Above the city wall, Gu He moved towards the direction where the sound came from, and I saw that silhouette swept in the distance. The whole body was wrapped by red Dou Qi. At first glance, it looked like a Fire-like.

"That's the leader of the Yan Snake Tribe among the eight tribes, Yan Thorn! This guy has an extremely hot temper, and his strength ranks first among the eight tribe leaders."

I recognized the Snake-Person who came over: "When Jia Ma Empire and Snake-man Tribe fought, neither the Young Emperor Powerhouse died in his hands."

On the other hand, I was trapped in a cage. Yue Mei and Mo Basi, who saw the arrival of the thorns, looked happy.

"Damn human beings, you dare to enter the domain of my family!"

In a moment, Yan Ting came to the city wall, after seeing the situation of Yue Mei Mo Basi , Frowned, and a chill flashed in his eyes.

Shoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!

Just as the screams of the thorns fell, the Snake-man Tribe fortress was swept by Dou Qi waves from different directions.

Five powerful Snake-Person soon appeared on the city wall, with Dou Qi wings flapping behind them.

"Old Gu, this situation is a bit bad, the leaders of the eight tribes are gathered!"

Yan Shi glanced at the six Snake-Persons that came side by side. , Allow some dignity appeared on the face.

"Mo Basi, what happened!" Yan Thorn looked towards Mo Basi in the lava cage and asked again.

"This group of humans is going to be unfavorable to Queen Your Majesty. Before them, one person has already gone to the central island." Mo Basi quickly summarized what had happened before.

"Kill these humans!"

After hearing what Mo Basi said, the leaders of the six tribes who rushed to clenched their fists, and the blue veins agitated on their thick arms. The blood-red pupils stared at Gu He entire group.

Senhan’s roar fell, and the six tribe leaders’ silhouettes moved at the same time, releasing the violent Dou Qi and attacking the Gu He entire group from different directions.

"Ready to fight!"

With a deep voice, the breath of Gu He entire group rose to the extreme at the same time.


On the other side.

In the depths of the Snake-Person tribal fortress, on a central island.


Ice Cold Spirit Spring rippled, and a lithe and graceful silhouette jumped out of the pool.

The Medusa here is no different from the energy body that appeared on the city wall before. The purple brocade wraps the exquisite loving body, and the long and narrow lavender eyes flow around, charm as if made by heaven.

"If this king evolves successfully, you and the humans outside will all die!"

Medusa coldly glanced at Chu Bei's position, and her indifferent voice fell. , Beautiful eyes stared at the green-colored flame on the lotus platform instead.

Next moment, I saw Medusa wiggling its tail, and her white and delicate hands quickly formed a knot.


As Medusa's hand prints changed, the lotus platform trembled for a while, and the green-colored flame on it burst out like a sudden loss of restraint.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a raging fire.

At this time, the Ice Cold Spirit Spring in the pool water also began to evaporate at a speed visible to naked eye.

Medusa glanced at Chu Bei again, and after a roar that resembled a lion's roar and a bit like a tiger's roar, the whole body bloomed with dazzling rays of light, transforming into a huge purple snake.

Chu Bei stood aside, without any response, completely watching the show.

Above Ice Cold Spirit Spring, after the purple giant snake circulates for a few times, it utters a crisp low moan, and then moved towards the raging azure fire swoops down.

However, just as the purple giant snake plunged into the azure fire, a screaming scream resounded throughout the island, sounding pitiful.

chi chi!

Amidst the burning sound, the purple giant snake rolled frantically.

As far as I can see, the scales covered by the purple snake's body surface soon began to twist and become scorched black shortly after entering the flame, until it finally fell off the purple snake's body surface.

After the scales fell off, the red blood gurgled out of the snake's body. However, because the temperature of this green-colored flame is so terrifying, the blood that flows hasn't dripped yet was burned into nothingness.

The purple giant snake's tumbling movement became louder and louder, and the screams became louder and louder.


Outside the Snake-Person tribal fortress.

Whether it is Gu He, Yan Shi entire group, or tribal leaders such as Yan Thorn, upon hearing this movement, they stopped their attacks at the same time.

"It can't be wrong, that is the breath of Heavenly Flame!" Gu He stared at the direction of the center island, his eyes sinking.

"Is the queen Your Majesty breaking through? No one should be disturbed at this critical time!" Yan Chong and other tribal leaders glanced at each other.

"Sect Master, I am afraid that Heavenly Flame will really be gained by Medusa." Gu He looked towards the mysterious black robed man beside him from start to finish, with plea in his eyes .

"I got it."

The mysterious black robed man made a cool sound, right hand moves, and an azure long sword appeared in his palm.

The sword body trembled, the sharp wind blade formed at the tip of the sword, and a wave of terrifying breath spread out.

"Dou Huang!"

Perceiving the breath released by the mysterious black robed man, the faces of tribal leaders such as Yan Thorn and Mo Basi suddenly changed.

"Get out!"

The mysterious black robed man holds an azure long sword with the tip of the sword pointed at the thorn.

"What about Dou Huang, we will never let you disturb the evolution of Queen Your Majesty!"

After all, Yan Thorn looked towards the other tribe leaders beside him, his eyes looked After the exchange, tedious knots were formed at the same time.

"Five snake poison brake seal!"

With the flame thorns shouted in a low voice, in the palms of the five tribe leaders including him, the rays of light suddenly flourished .

Following, the five daos had several feet of huge quiet energy pillars, violently shot out from the palms of the five people, intertwined in the high air, and finally gathered into an extremely huge energy pillar.

"It is indeed the Dou Technique of Snake-man Tribe. It is really amazing."

Watching the surging energy column transform into a several ten zhang long energy green Snake, feeling the terrifying breath fluctuation inside, the mysterious black robed man let out a sigh of emotion.

At the same moment, the black robed man waved the long sword in his hand, and his imposing manner became as sharp as a sword edge, one after another huge azure wind began to condense rapidly around him.

"Sect Master, I'll leave it to you here, I will look for Heavenly Flame."

Gu He moved towards mysterious black robed man bowed, but just in his silhouette When he first moved, the remaining tribal leader blocked his way.

"Yan Shi, Feng Li, he will leave it to you." Gu He pointed to the leader of the Snake-Person tribe in front of him.

However, just when Gu He was about to leave again, something happened again, and the lava cage that surrounded Mo Basi and Yue Mei disappeared out of thin air.

Mo Basi and Yue Mei were taken aback for a moment. After they came back to his senses, they immediately stopped Gu He: "Humans, you can't go anywhere!"

——— —

On the center island.

Chu Bei looked at the blazing fire, the extra dazzling blood stains on the purple giant snake's body, shook the head with some pity.

Immediately, the right hand arm turned red and began to lava.

"The dog bites the red lotus!"

Chu Bei moved towards azure and hit the flames. At the same time as the sound of his shout, his lava arms turned into dog heads. , Stretched and plunged into the fire.

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