"Destroy my Pan Peach Garden and kill Five Dou Star Monarch. You are stronger than I thought. I should have done it myself a hundred years ago." Queen Mother looked at Chu Bei, Holding the scepter in his hand, his voice was calm.

"So you ordered the destruction of All Heavens Store?" Chu Bei stood with his hands behind his hands, his voice indifferent.

"No, I originally meant to recruit them into Celestial Court as immortal officials, but they did not agree." Queen Mother pointed her finger at Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie below opened the mouth and said.

"They don't agree that you will destroy All Heavens Store?" Chu Bei asked.

"All Heavens Store is growing too fast. If it is allowed to continue to develop, it will affect the position of Celestial Court." Queen Mother said without shy.

"In that case, now I want you to join the All Heavens Store? Are you willing?"

When Queen Mother said, Chu Bei's voice became low and his eyes Guangyining, in the end, a killing intent swept away.

The indifferent voice is not mixed with the slightest emotion. It comes from the Star Region battlefield and echoes in every corner of Celestial Court.

All the celestial troops and generals, including Great Firmament Loose Immortal, were shocked when they heard what Chu Bei said.

The owner of the All Heavens Store actually wants Queen Mother Empress to join the All Heavens Store!

Queen Mother, that is the most powerful person in Celestial Court besides Jade Emperor!

"Are you kidding this palace?" Queen Mother looked at Chu Bei coldly, her face turned a little ugly.

"Since you disagree, but I feel that your Celestial Court has affected my position in the All Heavens Store, then do you want to destroy your Celestial Court like you!"

Chu Bei coldly snorted, shouting like a billowing thunder, the sound wave directly exploded several stars in the Star Region, and the major halls in the Celestial Court also trembled at this brief moment, as if they were about to collapse .

"You? You are not qualified enough! Even if you have entered the Ninth Stage, you have never been included in the Great Principle Golden Immortal! The gap between you and me cannot be made up by your means alone. "

Queen Mother shook the scepter tightly. As her cold voice fell, the gems in the scepter released brilliant blue rays of light, which instantly flooded the Star Region battlefield, seeming to strengthen it. same.


Suddenly, a fairy light lit up, shaking the Star Region!

A flying fairy is terrifying.

Queen Mother has taken a shot, with Force of Immortal Dao!

Chu Bei's expression remained unmoved, and in an instant, the majestic blood energy of his body impacted Xiao Han, allowing some divine glow to condense into a long sword across the sky, cutting off the horrifying light.


The two collide and ablate quickly.

Staring at it, under the collision, the Queen Mother is completely motionless.

Looking at Chu Bei again, the stature stepped back a few steps, and then the stature was stabilized.

"Queen Mother gained the upper hand!"

"As expected, the owner of All Heavens Store is still in the Great Firmament Loose Immortal realm, but in this realm he has entered the Ninth Stage The top! Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to just step back a few steps against the Queen Mother."

"The owner of the All Heavens Store is sloppy! If I were him, I would have to wait until the breakthrough Great Principle In the Golden Immortal realm, go to Celestial Court again."

"With his strength, even if he can retreat with his whole body, he will never be able to keep other people."


Seeing the scene of the battlefield clearly, the Golden Immortal and Great Firmament Loose Immortal who watched the battle let out a sigh.

Nezha, Li Jing and other celestial troops and generals looked at each other with joy.

"Master, he doesn't seem to be Queen Mother's opponent yet." Zhu Bajie's face was solemn.

Sun Wukong and other All Heavens Store children frowned deeply, and their eyes became more worried.

[Check that the opponent is stronger than the host, it is recommended that the host borrow the power of Xiaohei]

The system sound will sound at the right time.

In the battlefield, Chu Bei ignored the all around discussion and looked at Queen Mother more calmly.

Gradually, there was a ripple in front of him, and an iron lump appeared out of thin air in the ripple, and then flashed past, sinking into Chu Bei's body.

Next moment, Chu Bei's body surface is wrapped in hazy and chaotic fog, which makes it difficult to see clearly.

At this time, Queen Mother shot again.

It is still a flying fairy, shrouded thousands of miles away, with a terrifying momentum.

Chu Bei stared at him, his eyes pierced through the sky and greeted him.


This time, the two attacks have offset, and Chu Bei is also completely motionless.

"The Lord of All Heavens Store took it!"

"What's the matter!"

"His breath has changed, and now he gives I feel like a different person."

Looking at the slashing celestial light and the eye light that dissipated in the Star Region at the same time, the Great Firmament Loose Immortal was shocked. Just now, the two Powerhouses met again. Although the momentum can't be considered is huge, the restrained energy is terrifying matchless. If any one of them were to pick it up, I'm afraid undying would also be seriously injured.

"What just happened to you? I can't see through you a little bit." Queen Mother's eyebrows constricted, and she looked at Chu Bei again.

Chu Bei was silent and expressionless.

"You made me interested. It seems that after suppressing you, I cannot kill you immediately. I have to study you carefully."

Sen Leng's voice fell. Queen Mother walked towards Chu Bei holding the scepter. Wherever it passed, Immortal Dao Force surging, white mist churning, thousands of Immortal Qi blooming.

"That's the Great Firmament Fairy Elephant!" The Great Firmament Loose Immortal exclaimed.

In the Star Region battlefield, the Queen Mother's scepter bloomed with nine-color rays of light. Around it, Divine Beasts such as True Phoenix, Kunpeng, Black Tortoise, Vermilion Bird, Gourmet, Qilin appeared.

