"Look! The big Buddha behind Boss Chu!"

"is it possible that the owner of All Heavens Store still knows the way of Buddhism!"

"You said, the Lord of All Heavens Store shouldn't have any connection with Tathagata Buddha, right?"

"Maybe Jin Chanzi will come to his door because he also knows Buddha Dao!"


Looking at the huge golden Buddha behind Chu Bei in the sky, everyone's expressions startled, and their eyes are full of consternation.

Even the Tathagata's expression also appeared to allow some strangeness, with surprise.

On Dao Altar, Chu Bei constantly evolves the power of various attributes through the Immortal Treasure behind, while explaining the path of cultivation for the numerous cultivators under the stage.

Of course, there is no lack of vigorous promotion of its All Heavens Store products in this process.

At the same time, outside the Emerald Jade Floating Palace, there are several silhouettes busy with planning.

Biyou Palace, a huge city, although it is located in the sky above Penglai, it is actually a world in the distant Star Region.

From a distance, Emerald Jade Floating Palace all around has True Dragon, Divine Phoenix, Black Tortoise, Qilin, Tianhe, etc. Divine Beast phantom shrouded, countless stars rise and fall, and various unusual forms are present.

At this moment, thousands of silhouettes are floating outside the Emerald Jade Floating Palace. These people seem to come from three different forces, in a triangle shape, gathered in one place.

From the perspective of their breath, among these thousands of people, the weakest cultivation base is Supreme Unity Loose Immortal, and the strongest has reached the state of Great Firmament Loose Immortal, even Ninth The existence of Stage!

Undoubtedly, these silhouettes are all elite Powerhouses of a certain force!

True north.

At a glance, there are countless famous characters.

In addition to Heavenspan’s four chief Direct Disciple Daoist Abundant Treasures, Golden Spirit Holy Mother, Wudang Holy Mother, Turtle Spirit Holy Mother, there are also Wuyunxian, Golden Hoopxian, Fire Spirit Holy Mother, Zhao Gongming, Yunxiao Fairy, Shiji Empress, etc.

Twenty 8-Star Su, 36 Heavenly Stars and 72 Earthly Fiend are among them.

Obviously, one of the conveniences of the tripartite forces is Section Cult.


Buddhist tycoons such as Maitreya Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjusri Bodhisattva, Moonlight Bodhisattva, Fudo Mingwang, Peacock Mingwang, Matou Mingwang, etc. are relatively distributed. Even Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and Bodhisattva Guanyin are included in this list. .


Taoist powerful existence such as Taiji daoist, Zixu daoist, Duer daoist, Profound Void daoist, Miaoxing daoist, Xuanhuang daoist, etc. each hold a position.

Section Cult, Buddhism, Taoism, Peak Powerhouse of the three forces do not have any communication with each other, it seems that the other party does not exist.

I saw that the Three Sects Powerhouse had different weird seals, but if you feel it carefully, you will find that there seems to be a certain connection between the three Sects Powerhouse.

weng weng weng!

As many Powerhouses cast spells together, the Star Region where the Emerald Jade Floating Palace is located gradually trembles. Many stars all around seemed to have received some kind of traction, and moved towards Emerald Jade Floating Palace gathered.

"What do you mean by the Buddha? Why do you talk about Grand Meeting not let us participate, but let us come here to make this kind of weird great spell."

" In my opinion, what we have now is just a broken formation, which is incomplete! But just this corner of the broken formation needs to use all of our immortal strength. Just imagine, once the broken formation is repaired, how much it must be. The horror!"

"I really can't figure out what the Buddha is going to do, and what is the meaning of this array."

"Don't be suspicious. At the moment, we only need to complete the things the Buddha has given us. , This must have his meaning."


Amidst the discussion, above the Buddhist Powerhouse, a five-pointed starlight gradually emerged, and it was crazy to absorb Manjusri Bodhisattva and Moonlight. The immortal strength of all Buddhism such as Bodhisattva, Fudo Mingwang, and Peacock Mingwang.

The same is true for Taoism on the other side and above Section Cult. Each Powerhouse's whole body strength is poured into the remnant formation above.

"Look! Great spell is moving!"

Suddenly, Section Cult's Shiji Empress cried out in surprise.

At this moment, all Powerhouses of Section Cult, Taoism, and Buddhism all showed expressions of consternation.

The three forces of theirs were originally incompatible with fire and water, and the residual formations they formed were actually in contact with each other.

I saw the three remaining formations approaching each other at a visible speed, as if to fuse together.

"What's going on! How can the remnant formations of the Buddha let the knot be related to the remnants of Taoism and Section Cult!"

Not only Buddhist Powerhouse, Taoism , Section Cult Powerhouse also showed a confused look.

"My body..."

