"This is the inheritance ring of the Master! Both I and Bajie have it. After you drop a drop of blood, you will understand its beauty! With it, the road to cultivation in the future , You will be smooth sailing!"

Perceiving Chu Bei's gaze, Sun Wukong opened the mouth and said on his behalf.

Hearing this, the sand monk glanced at Chu Bei, without hesitation, bit his index finger and dripped a drop of blood into the agent ring.

[The host successfully signed the pig sand monk, and obtained the right to use the power of the black]

[Level 1 agent package distribution]

Listen to the system At the sound, looking at the number of uses of the little black power on the system panel from 1 to 2 again, the corners of Chu Bei's mouth rose with an arc.

"Xiaosha, this is a meeting gift given to you for your teacher."

Chu Bei clicked on the agent package, which is like Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, it is also a crystal clear and Near-transparent Medicinal Pill.

"What a strong medicinal fragrance!"

The Drifter took the Spirit Pill cautiously, put it on the tip of his nose, sniffed it, and threw it into the mouth.

A quarter of an hour later.

"Master, the discipline seems to feel the inheritance innate talent you gave!"

The Drifter seems to have noticed the changes in his body, thoughts move, and his whole body has become ice , The temperature of all around has dropped accordingly.

"This ability is very good!"

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie on the side were surprised.

Chu Bei was satisfied and nodded, looking at the monk and said: "The Medicinal Pill you swallowed earlier is called Frozen Pill. The increase it gives you depends on how well you develop it."

Speaking of this, Chu Bei glanced over Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie again: "You have a long way to go on the road to cultivation."

"Be the Master's. teachings!"

Hearing what Chu Bei said, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Drifting all bowed and saluted at the same time.

[System is about to open a second experience for the host]

Listening to the system sound suddenly sounded in Sea of ​​Consciousness, the smile at the corner of Chu Bei's mouth disappeared instantly.

"Second experience?"

Chu Bei muttered to himself, just about to try to communicate with the system, the scene he feared most happened.

The wheel of time and space appears out of thin air, as before, a familiar suction force that makes him difficult to resist appears, and he drags it into the wheel of time and space.

"Master, is this leaving again?"

"It will not be the same as last time, it will be a hundred years after leaving!"

"Just When the Master retreats! After experiencing this time Celestial Court battle, presumably, even if the Master is not there, other forces would not dare to find us trouble easily."

"Yes, all we have to do now is to develop All Heavens. Store! When Master comes back, let him see a brand new All Heavens Store!"


Looking at the disappearing wheel of time and space, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie are facing each other Looking at it, there was a kind of faith in his eyes.

Only at this moment, Chu Bei left the wheel of time and space and came to a world full of chaos.

Looking at the familiar ruined city below, Chu Bei couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth, wishing to greet the system.

He had just experienced the first experience, but he took a breath, and he actually asked him to perform the second experience.

Furthermore, this kind of boring experience, not to mention the long time that made him depressed, the key is that there is no benefit.

Last experience, he killed countless days and nights, and in the end only got a droplet of no use.


Chu Bei fell into the city, and a black shadow killed him.

With a sigh, Chu Bei once again fell into the endless slaughter like his first experience.

Different from the first experience, this second experience attacked and killed his monster's strength, but it was stronger than allow some.


Time passed.

[The host's second experience is over]

In the ruins of the city, I don't know how long it has passed, but in a daze, Chu Bei's mind bounced with a trembling sound.

Listening to the voice of anticipation finally coming, Chu Bei took a long breath and slumped on the ground.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Chu Bei's experience city to disappear, and a change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down occurred in his sight.

This experience is the same as the first experience, he still only obtained a blue droplet, suspended in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.


Listening to the birdsong all around, Chu Bei sighed.

If he repeats this kind of experience a few times, he is afraid that he will really be depressed.

After a long while.

Chu Bei flew up high in the sky, his gaze swept down, here is the All Heavens Store before he left, but the area has expanded hundreds of thousands of times.

Today's All Heavens Store is divided into outer and inner areas. There are thousands of areas on the outer area alone, which is extremely large. As for the All Heavens Store area before leaving, it has become a core area.

Chu Bei released Divine Consciousness and found that Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Drifting were not in the All Heavens Store.

When the divine sense moves, click on the system interface, and now the reputation of All Heavens Store in this Hong Meng Journey to the West plane has reached 70!

In other words, as long as you increase the prestige value by 20 points to 90, the two conditions for opening the level 13 commodity authority can be regarded as fulfilled.

Chu Bei slowly flew, scanning the booming All Heavens Store, the most Central Region still stands the luxurious great hall, and there is a striking silver plaque hanging on the great hall. The four-character "All Heavens Store" of golden-bright and dazzling is particularly conspicuous.

In the great hall all around, three thousand and six hundred Peach of Immortality Trees are releasing immortal light, huge peaches, Immortal Qi shrouded.

Looking at it, the current All Heavens Store has at least one hundred thousand breaths. There are cultivators all over the lanes and pavilions.

Chu Bei moved towards a square, where there are hundreds of child humming body refinement spirits, absorbing Heaven and Earth spiritual qi.

These children are of different ages. The older ones are thirteen-fourteen years old, and the younger ones are only four or five years old. The young and tender faces are full of seriousness. The older child fists and fists, and the younger one looks like a stranger.

