"Ao Lie, the criminal, you know your fault!"

Before the North Heaven Gate, a loud scream resounded throughout the sky.

Looking closely, I saw thousands of celestial troops and generals standing in order. An immortal official headed by him was waving a stick with engraved threads in his hand. Beside him, it was a middle-aged man with a dragon horn.

"A pearl, unintentionally ruined, but you reported me to the Celestial Court! You father, don’t worry!"

In the middle of the two Heavenspan giant pillars, one by one The chains interspersed with the restraint with a White Dragon, and the unwilling dragon roar sounded in its mouth.

"I don't know how to repent! Star Monarch, please punish this unfilial son severely!" Xihai Dragon King looked fierce.

Star Monarch shook the head in all directions, swinging the stick in his hand, this time, accompanied by thunder, imposing manner is monstrous.

"Let's stop here."

However, when the threaded stick was about to fall on White Dragon, an indifferent voice floated from the air.

After that, the void rippled, and a silhouette came out of it.

"Who are you! How dare you take care of the internal affairs of this Wang Family!"

When he saw someone coming, the Dragon King Xihai scolded him. He stayed in the deep sea all year round and had never seen Chu Bei.

Different from the Dragon King of the West Sea, the Star Monarch and the celestial troops and generals of the world at this moment, when they see the appearance of Chu Bei, they all startled for a while, then trembled inexplicably, and fear appeared on their faces. color.

"Master Star Monarch, what's the matter with you? Could it be that this man has any background?"

Perceiving the expression of Star Monarch from all over the world, Xihai Dragon King seems to be aware of something , A little grave expression appeared in his gaze looking towards Chu Bei again.

"My lord, you... why are you here..."

The Four Seas Star Monarch looked at Chu Bei respectfully, with tension in the vibrato, and the stick in his hand disappeared.

Back when the opponent hit Celestial Court, he witnessed the whole process, and the Primordial Unity Daoist who was killed was his master's fellow apprentice!

"Come for him."

Chu Bei stretched out his fingers to Ao Lie, and shot rays of light from his fingertips.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the two Heavenspan giant pillars and the restraint chains of Ao Lie turned into powder at the same time, dissipating in the sky.


Looking at the scene before him, the West Sea Dragon King was horrified. It was a chain of immortals that could restrain the Supreme Unity Golden Immortal. It turned into a chain at the finger of the opponent. The fly ash.

"Many thanks, help!"

White Dragon made a dragon roar and flew up to Chu Bei to transform into a young man, with gratitude in his eyes: "I wonder if you are? "

"You can call me Boss Chu now, but soon you will change your tune." Chu Bei's voice was calm.

"Boss Chu?"

"You are the master of All Heavens Store!"

Hearing the words in Chu Bei's mouth, at this moment, whether it is Xihai The Dragon King is still Ao Lie, his expressions startled suddenly, and his pupils expand rapidly, as if being struck by Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation strikes, with a numb expression.

Although they haven't seen the owner of All Heavens Store himself, this name has already resounded in Human World and Immortal World three hundred years ago!

A supreme existence that defeated the Jade Emperor!

Gu du!

Xihai Dragon King took two steps back quickly, remembering his previous attitude, his face was pale, without a trace of blood, only fear was left in his eyes.

"Ao Lie, I want to accept you as a disciple, what do you think?" Chu Bei ignored the shiver coldly Dragon King of the West Sea, his eyes fell on Ao Lie, and went straight to the subject.

"Yes! Disciple Yes! Master is here, please accept the discipline and bow!"

Ao Lie was taken aback for a moment, and after reacting, he was ecstatic, nodded and bowed to salute again and again. .

He didn't expect in his dreams. Such a good thing would suddenly hit him. He actually went to the main door of All Heavens Store, or Direct Disciple!

"Then follow as a teacher." Chu Bei raised his hand and left with Ao Lie.

Looking at the direction where Chu Bei disappeared, the Star Monarch and a group of celestial troops and generals came back to his senses from the trance.

"Hurry up...let the news out, the Lord of All Heavens Store who has disappeared for three hundred years is back!" After a long time, Star Monarch moved towards behind celestial troops and generals gave instructions.

After accepting Ao Lie, Chu Bei immediately signed a contract with the other party, which gave him the right to use the power of Xiaohei again!


Penglai, Emerald Jade Floating Palace.

This is the base camp of Section Cult and the residence of Heavenspan.

The so-called Biyou Palace is not built on the ground, but floating in the sky.

It is not a simple palace, but a huge city.

It looks like a small World of its own. Although it is just above Penglai, it seems to be separated by tens of thousands of Star Regions.

