"My divine force is being taken away!"


"Crazy, Heavenspan must It's crazy!"

"I don't want to die yet! Why, why should I come to discuss Grand Meeting this time!"


Be penetrated by rune chains, tens of millions of Powerhouses instantly discovered that the divine force in their bodies was forcibly taken away by the weird force on the chains, and even the original blood essence was swallowed by those runes.

Looking at it, these densely packed rune chains, their terminals finally converge together, and it is the white pupil in the center of the nine-corner formation mark.

With the integration of the huge divine force of the immortals and the original blood essence, the rays of light released by the nine-cornered formation mark became brighter, and the white pupils of Senbai began to appear bloody.

"Heavenspan, I am afraid that you alone can't take out the Hunyuan Wanxian Formation!"

Old Ancestor Bodhi glanced at the recovering Hunyuan Wanxian Formation, he It seems that he has some understanding of the formation, and after scanning the powerhouse that has been pierced by thousands of times, his eyes become colder and colder.

"Bodhi, you are the most important nourishment in my plan!" Heavenspan's gaze fell on Old Ancestor Bodhi, and there was no emotion in his voice.

"No matter what your purpose is, but you are nourished by thousands of creatures, no matter what, I will stop you!" Old Ancestor Bodhi screamed and walked towards the purple mask.

Different from the cultivator that was previously killed, these purple rays of light have not touched Old Ancestor Bodhi's body, they were wiped out by the fairy light that gushes out of the latter's body.

In an instant, Old Ancestor Bodhi had gone out of the purple mask, facing Heavenspan.

"Master, these chains seem to be useless to us."

Sun Wukong glanced at all around the tens of millions of Powerhouses that were penetrated and sucked by rune chains, and then looked towards Chu Bei opened the mouth and said.

"Your power is obtained through the All Heavens Store. It is from outside the world."

Speaking of which, Chu Bei raised his finger to the top Hunyuan Ten Thousand Immortals Array, and said: "All it can absorb is the spiritual power between world Heaven and Earth. Those chains are naturally invalid for you."

"So that's how it is! "Hearing this, Zhu Bajie, Drifting and the others are awakened.

As for the other dísciples of All Heavens Store, the immediately appearing in rune chains were protected by Chu Bei.

Outside the purple mask, Old Ancestor Bodhi stands on a Star Region, the surface of the body is surging, and the breath continues to rise.

"Bodhi, your opponent is not me."

Facing Old Ancestor Bodhi's gaze, Heavenspan shrugged, pointed at the nine-cornered formation mark: "Hun Yuan The Ten Thousand Immortal Formation has been opened. You should know something about the Master Formation."

With a smile, Heavenspan raised his hand to hit a purple light and landed on the nine-cornered formation mark. .

With a sharp sneer, the blood-colored Mori White pupils turned and projected towards Old Ancestor Bodhi. Immediately afterwards, an extremely tall silhouette flew out of his pupils.

The silhouette of the Chaos Energy package outside the body is difficult to see clearly. There is no vitality in the body, just like a puppet.

hong long!

Two beams of red glow shot out from the tall puppet’s eyes, and they shot straight towards Old Ancestor Bodhi.

Old Ancestor Bodhi does not dodge, but also two beams of eye light shoot out.

There was a loud noise, and the aftermath of the collision of eyes directly destroyed a Star Region, and countless stars burst.

"Bodhi, you should know that before the Hunyuan Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, as long as you do not step into the Heavenly Immortal realm, even if it is stronger than you and me, you still have no resistance."

With the sound of Heavenspan, the tall puppet suddenly folded his hands together, and a wave of monster rays of light swept the starry sky centered on itself.

When the monster rays of light passed the Star Region where Old Ancestor Bodhi was located, a shocking scene happened.

I saw Old Ancestor Bodhi's body gradually became transparent, and the majestic immortal strength that resembled a bottomless pit in his body turned out to be purified by an invisible force, dissipating slowly.

"Heavenly Immortal Realm..."

Old Ancestor Bodhi sighed faintly, then hung over a piece of Star Region, crossed his hands and sat cross-legged.

When he closed his eyes, his body blasted with a deep sound. Afterwards, he saw the great celestial light in his body, transforming into a mysterious rune, blocking the bottomless pit that produced immortal strength in his body. . At the same time, expelling the invisible power with purification.

In a moment, his gradually transparent body became solid again.

"Bodhi, how long do you think you can last!"

Heavenspan glanced at Old Ancestor Bodhi who was sitting cross-legged, coldly snorted fell, raised his hand and hit again. The nine-cornered formation mark.


Suddenly, the cry of Ten Thousand Powerhouse in the purple mask became even more miserable. The expressions were distorted one by one, the blood on his face began to disappear, and the breath went from stable to chaotic, and finally weakened.

The densely packed rune chains speed up their sucking speed, providing the Jiujiao formation mark with immortal strength and blood essence madly.

weng weng weng!

The nine-cornered formation mark trembled, and the white pupils of the formation eye shot out several purple glows and landed on the tall puppet.

The breath of the tall puppet became more terrifying, and the purifying power acting on Old Ancestor Bodhi became stronger.