"Why, how could this happen!"

"What kind of magical formation is this? Could it be that these three Is it a complete great spell after the formation of the remains!"

Next moment, the confusion on the face of Three Sects Powerhouse disappeared, replaced by a touch of fear.

Inexplicably, their bodies have lost control, and the divine force in their bodies is continuously absorbed by the three remaining formations above.


Biyou Square.

Chu Bei has finished his explanation of the Tao. At this moment, the preacher on the round stage has been replaced by Old Ancestor Bodhi.

long long long !

But when Old Ancestor Bodhi's sermon was halfway, Biyou Square suddenly shook violently.

"This...is this an earthquake?"

"Impossible! Emerald Jade Floating Palace is floating in the sky, how could it be earthquake!"

" What's going on right now!"

"Have you noticed that the spiritual qi of all around is suddenly abundant!"


Not only Only in Biyou Square, the entire Emerald Jade Floating Palace shook violently, and even deep gullies had been cracked in some places.

"Heavenspan, as the host of this grand meeting, you know what happened!"

A numerous cultivators stabilized the stature. After flying into the air, they looked at the round platform On Heavenspan.

On the round stage, Old Ancestor Bodhi also stopped preaching, looking at Heavenspan, frowning. The same is true for Jade Emperor, his face is a bit ugly.

With a wave of Chu Bei's sleeve robe, he isolated the shock from the outside world, and his eyes were coldly fixed on Heavenspan's body. As he thought, this year's Grand Meeting was really unusual.

"This day, finally came."

Heavenspan muttered to himself as if he knew something, his face filled with excitement.

"Hunyuan Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, open!"

Next moment, under countless line of sight, Heavenspan's body suddenly vacated, and then it was like going crazy, hysterical Laugh out loud.

Immediately afterwards, with the coldly shouted in his mouth, the distant sky dome directly above Biyou Square suddenly cracked a huge circular gap.

In the gap, only millions of different shades of color are intertwined, and you can vaguely hear the terrifying and strange sounds that roar from it.


A ray of purple rays of light sprinkled in the gap, and in an instant it enveloped the entire Emerald Jade Floating Palace, making it isolated from the Star Region all around.

long long long!

As a result, Emerald Jade Floating Palace trembled more and more, and more and more large gullies appeared in the city.

"Heavenspan, what the hell is he doing!"

"What does he intend!"

"In the faint, I always have an unknown premonition!"

"This Hunyuan Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, why I have never heard of it! What kind of magical formation he is!"


Looking at In the sky, it looks like a Heavenspan has changed, and the complexion of numerous cultivators is hard to see the extreme.

"No, my instinct tells me that I can't stay here anymore!"

A Supreme Unity Loose Immortal noticed the crisis, and as soon as the voice fell, it turned into a divine rainbow towards the distance Swept away.


However, the Supreme Unity Loose Immortal has not yet flown out of the Emerald Jade Floating Palace, and his body and Primordial Spirit are strangled by the purple glow.

"Wuhuo Immortal Monarch, dead...dead!"

"What's the matter? Is it because of Heavenspan!"

"Don't touch That purple glow!"

"Could it be said that this year's Grand Meeting is a conspiracy! Is Heavenspan trying to trap us all here?"


A numerous cultivators looked at the martial fire Immortal Monarch that was killed by the purple glow mask before they rushed out of the Emerald Jade Floating Palace, with a look of fear on their faces.

Those cultivators, who had the same idea as Wu Huo Immortal Monarch, were also about to leave immediately, hurriedly stopped the stature, and then looked at Heavenspan in the sky with a look of resentment.

"Everyone, come together and smash this purple mask!" A Supreme Unity Golden Immortal said.

"Gossip sacred power!"

"Eight changes of spirits!"

"blood refinement!"

"Urgent Frozen cold flames!"

"Thunder Escape Magic!"


With the voice of the Supreme Unity Golden Immortal falling down, several Powerhouses After looking at each other, they used their strongest killer moves at the same time.

Afterwards, I saw countless brilliant brilliance and strikes at the same time as the purple mask that sprinkled on the circular gap above.

chi chi chi!

As a result, these dozens or hundreds of powerful attacks fell on the purple mask and did not have any effect.

On the contrary, it was these Powerhouses that made the move. At the next moment, they wailed mournful scream one after another.

"Even Daoist Crow was killed by that purple glow!"

"But Great Firmament Loose Immortal!"

"putting it that way, With our cultivation base, isn’t it even more impossible to touch the purple mask!"

"What does Heavenspan want to trap us here! What does he want to do to us!"

"If he does this, he won’t be afraid of being an enemy of the entire cultivation world!"


