Feeling the heat of assaults the senses, Medusa above the city wall just wanted to do something, the billowing lava suddenly condensed into the appearance of Chu Bei, and disappeared instantly.

Next moment, a silhouette appeared behind Medusa, and he reached out and put his hand neither too fast nor too slow on Medusa's right shoulder.

"Bold human!"

"Remove your stinky hands!"

While witnessing this scene, Yue Mei and Mo Basi's face suddenly sank. The wings vibrated with energy behind, and moved towards Chu Bei quickly rushed.

"I don't have time to take care of you."

However, before Yue Mei and Mo Basi swept in a flash to Chu Bei, a hot lava from Chu Bei The body gushes out, forming a square prison, trapping Yue Mei and Mo Basi.


Yue Mei and Mo Basi moved towards the lava cage one after another to strike a terrifying attack. After some fruitless, their faces were anxious.

"Am I right? Medusa."

Chu Bei didn't even look at Yue Mei and Mo Basi trapped in lava. He leaned forward slightly, and the heat in his mouth spread. To Medusa's delicate cheeks in front of him.

"Your Excellency really has some means to see through this king's energy clone so quickly."

Feeling the temperature of the person behind, Medusa's body is slightly stiff, and her cold voice falls. , Turned and looked directly at Chu Bei, squinting slightly.

Chu Bei laughed, for this fight-breaking plot, he is a man with God's vision.

"We will meet again soon."

With a smile, Chu Bei squeezed his fist, and a hot lava spurted out from all over, heavily strikes On Medusa's back.

hong long!

With a loud noise, Medusa above the city wall turned into a puff of lavender smoke, lifted off and dissipated.

"Humans, my Snake-man Tribe will not let you go!"

Yue Mei and Mo Basi stared at Chu Bei fiercely, their eyes filled with bloodshot eyes.

Chu Bei still ignored Yue Mei and Mo Basi, and instead looked towards Xiao Ding and Xiao Li entire group.

With a wave of hands, an empty Heart Flame ball formed by lava enveloped them.

"You stay here, wait for me."

The plain voice fell, and Chu Bei turned into a long rainbow thread, moved towards the depths of the Snake-Person tribe.

Looking at the huge city ahead, Chu Bei's eyes narrowed slightly.

Although he is familiar with the script, he has already known that Medusa divides the Heavenly Flame breath into four parts, placing them in the four corners of the city, and knows the true location of the Heavenly Flame.

But perhaps because of swallowing Magu Magu no Mi, his perception of Fire Element Energy has become extremely keen, even if he does not know the script, he can find the location of Heavenly Flame.

Once again determined the position of the Green Lotus Geocentric Flame, Chu Bei speeded up, and after flying over a huge palace, it hovered over a clear lake.

In the middle of the lake, there is a small island, the surrounding water is sparkling, and there is no bridge leading to it.


At this moment, the originally calm lake suddenly burst into the sky, and a giant snake full of dark green scales and a triangle-shaped head rushed out from the bottom of the lake. The mouth came fiercely towards Chu Bei, and diamond's pupils were filled with feral nature.

Chu Bei faintly glanced at the giant snake rushing out of the lake below, a finger pointed casually.


A small snake made of lava shot out, and it pierced through the head of the giant snake for an instant.

After that, after only hearing a scream of pain, the giant snake fell heavily back into the lake, and the huge pupils were full of fear.

Chu Bei followed the breath of the Green Lotus Geocentric Flame to the small island in the lake, and soon found a circular open area.

I saw in the center of this open area, there was a sunken pool full of crystal clear and near-transparent liquid. The surface of the pool is shrouded with white mist, and even if it is far apart, you can feel the Extreme Cold temperature contained in it.

"Ice Cold Spirit Spring?"

Chu Bei whispered, his eyes finally fixed on a lotus seat carved out of strange crystals in the center of the pond.

Looking intently, on the lotus seat, a group of green-colored flame jumps up and down, sometimes condensing into a lotus shape, sometimes condensing into a tiny green-colored flame snake.

The corner of Chu Bei's mouth is slightly raised. The green-colored flame on this lotus seat is exactly the Green Lotus Geocentric Flame ranked 17th on the Heavenly Flame list.


At the same time.

Snake-Person tribal fortress outside.

A loud roar sounded from far to near. After a while, a huge Magic Beast full of dark green appeared on the city wall.

"You are who again!"

Across the lava cage, Yue Mei moved towards the silhouette standing on the back of the huge Magic Beast suddenly screamed.

"Under Gu He, visit Snake-man Tribe Queen Medusa if something happens."

On the back of the huge Magic Beast, the nine silhouettes are clearly exposed in front of everyone, and the person who speaks is a body. Middle-aged man wearing gray robe.

"Pill King Gu He!"

Hearing the name like thunder piercing the ear, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li entire group took a serious look at the middle on the back of Magic Beast -aged man with shock in his eyes.

"Presumably you are with that person! They are all here for the Heavenly Flame of Queen Your Majesty!" Yue Mei's icy gaze swept across Gu He entire group, coldly snorted in her mouth.

Among these nine people, she can perceive five Dou Ling, three Dou Wang, apart from this, and a mysterious black robed man whose cultivation base she cannot determine.

Even in Jia Ma Empire, this lineup is terrifying.

"What? Someone has come before us! The goal is Heavenly Flame!"

After hearing the sound, Gu He complexion greatly changed, and then looked towards that trapped Yue Mei and Mo Basi’s lava cage: "Could it be that he trapped you here?"

"So you are not a group."

Yue Mei let out a sneer:" As for the origin of that guy, you might as well ask them."

Following the direction pointed out by Yue Mei right hand, Gu He's eyes fell on Xiao Ding Xiao Li entire group.

"Who are you!"

Without waiting for Gu He to speak, a man behind him took the lead in questioning.

Xiao Ding and Xiao Li made eye contact and were silent.

"I'm asking you something!"

The speaker saw Xiao Ding Xiao Li indifferently, and immediately waved several wind blades.

However, the wind blade carrying the piercing sound fell on the lava dome cover, and disappeared in an instant.

"hmph, who did I say, it turned out to be a stupid lion full of brain muscles."

Mo Basi seemed to recognize the man behind Gu He behind the shot. There was a sneer.

"I can't think of you remembering me."

Yan Shi turned to looked towards Mo Basi: "If you didn't slip fast back then, you, the leader of the Mo Basi tribe, would have to change People. I don’t know how many years have you grown?"

"You can try it!" Mo Basi's sharp pupils passed the cold glow.

"Don't forget the purpose of our trip!"

Gu He glanced at Yan Shi: "Let’s find Heavenly Flame first."

"Mo Basi, what happened, I actually launched an emergency summon order!"

Suddenly, there was a vigorous shout in the distance, followed by a lightning-like red shadow moving towards city flying towards the city.

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