Gradually, Old Ancestor Bodhi's face became solemn, and the body that had returned to normal was once again slowly transparent.

"Jade Emperor, I didn't count you in my original plan. But now the power to revive the great spell seems to be lacking, so I can only include you in the plan. "Heavenspan no longer paid attention to Old Ancestor Bodhi, his gaze fell on Jade Emperor.

"What is your purpose!"

Jade Emperor looked at Heavenspan coldly. Like Old Ancestor Bodhi, he easily broke the purple mask and stood on Above a star.

"If you can live to that time, you will know it."

Heavenspan laughed, as before, it was another purple light hitting the nine-corner formation mark. .

The sharp sound was heard, and a tall puppet flew out of the Senbai pupil in the center of the nine-cornered formation mark again.

The tall puppet twisted his body and shot out monster rays of light in his eyes, and instantly enveloped the Star Region where Jade Emperor was located.

In an instant, Jade Emperor's body trembled suddenly, as if inexplicably invaded by an invisible force.

"What a Hunyuan Ten Thousand Immortal Formation!"

Jade Emperor frowned, flipped the knot with both hands quickly, and then penetrated into his body by means of one after another Supreme.

"What the hell does this formation mark come from!"

"It's not just us, even the Supreme Existence of Old Ancestor Bodhi and Jade Emperor are all in crisis. !"

"Could it be said that no one really can save us?"

"Unexpectedly, in my whole life, I will eventually become the nourishment of a great spell! Even more ridiculous However, I still don’t know what this great spell is for."


In the purple mask, tens of millions of Powerhouses are getting weaker and harder. Looking towards the stars in the sky, Old Ancestor Bodhi and Jade Emperor, who were positively resisting the purifying power, had their expressions of pain to the extreme, and their eyes were full of unwillingness.

"The Lord of All Heavens Store, now you are here!"

In the sky, Heavenspan glanced at Jade Emperor, then fell on Chu Bei's body, and his voice was extremely cold , With a strong killing intent.

"Your arrival is a surprise! With your power blessing, you don't have to worry about the failure of the plan!"

Heavenspan laughed, and then his eyes narrowed:" You have provoked many times before, and I will torture you first, and then send you to make nourishment!"

The voice of Sen Han fell, and Heavenspan was another purple light hitting the nine-cornered formation mark. In the sharp voice, the third tall puppet appeared.

"Did you say that the arrival of this seat is a surprise? It may also be your biggest variable."

Chu Bei's mouth is smiling, and purple is easily out of step. The mask came to Starry Sky Battlefield.


The third tall puppet twisted his body and looked towards Chu Bei, with a sharp neigh in his mouth, and two beams of monster rays of light shot out in his eyes.

In an instant, the Star Region where Chu Bei was located was covered by a mysterious invisible force.

However, Chu Bei remain unmoved, with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth, letting the power of purification sweep his body.

"Look! The Lord of All Heavens Store does not seem to have been affected in any way!"

"Could it be said that this absolute battle has no effect on him!"

"But even Old Ancestor Bodhi and Jade Emperor, under the mysterious force in this unique formation, fell into a passive position!"

"Anyway, from the current situation, All Heavens Store The Lord is indeed blocking the Absolute Array!"


In the purple mask, the eyes of thousands of cultivators fell on Chu Bei's body, with a painful and distorted expression. In consternation, there is still some expectation.

Old Ancestor Bodhi and Jade Emperor, sitting cross-legged to resist the purification power of the Ten Thousand Immortal Array, seemed to have noticed something. At the same time, they opened their eyes and looked at the calm and composed Chu Bei. There was shock and confusion in the eyes.

"This is impossible!"

"Why are you okay!"

Looking at Chu Bei, who walked calmly and unaffected, Heavenspan smiled Disappeared, more allow some heavy and puzzled.

The Hunyuan Wanxian Formation was created by his Master Hong Jun Old Ancestor. Once it was successfully practiced, even the Great Firmament Hunyuan Great Immortal could not resist it. Because this Absolute Array can derive a mysterious power of extraordinary immortal strength on its own, this power can not only swallow the ordinary immortal strength, but also purify it.

This is also the reason why it is better than Old Ancestor Bodhi and Jade Emperor to fall into the passive in front of this turbulent ten thousand immortal formation.

"If a trifling great spell can get this seat into trouble, then this seat would seem too weak."

Chu Bei stood with his hands behind him, smiling at Heavenspan.

Hearing what Chu Bei said, not only Heavenspan, but also Old Ancestor Bodhi and Jade Emperor's face became a little difficult to look.

hong long!

Under countless lines of sight, Chu Bei calmly and composed a pointer to the tall puppet.

With a loud noise, the tall puppet was directly blown into nothingness.

The power of purification doesn't work, the tall puppet condensed from the Ten Thousand Immortal Array is just like a display in front of Chu Bei.

"Never mind! I will solve you by myself!"

Heavenspan calmed down quickly, his eyes were cold, and the killing intent appeared in his eyes.

"Don't talk about strength, even if Hong Jun is here, he is not qualified to say such things."

Chu Bei has a smile in his words, but he has a kind of majesty , Emperor breath pervades, this is the atmosphere of the invincible.

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