On the square, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Drifting monks, and a group of All Heavens Store dísciple from All Heavens Store dísciple, familiar voices lingered in their ears, one by one was stunned, came back After to his senses, everything seemed like a blood shot from the Immortal Emperor, his face was full of excitement and excitement!

"Meet the Master!"

"Meet the Boss!"

In the next moment, the children of All Heavens Store including Sun Wukong and the others moved at the same time towards Void bowed down, roaring loudly, extremely respectful.

"What? The Lord of All Heavens Store has appeared!"

"The previous Golden giant axe was the method of the Lord of All Heavens Store!"

"It must be the owner of the All Heavens Store! I am afraid that he is the only one who dares to attack the Jade Emperor at will!"

"Then there is a good show at this time! The All Heavens Store has disappeared for three hundred years. The Lord reappears, do you think he will have his place on Dao Altar?"


After knowing the identity of the person who shot the shot, everyone in Biyou Square There was a look of expectation in his eyes, with faint excitement.

Currently speaking, Dao Altar is sitting on several Supreme Existences today, but the owner of All Heavens Store is missing!

weng weng weng!

Void trembling, three silhouettes appeared above Dao Altar.

At this moment, the three became the focus of everyone in the field, especially the man wearing an azure robe standing in the middle.


Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Drifting monk bowed down again, shouting uniformly.

"You did good, you didn't let me down as a teacher."

Chu Bei was satisfied and nodded, and his approving eyes swept across the three Sun Wukong. He has actually been here for a while, just to see if his three disciplines will stand up.

"Master, who are the two of you behind?"

Sun Wukong looked at Fan Aolie and Jin Chanzi, with confusion and curiosity in his eyes.

"The two of them are two new disciplines for the teacher, that is, your Junior Brother." Chu Bei said calmly.

"Look! Isn’t that Jin Chanzi? How could he be with the lord of All Heavens Store!"

"Didn’t you just hear it? He is the lord of All Heavens Store The Lord’s new dísciple."

"Why...how could this happen! Jin Chanzi is the second disciple of the Tathagata Buddha! How come it is now the dísciple of the Lord of All Heavens Store? is it possible that he rebelled Buddhism, have you joined the All Heavens Store!"


After someone recognized Jin Chanzi, another topic suddenly appeared in the field.

"Chu Immortal friend, I really didn’t expect you to be there, and I also received such a good recipe!" Tathagata Buddha’s eyes flashed with golden light, and the flow of Buddhist scriptures was vaguely visible. Sisi coldly.

"I don't owe your kindness anymore!"

Without waiting for Chu Bei to speak, Jin Chanzi's gaze first fell on the Tathagata: "The grievances are cancelled, since then !"

"What a stranger!"

Tathagata Buddha coldly snorted, behind thousands of golden lights converge, transform into beams and shoot out.

"Shoot in front of my seat, facing my seat's discipline, are you thinking that this seat doesn't exist?" Chu Bei waved his sleeve robe, and the beam of light that came out burst into pieces.

Tathagata Buddha looked at Chu Bei coldly, then looked at Heavenspan and Supreme Taoist again, and stopped talking.

"So narrow, is this the way of your Buddhist school? It opened my eyes."

A smile was raised at the corner of Chu Bei's mouth. He thought that the Tathagata Buddha would Directly shot against it, didn't expect the other party to stop making a sound unexpectedly.

"Previously you said that the master of a trifling All Heavens Store is not qualified to mention on equal terms with your Master?" Chu Bei moved his gaze to jade cauldron daoist.

With a cold and merciless voice lingering in his ears, and then to the non-emotional gaze, jade cauldron daoist immediately trembled, and a look of fear appeared on his face.

However, before he could respond, the void of his body all around twisted and squeezed inexplicably.


With a loud noise, the jade cauldron daoist exploded before even screaming, and the Primordial Spirit collapsed.


"jade cauldron daoist is dead!"

"Did the Lord of All Heavens Store kill it!"


"Sure enough, it is the same as the rumors, extremely overbearing!"

"Is this the strength of the Lord of All Heavens Store? In one thought, kill Great Firmament Loose Immortal!"


Looking at Dao Altar, the suddenly exploded flesh and blood, the crowds of Loose Immortal in the square were stunned, and it took a long while before they came back to his senses, and then looked towards Chu Bei again. The respect is even greater, and there is a little more fear.

"Master of All Heavens Store, you are too much! This is not the place for you to kill!" Looking at the minced meat that dissipated not far away, Heavenspan yelled and looked at Chu Bei coldly. .

This time the Grand Meeting was held at the Emerald Jade Floating Palace, but just now, the jade cauldron daoist, who is the representative of interpretation, was bombarded and killed under his nose!

"My disciple asked before, as the host of this grand meeting, Section Cult, why didn’t you think about arranging a seat for me in the All Heavens Store. Today’s All Heavens Store is no longer in force. We are weaker than your Section Cult!"

Chu Bei stood with his hand in his hand and looked at Heavenspan calmly: "And your answer is that even if this seat comes, I dare not question you like this! Very good, Then I will tell you with action!"

The indifferent voice fell, and Chu Bei raised his fist, simple and rude, and blasted straight out.

Looking at it, it is vaguely visible that the moment he punches, several different energies converge and blend on the surface of the fist, forming a fist mark that is compressed to the extreme.

Heavenspan seemed to perceive the threat, got up from the chair, and threw a punch.

hong long!

There was a loud noise, and the fist marks disappeared.

