"Master, is this the inheritance given to me by your Immortal Pill?"

In the pavilion, Jin Chanzi has swallowed the Level 1 gift package to reward the Buddha Spirit After Pill, some trembling voices sounded in the room.


In a single thought, Jin Chanzi released the golden glow from his body, and behind it, a huge golden Buddha phantom appeared.

Looking at the unusual form of Jin Chanzi behind, Eighteen Arhat looked at each other in blank dismay, and their eyes were filled with astonishment. They felt a mysterious power breath from the golden Buddha phantom, and The Buddhism they cultivated have the same origin, but it is more pure.

"Develop this ability well. When you develop this ability to the extreme, you will also find the Profound Truth of the Buddha." Chu Bei pointed his finger at the golden Buddha phantom and said raised hand. With Jin Chanzi and Ao Lie disappeared.

Emerald Jade Floating Palace.

Biyou Square.

Heavenspan greeted everyone on the square and then to close eyes raised the gods.

"Look, Tathagata Buddha is here!"

Suddenly, there was a scream in the square, and everyone immediately looked up and looked towards the top of the round platform, where the golden light filled with chants The sound of the scripture came out.

Immediately afterwards, a silhouette of the dazzling golden light walked out. He sat on the lotus with his body like gold watered and his face like a full moon, with the category of Green Lotus, and the Golden Light Illuminates All behind his head.


The Tathagata clasped his hands together, moved towards nodded and sat down on the chair beside Heavenspan.

"It's really lively!"

"It seems that the old man is still the third."

Shortly after the Tathagata took his seat, there was another misty voice. Came.

"Look! It's Supreme Taoist!" Someone exclaimed.

I saw a ripple above the round platform. In the ripples, a white haired old man was sitting on the back of a green ox, shaking a palm-leaf fan in one hand and playing with a diamond bracelet in the other.

"The Jade Emperor is here too!"

Just as Supreme Taoist sat on the chair, Jade Emperor appeared, moved towards Heavenspan, Tathagata and the others nodded, and then took a seat nearby. .

"Another fun day!"

After the Jade Emperor, an azure robe old man appeared.

"That is Old Ancestor Bodhi, the Junior Brother of Tathagata Buddha!"

"To say, my most admired person is Old Ancestor Bodhi. Heavenspan founded Section Cult , Supreme Taoist founded Taoism, Tathagata Buddha founded Buddhism, and the Jade Emperor is the Lord of the Celestial Court. Only this Old Ancestor Bodhi is the most grounded, but a small oblique moon 3-Star cave was built in Spirit Fangshan, and I'm still willing to accept mortals as disciples!"

"Old Ancestor Bodhi is used to idleness, but where is his Senior strength, how can it be said that Grand Meeting does not have his place?"


The eyes of the people in the square were cast on the round platform, discussing spiritedly, and it was extremely noisy.

At this moment, five people have been seated on the six delicate chairs on the round table.

"Five seniors, the Master still has nowhere to go. This time, the Grand Meeting will be explained and taught by the representative of Junior."

After a long time, a white haired stepping on Flying Sword The old man flew, moved towards Heavenspan, Tathagata and the others, bowed, and walked towards the last chair.

"It's jade cauldron daoist! Where did Heavenly Venerate go? is it possible that has been died during meditation!" On the square, some people were suspicious.

Tathagata, Heavenspan, Supreme Taoist and others glanced at the jade cauldron daoist, and then no longer paid attention to, seeming to acquiesce in the ownership of this last chair.

"Wrong, why there are only six chairs?"

"Now the influence of All Heavens Store is higher than that of Section Cult, how can there be no chairs for them! "

"That's right, you should put seven chairs!"

"Is it possible that the one from All Heavens Store didn't come?"


When all the six chairs on the round table were seated, someone on the square found something wrong, and the discussion recurred.

Heavenspan, Jade Emperor and the others seemed to have heard the sound in the square, but they ignored them.

xiū xiū xiū!

Amidst the discussion, the three streaks of divine rainbow crossed and landed on top of the round table.

"Look, that is the three masters of All Heavens Store!"

"Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Drifting, the three Direct Disciples of the master of All Heavens Store!"

"As far as I know, Zhu Bajie and Drifting monks are already among the Supreme Unity Golden Immortal peak realm, and Sun Wukong has become Great Firmament Loose Immortal!"


Seeing the three silhouettes clearly, the eyes of everyone in the square suddenly rose with strange colors.

"What do you three little fellows mean by coming here?"

jade cauldron daoist looked at Sun Wukong coldly with a cold voice.

Primordial Unity Daoist went out of lineage with him, but died tragically in the hands of the owner of All Heavens Store. Since then, he has been quite prejudiced against the people in All Heavens Store. But now, seeing the three Sun Wukong appearing on Dao Altar, how could he not be angry.

"In terms of influence, our All Heavens Store is already above the teaching! Even if you can sit here, why don't we have a place in the All Heavens Store? If you represent the original Heavenly Venerate, then we are Come on behalf of the Master!"

Sun Wukong looked at the jade cauldron daoist, and behind the dharmakaya was faintly visible.

"For thousands of years, Grand Meeting on Dao has only six chairs, which represent six people. Your All Heavens Store has been established for 400 years, what qualifications do you have to sit down?"

jade cauldron daoist coldly snorted: "even more how, how can the master of a trifling All Heavens Store mention on equal terms with the Master? Ridiculous!"