At the forefront of the square, a middle-aged man wearing a white robe with the word All Heavens Store printed on the back of the robe, his piercing eyes swept over each child, and he was earnestly pointing they.

"Little fellows, you have gone through heavily screening before entering the All Heavens Store! You must not slack off the cultivation! When you grow up, you will all become the shopkeepers of one area! At All Heavens Store, as long as you cultivation with your heart, within ten years, you will be able to enter the state of accepting the gods! In fifty years, you will become Loose Immortal!" The middle-aged man has a strong voice and a passionate expression.

"Master, we also want to hear you talk about Boss and his Senior's deeds. It won't be enough to listen to it more than once, every time I listen to it is boiling!" an older child yelled.

"Three hundred years ago, the Celestial Court officials encircled and suppressed the All Heavens Store. Even the monkey Ancestor Master and the pig Ancestor Master were arrested by the Celestial Court people. They were about to be cut off! That was All. Heavens Store is facing the most terrifying crisis! However, when All Heavens Store is about to die, the boss and Senior return! First, he raised his hand to shake the criminals, and then brought a group of Imperial Tutors to the Celestial Court!"

"Have you seen these Peach of Immortality Trees? It was the Boss and his Senior who snatched it from Celestial Court Pan Peach Garden! Later, the King of the Tota, the Star Monarch, the Primordial Unity Daoist ...Even the old Jade Emperor was defeated by the Boss. In the end, even Queen Mother failed to escape from the boss's beheading."

"It can be said that, as long as you have participated in the encirclement and suppression of us All People from Heavens Store, Boss and his Senior have never let go! Do you know why our All Heavens Store is developing so well now? That is, if the Boss left behind, if there are more forces who dare to suppress All Heavens Store, he will be a thousand times Give it back!"

middle-aged man saliva splash across, he became more and more excited when he spoke to a group of children, as if he had personally witnessed the battle that year.

"Finally, even Tathagata Buddha, Old Ancestor Bodhi, Supreme Taoist, Heavenspan and other legendary existences appeared! At that time, Boss and Senior accepted Sand Ancestor Master." Finally, The middle-aged man took a long breath.

"Master, when do you think we will see the Boss Senior daoist!" The children's eyes were full of admiration and anticipation.

"hehe, you Master, I still want to see Boss Senior." middle-aged man rolled the eyes.

"By the way, Master, why have I not seen Monkey Ancestor Master, Pig Ancestor Master, Sand Ancestor Master in these two days, and many Imperial Tutor uncles are gone." A child asked, puzzled.

"The monkey Ancestor Master, they went to Penglai Emerald Jade Floating Palace on behalf of the Boss Senior to talk." The middle-aged man opened the mouth and said.

"Emerald Jade Floating Palace? Heavenspan's residence!" an older child exclaimed.

middle-aged man nodded: "Every millennium, Major Sect factions will jointly hold a Dao Grand Meeting. These Grand Meetings, such as Tathagata Buddha, Old Ancestor Bodhi, Jade Emperor, Supreme Taoist When the legendary Supreme character will be there! Our All Heavens Store will naturally not be absent."

"Master, you see there is a person on it, and it looks like the Boss in the portrait!"


At this moment, a child glanced around found Chu Bei in midair, cred out in surprise.

Hearing the sound, the middle-aged man and the children on the square moved towards the sky.

"My god, it really looks like!"

"Which uncle has become this? I heard that there is an Immortal Technique in the shop called 72 Changes , Can change into the appearance of anyone."

Unlike children, the middle-aged man trembles directly after seeing Chu Bei's appearance, and he starts to tremble when he speaks.

"The eight generations of dísciple Li Xiang, bye...see Lord Boss!"

In the vibrato, the middle-aged man fell to his knees with a thump. He would not be as naive as these children.

Looking at this world, who would dare to pretend to be the owner of All Heavens Store?

"Master, he, is he really a Boss Senior!"

When the middle-aged man fell to his knees, all the children also hurriedly kneeled and looked towards Chu Bei again His eyes were full of worship.

"Get up."

Chu Bei smiled knowingly, swiping his sleeves gently, holding up the middle-aged man and the children: "Tell me In the past three hundred years, the history of the development of All Heavens Store has come."

"Yes, Boss!"

middle-aged man heavily nodded, after finishing the whole idea, it is very detailed Tell Chu Bei about it.

After listening, Chu Bei couldn't help but let out a sigh, with a little emotion.

Perhaps the harsh words he put down in Celestial Court that year have had an effect. Over the past three hundred years, All Heavens Store has developed steadily with its particularity.

At present, this huge area is where the headquarters of All Heavens Store is located. As for the distribution, it has spread all over Four Great Continents!

Today's All Heavens Store, in terms of influence, has been second only to Buddhism, Taoism and Celestial Court, and it is tied for Fourth Great Influences with Section Cult created by Heavenspan!

"The three of you little fellow you did good!"

Chu Bei sighed again and disappeared into All Heavens Store. He did not go directly to discuss the Tao. The Emerald Jade Floating Palace, where the Grand Meeting is located, came to Celestial Court first.

Because since he came out of the wheel of time and space, four red dots have lit up on the map, which means that he can sign the fourth contractor.

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