All Heavens Store, you have done too much!"

A cold voice filled with Supreme majesty resounded through every corner of Celestial Court until it finally came in In the Star Region battlefield, everyone in the field trembled.

"Many thanks, take the shot."

Primordial Unity Daoist seems to know the identity of the person who shot it, moved towards Void and worshipped, with gratitude and respect in his eyes.

After a while, the golden glow in front of Primordial Unity Daoist flashed, and a graceful woman walked out of it.

I saw a woman wearing a luxurious golden robe inlaid with silver patterns, wearing a nine-curved purple crown, and holding a scepter about two meters long and inlaid with countless precious stones.

At this moment, the woman was expressionless, staring at Chu Bei coldly, and the majesty of hard to describe came out, permeating the Celestial Court.

"That...that is Queen Mother Empress!"

"She saved the Primordial Unity Daoist!"

"It's really unimaginable. We entered a thousand years ago The Primordial Unity Daoist listed in the Great Firmament will actually be defeated."

"Isn’t this unexpected? After all, it is rumored that Bodhisattva Guanyin was defeated by the owner of the All Heavens Store."

"The owner of All Heavens Store who disappeared for a hundred years, this return brought All Heavens Store dísciple to Celestial Court, and now even Queen Mother Empress has been shocked!"

"The Jade Emperor retreats. If Queen Mother doesn't take action anymore, I am afraid that no one in the Celestial Court will be able to win the master of the All Heavens Store."

"That said, he is too strong. , I must have half-footed into the Great Principle Golden Immortal list!"


Looking at the Queen Mother appearing in the Star Region battlefield, a crowd of Golden Immortal, The Great Firmament Loose Immortal was dumbfounded, and his face was shocked.

Tota Heavenly King Li Jing, Nezha, Eastern Sea Dragon King and the others are all in a trance. After the defeat of Primordial Unity Daoist, they really see the strength of themselves and the owner of the All Heavens Store. The gap is simply an insurmountable gap.

They can't imagine that the owner of the All Heavens Store, whom they wanted to capture a hundred years ago, is already so powerful that Queen Mother Empress needs to take action.

Queen Mother, that is the Dao Companion of Jade Emperor. Its birth date is almost back to the era of Kaitian!

Looking at the entire Celestial Court, with the exception of the Jade Emperor, including the Ancient One that was secluded cultivation for thousands of years, those who can fight one, I am afraid that they can count with one hand.

"Is this our Boss?"

Primordial Unity Daoist was defeated. The children of All Heavens Store who witnessed this scene clenched their fists and looked excited and extremely excited.

"Junior Brother, you used to stay in Celestial Court, who do you think is stronger between Master and Queen Mother Empress?"

Sun Wukong held a Gold-banded Ruyi Stick and watched it After looking at the Star Region battlefield, his eyes fell on Zhu Bajie.

"Brother, you are really asking me about this question. Master has not told me what his cultivation base is."

Speaking of which, Zhu Bajie touched it. The pig nose pointed to the battlefield, allowing some worry in her eyes: "But as far as I know, this Queen Mother Empress has already entered the Great Principle Golden Immortal list when I was still in Celestial Court."

"Great Principle Golden Immortal?"

Hearing Zhu Bajie's words, Sun Wukong was a little uncertain muttered: "Master, he should also enter this realm."

At this moment, in the Star Region battlefield, Chu Bei is also looking at Queen Mother.

Feeling the breath of Queen Mother, Chu Bei's eyes clearly flashed with a little surprise.

In his original impression, this Queen Mother should be a decoration. In fact, the opponent's cultivation base strength is still higher than Bodhisattva Guanyin, and it has entered the Great Principle Golden Immortal list!

In terms of the realm of Shrouding The Heavens plane, this Queen Mother has already equivalent to those terrifying existence in the life forbidden zone, becoming the Great Emperor!

In this world, Great Principle Golden Immortal this realm also has Ninth Stage, and this Queen Mother has just stepped into the 2nd layer realm.

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