"You are looking for a fight!"

Upon hearing the words of jade cauldron daoist, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Drifting monk shouted, and the breath rose to the extreme at the same time.

The three shot at the same time, and three terrifying attacks immediately moved towards jade cauldron daoist.

The complexion of jade cauldron daoist changed drastically. Obviously, he didn't expect Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Drifting to be so courageous that he dared to attack him on Dao Altar.

Although his cultivation base is also in Great Firmament Loose Immortal, but he can only deal with Sun Wukong, that's all, how can it be against the power of three people working together?

"little fellow, this is not your place to go wild!"

Seeing the attacks of Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Drifting on the body of jade cauldron daoist, An indifferent voice sounded, and then directly swept across with a big hand to shoot.

With a bang, with no difficulty broke the attack of the three Sun Wukong trio.

"Section Cult, as the host of this grand meeting, did not consider our All Heavens Store? Today, the power of All Heavens Store is no weaker than your Section Cult!"

Sun Wukong looked towards Heavenspan, there was no trace of fear on his face, and he asked.

"Even if your Master is here, you dare not speak to me like this! You three little fellows, do you really take yourself seriously!"

Heavenspan yelled, one The majestic and terrifying coercion moved towards Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Drifting, and a giant hand shot out.

hong long!

Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Drifting shot at the same time, and the three huge fist prints greeted the giant hand in a triangle.

With a loud noise, three fist marks were smashed.

The giant hand continued to move forward, moved towards Sun Wukong and the three of them patted it.

"Heavenspan, why bother to get angry with Junior. This All Heavens Store can now be compared to Section Cult. It stands to reason that they should be given a place."

When the giant hand was about to slap the Sun Wukong trio, Old Ancestor Bodhi's voice sounded, and at the same time a huge silver shield appeared in front of the Sun Wukong trio, blocking the giant hand's slap for them.

"Let’s talk about Grand Meeting next time."

Supreme Taoist opened his mouth and waved the palm-leaf fan in his hand, sending out Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Drifting. Speak Dao Altar.

"putting it that way, do we still have no place?"

"Damn! If the boss is here, how dare they treat us like this!"

"Sun Ancestor Master, Pig Ancestor Master, Sand Ancestor Master their three people are not injured, right?"


All the children of All Heavens Store showed resentment and resentment on their faces Unwilling.

Just as they slandered, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Drifting appeared again on Dao Altar, with firm eyes.

"Do I really dare not kill you!" On Dao Altar, Heavenspan stared at the Sun Wukong three, and the killing intent appeared in his eyes.

"Master is not here, we naturally have to ask for a statement for his Senior!"

Sun Wukong looked directly at Heavenspan, and was not afraid: "Why do you reserve a place for Yuanshi Heavenly Venerate, But I don’t reserve a place for the Master and his Senior!"

"Is it possible that I really want to arrange chairs for you so that you can sit on the same level with me?"

At this time, Jade Emperor got up, his eyes fell on Zhu Bajie and Drifting: "The former marshal of the canopy, the General of the roller shutter!"

"Jade Emperor, now we have nothing to do with the Celestial Court anymore, but They are in the All Heavens Store! In front of you, there is no such thing as a monarch or minister!" To the eyes of Jade Emperor, Zhu Bajie and Drifting did not have any mood swings.


Hearing the words of Zhu Bajie and Drifting, Jade Emperor's face suddenly became heavy, and when he raised his hand, he waved a ray of red light and suppressed the past. .

Perceiving the horrible breath contained in the red light, Zhu Bajie and Drifting did not dare to underestimate them, and quickly mobilized their entire body's immortal strength to meet the offensive.

However, before the absolute power disparity, Zhu Bajie and Drifting's attacks were not withstandable at all and were instantly annihilated.

"I haven’t seen you for three hundred years. I don’t think you have a breakthrough. No wonder you dare not take the words of this seat seriously."

However, seeing the red light is going to When it fell on Zhu Bajie and Drifting, an extremely calm but indifferent voice filled with Supreme majesty sounded above Biyou Square.

To be more precise, it should be above the entire Emerald Jade Floating Palace, and even the Star Region outside the Emerald Jade Floating Palace. This voice sounded at the same time. It shook people’s hearts and echoed directly in their minds. , Such as rolling thunder.

Almost at the same time, in front of Zhu Bajie and Drifting, a Golden giant axe appeared out of thin air, and with a sneer, it destroyed the red light.

After annihilating the red light, Golden giant axe did not stop, but continued to slash towards the Jade Emperor.


With a deep roar, Jade Emperor took the Golden giant axe steadily, but for a moment, its breath clearly fluctuated sharply.

"Who is it!"

"Dare to shoot to the Jade Emperor!"

The appearance of the Golden giant axe, the expressions of the people on Biyou Square suddenly changed , Immediately turned his head and looked around, as if looking for the source of the sound.

Everyone present, the weakest cultivation base is Loose Immortal. They naturally understand that whether it is the red light shot by the Jade Emperor or the golden giant axe that appeared later, the energy contained in it is restrained to the point. Extreme, otherwise the moment of collision, I am afraid that only the aftermath will wipe them out.

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