Looking at the people in the strikes purple mask one by one Killing, especially after seeing Daoist Crow also dying in purple glow, the powerhouses who came to talk about the Tao became more and more frightened.

Even the cultivators who originally stayed in the periphery zone of the Emerald Jade Floating Palace started moving towards Biyou Square and flew away.

"Hunyuan Wanxian Formation? This is a great formation created by Hong Jun master's fellow apprentice! Heavenspan, what are you doing!"

Old Ancestor Bodhi shot out cold light in his eyes , Staring coldly at Heavenspan in the sky, questioning in his words.

Push up two generations, whether it is Heavenspan, Supreme Taoist, Old Ancestor Bodhi or Tathagata Buddha, their Ancestor Master is the creation soul.

Heavenspan’s Master is Hong Jun Old Ancestor, Old Ancestor Bodhi’s Master is Mixed Kun Sect Founder, and Hong Jun Old Ancestor and Mixed Kun Sect Founder are senior and junior brothers. For this reason, this Hong Jun Old Ancestor is also the master's fellow apprentice of Old Ancestor Bodhi.

"I have been preparing for several years, and everything is to make the Hunyuan Ten Thousand Immortal Array open! Today, all of you will be the nourishment for the great spell!"

Heavenspan did not Answering Old Ancestor Bodhi's question, Qi Senhan's gaze swept across the immortals below, the heavy voice fell, and his body suddenly enlarged suddenly.

Afterwards, I saw a scarlet rainbow wrapped around him in the circular gap in the sky far away.


Entangled by the scarlet Changhong, Heavenspan's body trembled suddenly, the roar in his mouth, his expression began to become distorted, as if he was suffering from some kind of pain Tortured.

But soon, the painful color on his face disappeared, and everything seemed to be back to normal.

Gradually, changes took place on the top of the Emerald Jade Floating Palace. I saw a lot of weird ripples, and a huge nine-cornered formation mark slowly emerged.

long long long ——

Under countless line of sight, the nine-cornered formation mark has become more and more solid, all around it is suspended with mysterious rune and various amazing unusual Form, there are Divine Phoenix flying, True Dragon Xiao Tian, ​​Qilin Takong, Black Tortoise back mountain.


There was a loud noise, and the nine-cornered formation mark vibrated violently. It seemed to have life, and a black mist began to appear all over the body.

When the black mist dissipated, it seemed to have evolved, and a huge white pupil appeared at the position of the formation eye. The pupils turned, and there was a sound of friction, which filled with a fierce and violent breath of terror.

"Heavenspan, what do you mean!"

Feeling the horrible divine force fluctuations released on the nine-cornered formation mark, Jade Emperor couldn't sit still anymore, his face turned Very heavy. As for those Loose Immortal with a weaker cultivation base, they had already shivered coldly and fell into panic.


The nine-cornered formation mark shook, and a strange scream from the Kaitian era emanated from the white pupils of the formation eye, resounding through the Emerald Jade Floating Above the Palace. The terrifying sound waves spread far to the entire Star Region, and countless stars shook to pieces.

At this moment, the nine-cornered formation mark is like a Great Desolate living creature awakened from a deep sleep. The neigh was heart-palpiting cruel and tyrannical, and it was full of endless destruction and killing. The source of the sound represents the most terrifying disaster in the world.

"Master, do you know what Heavenspan is doing?"

Ao Lie looked at Chu Bei incomprehensibly, Zhu Bajie, Jin Chanzi and the others were also confused.

"As he said earlier, he wants to use us as bait to sacrifice to the Hunyuan Formation."

Speaking of this, Chu Bei raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said:" As for the purpose, I will know soon."

The calm voice fell, Chu Bei continued to look up at Heavenspan in the sky, and his eyes glanced at the Supreme Taoist and Tathagata Buddha from time to time. These two people were clearly and Old Ancestor Bodhi and Jade Emperor showed different consternation, very calm.

"Everyone, please go on the road!"

Suddenly, a cold and indifferent voice came out of Heavenspan's mouth and fell from the sky.

The cold voice filled with chill fell, and Heavenspan pointed a red glow on the nine-cornered formation mark.

At the next moment, a beam of light was shot from the white pupil in the center of the nine-corner formation mark, and it hit the Emerald Jade Floating Palace directly.

With a loud bang, the Emerald Jade Floating Palace burst and turned into nothingness.

And those cultivators are safe and sound, but due to the existence of the purple mask, they can only float in the Star Region.


Immediately afterwards, tens of thousands of howls sounded one after another, with great pain.

Chi, chi, chi!

In the purple mask, one after another rune chains appear out of thin air, which easily penetrates the defenses of many Powerhouses , And then inserted into their bodies.

Even if it is as strong as Great Firmament Loose Immortal, in front of these rune chains, there is no resistance at all.

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