Whether it is Chu Bei or Heavenspan, the strength of the two has been gathered to the extreme, and there is no leakage. But even so, Dao Altar still shook slightly.

"How can you...your strength..."

"Three hundred years ago, you only stepped in with half your foot!"

Heavenspan closes his fist , Emotions fluctuated, and his face was a little surprised.

"This is what I said back then, sometimes, what you see is not everything. Even now, this sentence is still true."

Chu Bei has no face Looking at Heavenspan with an expression, and then raised right hand, a golden light avenue leads directly to the battlefield of the Star Region: "Let’s go."

Heavenspan was taken aback, then looked at Supreme Taoist and Tathagata Buddha, after a little hesitation , Coldly snorted and said: "Today is talking about Grand Meeting, not talking about Grand Meeting!"

After all, Heavenspan sat back on the chair.

Chu Bei frowned, there is an ominous premonition in the dark, as if wind and rain are about to come.

First, Tathagata Buddha, then Heavenspan, they are all forbearing. Although confused, Chu Bei did not worry too much.

Even if he just used the right to use the power of Xiaohei again, his cultivation base temporarily raised a great realm and entered the Great Firmament Hunyuan Great Immortal. He still had two small Right to use the power of black.

"Since no one of you is stopping, I will arrange the chairs by myself."

As Chu Bei's voice fell, above the round table, a loud explosion sound. I saw a gap in the void, and six of the chairs emerged, and then steadily landed on the round table, causing a dull sound.

"Disciples, sit down as the teacher!"

Chu Bei glanced over Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie in turn, and then took the lead to sit on a chair.

"My God! The Lord of the All Heavens Store is really fucking!"

"Now on Dao Altar, there are only eleven people in total, even the Lord of All Heavens Store Including, there are six people in the All Heavens Store!"

"It's too strong! Heavenspan and Tathagata Buddha have even acquiesced!"

"This is All The Lord of Heavens Store! See you today, it’s worth the trip!"


When all five people including Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie are seated, Biyou Square There was an uproar immediately.

"Chu Xianyou, your temperament is quite old man's appetite." Old Ancestor Bodhi glanced at Chu Bei, then at the five disciplines behind him, and said with a smile.

A quarter of an hour later.

"Chu Xianyou, today is the first time you have come to discuss the Grand Meeting, or let you talk about the way you feel?" Tathagata Buddha glanced at Chu Bei and spoke lightly .

As soon as Tathagata’s words came out, the square suddenly burst into hustle and bustle, one by one looked at Chu Bei with great expectations.

Whether it is Heavenspan, Buddha beads, Old Ancestor Bodhi, Supreme Taoist or Jade Emperor’s Tao, they all know it. After all, this is not the first time this grand meeting has been held.

But the Lord of All Heavens Store appeared out of thin air, and only appeared in the eyes of everyone for the first time four hundred years ago. No one knows his way.

"Since you want to understand the way of this seat, then this seat will explain one or two."

Chu Bei got up from the chair and floated to the edge of the round table, facing the square. The man of ten thousand.

"The way of this seat is the way of tens of millions of people, merged into one."

Chu Bei's eyes swept across the crowd, and as his voice fell, behind appeared a pair Very huge picture. In the picture, there are rows of shelves, each with dozens or hundreds of light balls.

Looking at it, there seems to be a mysterious thing in each light group.

"This seat is known as the lord of All Heavens Store, and holds hundreds of millions of Immortal Treasures. Each Immortal Treasure corresponds to a kind of Supreme Great Dao in the world."

Chu Bei sleeve gown With a wave, the behind shelf trembled, and the light ball swayed, releasing the fairy light: "This preacher, as long as you have enough wealth, you can take the shortcut to the cultivation road through the All Heavens Store. There are everything in the shops, welcome Patronize!"

Speaking of which, Chu Bei reached out and took out a light ball from the shelf behind.

"This is Dao of Strength!"

As the light group exploded, there was a loud bang, and a sky suddenly collapsed, each piece of Foreign Domain carrying mysterious power. The immortal stone crashed down, hovering all around in Chu Bei, releasing a breathtaking breath of horror.

"This seems to be the ability of Sun Wukong!"

"When it comes to breath, it is even more terrifying!"

"It can actually provoke the Foreign Domain fairy stone !"


A number of cultivators on the square have not recovered from the shock, and Chu Bei took out a light ball from the behind shelf.

next moment, the golden spot of light hiding the sky and covering the earth, covering the sky, bright and dazzling.

"My God! That...that's Zhu Bajie's ability!" A numerous cultivators eyes shrank exclaimed again.

Without waiting for the heated discussion to cease, Chu Bei's sleeve robe waved again.

The third ability appeared, the air temperature dropped sharply, ice and snow rose under the sky, the biting chill was permeated, and everyone shuddered directly.

"This is the way of freezing."

When Chu Bei's voice fell, the fourth divine ability appeared. Although it does not have any unusual form, there is a Buddhist sound like a thousand Ten thousand people are chanting.

After that, an extremely huge Golden Buddha image emerged. The Buddha image was filled with golden light, and the eyes flowed like a living thing. Just looking at it, I could not help but raise an impulse to worship .

"This is the Profound Truth of Buddha!"

Chu Bei's calm voice echoed between Heaven and Earth.


Under the interpretation of Chu Bei, hundreds of thousands of divine ability methods carrying different energy breaths were deployed over the square.

All of this, as far as Chu Bei is concerned, its own way is a way of combining thousands of people.

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