Ordinary people who want to enter Emerald Jade Floating Palace have only one way to go, and that is through Penglai’s teleportation fairy formation.

Look up, Emerald Jade Floating Palace all around there are True Dragon, Divine Phoenix, Black Tortoise, Qilin, Tianhe, etc. Divine Beast phantom shrouded, countless stars rise and fall, and various unusual forms are present.

Because of the Grand Meeting, the recent Emerald Jade Floating Palace is full of silhouettes. However, among these people, the lowest cultivation base is Loose Immortal.

Speaking of where the crowd is most concentrated, there is no other place than Biyou Square in the center of the city.

Because, this is a place to discuss the Tao. Although, every time the process of discussing the Tao will be projected to every corner of the Emerald Jade Floating Palace, this does not affect the public's pursuit of Biyou Plaza. Who doesn't want to get a closer look at the big guys who preach?

This is the 3rd day of Lundao Grand Meeting. Compared with the previous two days, today's Lundao Grand Meeting is several times more lively.

Different from the Great Principle Golden Immortal preaching two days ago, today, Tathagata Buddha, Old Ancestor Bodhi, Supreme Taoist, Heavenspan and Jade Emperor, these five current Supreme Existences will all appear.

"This is the first time I have come to talk about Grand Meeting. I was very excited when I thought of seeing those legendary existences!"

"Yes, if it is true It’s really amazing to learn something from these Great Immortal sermons of Hunyuan Great Immortal, and it will be of great help to the future cultivation!"

"Unfortunately, one person is missing , If that person is there, this discussion on Grand Meeting would be perfect."

"If I guess right, you are talking about the owner of All Heavens Store who has disappeared for three hundred years. Is it?"

"Apart from him, who else can talk on equal terms with those men?"

"When will the Grand Meeting start today? Can’t wait!"


Biyou Square is full of seats, and even countless people can only stand. If it weren’t for banning flying, I’m afraid there are silhouettes all over the sky, and it’s dark. .

hong long long!

Just as the immortals on the square were waiting and talking, a huge round platform crashed down at the top of the center of Biyou Square.

I don't know what material the round table is made of. It releases nine-color monster rays of light, in which formations are faintly visible in circulation.

Ch, chi, chi!

The round platform fell, and six exquisite and luxurious chairs flew out of the gap in the sky, and fell heavily on the round platform.

The six chairs are distributed in a circle. Due to their special layout, there is no so-called primary or secondary distinction.

"As the host, you are welcome to come."

Suddenly, a strand of divine rainbow sat on a chair on the round table on the whistled past above the heads of the immortals.

This is a middle-aged man wearing a black robe, with a faint black energy shrouded outside his body. Between his hands and feet, he releases Supreme power, a sense of direct gaze from a superior.

"Master, are you going to participate in the Grand Meeting on Dao?"

On the other side, above Penglai, Ao Lie looked towards Chu Bei and asked tentatively. Obviously, he also knows something about Grand Meeting.

"Grand Meeting, don't worry."

Chu Bei glanced at Ao Lie, and then at the fifth red dot on the system panel map: "Being a teacher I have to collect another dísciple."

The voice fell, and Chu Bei took Ao Lie through thousands of Star Regions and appeared in the Great City surrounded by endless stars in the distant sky.

Meanwhile, inside a 7-Layer Qiong Building in Emerald Jade Floating Palace.

Different from other 6-Layer, this top layer is shrouded by a brilliant golden light, as if it is completely isolated from the outside world.

At this moment, there is a bitter and painful roar echoing in the Seventh Layer's pavilion, and it seems that someone is suffering intolerable torture.

Looking intently, I saw a huge gossip refining pills furnace suspended in the room. The furnace has octagonal corners. Each corner is engraved with a different Divine Beast pattern. The Buddhist scriptures are faintly embellished and released. Dazzling golden light.

The scream of sorrow and wailing came from the furnace cauldron. This furnace cauldron is not a pill, but a living person.

It was a handsome man whose whole body was restrained by the weird rune, and nine different flames continued to burn on his body.

Struggling body, distorted expression, and even faintly visible that its Primordial Spirit is slowly detaching from its physical body.

"What did you say Jin Chanzi did wrong? The Buddha actually wanted to punish him like this!"

"It's not our business, don't ask more, just complete what the Buddha explained Everything is fine."



furnace cauldron all around, eighteen Arhats stand in an orderly manner, each in one position, the whole body Immortal strength is poured into the furnace.


"Master, why do you treat me so cruelly!"

"Do you want dísciple to be someone else’s furnace cauldron? !"

"If you want to refining my Primordial Spirit and leave the body, don’t think about it!"


In the furnace cauldron, Jin Chanzi yelled , There was a deep unwillingness in the roar, and allow some hatred in the light.