Looking at them, these are not phantoms, but more like summons coming to Divine Beast, with majestic strength and breath.

Queen Mother didn't have any actions, but the Divine Beast around it each performed their own strongest treasures.

While stepping forward, the sky above Queen Mother's head is surging in chaos, the golden light inside is surging, the behind Star River is overwhelming, and many stars in the distance flicker, as if opening the sky.

long long long!

Queen Mother raised the scepter, the treasures performed by Divine Beast resonated with it at the same time, and then merged together.

"Yin-Yang Tribulation!"

Queen Mother's gaze condensed, these mingled gems drew the stars to shine, with countless essences.

Clang clang!

Finally, two fairy lights with metal tremors flew out, one black and the other blazing snow, both of which were composed of the main road rune, and the fairy lights were of different colors. The two crossed, bursting out with the brilliance of Immortal.

The fairy light splits towards Chu Bei, blooming under the starry sky with afterglow.

Yin-Yang Tribulation came out, the starry sky exploded, the stars of this Star Region burst almost at the same time, and the terrifying light waves had even affected the more distant Star Region.

"Is this the Yin-Yang Tribulation of Queen Mother Empress? According to reports, this is one of her Immortal Techniques!"

"In the era of Kaitian, Yin-Yang Tribulation has a prestigious name, it seems to be created by Empress Nuwa!"

Looking at the two raging black and white fairy lights in the Star Region battlefield, including the Great Firmament Loose Immortal, a group of celestial troops and generals are complexion pale.

This Yin-Yang Tribulation is too terrifying, and that wave of power is almost annihilating the world!

Fortunately, that piece of Star Region is far away, far away from Celestial Court. But even so, their breathing seemed to become a little suffocated.

"Star Waterfall!"

However, in the same Star Region battlefield, Chu Bei, who most directly felt and faced Yin-Yang Tribulation, had no emotion on his face. Any fluctuations.

Just as the two flat syllables in his mouth fell, this endless Star Region shook all at the same time, and it seemed that even the more distant Star Region would collapse together.


In Xixisuo's voice, endless golden light spots appear out of thin air, which floods the entire Star Region in an instant, dyeing it into Golden.

These Golden light spots seem to contain the mysterious power of terrifying. Those stars that have been destroyed by Yin-Yang Tribulation are almost unavailable under this golden light spot with a wider range. Fortunately, burst and fall.

Golden's light spots are like waves and waterfalls, coming rushing, slapped towards the black and white fairy lights.


The Star Region on that side shattered and chaos emerged.

For a while, everyone watching the Celestial Court, only black and white, two colors and the larger golden-yellow were left in their sight.

This time collision, everything is turned into nothingness.

This is a Xeon collision!

Whether it is Chu Bei or Queen Mother, Star Waterfall or Yin-Yang Tribulation, they have all moved from the shattered Star Region to the larger Star Region.

A group of Great Firmament Loose Immortal looked at each other in blank dismay, looking at the larger Star Region battlefield in the distant sky, each of them was dumbfounded, only surprise was left on their faces.

Yin-Yang Tribulation, the technique created by Empress Nuwa, Queen Mother preached Immortal Technique, this Supreme Slaughter Technique was blocked by the master of All Heavens Store!

"Is this the strength of the Lord of All Heavens Store..."

Looking at the peaceful and peaceful Chu Bei in the battlefield, all the fairy officials looked in a trance , Murmured in his mouth.

If any of them face the Yin-Yang Tribulation, I am afraid they would have already destroyed both body and soul on the spot, and there is no doubt that they will die. Who can stop the fierce divine glow!

long long long ——

In the larger Star Region battlefield, the sky full of golden light spots and black and white fairy lights are still colliding.


Under the cold syllable of the word Chu Bei, a layer of elusive ripples submerged into the Golden light spot, and at this moment, the golden light spot filled the sky. The energy fluctuations skyrocketed.

In an instant, the stalemate was broken!


In the crisp sound, the two fairy lights of black and white cracked, followed by a low roar, which turned into thousands of Wan Daoguang pieces and exploded into pieces. But the stars touched by these fragments immediately burst into nothingness.

After the golden light smashed the Yin-Yang Tribulation in the sky, it did not stop, but intertwined into a huge golden sledgehammer, which fell from the sky and moved towards Queen Mother and smashed it away.

"Yin-Yang Shield!"

Looking at the sledgehammer above her head, Queen Mother eyes suddenly shrank, and she has not come back to his from the shock of Yin-Yang Tribulation senses hurriedly swung another Immortal Technique with a scepter.

"This...how is this possible!"

"Queen Mother Empress's Yin-Yang Tribulation was broken!"

"This collision, on the contrary It’s the owner of All Heavens Store who actually gained the upper hand!"

"What happened to the previous collision?!"

"So, this All Heavens Store The Lord is already on the Great Principle Golden Immortal!"

"Regardless of the outcome of this battle, the Lord of All Heavens Store will return. This All Heavens Store will rise strongly. I am afraid it will not take long. Become the Fourth Great Influences after Buddhism, Celestial Court, and Interpretation!"


Tota Heavenly King Li Jing, Jiguo Heavenly King Mo Lishou, Nezha, etc., including one All the Great Firmament Loose Immortal including the Great Firmament Loose Immortal looked at the Star Region battlefield in disbelief, and their eyes were full of incredible colors.

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