In the end, Jin Chanzi seemed to have made some kind of painful decision to absorb the nine-color flame in the furnace by himself.

In an instant, his body and Primordial Spirit expanded at the same time.

"Not good, he is going to self-destruct fleshy body!"

"Hurry up and stop him! The Buddha has urged him to train his Primordial Spirit without hurting his body. !"

"No! It's too late!"

Eighteen Arhat noticed an abnormality in the furnace, his face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly changed the knots in his hands, and his expressions became more panic.

"Even if forever unable to reincarnate, never be someone else's furnace cauldron!" Jin Chanzi's resentful voice floated in Qiong Building.

However, seeing his body and Primordial Spirit on the verge of collapse, a ray of external force suppressed him back.


"Very good! Who helped us!"

Jin Chanzi was prevented from destroying himself, Eighteenth Arhat immediately revealed the color of joy, and hurriedly moved towards the furnace to seal layers.

"I lost control, this...what's going on!"

But at the next moment, Eighteen Arhat's face changed again, and his face was full of amazement. They suddenly discovered that their connection with the pill furnace was severed.

At this moment, Jin Chanzi in the furnace also showed an incredible look. Although his self-destruct was suppressed, the seal that was placed by Tathagata Buddha on the restraint body disappeared.


With a bang, the pill furnace exploded, and Jin Chanzi flew out of it. After that, Divine Consciousness let go, and his eyes scanned all around.

"Why do you want to die? It is better to worship the door of this seat. Here, you will understand the true Buddhist Profound Truth in another way." The voice with a smile in Qiong There was a sound in the building, and the two figures in the house walked out of the void ripples.

"Are you?"

Jin Chanzi brows slightly wrinkle, looking at Chu Bei vigilantly, this world who can easily break the seal of the Tathagata, can be counted on one's fingers!

"Take it down!"

Seeing the incoming person, Eighteen Arhat shouted, and burst out immortal strength at the same time. But when they shot, their bodies flew out with an inexplicable bang, as if being hit hard by an invisible force, and immediately vomiting blood, unable to move even a little bit.

"Who, who are you!"

Eighteen Arhat's face turned pale and collapsed on the ground. After looking at each other, his eyes fell on Chu Bei again, brows. There was a little horror in between.

Chu Bei didn’t even look at the eighteenth Arhat, and said to Jin Chanzi: "The lord of All Heavens Store in this place, I feel destined for you if you encounter this place. If you worship this place, this place Will give you All Heavens Store inheritance."

Now Chu Bei’s cultivation base has naturally used the power of Xiaohei.

While making Chu Bei feel the humanization of the system, when borrowing the power of Xiaohei, there are two options; one is to be one level higher than the current enemy, and the other is to maintain the previous borrowing The power of black power.

In the current situation, between these two choices, Chu Bei naturally chose the latter, maintaining the little black power used in the Celestial Court 300 years ago, which is the Great Principle Golden Immortal Ninth Stage Peak!

Chu Bei looked at Jin Chanzi calmly, after the voice fell, right hand moves, and a ring releasing purple glow appeared in his palm.

"Master of All Heavens Store!"

Hearing the name Chu Bei said, the eighteenth Arhat and Jin Chanzi trembled at the same time. Western Buddhism is also well known and has a great reputation.

Soon, Jin Chanzi was relieved. Apart from the Supreme Existence who had gone to discuss the Tao, the only one who could break the seal of the Buddha was the owner of All Heavens Store who had disappeared for three hundred years. Right.

"This ring is All Heavens Store inheritance?"

Jin Chanzi's eyes fixed on the agent ring, with confusion and curiosity in his eyes.

"Take blood as a bond with it, and you will understand the meaning of this statement. But after you get this precept, you will be a member of All Heavens Store and have nothing to do with Buddhism." Chu Bei played with the agent ring and looked at Jin Chanzi with a smile.

"Tathagata wants to refine me as a furnace cauldron, master and disciple. As long as I can pursue the way of Buddhism, what if I am not in Buddhism."

Jin Chanzi muttered, After that, he moved towards Chu Bei and knelt down: "Master is here, please accept the dísciple!"

"This choice will allow you to go further on the Profound Truth of Buddhism."

Chu Bei smiled at the corner of his mouth, and with a wave of his right hand, the agency ring fell in front of Jin Chanzi.

Jin Chanzi did not hesitate, and immediately did what Chu Bei said. After all, if the other party wants to harm him, why save him?

[Host signed Jin Chanzi successfully]

[Obtained the right to use the power of Xiaohei once]

[Level 1 agent package distribution]

system sound is played in Chu Bei Sea of ​​Consciousness.

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